
It's just like It said

As the little girl was coming one day from the tabernacle...
She was a little, about like this little snickle-fritz last night, or tonight, with her hair combed back here, you know. Her little... I thought she was cute. The little singer, I don't guess... She is bound to hear. I hope I don't hurt her feeling.

But, she was real cute. And this little girl had just got saved, and she had her Bible over her heart, just singing.

There was an old infidel lived up the road there, in a little city called Utica, Indiana. And he said, "What you so happy about this morning?"
She said, "Well, I just found Jesus."
Said, "How do you know you found Him?" He said, "What's that you got in your hand, a prayer book?"
She said, "No. It's a Bible."
Said, "I guess you believe It?"
Said, "I believe every bit of It."

And said, "You believe that story in there about Jonah and the whale?"
She said, "Yes, sir. I believe every word of it."
He said, "Ah, it's not so, honey. Don't you believe That."
She said, "But I believe it is so."

"Well, now," said, "how you going to prove that it's so, outside of faith, as you call it?"
"Well," she said, "when I get to Heaven, I'm going to ask Jonah." So...
And the infidel said to the little girl, said, "What if Jonah isn't There?"
Said, "Then you'll have to ask him." So that's just about the way it is, you know. If he wasn't There, they know where he was at.
So, it's just like It said. If the Bible said that Jonah swallowed the whale, I'd believe it, if the Bible said so. So I believe that all those things are true, every Word of It, every phase of the Bible.

Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 63-0605 - William Branham


Always remember that

We ought to honor one another, respect one another as brother, sister. And love one another with undying love. You say, "Well, I just can't." Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people too. You'll love those who doesn't love you. That's really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable. Jesus said, "If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing." But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you; Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God's watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. "While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you."

Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham


Things of value come of great price

I believe it was David said, "I'd rather be a doormat at the house of the Lord, than to dwell in tents with the wicked." You see? No matter what it is, "take my place." Sometimes you have to separate from everything that's dear on earth to you to take your position that God has called you to. I'm sure you can read between the lines, what I'm saying. See? Sometimes the very dearest person on earth, you have to shake hands with them to take your position in Christ to where God has called you. See? But what's God doing? Transforming you from what you was. Maybe a daughter or a son, or whatever it is, from a lovely family sometimes, He places you somewhere else. Because it's His way of doing it (See?), by the renewing of your mind to obey the Word of God, regardless of what the price is. See? These things don't come... It didn't call... Our redemption wasn't a cheap thing; it was the Son of God had to die for us. See? It isn't... Things of value come of great price.

Power Of Transformation - 65-1031M - William Branham


It's your part

We have altar calls and bring people up around the altar. That's a--a good tradition of the church, but in the Bible time, "As many as believed on the Lord..." just accepted Him, wherever He was. "As many as believed, was saved. They had no altar calls. That first originated in the Methodist, around the early Methodist church is coming to the altar. It's a good thing. We should never let it go. Keep it up. I think it's a good thing. Come out there, pour your heart out before God. That's the way to do it. But really, that isn't what saves you. You could stay there at the altar, and pray all night long, cry, walk up-and-down the altar. You could do every penance you could. You could sell everything you got and give to the poor. You could go on a fast for forty days and get so--so wore out from fasting till you just couldn't walk, and never do you any good, until first, you accept... That's it. It's your part. God's did His part. Now, you do your part, just a simple thing of believing it. And when you believe it, that settles it forever. Now, you can believe it mentally, and you'll still guess at it. But when you believe from your heart once, that settles it forever.

Glorified Jesus - 55-0225 - William Branham


But you got to be an eagle

I love eagles, because God likens His children, His heritage, unto eagles. And God, Himself, calls Himself an eagle. He is Jehovah Eagle--papa eagle. We're His little eaglets. An eagle can fly higher than any other bird there is. If a hawk would try to follow him, he'd disintegrate in the air. So you try to impersonate Christianity, you just burst yourself open. That's all. Don't do you no good. Be a eagle. Be borned-again, nature changed; then you can walk up Jacob's ladder. Then you can climb to the highest spots to where all things are possible to them that believe. But you got to be an eagle, a believer. Don't try... The Hebrews when they crossed, as eagles, across the Red Sea, the assaying, following on, uncircumcised Egyptians tried to do so and lost their life. You cannot impersonate Christianity; you've got to be a Christian. That's right.

Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham


Doctrine is based on God's Word

Mix up yourselves together, and have union revivals; get preachers who stays with God's Word, and not scattered about here. Read the Word. Some of you don't read the Word once a week. You ought to read chapter after chapter every day. Meditate; if you'd get your head out of them old magazines and things you're reading, and out of this old, so many papers, and so called religious literature that oughtn't to never be on the market... That's just as bad as reading some of the other magazines, stuff that's false doctrine, and all kinds of dogma, and basing it upon the--on truth. Why, doctrine can't be based upon some experience. Doctrine is based on God's Word, not on experience. People can have experiences of everything.

God Keeps His Word #1 - 57-0306 - William Branham


When love and faith gets married

In the twenty years of research of the Bible, and talking with the Angel of the Lord, and the many things, I find here is two things: that is love and faith. If you love God, just purely unadulterated love, you've got to have faith in Him, it'll accompany faith every time. And when love and faith gets married, you ask what you want to, and you'll have it. That's... When you know that your heavenly Father cannot tell you any lie, He's God. He can't lie. And then when you believe Him with all your heart, and you believe that what you ask for, you ask it with not for any selfish motive, but you're right motive behind there is ask it for the glory of God, and believe without a shadow of doubt, that Your Father wouldn't lie to you, something's going to take place, when you get all the cockleburs out of the way, and just look right straight there to Calvary, and believe it with all your heart.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 53-0506 - William Branham


There's something that happens in your life, that changes you

Mary Magdalene, she'd knew His power. She knew there was something about Him was different from anyone else. She had seven devils cast out of her. Everybody that's ever been free from the devil by the power of Jesus Christ, knows where they're standing. No one can ever come in His great Divine Presence, and ever be the same person any more. You're--you're changed. There's something happens to you. Oh, you can stand off, and psychology, and imagine this, and accept this, a certain thing, and some theories, or something like that. But we don't believe in theology. We believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when you come into His Presence, there's something that happens in your life, that changes you. And you're never the same any more, a man that's ever been in the Presence of Christ.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


You can never find the cure till you find the cause

The church is moving too slow for the hour we're living in. There's something radically wrong. And it behooves us in this day, at the near coming of the Lord, to sit down and study this and see what's wrong, find the cause. You can never find the cure till you find the cause. If a doctor, if you go into his office and you say, "I'm having headaches, and sick at my stomach," and he gives you a little aspirin or something and sends you away, he's just trying to get rid of you. A real, genuine doctor will diagnose that case until he finds what organ's out of order, then work from that organ. That's the way it is with the Kingdom of God. We've got to find out what's wrong, then work from that.

Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar - 59-0823 - William Branham


We want God

Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else, but stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the throne. Live humble; live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let... And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongued fellow might come along and try to take you away from it. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God where he'd stood there and seen it? No, sir. No, we don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination; we don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice; we don't want no strife. We want God; and He is the Word.

Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham


He's only waiting to test you

44. Then remember, if He is, His Word has to be true. And if He required you to meet these circumstances and you did, He's obligated to take care of His Word. Don't back off and say, "Oh, I never got healed. I..." Oh, you poor, weak faith. Don't believe that. If everything's confessed, and everything's out, and you met God's requirement, faith holds right there. There's nothing will move it. He is, and you're sure. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with the wings of an eagle. They shall run and not be weary; if they walk, they shall not faint."
Wait, when you've met His requirements; that brings your faith to a showdown. If you have met... God's requirements has been made--or met, and you have fully considered it, and you have done everything that God required you to do, then your faith rests right there that He is. Be certain of God.

46. You know, He loves to test us. He loves to see the reaction of your faith. Did you know that? God likes to see how you'll react. When you say, "Oh, Lord, I believe You; Thou art my Saviour. I believe that You are the Healer; I believe that You are the One Who gives the Holy Spirit; and the things that I am requiring, You are the God Who gives that." And then when you confess all your sins and promise God what you'll do if He'll let you get well, and then because it don't happen, you run off like a coward somewhere, God can't use that. There's no way for Him to use you. There's no way for Him to answer you, because He only answers by faith. Then all of a sudden you go away and He can't answer. But real true faith stands there, being sure that God is. Be certain that He is.
And if God asks this thing to be done, to confess your sins and so forth, and you've done it, faith says that He is; it's certain that it's going to happen. Your request has to be granted. Oh, I--I hope you don't miss that. If you're sure of God, God's sure of His Word. He's only waiting to test you.

Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham


There was a prophet in the land to do it by

Notice, now, that David being anointed, yet with the anointing he did, he got out of the will of the Lord with that anointing; and all the people, not taking the run of the Scripture or the key to this revelation, all of them anointed too, they all together, shouting and praising God for a thing that looked exactly right: to bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But David was king, not prophet. See? He... There was a prophet in the land to do it by, and God dishonored the whole move, because they never used the right key. The door didn't unlock. And now, we must remember that, and keep that in mind. There is... Everything of God, one certain way it's to be done, and that settles it.

God's Only Provided Place Of Worship - 65-1128M - William Branham


What a safety it would be tonight

God, and always in all times, has always give spiritual gifts to His people. That's how He's identified and known, by spiritual gifts. And when God sends a spiritual gift to His people, and that spiritual gift is rejected, then that--that people goes into the darkness of a chaos. Every time, through the ages, when God sends something to the people, a gift, and they turn it down, that people is rejected by God because it's rejected God's mercy. Oh, what a safety it would be tonight, how much greater it would be than all the bomb shelters and--and all the places we could think of, if this nation, which is called a Christian nation, could accept the gift of God that's been given to it: the great Holy Spirit poured out in this last day. And how that if this nation would accept That, it would be more safety than anything they could get into. But they turned It down, so there's nothing left but chaos and judgment.

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 64-0306 - William Branham


They're twin sisters

Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.

The Message Of Grace - 61-0827 - William Branham


Praise the Lord, for healing me

33. I remember old John Rhyn. He come through the prayer line at Fort Wayne, been blind for years. And he's Catholic by faith, and he came through the prayer line.
Now, to you Catholic... You know, I'm Catholic too. You knew that, didn't you? Sure, I'm Catholic.
I met a fellow the other day. He said, "Billy, the strange thing to me is, that you--your sincerity, and yet not Catholic."
"Oh," I said, "I am a Catholic."
He said, "I didn't know that."
I said, "Oh, yes."
"Aw, now..."
And I said, "Sure. Yes, sir." I said, "Now, is it true..." My people we're Catholic. And when... I said, "Is it true that the Catholic church teaches that this is the history of the Catholic church? Jesus Christ ordained the Catholic church, twelve Apostles, made Peter the first pope."
"That's right." He will agree with that.
I said, "Well then, you know, when He set up the first pope, Peter, and He set up all the apostles, and they wrote this..." I said, "Now, of course, you said the church has power and authority to change anything they want to." They believe that. See? They don't teach the Bible, because it's something in the past. I said, "Then I just believe what the first bunch of Catholics taught. So I'm an old fashioned Catholic."
"Peter said, 'There's no other mediator between God and man,' the first pope that walked with Jesus. And now, you've got all kinds of dead women, and dead men interceding and things. I--I... See? I don't... I believe the old fashion Catholic. And you know, Jesus, the Establisher said in the last book of the Bible, 'If any man will take anything out, or add anything to, the same will be taken out of the part Book of Life.' So I'd just rather be an old fashioned Catholic. See?"

34. So this man come to the platform, and he said... And he passed by, and the Holy Spirit came, said, "You are blind, sir. Your name is John Rhyn."
"Yes, sir. That's right."
And I said, "You beg for your living, and sell pen--or newspapers it is, on a corner."
"Yes, sir, that is right."
I said, "You been blind from an explosion, happened years ago."
"That is true." see, he said.
And I looked back, and I seen the old man seeing in a vision. I said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, you're healed."
He started off the platform; he said, "But, I--I don't see."
I said, "That has nothing to do with it. You're already healed. God said so. I'm seeing in a vision."
He said, "Well, what shall I do?"
I said, "Just keep praising God for healing you."
So he come back in a few minutes; he said, "But I'm not healed yet."
I said, "You told me you believed me."
He said, "I did."
I said, "Do you still?"
He said, "I do."
I said, "What are you questioning me about then. Go on, believe."
So he said, "Well, what must I do?" He said, "I'm Catholic."
I said, "Well, that's all right. But I want--I want you to keep believing."
He said, "What must I do?"
"Keep thanking God for your healing, just like Abraham did: Call those things that which are not as though they were."

35. And the next night, he was setting up in the second balcony. And every once in a while, he'd say, "Everybody keep still." He'd raise up and say, "Praise the Lord, for healing me." Set back down. I was preaching, he just stop me. And every... He'd get out on the corner selling his papers, holler, "Extree: Praise the Lord, for healing me. Extree. Praise the Lord, for healing me." And selling his papers...
About two or three weeks after I left, a little boy led him across to the barber shop. Now, he's preaching Divine healing on the land--on the field today. And so, led him across to the barber shop to get a shave.
Well, a little smart aleck barber, you know, had more intelligence than he had gumption to know how to control. So he set him back in the barber chair, and lathered up his jaws, and shaved about one side down. He said, "Say, dad, I heard you was up to see the Divine healer when he come up."
Said, "Yeah, I was up."
He said, "I heard you got healed."
He said, "Yes, praise the Lord for healing me." And his eyes come open. And he jumped up out of the barber chair with the towel on his neck and the barber chasing him with a razor in his hand. Down the street they went. "Praise the Lord, for healing me." See, he stayed with it. Stay with it. Hold on. God said so. That settles it. Stay right there. Oh, it'll take place if you can believe it. Hold on; that's what Abraham...

36. Why, the doctor said, "Old fellow, you'd better go back home 'cause you're getting a little bit off your mind."
He, "Glory to God, we'll have it anyhow."
Maybe the doctor send a runner out and said, "Hey, what about that baby case?"
"Going to have it anyhow. Praise the Lord. Going to have it anyhow. It's all finished. God said so. We got the boots; we got the pins; we got the birdeye. We got everything ready; it's coming."
"When's it going to be here?"
"I don't know. But God said it anyhow; we're going to have it. Amen. That settles it. I don't know when it's going to be; that's up to His wisdom. But we're going to have it."
When a man takes God at His Word, you're going to get it. I don't care what takes place; God said so. That settles it forever. That's all of it.

Abraham's Seed - 59-0423 - William Branham


Just believe It

This was Moses speaking to Israel after he had been a-vindicated by God by a Pillar of Fire and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to it or take one word from it, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you." So say I in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't you add one thing. Don't take--put your own ideas in. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It. He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today in a challenge, has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God.

Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham


That's as close as I know the Word of God

Billy Graham may preach everywhere; Oral Roberts, them godly men may preach everywhere. The Lord may send me to sow seeds somewhere else (some field), but I believe our nation is sowed down, and I believe she's ready for the harvest now. When the Spirit falls and there becomes a move amongst the people, them denominations will swing together just as certain as I'm standing in the pulpit. And the church of God will be ousted, and they'll make it such a racket until they'll confederate it and put a boycott on anybody that don't belong to them. Rome will rule the world for just a hour. She'll rule for a little piece. Not Communism, Romanism will rule the world with the cooperation of Protestantism in a denominational form of church, which God has rejected. That's as close as I know the Word of God.

The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed - 62-0318 - William Branham


How can you believe that and keep from being happy?

...in the garden of Eden. When man realized he had sinned, he tried to make hisself a religion, a covering. The word "religion" means "covering." And Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together and made themself a religion. And since then it's been a strain of man down through the age, trying to do something to save hisself. But you are saved by grace, election: God's foreknowledge, predestination, foreordination. Paul tells the church at Ephesus, that God predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Think of it: Predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. What we worried about then? Get away from the worry, we're just the happiest creatures you could ever see. My, how can you believe that and keep from being happy?

Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham


Stand shoulders with him

See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God.

The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham


We are different

May I bring that a point: when we are judged by the Word, which is Christ, we're chastened. If we're doing wrong, we're not living up to this Word, we're chastened of the Lord. And when the Lord chastens us, that means corrects us, that we should not be condemned with the world. We are not of the world. We are different from the world, live a different life, a separated life. We're never to live the life of the world and be a Christian. We're to live a--a outstanding life, a different life. Not I don't mean in such social ranks, but I mean we're to live a life of genuine holiness that the fruits of the Spirit might be seen in us: of meekness, and gentleness, and patience, long-suffering, faith: the fruit of the Spirit.

Communion - 63-0707E - William Branham


Let me give you my testimony

64. Take your stand. Yes, sir. Show some scars. You ain't had no testimony yet; you haven't done nothing. Might as well get out and do something for God. Do something.
Here some time ago, I was reading of Jack Coy, an Indian guide out there in the West. And he was lost one day. And he couldn't find his way in. And he'd been lost, and his horse was about dead. And he was--she was--she was breathing heavy. All the water was gone. He was in the desert. And he was leading her, staggering. A Christian man, he knew it wouldn't be long until death would finally take them.
He was going along and after while, they hit a buffalo trail, where animals had been running. And so, he tried to--to get on the horse. Then he thought maybe they'd go to water, so he jumped on the horse, and he started going down. The horse couldn't hardly walk, and he couldn't either. So, he got down.

65. And after while, the trail separated. And one went this way and one went that way. Well, the one went this way just had a few tracks. But the one that went that way was well blazed. And so, Jack pulled his horse around to start that way, and the old horse wouldn't go that way. He wanted to go back this a way. So, Jack tried to spur his horse on. She wouldn't go. She kept nickering, trying to go back this a way.
And he got real angry, and he threw his spurs into her. And he cut her till the blood was running out of her, like that. And she started quivering. She was going to fall. He got off of her, and he think, "She packed me through this desert. She's been good to me and how she... Now, she believes the water is that way. There's not very much of a trail going that way."
And that's the way it is tonight, friends. There is not very much of a trail leads this a way. But it's a way to Life.

66. The well--way is posted down there, just belong to anything you want to and go on, just as long as you put your name on the church book. But being--receiving the Holy Ghost since you believed is not so very well posted tonight. Listen, and I think that...
Jack reached over, he said and put the--his head... Patted her and said, "Bess, I'm sorry that I did that." He said, "You have been faithful to carry me this far, and I'm willing to risk my life. I've heard that horses have instincts that they know where waters is. Animals..." Said, "If you've carried me this far... I'd have died long time ago if it hadn't been for you. But it--I'm going to take your route. I'm about to hold on to you. I'm going to take your route. If we die, we both die together."
I think that... (not comparing my Lord with a--a horse) But He's packed me this far; this good old Holy Ghost religion has brought me safely this far. At the hour of my death, I'll take a hold of Calvary (Hallelujah!), say, "You carried me through every sick spell, and through the blackness and darkness of life, and through the bitter parts of hell. I'll trust You in my dying hour." Yes, sir. Not on some theology, but on the Holy Spirit in God's Word. On Christ the solid Rock.

67. He hadn't gone but a little piece that way, the horse starting trying to trot. She was so poor and bleeding on the side. He didn't get but a little piece farther down the road until they plunged right into a great big gusher of water there.
He said he jumped into the water, him and the horse both. And they drank, and he washed her nostrils out. And he patted her and they screamed. And he thanked God, and he raised his hands and cried and shouted, and everything like that. Said he was just having a wonderful time.
Directly, he heard somebody laughing. And standing over on the other side was a bunch of drunken prospectors, he come across and they said, "Who are you?"
He said, "I'm Jack Coy, of the Indian reservation."
Said, "Well, come on over, Jack." Said, "We got something to eat. We got some venison here."

68. So he started over there and he seen they were drinking, so he eat the venison with them. And after while, they said, "All right, Jack, you're..." They was all... Said, "What day is it?" Said, "We're celebrating the fourth of July."
He said, "Well, this is October." They was all drunk and been out there so long, they didn't... But they'd found gold. And they were on their road back. And they didn't care. They was just having a big time. And they thought they'd have some fun out of him.
So, they said... Now, one of them staggered up to him, a little old disfigured looking fellow. He said, "All right, Coy," said, "how about having a drink of our good liquor?"
He said, "No thanks, boys, I don't drink."
He said, "Ah, come on now." You know how a drunk is. Said, "Yes, you drink. You'll have one drink."
Said, "No, boys. Thank you." Said, "I don't drink."
Said, "Now, wait. If our venison is good enough to eat, then our whiskey is good enough to drink." Said, "Now, you're going to drink--take a drink."
And the other guy said, "That's right. Tell him about it. We'll back you up."
He said, "You're going to drink it or you're going to die."

69. So he picked up his thirty-thirty and threw a shell up. If anybody knows what that means out in the desert. When they throw that thirty-thirty Winchester up, that means something is going to happen.
So, he pulled up the thirty-thirty like that, and he said, "Now look, Jack." Said, "Now, you--if you... If our venison is good enough for you toeat, then our whiskey is good enough for you to drink with us. If you're so goody-goody and don't want to drink our whiskey, well then," said, "you can pay. Let your bones bleach on this desert."
He said, "Wait just a minute, boys, before you do it." Said, "I appreciate your venison. I'll pay you."
"We don't want you to pay. We want you to have a drink and be sociable." You know how drunks are like that.
He said, "Boys, just a minute." Said, "I ain't going to drink, but before you pull that gun up" (when he was leveling it up) said, "I want to ask you something."
He said, "Here, you take this jug, and you take this drink, or I'll pull the trigger on this rifle."
He said, "Just a minute, before you pull the trigger, let me give you my testimony." He said, "I hailed from the old bluegrass country of Kentucky." He said, "Years ago," he said, "I stood in the corner one morning of a little old trundle bed. My daddy was gone. My mother was laying there and," said, "the morning light was stealing across the little old bare floor.

70. Same kind of place I was raised in myself. No--no boards on the floor, just the dirt. Our--our kitchen table was a stump with legs in it. And so then... Sawed off a block of wood and just stick up like that. That's what it--was our kitchen table. Some of us eat setting on the bed. The others eat setting in an old chair, built out of a board off the barn. And then there's...
He said, "There was a light stole across there." Said, "God was taking home the sweetest person in the world, my mother." And said, "Me a little bare-footed boy, running along there not knowing where I'd go." Said, "I started out the door, and she said, 'Jack, honey? Come here.'"
And said, "I run to see what she wanted." Said, "She put her arms around me." Said, "Her gray hair was streaking down her face." Said, "'Jack, you know your father died over here in a barroom with his boots on. He was--died a drunkard. And Jack, mother's a going.'"
And said, "'Here is the Bible laying here,'" said, "'promise me, Jack, that you'll never take a drink.'"
And said, "I kissed my dying mother on the brow." And said, "Her arms gripped me, and she held me until the breath left her body, when I had to pull my hands away from her side to walk back and fold them across her breast like this, as a dying mother."

71. Said, "And there, I have never drank my first drink from that time to this. Now, if you want to shoot, shoot." And said about that time a--a gun fired, and the jug bursted in the man's hand. And stepped out of the canyon, was a little bitty cowboy, tears rolling down his cheeks, his two big guns in his hands, said, "Hold still. Just a minute." Said, "You won't do any shooting?" Said, "No, sir."
He said, "I too, Jack, hailed from the old country over yonder, back there in the beautiful bluegrass country." Said, "My mother was a Christian woman with that old time religion." And said, "I promised her on her death bed that I wouldn't drink. But" said, "I'm sorry that I've broke that many times. But" said, "the big canyons of heaven heard my gun when it fired awhile ago. I sealed a pledge with God, I'll never drink another drop from this time to that. That reminds me of the old time religion that my mother had." Said, "I'll never drink it."
And there them men together converted that whole bunch of drunks to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Palmerworm Locus Cankerworm Caterpillar - 53-0612 - William Branham


A chain is its best at its weakest point

A man will go down here to a--at this--to eat. And if you'd find a spider in your bowl of soup, you'd want to sue that company or that restaurant. Why, you wouldn't eat that soup; it'd be poisoned. You--you--you--you wouldn't take it at all, a big roach or something boiled up in a bowl of soup. Why, you wouldn't have it at all. It would make you sick to think about it. But yet, you'll let some bunch of theologians push something down your throat that'll send you a million miles from God, and gulp over it, when man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. It's a chain that your soul is hanging over hell with. And as I've said before, "A chain is its best at its weakest point." One link to break... that's all you have to do is break one of them; that's all. The rest of them lets loose with it. It's only as strong as its weakest link.

Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham


Keep going on

You've got to have a battle. If everything comes lazy, why, you're... What are you overcoming? They overcome by the Word of God and their testimony, the Blood of Christ. You've got to overcome something, and you've got to have some obstacles. And people that different, and fuss with you, and tell you you're holy-rollers, and things, you--that's put before you, it's a trial. If you haven't got that, then you're not even in the battle. What did you join the church... What did you join the Army and get training for? To lay around, strut up and down the streets and show off? That's the way some Christians act, that we want to be looked up to. You ain't going to be looked up to. You're going to be looked down on. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions." Pick up the Sword, cut everything free from you, and keep going on.

Presuming - 62-0408 - William Branham


They'll know what God is when they see you

224. When man see you living like Him, when he sees your character and your conduct with the Word just exactly like He was, the Word being manifested, then man will see Jesus Christ. They won't have to look around anywhere else, say, "What does this creed teach, what does that creed teach?" They'll know what God is when they see you.

225. Shalom, God's peace be Light upon you! And when God's Word is vindicated in this age, completely, and you see It and believe It, shalom to you!

226. Face the new year with this, put Him as David said, "I'll put Him always before me. Because He is on my right hand, I shall not be moved." If you meet death this year, what difference does it make? God promised He would raise you up. If an accident kills you, what difference does it make? You have Eternal Life, "I'll raise him up at the last days." Amen. What if anything happens? No matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ. "Hunger, peril, nakedness, no matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ." And He is the Word. Shalom!

227. Let's bow our heads. Now everybody keep your head bowed just a moment. God's peace!

Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


You know it

Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know that He's my Father and there's no condemnation." You've passed from death unto Life. You know it, and you notice your life; you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek; all these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind you've done wrong, quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute; go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ.

Hebrews Chapter Six #2 - 57-0908E - William Branham


There's no end to it

One time when they had the Welsh revival going on, there was some dignitaries from the States, some of these great doctors of divinity went over to Wales to find out where and what all this was about. So they had on their turned around collars, and their plug hats, and they was walking down the street. And here come a little cop along, whirling his little billy-club in his hand, a-whistling, "Down at the cross where my Saviour died, Down there for cleansing from sin I cried. There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His Name," walking down the street. So they said, "This seems to be a religious man, we'll go ask him." And they said, "Mister!" Said, "Yes, sir." He said, "We are here from the United States. We're a delegation. We come over here to investigate the Welsh revival, so-called. We are doctors of divinity, and we're here to look it over." He said, "We want to know where the revival is and where it's held." He said, "Sir, you have arrived. I am the Welsh revival." Amen. "The Welsh revival's in me. Here's where it's at." That's the way it is when you live by that Fountain of living Waters. It's living all the time, bubbling over, and over, and over, and over; there's no end to it.

Broken Cisterns - 64-0726E - William Branham



One man with the audacity to stand there in Ohio (just when Brother Kidd was healed), come out there on the platform and said, "Now, Brother Branham is a prophet, no doubt at all, when he's under the anointing, but now," said, "when the anointing is off of him," said, "don't you believe his teaching, because it's wrong." And he didn't know that setting in my room, the Lord revealed it to me, and I walked right down there (and many of you was there), and I said, "Why would a man say a thing like that when the Word..." Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it. And the prophet... The word "prophet" (seer) Old Testament... Now the English version of prophet means a preacher. But the Old Testament seer was a man who had the Divine interpretation of the Word and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what... And a man saying that a man be a prophet and then saying his teaching's wrong, now, if that ain't a money working scheme, what is?

Three Kinds Of Believers - 63-1124E - William Branham

But He knows

Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why, when I was just a young minister, and first started out, did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting. He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must--when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See, see? There's where men are beat out. Men are beat out in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Sympathy with--of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on. God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham


He does to believers

But God don't need nobody to interpret Him. He's His own Interpreter. He makes a promise and He brings it to pass, and that's the interpretation of it. No one has to interpret it. God don't ask no one. The Bible's of no private interpretation. Everybody's trying to say it means this, that... Let God speak for Himself. He's the One Who does it. He made the promise; He stands behind it. He does to believers. But unbelievers receive nothing. It's not for them. They're dead to begin with. They never was even represented. There's nothing in them; they're dead hulls. You don't want to be like that. Be filled with the Spirit.

Jehovah-Jireh #2 - 64-0403 - William Branham


That's God's Symphony

243. Didn't God say, "All things work together for good to them that love Him, while I'm beating out My Symphony"? And you find that then you're afflicted and struck down, and persecuted, made fun of. Remember, that's the part that goes that way. If that isn't like that, then the Symphony is out of tune.

244 The great Composer knows exactly what's in it. He knows. He knowed you, from the beginning. He put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He knows what you're supposed to do. No matter how low it goes, and how dark it looks, it's got to be that way.

245. But, remember, if it goes plumb into the shadows of death, "I am the resurrection and Life; I'll raise him up again." And when the great Director comes down and bears that stick down, then, "time shall be no more." When that Angel, of Revelation the 10th chapter, puts one foot on land and one on the sea, and a rainbow over His head, He swore, "time shall be no more." When that time comes, you'll rise up from among the dead. While the rest of them lay there, you'll go in.

246. Stay in the Symphony. Stay in God's Word. No matter how hard it is, stay right with It, wherever God is beating.

247 Sometimes He causes trouble to break the bands, to set you free. He does that. You say, "Well, I don't know what I'd do." He does. What difference? You're just--you're just playing the part. He is the One that's got you in His hand. He directs you.

248 Remember, it's all done by a sign. We see the time we're living in, by the sign we're living in, so we know what the Symphony does today. It's a separating time, taking the Light from the darkness.

249 Let's say it together, so you won't forget it, because I feel to say this. [Brother Branham and congregation speak in unison--Ed.]: "It's taking the Light from the darkness." Let's say it again. "It's taking the Light from the darkness."

250. That's God's Symphony. He's showing it in the heavens. He's showing it on the blackboards. He's showing it by Himself. He promised it in the Word. We see it vindicated. He is separating the wheat from the chaff. He is taking the Light from the dark.

251 Do you believe Him, will all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Let's sing our good song, then.

Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


That was God's idea

Not long ago, reading of Samson, and how that that man, he was something like a lot of today, a ladies man, and God could never use him. Why, he was willing to submit his strength to the Lord, but never willing to give his heart to the Lord. Now, he had a great strength. And many churches today, will lend their strength to the Lord, "Oh, sure, we'll build an organization that'll put a million in, and do all this, that, and the other." But you're never willing to surrender your heart for Divine leadership of the Holy Spirit to lead us to the fountains of waters of Life. We're never willing to do it. Seem like it's the hardest thing for people to get in their head that the Holy Spirit leads. Sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit of God, and not bishops, and cardinals, and so forth, by the Spirit of God. That was God's idea. If you're a lamb, you're led by the Spirit of God.

Lamb And Dove - 60-0805 - William Branham