
I know what I got today

Now, Aaron as soon as the first manna fell, God told Aaron and Moses, "Go out there and pick up several omer's full of it and put it back in the holiest of holies, that when your children children, all that come into the priesthood, will get a taste of the original manna." Oh, what a privilege when a man become a priest... Now, remember outside of the holiest of holies, that was the only one that kept. It wouldn't keep twenty-four hours. It got worms in it. That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church today. Amen. What's the matter? The experience you had a year ago has got wiggletails in it today; get rid of the thing, let's have one now. You know what them little termites or whatever it is wiggles around in them, broken cisterns, stagnated water... I know what I had yesterday. I know what I got today. Hallelujah. I'm looking for more of it. Lord, fill my soul every day. Yes, sir.

Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham


That's God's control tower

When God made a man, he gave him... He let... The devil took his head. God chose his heart. The devil through his imagination makes him imagine anything--gives him intellectual conceptions of the Scripture. But God gets in his heart and leads him by the Spirit; makes him believe things that his intellectual don't know nothing about. Amen! That makes me feel a little religious when I think of that, see. When God gets a hold of a man, he comes into his heart. That's God's control tower. And the reason people drink, smoke, gamble, lie, steal, and carry on the way they do, they're trying to satisfy that longing in their heart. God made them that way, so He could come in there and satisfy every longing that you have. But, how dare anybody to try to hush that precious thing with the things of the world?

Why? - 61-0128 - William Branham

It's going to work some good thing for us

And sometimes we have more troubles when we become a Christian than we did when we were sinners. 'Course it is written, "Many is the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth him from them all." God promised many afflictions, strange feelings, and strange things that would be beyond our understanding, but it's always done for our good. Just can't understand it, because if we did, then it would not be of faith to us; we would go with an understanding. But we do it, and we have it, and we believe by faith His Word, that it's going to work some good thing for us.

I Know - 60-0417S - William Branham


We don't know, how it got there

Oh, what happened? Now, they were shut up. "No revival's going to happen here. Our denomination won't sponsor such. We'll not have that kind of nonsense among us. I forbid any of you to go to that meeting." Jericho, right in the line of the damned... But there must've been some tape boys slipped in somewhere, for the predestinated seed. They slipped over to her house and played some tapes. She made her--her own house a church to receive the messages. (They still got them, you know.) The message got to the predestinated seed anyhow. We don't know how it got there, but it got there, so that the just will not perish with the unjust. God's seeing to that today. Some way it slips in. They don't know how, though they won't sponsor it; but there is some seed out there that's predestinated.

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


Then He seals it

When the Inspector goes through to inspect your life to see if you're not just a little loose about things, little loose about your prayer life, little loose about that temper, little loose about that tongue to talk about others; He'll never seal the car. Some dirty habits, some vile things, some vulgarity mind, He can't seal the car. But when He's found everything in its place (the Inspector), then He seals it. Dare be anybody open that seal until that car's reached its destination to where it's sealed for. There it is.

What Is The Holy Ghost? - 59-1216 - William Branham


He can take something, that's nothing...

Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.

God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham


The Christmas Story

107. Oh, I read a story, come to my mind not long ago of something on that order. There'd been a great city here in this nation, and... New York. And it was on Christmas eve. And there was a poor family, little old daddy, he had TB, and he was--and his wife had TB. They had been underprivileged, and he--he was kinda... He was weakly and so nobody would hire him. He had no education, and he--he... People didn't want him.
He just was an outcast, become a tramp. Just... You know what a tramp is, just go by and--and pick up something, and peddle it and get what you can; what little royalty they make on it, they try to live by it. Just a, like a peddler or something, on the street; go buy some pins and needles and thimbles, and whatever they can. And--and take it, and--and maybe buy for a penny a pack, and sell them for a nickel; and make four cents on the pack, and maybe in the run of a day. You say, "That's--that's a great commission." But just think, all he'd sell in a day. Maybe he made twenty, thirty cents a day, and he had a family.

110. And the--the little wife, being weakly, she--she died. And it was coming Christmas time. And the little girl, she had developed, from malnutrition, not having the right food and thing; she took TB, also. And she was a little fellow, and about eight, nine years old, ten. And she'd never had a doll for Christmas. And that's what she wanted for a gift, was a doll.
And the father, not able to give her medical attention and so forth, and he--he seen the little girl was going fast, and he tried his best to--to--to--to get enough money together to get her a doll for Christmas; if he could just get enough to buy her a little doll. And so the Christmas time was coming on; the bad weather set in; the little girl developed some kind of a pneumonia; and--and, my, just a few weeks before Christmas. And the father, of course, broken-hearted, he went to his little tin can and got the money out. And he thought of his little girl, and she wanted a--a doll like little girls. See, it's a little mother coming on.

112. You notice how a little girl, she goes to a doll, because she... That's her nature, she's a--she's a coming mother. She will be mother someday if she lives and everything. You know, her nature. That's the reason a little girl likes a little doll, she wants to take care of it; 'cause after all, she--she's a little, potentially, a--a--a little mother.
And she wanted a little doll, and she'd never had one. And Daddy had saved everything he could to--to get her a little doll. And, so, she died.
And the father kinda had a lapse of mind. His wife had been taken, his little girl, and his mind kinda got to a place till he --he... Still he'd--he'd go to bed every night and talk to this little girl, though she was--been buried. But he thought he was--he was talking to her, and telling her, "Now, honey, it won't be long, and daddy's going to get you this dolly for Christmas. And--and daddy's promised you the dolly, and I--I'm--I'm going to get it."

115. Finally, Christmas arrived. And, 'course, you know how it is. The rich had their--their big parties; and the candles burning, and the great high masses in the churches, and talking about Jesus and--and so forth (the churches were), and going through all kind of a routines and mass, and singing, and carols and everything. Little did they know what was going on back in the alley, behind all this.
This little fellow back there; he got beside himself. He wanted that little girl to have that doll so bad, 'cause she had begged so for this little doll. So he went out, and he bought her a little rag doll, a little--a little thing, probably about thirty cents, a little dirty something he'd bought, down on the side of the street. And it was a real cold night, the--the--the blizzard winds a-blowing, the snow a-falling hard there, in New York, right on the coast.

117. And the streets filling up; and the people in their great big limousine cars. And drunken parties, out drinking, the celebration of the birth of Christ and of these things that we speak of tonight, trying to think that that's the right way to do it; just drink off their old sorrows and things, and that that's the way to do it. All of them...
Stand in the store, the other day, and a woman talking about what... Two girls met and they wanted to know what they got for their daddy. And one of them said, "Well, he..." She got him a carton of certain kind of cigarettes. And the other one said she got him a fifth of whiskey and a--and a--and a deck of cards. Now, if that ain't giving a memorial gift for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's the way it goes (You see?); it's just a big bunch of tinsel. It hasn't got Christmas in it at all.

119. And so we find now, this little man, he wandered along. And he knowed in his heart his little girl was gone, but he went and bought the doll anyhow. And he thought, "I'll just start walking; I'll find her somewhere. She'll be along the street here and I'll find her." And he started walking.
He--he couldn't fool himself, she wasn't back there in the little shanty, in the little, ragged, dirty bed; but she was buried. So he--he knew, He thought he'd find her on the street. He said, "I'll just keep walking." And he was going down through the alleys, while they were singing their carols and going on. And going down the alley, a-packing this little, dirty doll; holding it in his coat, up to his heart, thinking of his little girl.

121. And finally a policeman happened to see him, and the policeman had a few drinks himself, and he ran into the alley and grabbed the old man and turned him around. He said, "What are you doing hanging here?"
He said, "I'm taking this little doll, sir, to my little girl."
He said, "Well, where do you live?" And he told him where he lived. He said, "Well, you're going away from that place; you're drunk. Go back the other way."
Said, "Sir, I'm--I'm not drunk. I promised my little girl I'd--I'd get her a gift for Christmas." And said, "An appropriate gift for a little girl is a little doll."
And he said, "Let me see it." So he showed him a little, dirty like, rag doll. And he was holding it in his--next to his bosom, holding the little doll as he... So the policeman, half drunk, himself, shoved him on and started him down. The old man went down the alley, and snow falling fast.

126. And, well, the midnight parties broke up. The next morning the snow had let up; the sun had come out. And so they was... All the people from their great gaiety parties with ice sacks on their heads, from too much drinking and celebration of the--the birth of Christ. And--and many of them were hoarse from carrying on, from all the going-on.
But way down in the alley, they found the old man. And when they turned him over, he had the little doll next to his heart. I suppose he took his gift to her. He found her in a land not here. He--he--he took the gift. It was an appropriate gift. (God, merciful.) Yet it cost him his death. There's no other way in the world he could've give her the gift; she was buried. But don't the only way you do it would be go like that... The little doll didn't mean too much, I guess, the little dirty-faced doll, but it... What did he do it? It fulfilled a promise he had made. No matter what the people thought about it, his dirty hands on a little, dirty doll, but it--it fulfilled a promise to his little girl.

128. Sometimes they look upon the Gospel as singing, playing, they didn't want it when God brought It, but it fulfilled a promise that He would give His Son. And you know what? They left Him to die too just like a tramp on the street. That's exactly right, they've left Him to die like a tramp on the street. And today they treat Him like a tramp on the street, but He fulfilled what He was supposed to do. He was the Gift that God promised to the world.
Tonight, let me take Him as my Saviour in my heart. Let me walk in the face of my death, or whatever it is, like that. I promised my life to Him. I'm want to take it to Him. No matter what I have to go, if I have to go through death, if I have to be shot; no matter what takes place, I have to be laughed at, called crazy, everything, excommunicated from the rest of the Christian churches and so forth, I... It's a gift of God that I hold in my heart. He give it me, I want to take it to Him. Let us bow our heads just a moment...?...

God's Gift Always Find Place - 63-1222 - William Branham


The love of mother

61. ...Here sometime ago, I was coming from Dallas. I was flying across home. I got in a storm up here over Memphis, the big plane come down, the TWA, and landed there. He put me in the Peabody Hotel. I couldn't afford to stay in there now. They put me in there for that night. And the next morning they called me, and said, "Be down at the--at the airport at seven o'clock. The limousine will pick you up. Fixing to close now, listen close. "To pick you up at seven o'clock."

62. I said, "All right." Or they'll pick me up so I can be there at seven. Next morning I got up real early, 'cause I'd come out from a meeting. I had some letters I'd wrote that night, and I thought, "I'll mail these first. The limousine will be along after awhile." So I walked out, and I said to the fellow, "Which way to the post office?"

63. He said, "Straight ahead, down that way." And I went out, started down there, I was going down the road singing: I...

They're gathered in the upper room,
All praying in His name,
Baptized with the Holy Ghost,
And power for service came;
Oh, what He did for them that day
He'll do for you the same,
I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of them.

Walking along down the street like that, singing it in my heart, all at once, Something said, "Stop."
I thought, "That just impressed me"
I said:

Oh come, my brother, seek this blessing
That'll cleanse your heart from sin,

Something said, "Stop." There was a lot of fishing tackle there in the store. I got back in this place, so I could look at the fishing tackle so nobody'd watch me on the street, busy right in there.
And I got back in the corner; I said, "Heavenly Father, was that You speaking to me?" I kept real quiet.
Said, "Turn and go back, and keep walking."

64. You believe in being led by the Spirit of God? I turned, started walking back, walked on passed the hotel, just kept on walking. I looked at my watch, already seven. I missed the limousine. On down, on down, till I come way down there, in a little colored district, where there's colored people. Sun was way up high. I thought, "Oh, I'll miss my plane. But Something just keeps telling me to walk." So I just kept on walking. That's the way. Don't question God. Do what He tells you to do. So I just kept on walking. And after while I looked laying across the gate, and there was a typical old Aunt Jemima, with a man's shirt tied around her head. She was... tears running down her cheeks. And I passed by. She said, "Good morning, Parson."
And I said, "Good morning, Auntie," walked on by.
I said, "Well, how... She said, 'Parson.'"
I turned back, I said, "Pardon me, a minute, Auntie." I said, "You called me a parson."
She said, "Yes, sir."
And I said, "How did you know I was a parson?"
She said, "I knowed you was coming."
And I said, "You knew I was coming?"
Said, "Yes, sir."
And she said, "I've been standing here since four o'clock."
I looked on her. I said, "Well, bless your heart." She was wet on the back yet.
Said, "Yes, sir, I've been standing here." Said, "Did you ever read the story about the Shunammite woman?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
Said, "I's that kind of woman." She said, "And I promised the Lord, if He'd give me a baby, I'd raise it for Him." And said, "He give me a fine boy."

65. And she said, "Parson, I raised that boy, but when he got to be a man," said, "a young man, he got with some wrong company. And he done wrong." And said, "He got a bad disease, a venereal disease." And said, "He's in there dying." And said, "Two days, he's been unconscious. The doctor man says there's no hope." Said, "We's good family here; we never thought of anything like that." And said, "He's dying," and said, "he's backslid." And she said, "Parson, I just can't stand to know my baby's dying without knowing the Lord Jesus."
And I said, "What?" mother love.
She said, "I prayed for two days." And said, "This morning, about three o'clock, I--I was dreaming. And I dreamed I was talking to the Lord. And I said, 'Lord, where is Your Elisha?'" And said, "I seen a man coming with a gray suit on with a little bitty semi-western hat." That's the way I was dressed.

66. Said, He said, "Just wait." And said, "I walked right out here, and been standing here ever since. I knowed you were coming." Said, "Now, I seen you coming." Said, "I thought, 'Lord, You stop him. I won't have to say a thing.'"
Now, with all that, the Holy Spirit telling me to walk, all that in my heart, I thought, "This must be it, Lord." Then about eight...
I--I said, "Well, Auntie," I said, "My name is Branham."
She said, "I's to glad to know you, Parson Branham."
I said, "Did you ever hear of me?"
Said, "No, sir, I don't believe I ever did."
I said, "My ministry is praying for the sick." I don't think she was a long them lines. But she said, "No, sir, I never did hear of you."
And I said, "The--the Holy Spirit had me walking down this way."
She said, "Won't you come in?"
And I went in. They had an old whitewashed fence, and a plow point hanging on the gate. When I walked in to that little old colored room where the colored people live, there wasn't nothing there, but a little... No rug on the floor, just wood like this, and a little old poster bed, but a sign hanging on the wall, 'God bless our home.'" I'd rather have that than all the pin ups, or anything else, that you could put in. That's shows that was a Christian home.

67. Great big fine boy there, has about--looked like about eighteen, had the blanket in his hand, going... [Brother Branham makes a grunting sound--Ed.] "It's dark. It's dark here."
I said, "What's the matter with him, can't he talk?"
Said, "No, he has been unconscious," said, "two days." Said, "He thinks he's out on a big deep sea, and he's in a darkness and lost." The tears running down her big old fat cheeks, she said, "That's it, parson. I can't to stand to hear my baby die, and have that on my heart the rest of my days, that my baby was lost."

68. And I thought, "Baby?" Weigh a hundred and eighty pound. Now, but, that was a mother's love. No matter what he done, he was still baby. He was still her loving child. I looked at her. I couldn't hardly choke back the tears, looking at her. And I said, "Is he very bad?"
Said, "He's dying, parson." Said, "The doctor man said, 'Don't call him no more. He's gone.'"
I felt his feet, real sticky. Now, I don't say, I... Felt like, you how a person gets that real cold sticky? And his feet felt cold. I said, "Well, I guess maybe he is."
So then, she... He just kept pulling this... And so, I said, "Will, you... Let us pray then, Auntie."
And she got down there, looked over at me, and I got at the foot of the bed and held the boy by the feet. I said, "Auntie, will you lead us in prayer?"
She said, "Yes, parson." Oh, brother, you talk about a prayer. I just cried like a baby. To hear that old saint, and it was just quiet and cool, said, "Lord God." She said, "Last night when You spoke to me Your poor handsmaid, in the dream, and told me that this parson was coming, I knowed that my baby is going to speak to me, and say he's saved before he goes." And she was talking like that, the tears running down both of our cheeks then. When she got through praying, she reached down and got her apron, wiped her tears. And she said, "Now, will you pray, parson?"

69. I said, "Yes, ma'am." I put my hands over on the boy, I said, "God, my plane's gone; I--I--I don't know why. But You told me to walk." This must be the case. I pray, God, that You'll be merciful to this boy, somehow the sovereign love of this woman praying for her baby, You brought me down here."
Just then I hear him going... [Brother Branham makes a moaning sound--Ed.] Saying, "Oh, mammy."
She said, "Yes, honey."
Said, "It's getting light around here now." Said, "I'm nearing the shore." In a few minutes he was sitting up on the bed.
About six months from then, I was going down, somewhere in the South. I went in on a train. They want about seventy-five cents for a hamburger on the train. I get them for about fifteen cents there at the station. I just waited till they pulled in the...?... and as you get off the train, you know how you walk up to that little restaurant. I was going walking along there that morning. I'd got on at Louisville that night. And started down there, and I heard somebody say, "Hello, Parson Branham."

70. And I looked around, there stood a little Red cap out there. Said, "How are you, Parson Branham?"
I said, "Howdy do, son." I said, "How did you know me?"
He said, "You don't know me, do you?" Said, "You remember that morning, that--that you come down to pray for me? My mammy here, you know, had been waiting at the gate waiting for you."
I said, "Are you the boy?"
Said, "Yes, sir, Parson Branham." Said, "I's---I's not only healed," but said, "I's a Christian now." What was it?
That morning when I got back to my plane, I jumped in a cab as soon as I left that house, and got back, run to the station to see what train, what plane I could get next. They said, "Last call," for this certain plane. God, by the love of that poor, ignorant colored woman, had a love for God and her baby, had grounded a plane and held it there. Hallelujah.
When love is projected, sovereign grace steps in and takes its place. God knew His gift. God knowed what would happen. God had selected this to be so. And the love of that mother had held... The love of that poor ignorant colored woman, probably didn't know her ABC's, but she knowed the love of God, that's what grounded that airplane and held it three hours.
When I got on, I said, "What happened, hostess?"
She said, "Oh, there was something happened, somewhere something..."
Oh, sure, I thought, "Well, I know it was." It happened in glory. Amen.

71. I tell you, brother, there's nothing like the love of God. Do you love Him tonight? Is He your Saviour?

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham


How much greater thing can grace produce

I have, just was teaching today in a home where I was invited out for dinner. They wanted to know if they would know their loved ones, when they met them in Glory. "Why," I said, "certainly we will know them." See. We--we are in a--we're--have three different bodies we dwell in: One is a human; the other is the celestial; and the other is the glorified. And then if we know one another in the human body, the mortal body, how much more will we know each other in a glorified body? It's like if the law could produce a good thing, how much greater thing can grace produce, because it's greater than the law. And if the moon can produce a certain part of light, how much more will the sun outshine it when it comes. And we'll certainly know each other.

At Kadesh-Barnea - 56-0527 - William Branham

His Word made flesh again in us

We are living images of a living God. Then dead to self, raised with Him (Now, listen, listen to this.), His Word made flesh again in us. (O Brother Neville...) Look. What is it? Not the mythical, imaginary god setting out there, but the living God... What is the living God? The Word in you making Itself real. Whew. Glory to God. Oh, I know you think I'm a holy-roller. Maybe I am. But, oh, brother, do you see it? Triumph over every denomination, triumph over all paganism, a living God made manifest in a living temple. And the Word of God, which is God, is made flesh in you. Why? You're seated in heavenly places, triumphed over all things in Christ Jesus.

Christianity Versus Idolatry - 61-1217 - William Branham


"Mountain, be moved."

When you said, "Mountain, be moved," and it still stands there, you say, "Well, it didn't happen?" Oh, it did happen. When you said, "Mountain, move," maybe one little significant grain of sand turned loose out of the hundreds of billions and billions of tons. One little grain moved, but it's begin to take place. Hold that faith and watch that mountain disappear. Certainly. Thou shall say in thy heart, "Disease, move from my child. Disease, move from my body in the Name of the Lord Jesus," and don't doubt. Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up. He's defeated because Christ, in the drinking of His myrrh at Calvary, defeated the devil and every one of his powers.

The Great Shinging Light - 57-1222 - William Branham

There's something in him that takes care of him

A hybrid plant, you have to baby it, and spray it, and keep the bugs and beetles off of it, but not a genuine healthy plant. He's sturdy, strong. Don't no bugs come on him. He's got enough in him to throw the bug off. So is a genuine Christian. You don't have to baby him, and pat him, and tell him this, that, or the other. He's got something in him (the baptism of the Holy Ghost) that throws all the rest of it off. You don't have to beg him around, because he's a genuine plant of God. He's got something in him that wars. A Christian fights for every inch of ground he stands on. He must do that if he ever expects to exist. And by doing it, there's something in him that takes care of him. Eve tried to hybrid the Word. In the beginning God told her, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." She tried to breed it in with knowledge that Satan give her. And when she did, she lost the whole human race right there to the devil, when she tried to mix God's unadulterated Word with knowledge. It doesn't come from the knowledge of the world. It comes by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206E - William Branham


Only faith in God

Now, friends, there's only one way in the world that you can be healed, and that's only faith in God. Now, no matter how much that God will permit me, by my own faith, to take the spirit from you, unless you go forth and believe God, and serve God, and trust God, it'll come right back to you again. Did not Jesus say, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing than this will come upon you?" Don't never come in a prayer line unless you expecting to serve God the rest of your days. That's right. Always, don't never live a sinful life, because you'll be worse, way worse. God has promised that you will be worse off than you was at the first time.

The Children Of Israel - 47-1123 - William Branham


'Cause God had a program...

God dwelling in Christ used His voice to speak by. Jesus said in His miracle, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? Saint John 5:19. Then He did not do nothing within Himself. No prophet ever did anything within himself, until first God showed what to do. What a mistake Moses made when he went out without the vision of God and smote down the Egyptian, thought he'd liberate them with his hands, because he thought he had a lot of faith and could do it, because he was called for the job. No matter how much you're called for the job, God has to do the leading. See? He failed of all of his schooling and his military mind and his training as a great Egyptian leader. But yet it failed, 'cause God had a program and we've got to work according to God's program. No matter what we do, how smart we are, we've got to humble ourselves and work according to God's program. Amen.

Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham


God always deals with one individual

God always deals with one individual. Two men's got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up. He's got to get one man completely surrendered and use that person. He searches for that person, but there will be one sometime, somebody who will listen to Him word by word. I don't care what anybody else says, they'll never move from it. That's right. They'll wait on, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and then--they won't move until then. He will be properly a-vindicated. You'll... Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected seed, the predestinated seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that seed will come to Life like that. They'll know it. It'll understand it. You won't have to say a word about it.

The Fourth Seal - 63-0321 - William Branham


That's what makes Him great to me

So few of professed Christians today in our land knows so little about God. Oh, they know all their religions, but to know God. Humbled Himself, and that's what makes Him great to me. That's what makes Him real to me is to think that He was willing to come down here and not be some great somebody, take some great name, or something like that. He made Himself humble and become a servant to all of them. That's my Lord Jesus. That's the One I love; that's the One, I'm--want to give my life entirely to serve Him, and to work for Him, and do everything I can to get people to look at Him, and believe Him, and love Him. He's lovely. He's precious. Becoming a footwasher, taking the towel and girded Himself and washed the disciples' feet, said, "Let him that's great among you be the servant of all." That was His example.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


It'll make you different

God has a new birth for you. But listen to His still small voice. Every one of you people who profess to be Christians, get yourself quiet before Him. Don't let the washing hinder. Don't let the work hinder. Don't let nothing hinder. Don't let nobody know what you're doing. Just go before Him. Get up in the woods somewhere. Get out on the side of the road. Go into the secret closet and close the door, when the kids gets at school. There get down on your knees. You've heard all kinds of voices everywhere. But just get down and stay there until those voices are silenced and you begin to lift up. It'll change you. It'll make you different like it did this little Samuel. It'll do something to you if you'll just do it. Now, it'll make you what you should be. It'll make you the kind of Christian that you ought to be.

Hear His Voice - 58-1005M - William Branham


It's a unconscious faith

16. We... Only thing we can do is accept and be grateful for what He has already done for us. Oh, that's so simple isn't it. And I'm positive that many times in people's thinking, that they try to make Divine healing and so forth, some great outreaching something, way away, "If I could only reach it."
Could you imagine Jesus saying, "Now, let Me check My faith, and see if I've got enough faith to do this, see if I'll have to fast awhile to see if I'll have enough faith to do this." He was perfectly unconscious of the faith that He had. He just spoke it and knew that it would be so.

17. Just like you come from your homes today, you probably want to return to your home, told your wife or your loved ones, "I'll be back sometime right after noon." How do you know you are? You don't try to wonder, "Have I got faith enough to go home? Have I got faith enough to drive my car? You just unconsciously turn your key on, drive on away and go home. See? It's a unconscious faith that does it. That's the way it is: in Christ we just unconsciously just say, "That's His word; that just settles it; there's no more to it." and go on. That's how we get well.

Melchisedec The Great Prince - 55-0109M - William Branham


If you'll just let Him do it

And God has His program, and He will set you and place you in Christ, just where He thinks you'll work best for Him, if you'll just stay in your calling. Don't try to get somebody else's calling. Stay in your own calling. If you're a housewife, remain a housewife. Whatever God's called you to do, just remain there. He knows where to put His hand on you and use you. He had a little, old woman named Hannah, one time, little housewife. He knowed where to place her, what He was going to do with her. He had one named Mary, one time. Oh, my, He will just do with you whatever He wants to do, if you'll just let Him do it. Just be humble, submit yourself to Him, and walk on.

Water From The Rock - 55-0224 - William Branham


That's the message of this day

He won't recognize nothing but that covenant of the Holy Spirit. And you cannot receive that covenant, unless you are saved, sanctified, and then baptized into the Body. He will not... You might have an impersonation; you might feel good; and jump up-and-down, and speak in tongues, and dance in the Spirit. That don't have one thing to do with it. Hear it, in the Name of the Lord. God don't recognize that. Heathens do that. Witches do that. You say, "I'm a scholar. I do this, that, or the other." He don't care how much scholar you are. The devil is too. See? He only recognizes the--the Token. That's the message of the hour. That's the message of this day. That's the message of this time. In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive it.

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


They believed him

Now, remember, these people enjoyed them blessings. They enjoyed the preaching of this prophet, this anointed one. They believed him. They followed him. But there arose up in the wilderness, one by the name of--of Dathan and one by the name of Korah. And they said, "This has got to be a one-man affair. Moses thinks he's the only one God's called." That one-man message, they didn't want it. No, they didn't want It. And God never did deal but with one person at a time. It's always a one-man message. When did ever He deal with the people, outside of just one person? It's an individual. It ain't a group. You're responsible to God, each one of you. You say, "Oh, I believe it." You just... What you do, you just entertain it. You entertain a thought.

Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham


How can you lose?

God's working all things together for the good to them that love Him, and how can you lose? You just can't lose; there's no way of losing. The Church could just really find that out. If you could positionally find your place in Christ, then all these other things would just fade away like a shadow. Every one that cometh to God, that's true, must have the shadows, and temptations, and fears, and so forth, but just don't get all tore up about it. What's a little suffering for a little while, knowing that the glory of God will be revealed in the last days when Jesus comes, when we'll be made like unto Him? He's just working everything together. Did you know, maybe if you were sick, or something happened to you, that God might've had to do that just to bring you a little closer to Him?

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham


What the Father must think...

Sheep love sheep food. And scavengers love scavenger's food. Buzzards eat buzzards food. And if you love the things of the world, that shows the love of God is not even in you. And the biggest hypocrite there is in the world is a crow. A dove and a crow, they set on the same pole, perhaps, in the ark. Now, the dove can only eat one kind of food, because a dove is one bird who does not have a gall. It can't digest rotten things. And a real borned again saint of God doesn't have anything to do with the things of the world, 'cause he hasn't got any gall any more. He doesn't go around fussing with a chip on his shoulder, wanting to debate and argue about something. But an old crow can set on an old dead carcass and eat for two hours and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But a dove can't eat wheat and then eat the carcass. See the hypocrite? That's where the church has got. It's exactly right. What the Father must think...

Hear Ye Him - 58-0327 - William Branham


You're filled with something

You might be filled with a bunch of creeds. You might be filled with a bunch of denominations. But God don't want you filled with that. God made a place in there to put Himself in. God wants you to be filled with Himself. What takes place when you're filled with God? When you're filled with God, you're filled with the Holy Ghost, you're filled with power, you're filled with love, with joy, with peace, with longsuffering, with goodness, with meekness, with gentleness, with worship. You're filled with joy. David said, "My cup runneth over." And if David had a cup running over before the Holy Ghost come, what would it be now? You're filled with something.

United Under One Head - 58-0326 - William Branham


And you can no more die than God can die

Think of it. God, on the day of Pentecost, that Pillar of Fire separated and tongues of fire set upon each of them, God separating Himself in--dividing Himself, amongst His people. We become God's own Life in us. Then we are dead to the things of the world, and have risen with Christ and setting in heavenly places, looking back to where we come from. It's enough that we could think of that. And it lets off the pressure, takes the pressure away when we recognize the position that we now hold in Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit--God's own Life (The Greek word "Zoe" which means God's own Life.) dwelling in you. And you can no more die than God can die. We're eternal with the eternal (Amen.), waiting for that glorious time of redemption of the body. And now we are already dead, and our lives are hid in God through Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit. The devil is out of the picture altogether.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0622B - William Branham


A word is a thought expressed

Remember, a word is a thought expressed. God thought it. Then when He expressed it, it has to happen, for the world was framed by the Word of God. And things were made out of things that do not appear. It was God's Word. He thought it, and He spoke it, and it has to come to pass. It's a seed that's growing, and, marvelously, that has to bring forth its season. We can take His Word, and see that He promised in the last days that He'd draw this people out; and do the very same thing He did, like He did in the days of Sodom. And we look at it and see these things. We ought to take a hold of the promise of God, and come to Him, seeing that we've anchored our souls in this haven of rest.

Confirmation And Evidence - 62-0621E - William Branham


For God bears witness

God always bears witness. Your life will bear witness. I don't know what your testimony is, but your life speaks so loud, your voice can't be heard. What your--your living, your every day life will testify what you are. God bears witness. Yes, the Holy Spirit is a Seal, and a seal takes both sides of the paper. They see you standing here and see you when you go away, not only in church but at every day work. You're sealed on both sides: inside and outside. By the joy that you have and by the Life that you live, you're sealed in and outside. But you know you're saved, and the world knows you're saved by the life that you live, for God bears witness. Blessed be His Holy Name.

Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825 - William Branham

You've got to believe it

What do you think that God would do today when the Holy Spirit comes and tell Him that in our churches that we've accepted dogmas instead of His Word? What do you think, we accept creeds instead of Christ? What do you think He does when our--when He comes up and says that His daughters has all bobbed off their hair, wearing shorts, smoking cigarettes? That's the... The Bible said such can't enter. To misbelieve... You say, "It don't make any difference." Don't you let the devil tell you that. If God said so... Paul said in here in Galatians 1:8, "If a angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel than this that I have preached, let him be accursed." Why did it make so much difference? Even the little thing of Lot's wife even turning, looking over her shoulder, and turned to a pillar of salt. You've got to take the Word. There's a let down somewhere. You've got to get back to the Gospel, back to Christ, back to the living Word, not bypass it for some something this way. You've got to believe it.

Hear Ye Him - 62-0711 - William Branham


For it's every bit truth

I like something that's got some courage. I just despise a coward. Don't you? Someone who's afraid... Stand up there. If you got the right stuff behind you; stand for what you think is right. Be not only willing to live for it, die for it, or anything. If it's right, it's right. Other men has died for what's right.
And so, that's the way with the Gospel. If I didn't think it was right, and I didn't believe He was the Son of God, I'd be against Him. I'd be out here saying everything I could against Him, because I wouldn't think it was right. But I know He's right. And so therefore I'm... I believe it with all my heart.
And if--and if just part of this is right, and the rest of it's not right, then it--it's none of it right. It's either all right or all wrong. And every word is true. You can hang your soul on any phase of the Gospel and believe it; for it's every bit truth.

The Resurrection Of Lazarus - 51-0729A - William Branham

You can take a orange tree...

If the first branch of the vine brought forth a Pentecostal church, every real branch out of that vine will bring forth another Pentecostal church. But we got a lot of grafted branches, and they bring forth after their kind. We got Methodist branch grafted into it, Baptist branch, Pentecostal branch, every other kind of branch. It bears its own fruit.
You can take a orange tree and put a grapefruit in it. It'll live off the life of that tree, but it'll bear grapefruit. Put a lemon in there, it'll bear lemon, not an orange, yet it's living off of orange life. See, any citrus fruit...
Any church professing to be Christian thrives off of the glory and praises of Christ. But it can't bear the fruit. It won't bear the Life of Christ until Christ puts forth that branch Himself. Then it'll--it'll write another Book of Acts behind it (that's right), because it is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church. See? That's the way it is tonight, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Queen Of Sheba - 61-0119E - William Branham

If I've got Eternal Life...

I've often said if I can be a young man of twenty-five years old, if God would appear on the platform tonight, and say, "I will turn you to twenty-five years of age. There you'll remain for a million years, and I'll make you the king over all the universe. Everything will be at your command. Or I'll give you a hundred years of misery and woe, and trouble, and sorrow, but at the end of that hundred years, I'll give you Eternal Life. But the end of the million years, you are lost."
Oh, I'd say, "Lord God, I don't have to wait any longer to make my choice. Let me have the hundred years of misery and woe, any kind of a death that you choose for me to die, only, Lord, give me Eternal Life. For though I own the whole world and was king for a million years, at the end of that million years, I become a hell bound creature for eternity. But no matter how bad my lot is here, at the end of my life, if I've got Eternal Life, I live on in the blessed Presence of God forever and forever."

Thirsting For Life - 60-0304 - William Branham