
That's the place where God reveals His secret things

Have you ever come to the place in life where Christ meant more to you than all the arguing you could do about your church? Has Christ meant more to you than all the world? I don't mean from an emotion or a mental work-up; I mean from the depths of your heart, that something's settled in there, that something's taken place, that you don't know how it come, but you're hid away, and your whole motive is to serve Jesus Christ. Have you entered that place, my dear brother? Have you come into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act smart, but till the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see nothing else, you're whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody, flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and the calling.

A Hidden Life - 55-1006A - William Branham


God gives complete deliverance

53. And the member of the church, he's called to be a member of this certain group, then he would not compromise. If the church believes that we should not gamble, then that member should never touch a deck of cards. We don't believe in drinking; he should turn his head completely from drinking. If we do not believe in gambling or smoking, the member of this church should never touch such a thing. God gives complete deliverance. When we... He will do it if we'll completely surrender ourselves to Him. If we will completely deliver ourselves into His hand, then God can live in us, Christ the Hope of glory. He can reflect Himself from us as we get ourselves out of the way; then our thoughts are His thoughts. Could you imagine Christ smoking a cigar? Could you imagine Christ drinking or playing cards? Then if your spirit is part of His Spirit, He wants it to be upon your confession. But you permit the devil to come in and take over, and all the time in your heart way down deep you know you're wrong when you do those things.
And when one member would talk against the other member; you know that's wrong. You're commanded to pray for one another, not to talk against one another, but to love one another. And if someone is down, let's pick him up, help him. Now, that makes us a--a--a unified group of believers. Now, when we don't obey that, then we don't obey God and we displease God. And therefore, our church, our people cannot prosper, the church cannot go on, is because we're disunified together. As Jesus said, "A little leaven leavens the lump."...

A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham


We must stick together

57. That should be the motive of every Christian and every person in the church is for to unify ourselves and stick together. Whatever the church votes for, that's what we should stand for. Then say, for instance, they want to change something in the church. Well then, if the trustees wants to, or somebody else wants to, the deacons, they want to change something, that comes before the church, the church then together... And if our--if our idea here seems to be a little different than what the whole church does, let's sacrifice that idea, because that's the only way we can stand united. And if this church will just go on the way you're going now, and be united together, God will... It's unlimited what He'll do if we'll stick together. We must stick together. That's how we want to be, so complete with one another, and then so complete in the hands of God.

58. And then we've got to have a man that we believe that preaches the Word of God. If the man don't do it, then get somebody who does do it. That's the way we must stand. If the trustee board won't stand for what's right, then it's your business to elect somebody who will stand for what's right. And then when you do it, stay by it. It's up to you. Stand by it. And all together we're standing for one Thing; that's God.
If a member makes a mistake, don't turn him down; help him, raise him up, get together, have a hearing with one another. That's what the Scripture said. When we make a mistake, let's go before God. Before we can go before God, we got to go before the person we hurt.

A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham


We could not save ourself

We're all born in sin. We could not save ourself. We could no more save ourself, than we could take our boot straps and lift ourself over the moon. We could not do it. We're totally helpless. And therefore, God would not condemn you on those basis because you are a sinner. He'd condemn you because you refuse to take the way of escape. So therefore, it isn't God; it's yourself. You condemn yourself. And when you condemn yourself, there's nobody to pity but yourself. That's all. We're... You--you must pity yourself, because you haven't accepted God's provided way of escape. Now, when God makes His ways, just wonder wh--how He feels when He makes a way for us, for our healing, for our salvation, for our comfort, for our peace, and all these things, and we just walk away and leave them. It must make Him feel terribly bad.

Why? - 61-0125 - William Branham


He is God's heart

48. Now, here's--here is the power of... Let me, while they're lining up the people, let ask this. How many here, believes that the most essential thing in the Kingdom of God is love? That's right. Now, I'm going to give you a little secret. If you love people, people will know it. Did you know that man is a creator in himself? How many believes that? He's a son of God in his fallen condition.
Today, while we were out looking at the skyline of Chicago, you can see that man's more than an animal. You've never seen an animal building a--cities like this, and making beautiful boat harbors, and so forth. He's a creator.
Was you ever around someone, that you just love to be around? Did you... You've had those people. What is it? It's because of their atmosphere, that they create around them. You've been in nice people, but yet, you couldn't stand to be around them. It's their atmosphere. It's love. Love goes out deep; it does great things. And Jesus Christ is the Love of God.

49. I used to think that God was angry with me, but Christ loved me. And I come to find out, that Christ is the very heart of God. He is God's heart. Jesus Christ is God's heart. Now, love overcome. Love hides sin, or gets rid of sin. "God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life."
Now, love hides sin, or love heals the sick. Now, you can act like you love people. You say, "Well, I--I, Miss Jones, I--I don't get along with her good, but I love her." Miss Jones knows better than that. Sure she does. You just don't do it. No matter how much you try to act like you do, you don't. And that's the way it is with--with Divine healing, with anything else. You can't impersonate it; you've got to have it.

A Personal Experience With God - 54-0724 - William Branham


Intellectual faith

Intellectual faith... That's the reason people doesn't get healed, is because they only have an intellectual view of it, what their mind conceives. But the mind will reason. The mind will say, "It cannot be. I am no better." My sense of sight says that, "My arm is no straighter than it was yesterday." My sense of feeling says, "I don't feel any different than I did yesterday." Reasoning, mental theology will reason out, say, "Well, now wait a minute, I believe that's foolishness." See, you're reasoning. That intellectual faith will do that. But when once that faith comes down into that compartment down here, it'll never question this up here, at all. It's absolutely a fact, and it'll agree with every Divine Word of God.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - william Branham


Just believe it and walk on

And when I was mowing this grass, I run in, forgot about it, there was a hornet's nest back there. And I hit that fence with this mowing machine, and I was covered over with hornets, them great big fellows; they'll knock you down when they hit you. At first I was scared, truly. No shirt on... And something or another happened. I--I was sorry I hit those fellows, not because that I was afraid I was going to get stung, but really, it sounds juvenile, but if we could just be more juvenile. If we could be more childlike, it's the simplicity of God that turns college students around. Be simple in those things. Just like a baby, just rely and believe. Don't try to push yourself; just relax and believe it. That's all. Don't try to work yourself up, "O God, hallelujah, rebuke." That's no--no good. No, just believe it and walk on. That's all.

So when that happened, I thought, "Them poor little fellows up there in their nest now, and here I done hit the fence and knocked them out of their nest," that big old mowing machine I was pushing. And I said, "You're little creatures of God, I'm sorry that I hit this fence. I'm--I'm sorry I disturbed you. Now, I'm God's servant, and I'm praying for His sick children. I got to hurry and mow this yard. So now, you rush right back into your nest; I won't bother you no more, in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
I started my mower off again and stopped it. I'd pull the string and started off like that and them bees just a humming all around my naked shoulders, and they took a beeline and went right back into their nest, without stinging at all. Love. I can't produce it; I can't work it up; God's got to give it.

There's where it is tonight. God has to give it. Then love produces a fellowship. Now, when God said back there... The day that sin had separated that Divine love , God told Adam and Eve not to eat these certain fruits, and they did, and sin brought separation. And sin by separation brought hatred , malice, strife, envy. Is that right? What happened? They separated from Divine love .
And when you separate from Divine love , then you can't overlook your brother's mistakes no more. You got to bawl him out for it. That's right. You can't overlook sister's mistakes no more. Because you've got away from that Divine part, that love part. But if you really love the Lord Jesus, if sister or brother, does something to you, "Oh, well, that's all right, they didn't mean to do it." That's the kind of love that Christ had, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


The faith of a blind beggar stopped Him

56. ..."Oh!" Bartimaeus said, "That's Him. That's the Son of David. Oh, Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." There He goes, in a crowd of thousand, maybe seven or eight thousand people, screaming one thing and another, "Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Have mercy on me. I believe that You're the prophet that was to come. O Thou Son of David."

57. Now, he could not touch Him. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] I could preach on that right easy. Oh, what faith in God will do. Who has to be a bishop, district presbyter, Doctor LL.D. Jones?
No, sir. A beggar, ragged, blind, but had faith enough. Look at the burden on Him, with all that facing Him. No doubt but on His clothes was the stink of rotten fruits, and things they'd--vegetables, they'd throwed at Him. But He kept His head. He was facing Calvary. All the whole world was laying on His shoulders, but the faith of a blind beggar stopped Him and made Him stood still. Amen. The same mighty host of the Lord that stopped the sun for Joshua. Joshua stopped the s-u-n by faith; but blind Bartimaeus stopped the S-o-n by faith. And that same faith will bring Him from glory, where He controls the solar system, and the universe, will bring Him down into this tabernacle tonight, that same childlike faith.

Blind Bartimaeus - 61-0124 - William Branham


He is using it

75. All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime.
76. Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take... A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him.
77. He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go.
Joseph, he was separated from his brethren.

78. Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny.
Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother."
79. See, he is copper; he can never be silver. That's it, so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.

God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief - 64-0121 - William Branham

God's Word went right on

Many people say, "Well, it doesn't make any difference just what I believe, as long as I am sincere in what I believe." Well, if that be so, the Mohammedan is saved; the Buddhist is saved, and all the rest of them; the heathens is saved. For I say that they can outshine us any day, when it comes to prayer, fasting, sensations, or so forth; they can outshine us. And salvation does not pertain, or it is not based upon, any other thing but the Word of God; God's got to say so. Salvation cannot be based upon any church, or any creed, nothing but the Word of God, for it's God's Word. God's Word is so perfect, that not one iota of It will ever fail. All the heavens will fail; the earth will fail. John said in the--on the island of Patmos, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." But God's Word went right on, just the same.

God Keeps His Word #2 - 57-0307 - William Branham


We'll know one another

God is a God of variety. He has big hills and little hills. He has plains, rivers, mountains, grassy spots. He has little trees, big trees, white flowers, blue flowers, red flowers. He has... He's a variety and to His people are a variety; and He makes it all to His pleasure. Look at the--look at the earth. You can see what God loves, and that's what it'll be in the resurrection. Oh, I'm so glad of that, aren't you? To think that someday we'll see Him as He is. Someone said not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, will we know--will I know my mother?" "You'll not only know your mother, but you'll know every mother. You'll know everybody." "Oh," he said, "now, that's ridiculous." "Oh, no, no. On Mount Transfiguration, Peter, James and John had never seen Moses or Elijah, but when they was under that inspiration, they recognized them as soon as they appeared and never seen them." Is that right? But we'll know one another. Don't you worry about that, you'll know it.

Abraham - 56-1208 - William Branham


He knows everything

Jesus died for one purpose: and that was to save those who God foreknew would be saved. That's right. God knew there was going to be somebody saved, and there had to be a preparation, or a way made, for them to be saved. If there wasn't, salvation wasn't possible. So God foreknowing that people would be saved, knowing who they were, He had to lay a plan down. Now, you'd say to me, "Brother Branham, then God knows exactly who will be saved?" Correctly. "Why does He say, He's not willing that any should perish?" He isn't. He isn't willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance. But the order to be God, He has to know who will do that, or He wasn't God. 'Cause He is--He's omnipotent; He's omnipresent; He's omniscient; He knows everything. He's at every place, and all powerful.

Making A Way - 56-0304 - William Branham


If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer

32 Now, He cannot heal you, or cannot save you, or do one thing for you, until first you accept it, and believe it, and confess it. That's right. You've got to confess it. Not, you got to feel it, you got to confess it. He's not the high Priest of your feelings; He's the high Priest of your confession (That's right.), what you confess.
Now, if you'll get prayed for, or set in this building this afternoon, the Holy Spirit would move in here and you'd feel His blessed Presence, and hear His Word going forth, saying, that He healed all and so forth like that, and seeing the power of God. Here it go forth, and knowing it's for everyone, and you'd walk out, say, "Well, I feel just as bad as I did we I went in." He couldn't do a thing for you.
And you say, "Well, I'm... I--I accept it now." And then in the morning you get up and say, "Well, I still got that headache; I still feel as bad I did." Then you've dropped right down. You'll never live above your confession. Let the saintliest person in this building right now, just make up in your mind that you're not a Christian any more, that's when you become not a Christian. See?
When you go out, and say, "Are you a Christian?"
"No, I used to be, but I--I'm not no more." You're fallen from grace right then. See? It's faith. See? It's either faith or unbelief. You're possessed with those two powers, either faith or unbelief. If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer. If you haven't got faith, it--you're a sinner.

At Thy Word Lord - 54-0221 - William Branham


That soul is a part of God

A animal doesn't have a soul... But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham


You'd never want to be a hog any more

I was just thinking. I don't know whether I ever did quoted this or not. Brother Charlie... Sometime ago I was down in Kentucky with him, and he said, "Brother Branham, do you think in the millennium you and I will squirrel hunt?" I said, "I don't think so, Charlie." He said, "Well, we liked it so well," said, "do you--you think we will when we get in the millennium?" I said, "No, won't be nothing killed in the millennium." And he said, "Well, we just like it." I said, "Charlie, what if I could convince you that one time you were a hog, and you'd raised to a higher being, to being a human being. Would you ever go--want to go back and enjoy the pleasures of a hog?" Said, "No." I said, "See, you'd be so much higher than the hog now, you're human, you'd never want to be a hog any more." I said, "Now, multiply that by ten thousand, and that's what you'll be when you are changed from here to what you will be. You'll never want to be human again." That's right. It'll be something different. I'm so glad just for the thoughts of it, knowing that someday we will climb higher.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ

The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in it's condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.

Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham


Don't be afraid to fill it out

Everything He's got in His Kingdom belongs to us. He just takes the whole big Book full of checks, and signs His Name on the bottom of them, say, "Here you are, son. Anything you need, go get it." Amen. Don't be afraid to fill it out. Fill it out and hand it in, say, "Thank You, Lord." Hallelujah. It'll come to pass. "Whatsoever things you desire (Mark 11:24), when you pray, believe you'll receive it, you shall have it." Sign out the check, say, "Lord, I need healing." Tear it off, say, "There You are, Lord, I ask in Jesus' Name for healing." Say, "Thank You, Lord," and walk right on, believe for the healing. That's right. Like them crows sending down that food to Elijah. There it is.

God's Way That's Been Made For Us - 52-0900 - William Branham


It's faith that does the healing

97. Now, you must believe what you ask for. If you are a believer, recognize yourself as a believer. Recognize that these things are for you.
98. If there's condemnation in your life, straighten that first. See? If you got condemnation in your... I... or you might have Oral Roberts and--and a dozen more people who has faith to come here and pray over you, and jump up and down, and pour oil on you by the gallons, it--it still it--it won't move. That's right.
99. What falls off from Oral's meetings to that? I catch them in the prayer line. You hear Him say, "You was prayed for before. A man with dark hair, kind of big fellow, big jaw." That's Oral Roberts. See? "And that was at a certain city; called certain, certain thing."
100. "Yes, that's right." See?
101. "You was prayed for by such-and-such a man." See, like that. "But here it is. Here is your trouble." See? "Go make that thing right. Go out there and confess that sin to your husband, to your wife. Go do this thing." It'll never do you any good, no matter who you pray for, till you make that right. Condemnation's in your heart, and God will not come into that heart condemned. See? God don't dwell in that; you got to make it right. Then when you do, you must have faith. If everything's right, you must have faith and believe it. Don't be 'fraid.

102. In the Book of Job, It says here, "Job feared." And what he feared, it actually happened. What brought it? His fear. That's what made it happen. His faith would have kept him from it, but his fear brought him... brought it to him. He was scared it was going to happen, and it did happen. Now, if been--he knowed it wouldn't happen, it wouldn't happen. See what I mean?
103. If you're afraid when you come by the prayer line, "Maybe I just haven't got the faith sufficient"; it'll never happen, don't worry. See? But if you know it's going to happen, it'll happen. See? See, it's a substance of something. Job had a fear that these things would come upon him, and they did. If you have a fear that your disease is going to leave you... or won't leave you, it won't. If you have a faith, that it will.
104. You ask any medical doctor. The first thing he'll try to get you to do, is to have confidence in the medicine he's giving you. If you haven't got no confidence in it, you better leave it alone. See? Sure! What is it then? It's faith that does the healing; it's faith that does it all the time.

Perfect Faith – 63-0825E – William Branham

Father, pass me some healing

If I went to your table and set down there, you said, "Preacher, come eat with me," I believe you love me. And you had beans and potatoes and carrots and fried chicken and pumpkin pie and ice cream, everything setting there, why, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the potatoes as I was to the beans. The only thing, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the chicken as I was to the pie. It's all on the table. And the only thing I have to do is say, "Would you please pass me some pie?" I believe with a good free heart, your love to me, you'd say, "Certainly, my brother, have a nice big piece of it." Is that right? If I'd say, "Would you pass me potatoes?" "Why, certainly, my brother, here it is." And every redemptive blessing that Jesus Christ died for and purchased in His atonement at Calvary, it's setting on the table and every believer's setting before it. Hallelujah. If I need healing, I say, "Father, pass me some healing," and I pour it out on my plate and eat a big... Now, if you want to starve to death, go ahead.

Questions And Answers On Genesis - 53-0729 - William Branham


We've got a big Brother

115. One time there was a boy, he had got in some trouble. He was a good boy, but he--he went to court. And the judge said, "I find you guilty. I must punish you to life in prison."
116. He said, "I want to try my own case." He said, "I want to go in upon my record."
117. He said, "You have no record. Your record is what's condemned you."
118. And that's the way it is today, the reason the church is not advanced like it should. It's the record. It's the lie. We must become more dedicated. We must believe every Word of God. We must seek until that Word is made real to us. See? See? The record is what keeps us from entering in.

119. But, one time, (to let you get out of this loop), in this same court, the boy had no money. He could not pay it off. The fine was way in the thousands of dollars. But he had a big brother that came and paid it off for him.
120. Now, we've got a big Brother, Jesus, the Son of God. And He come to pay it off for us, if we'll just believe it and be able to enter into the veil with Him. Like, He is our Moses. Jesus is our Moses of today. Moses, veil, was the living Word to the people. Today, Jesus, veiled, is the living Word to the people, that, Jesus in the Church. The Holy Ghost, the Son of God in the people, revealing the Word by the promise of this day, makes It just exactly. Same now.
121 And remember, Moses did this, and manifested this, not to all the world, but to the exodus people, just one class of people, that was those who come out of the exo-... in the exodus.
122. And today, the Holy Spirit, in the face of people who says, "Divine healing is not right." When I was consulting...

123. A doctor called me, other day, of a little lady, oh, there's been four or five cases there, laying just at the point of death, giving hours, and the Holy Spirit healed them. The doctor was questioning it. He said, "How can this be? Why," he said, "I--I... That's my patient."
124. I said, "It was. But now it was God's. It--it, it's His subject now." See?

The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us - 64-0629 - William Branham


He still stands among His people

207. And there He stands, yet, tonight, the mighty Conqueror, since He broke every Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, every other kind of a veil. He still stands among His people, tonight, unconquered by traditions. Let people say what they want to, do what they want to, anything they want to. God comes, breaking right through that sound barrier.

208. And remember, they tell me, when a plane really breaks that sound barrier, there’s no limit to its speed.

209 I’m telling you, when you break that traditional barrier, that “Jesus is way back, and He isn’t now,” when you find He’s the same yesterday, today and forever, there’s no limit to what God could do right here in this convention, and show this world what they need: not a world’s fair, but a world revival that’ll be filled and baptized with the Presence of the living God, en morphe inveiling Himself into human flesh. Hallelujah! I believe it.

210. Broken every barrier, every veil, every veil! Nothing could hide His Presence. When people gets hungry in their heart, there’s a veil ready to be broke. You can just depend on that. Rent every veil, by His great Holy Spirit!

211. And here He stands, tonight, the mighty Conqueror, same yesterday, today and forever; healing the sick, baptizing the believers, just as He always did. He’s the mighty Conqueror. Doomed devils are on the run. Yes, sir. They always are, when He’s around.

The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us - 64-0629 - William Branham


We just believe Him

You know, one time it was told; I don't know whether this is authentic or not, where the missionary told me in--in Palestine. However, he said he seen a--a shepherd coming with the sheep. And said, "One sheep, he had to pack it, and he had a splint on its leg. And he said, "Did the sheep fall, sir, and hurt its leg?" He said, "No." Said, "What happened to its leg?" Said, "I broke it." Said, "You broke it?" Said, "You must be a very cruel shepherd to do that." He said, "No." He said, "See, this sheep wouldn't mind me, kept going astray, and I knowed it was going to get killed. So I had to break its leg in order to bring it up close to me, and give it just a little special treat, feed it out of my hand. And it would make it love me more." So maybe God, sometimes, just has to let a little something happen to you, that He can just bring you just a little closer to Him, love you a little extra, and then give you a little special treatment, a healing, and you'll say, "Yes, Lord, I believe you are." See? That's it. See how God does that? Isn't He wonderful? We just believe Him.

God's Servant Job - 55-0223 - William Branham


That's a direct Divine healing

And people tell me they got faith and say they can't believe in Divine healing? Friends, if you don't believe in Divine healings, you're lost. That's right. How you going to, if you can't have faith enough for God to patch up this body to glorify Him in, how much more you going to have faith to believe that God will take this old mortal and make immortality out of it to take it up. That's a direct Divine healing. Oh, my, there's going to be some awful disappointments at the day of judgment, at the resurrection. That's right.

Faith Is The Substance - 47-0412 - William Branham


Greater is He

194. Greater is He that's in you, than that wheel chair. Greater is He that's in you, than that stretcher. Greater is He that's in you, than that cancer. Greater is He that's in you, than that affliction. Greater is He, than anything that there is the Devil could put on you. "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world." Greater is He! Yes!
Greater was David, what was in David; God in David.

195. He is in us, that's, the Christ. He was the conqueror of every enemy, for us. When He was here on earth, He conquered sin, He conquered sickness, He conquered death, He conquered hell, He conquered the grave, and now He lives in us as the Conqueror! He conquered sickness, hell, death, grave, and come to us to set us free from all those things. And greater is He that's in you, than he that can put these bluffs over on you. Yes! "Greater is He that's in you, than he that's in the world."

He That Is In You - 63-1110E - William Branham


Speak to the Rock, and It'll bring forth Its waters

52. And when one time they wanted a drink, they went to the rock. When they wanted something to eat, they went down and a bunch of bees had a hive in there. In the rock there was a cleft. God stood in the cleft. The bees had their nest in the cleft. Anything they had need of, they went to the rock. And the Bible clearly teaches that Christ was that Rock that was in the wilderness.
If you're thirsty tonight, go to the Rock. If you want honey, sweetness, go to the Rock. If you want life, go to the Rock. If you want to believe God was in His Son, go to the Rock. He was in the Rock. Speak to the Rock, and It'll bring forth Its waters. There you are, God in His Son.

Show Us The Father - 58-0819 - William Branham

The Lord's day's coming

But if you don't accept Light, it'll become darkness to you. You'll criticize It, and call It holy-roller, and you might as well have a millstone hanged at your neck, and drowned in the depths of the sea. You blaspheme the Holy Ghost. There's not forgiveness. Said, "Who speaks a word against the Son of man would be forgiven. But if you speak against the Holy Ghost, it'll never be forgiven you." But, oh, you knowed so much. So you made fun of the people that was in the Spirit of God, believing in Divine healing, and the resurrection of Christ, and the powers of God. You made fun of it, turned up your nose and walked out of church. I want you to see what happens when you stand before the King Who sent this Message. Uh-huh. Oh, you think you got it big, but just wait till the day comes. This is man's day, the Lord's day's coming. That's right.

The Power Of God - 55-1006E - William Branham


Stay there

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He walked on the water. Explain that to me. Scientifically tell me how a man can walk on water: paradox. One day He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand. What kind of a atom did He turn loose? Now, that wasn't even fish alive. When He broke that bread, broke it off of a piece of biscuit... When He handed it out, time He got his hand back again, there was another biscuit there, already raised, the wheat in the field, already cooked, all the grease in it (See?), seasoned. Here was a piece of fish, He broke it off, and another piece of cooked fish. Amen. Hallelujah. That element is given to us, if we'll just abide in the Word. Stay there. I believe we're on the verge of seeing it happen. Live true to the Word.

Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham


God is supernatural

The whole armor of God is supernatural. What is the armor of God? Love. What is love? Scientifically prove me there is such a thing as love. Where's it at? You... How many loves, raise up your hand: love your wife, love your brother, love your friends? Well, I want somebody, some science, to prove to me what part of you is love. Where do you buy it at, what drugstore? I want a bunch of it. Love, joy, you got joy? Peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, what is it? It's all supernatural. God is supernatural. You don't scientifically prove God. You believe God. You believe it. If you don't believe it, then a man that says everything that's not scientifically, is unorthodox, it's not right, then that man can never be a Christian. He has to believe. By faith we believe God, not by education, not by theology. But by faith you are saved.

A Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


Everything that begins, ends

I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished forever and forever. That's not eternity now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, that has no end. You remember that lesson now? How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted (See?), a perversion off of the main. And finally, it winds back up to a eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for eternity. Everything that begins, ends.

Hebrews Chapter Seven 2 - 57-0922 - William Branham


"We are brethren."

Letters come to me, "What's your doctrine, Brother Branham? You was a Baptist, do you still believe in eternal security? Are you Jesus only? Have you... Do you baptize at all? Do you sprinkle?" I'll say this: I have one doctrine, the great fundamental evangelical doctrine of the Bible. I've never left a meeting to my knowing with any confusion. I've always tried to leave the meeting with sweetness of the Holy Spirit. Never tried to make... proselyte, I never try to take someone's disciples. The thing I try to do is add the sinner to any church that he wants to go to. As long as he's borned again of the Spirit of God, he's my brother and she's my sister. And the doctrines... I have my own ideas, but I keep them to myself. And then when I come here, or anywhere else... What if I take sides one way or the other, it would be... I would be throwing all the influence that the Lord has given me to one certain denomination. Therefore, I don't take sides with any of them. I stay on sides with all of them, and try to pull them together, and say, "We are brethren."

It Is I Be Not Afraid - 59-0811 - William Branham


What's it to do?

227. And sometime it takes hard trials to break the bands of the world off of us. Sometimes God lets us have a little trial, you know, to see what we'll do, to take you out of the world. Or, other words, let you have a little trial and knock you out of that organization, and that idea that "the Methodist is the only one, the Baptist, or the Pentecostal, or that's--that's the only group they got. If you don't believe it like my church believe it, you don't believe at all." Sometimes He lets a little trial happen. Maybe you got a sick baby. Maybe something takes place right at the hour of death. Maybe someone taken from you, or something. What's it to do? To break you away, to show you something, open your eyes. Maybe you come to criticize, sometime. Maybe you're listening to this tape just to criticize. Maybe God's doing that to break some of the worldly bands that's got you bound down.
228. Like a drowning man in the river, you have to take the man out of the river before you can get the river out of the man. That's right. You have to get him out of the river first, then you get the river out of him. Sometime God has to do it that way. He permits the junctions, crossroads to do that. Stand on His promises, the Word, for they never fail. The future, that's in His hand. Stand like they did, don't--don't give away.

229. Abraham, at his crossroads, knew that God could raise up his son from the dead, from whence he received him at the crossroads. Abraham come to his crossroad. And after he had trusted God and had seen all the miracles of God. Twenty-five years he waited on a boy, a promised son, and then God told him to go sacrifice the very thing that he had waited for. My, oh, my, what a time! But did Abraham stagger? Read Romans, the 4th chapter, said he was "fully persuaded." Amen. He was fully persuaded of what God had promised, God was able to do. Amen. He permitted the crossroad. He was showing through Abraham, to us, see, He's able to raise the dead.
230. Abraham said, "I'll receive him as one from the dead." Sarah's wombs was dead, Sarah's womb was dead; and he, his body was dead, he was an old man. She had no milk veins to feed the baby. And they didn't have... Well, there was nothing. And he was sterile, himself, and she was sterile. See? There's no way at all. And he received him as one from the dead, he said, "If God can do that, God can raise him up from the dead. For the same God that told me the baby would come, and I stood and it come, He can raise him from the dead." For, He makes everything work together for the good to them that love Him. Amen.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham