
Be wise enough to catch it

89. The vision at the temple, he saw on--on a throne God lifted up, God being lifted up. Now, you see, this king that... He had made an example before Isaiah, and Isaiah seen that that king as soon as he got out of his calling was--God smote him with leprosy. Then Isaiah thought, "What must I do?" Uzziah was dead; he'd leaned heavy on his arm. And he thought he was gone; what would he do? Life itself was gone for him nearly. So what did the young prophet do? He made his way down to the temple to pray. He fell down at the altar, and he cried out.
Sometimes God lets the very props be knocked from under us. Sometimes He lets sickness strike us. He lets disappointments, heartaches, strike us. Sometimes He does that to get you where you'd be influenced by the Gospel. Be wise enough to catch it. Don't be stupid enough to walk away from it. See?

The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


There's no big me and little you then

How beautiful that parable was taught of the wedding supper. He found one there without a wedding garment on. Why, that's very typical. In the Oriental times, when they give a--a supper out or something another, the bridegroom had to furnish the robes. That's--that's the way it is in this affair too, the wedding supper we're going to. And then the bridegroom hired a man to stand at the door. And everybody that had a invitation, come at the door. Poor or rich, any kind, they put this robe around them. When they were in, they were all alike. I like that. Brethren, there's no big me and little you then, when you come by the way of the Door. And then He found a man back there that didn't have a wedding garment on. He come in some other way besides of the door. And Jesus said, "Friend, what are you doing here?" And he was speechless. And you try to climb up your own moral stepladder or by some creed or some church, brother, you're going to find yourself the same way. Every man that comes by the Door is going to get the same robe. And that robe is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Every man takes the same tonight.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham


These signs shall follow them that believe...

Now, there's many has a profession that they believe, and today in my church, as in most all of our churches, we class a believer as one who is loyal to the church, and comes to church regular, and takes a--a place, a position in the church, and helps the church in its financial needs. But that's very contrary to what Jesus said. Jesus didn't say, "These signs will follow them: they'll take their place in church, and they'll be loyal members," and so forth. He never said that. But here's His last statement to the Church. Listen. "These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, or take up serpents, drink deadly things it'll not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And then He ascended up into heaven. And the disciples worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem, the Lord working with them, confirming the Word with signs following.

The Church Of The Living God - 51-0727 - William Branham

Keep your eyes on Jesus

And as the waters pushed on, after while Jesus spoke and said, "Be not afraid. It's I." Peter said, "If It's You, Lord, give me just a little test." And ask and you shall receive. So He gave him the test, and when he tried to do it in himself, he failed, and every other man will fail. He got his eyes off of Jesus and begin to look how big the waves was. When he seen the waves were contrary, be begin to sink. And every man that will look at his affliction after being prayed for is sure to sink. You don't look at your affliction. You keep your eyes on the promise Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on His Word. He's the One Who promised. He watches over It to perform it. He keeps it in the hollow of His hand, and in the depths of His heart it's bedded. His Words has to be True. Get your mind off of your sickness, off of your troubles. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Jairus, A Secret Believer - 55-0604 - William Branham


He was God

The God, the Creator, overshadowed the virgin Mary, created in her a blood cell. Now, we all know that--that the life comes from the male sex. Just like a hen can lay an egg, but if she hasn't been with a male bird, it'll never hatch. It's not fertile. So the male sex was God. And it was a creation that God... Now, you precious Catholic people here, not to hurt your feelings, but when you say, "Mary, mother of God..." Who was God's father, if that was His mother? See? She's not no mother of God; she was an incubator which God used. God used Mary. She's not an intercessor, she's--and she's not a mediator. She is a woman to which God, the Father, overshadowed, and in His creative power, without any sexual desire at all, created in her the germ that made the Son of God. Therefore, He was neither Jew nor Gentile. He was God.

Hear Ye Him - 62-0711 - William Branham


There's only one Book in the world can tell you that

But now, we find out that what makes man long to fellowship is because that he once had a fellowship. And his fellowship was with God. A man today is trying his best, no matter what he is, if he's an Indian. When we come here we found an Indian worshipping the sun, worshipping a totem pole. We go into Africa we find them under little idols and things. There's somewhere he's trying to find his way back, because his origin was to fellowship with God. That's where it come from. He knows that he come from somewhere behind the curtain, and he's only trying to look back behind there to see where he come from and where he's on his road back. That's the reason the supernatural attracts the attention of the people so mightily is because men are looking from where they come from and which a way they're going. There's only one Book in the world can tell you that, that's the Bible, who you are, where you come from, and where you're going. That's exactly; It tells you your destination right there in the Bible and where you come from and who you are.

The Basis Of Fellowship - 61-0214 - William Branham


Footsteps is possession

God told them way down in Egypt, "I give you that land." But He didn't say, "I'll go out there and sweep it all out, and garnish the houses, and hang up the curtains, and everything. You all just move in." No, no. They had to fight for every inch of ground they took. That's right, fighting, and take it by every--fight every inch. But He said, "Everywhere the soles of your foot land, that's possession." Footsteps is possession. That's the same thing it is today. Divine healing belongs to us. The Holy Spirit belongs to us. It's our property, but you'll fight every inch of it. Yes, sir. But brother, footsteps is possession. Just keep fighting. Take it. The devil say, "The days of miracles is past." Say, "You're a liar. God said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Take it over. Everywhere your foot steps, that's possession. That's right.

Thou Son Of David Have Mercy On Me - 61-0215 - William Branham


Don't try to walk in some glare of another age

A glare is a false light. Just like a mirage on the road. We go down the road and see a mirage. It's a false conception of the sun. And when you get there, it hasn't produced a thing but something false. Because you cannot walk in the glare of the sun, because it's a mirage, always showing you something there's nothing to. And when people try to tell you that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever, they're leading you into a mirage. That's all. And when you get into church and join church, some cold creed or something like that, there's nothing there, no more than what you had in the world. Let me tell you. Don't refuse the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which brings the warming rays of the Holy Ghost upon you, makes you a new creature in Christ Jesus. Don't try to walk in some glare of another age.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham


You have to be a submitted person

When a man is converted, his eyes are set towards Calvary. If he's just a little bit nervous, if you don't watch him, he will go over on the fanatic side. If he's just a little scholarly, he will go over on the starchy side. But right in the middle of the road is the sane, sensible, borned again, Spirit led, endowed Church of the living God, going straight down the road to Christ. That's the real coming from both the sides. One went one way, and one went the other, shows fanaticism or either scholarly and too stiff to bow. They know more about the Word then they know about the Author. To know the Word's not Life, but to know Him is Life: to know Him. You don't have to be a scholar; you have to be a submitted person.

We Would See Jesus - 57-0516 - William Branham


Be yourself

In the American people through television, and through picture-shows, they have seen so much of the put on, till they become put-ons themself: too bad. And we get it in church, actors. Hmmm. God don't want them. Far be it from us to be actors. Be yourself; God wants you to be that way. I despise seeing someone trying to do something that they cannot do. What a disgrace, I've noticed it many times, and beautiful voices that God has given to people, a talent, and then they over-train it. I hate to hear an over-trained voice, when they stand up to sing, and get some kind of a note till they hold it so long till they get blue in the face, just to show the congregation how long they can hang on for dear life. And when they come back down, them people's not praising God; they're mind's on their note.

Pride - 55-0807A - William Branham

Obedience to the Word of God

Some people touched the garment of Jesus and was made well. Others smacked Him in the face and hit Him on the head with sticks, and spit in His face, never felt any virtue at all. It was their attitude of approach. It--it depends on what attitude you come in. If you come believing that you're coming to get help and you're confident that you're coming to the right Person, Jesus Christ, and you're coming His provided way of approach, you're going to receive something if you come reverently. If you come, "Well, I'll go touch and see if it helps me," that won't do any good at all. See? It's your--it's your approach to God's Divine article is what does it. Just like the brass serpent. Why, the serpent didn't have no virtue in it; it was a piece of brass they'd brought it up out of Egypt. Neither did the pole have any virtue in it, not a bit. But it was obeying what God said do, what brought the power, what brought the virtue, is obedience to the Word of God. And that's the same thing tonight.

Blind Bartimaeus - 54-0402 - William Branham


He hasn't got no more stinger

There He is, going yonder to Calvary. As He's moving up the hill, and His poor, little shoulder rubbing, the old bee of death humming around Him, "It ain't going to be long till I'll get Him." Buzzing all around and around, and after while it had to sting Him. But, friend, you know, if a bee ever stings anybody deeply, he can't sting no more. He pulls his stinger out. So he hasn't got no more stinger. And I tell you, that's the reason God was made flesh, here on earth, in order to hold the stinger of death. And now the--death has no more sting. The bee can swarm and buzz, but he can't sting. "O death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?" But Christ, the kinsman Redeemer has made a way of escape for every believer on this earth today. The bee might hum; the bee might buzz; the bee might try to make you afraid. But I can point yonder to Calvary, where God Himself was made flesh, when He held the stinger of death, and took my place as a sinner, and paid the price.

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham

He is the LORD our God

Psalms 105: O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the hearts of them rejoice that seek the LORD. Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore. Remember his marvelous works that he has done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; O ye seed of Abraham his servants, and ye children of Jacob his chosen. He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

Discernment Of Spirit - 60-0308 - William Branham


There is no judgement to the royal Seed

Man was created in God's image (God is a Spirit.), so he's a spirit man. Then when he become flesh man, animal flesh on the earth, He's--He's showing, portraying here the Bride. He never taken and made another being, but he took part of Adam, the original creation, took from him, a rib from his side; and took the feminish spirit out of Adam, left the masculine spirit in there, and placed it in the feminish part. Therefore, part of his spirit, part of his body: flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, Word of His Word, Life of His Life, and that's the way the Bride is to Christ. That's why the rapture of the royal Seed has to come first. And the rest of the dead live not for a thousand years, then they were brought up at the white throne judgment. See, there is no judgment to the royal Seed, or the predestinated Seed of Abraham.

The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Shuck - 65-0429B - William Branham


You give God praise

84. Certainly. "How shall we escape, if we neglect such?" You neglect to eat, you'll die. You neglect to turn a corner, you'll wreck. You neglect to milk the cow, she'll go dry. You neglect your teeth, you'll have to have them all pulled out. Certainly. You pay for your neglection.

85. O Branham Tabernacle and you visitors, let me tell you something now. You neglect totestify of the glory of God, you neglect to give God the praise and glory, you'll find yourself cold, formal, and backslidden, one of these days. You give God praise. "How shall we escape, if we neglect such a great salvation?"

Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825M - William Branham


Rise, and shine

The dawning of a new day, I feel it all over me now. The Light of a new day, a Light of a day where there is no night, where there is no darkness, no shadows, no skies, no--no dim, dark skies, no midnights, no graves, no flowers on the hillsides, no funeral processions, no doctors, no morgues. Amen. I--I can feel the--the rays of His Light breaking through upon my soul, the new day. The old one's pressing away. As I feel the mortal blood pouring through my body, I feel the surge of the Holy Ghost come in behind it, "Rise, and shine." Something said, "Billy Branham, you're getting old; you're getting weak; your shoulders are dropping; your hair's turning gray and falling out." That's right. And darkness and gross darkness upon the earth. "But arise, and shine." I feel falling there the surge of Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ which has made me a new creature in Him. I look for that day (Amen.), for the new day.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham


He permits it by His own will

God brings tensions into the church, for every son that cometh to God must be tried, and proven, and tested. He lets sickness strikes you. He lets diseases come on you to test you and to prove you, to show the world that you're truly the seed of Abraham. He permits it by His own will. He permits disasters; He permits the friends to turn against you. He permits all these things, and turns the devil loose to tempt you, and he'll do all but take your life. He could throw you on a bed of affliction; he could turn your neighbors against you; he could turn the church against you; he can do most anything, and it's God's will for him to do it. We are taught that it is more precious than gold to us.

Possessing The Enemy's Gates - 59-1108 - William Branham


We know we're going home someday

21. Now, one day a broker came by, and he saw a bunch of slaves working on a certain plantation, a hundred or more slaves. And they were sad, because they were away from home. Many times they'd whip them because they wouldn't work. They thought they'd never go home again, babies they'd never see, papa and mama they'd never see, their relation they'd never see. And they were very downcast as it's so easily to become, especially when you're oppressed.
That's what the devil likes to work on you and oppress you. You know, that's a trick of the devil to oppress. But when the Christian knows his legal rights (Amen.), when you can quote God's Word, "I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee," that takes all the oppression away. And the clouds begin to clear back. But if you just know that God has promised and God's faithful, He can keep His promise or He'd never promised it.

22. And then this broker come by, and he noticed one of those slaves. Oh, my. He wasn't like the rest of them. You didn't have to whip him. He was right up with his chest stuck out and his chin up. And he was just willing to work or do anything, just real snappy, brilliant fellow.
And the broker said, "I'd like to buy that one."
He said, "He's..." The owner said, "He's not for sale."
He said, "Why, what is he?" Said, "Is he a boss over the rest of them?"
Said, "No, he's just a slave."
Well, said, "Maybe, you feed him a little better than you do the rest of them."
Said, "No, he eats out there in the galley with all the rest of them."
Well, said, "What makes him so much up and at it?"
Said, "I've always wondered myself, till I found out something." Said, "You know what I found out? That his father is the king of the tribe." And though he's an alien, yet he knows he's the son of the king. Amen.

23. Brother, though we be alienated in this world where sin and chaos is, yet stick out your chest and throw up your eyes. Yes, you're sons and daughters of a King. What kind of a person ought... He did that to keep up the moral of the rest of them.
And that's what we got to do who's borned again of the Holy Spirit, keep up a good courage. What kind of a people we should--we should be knowing that our heavenly Father is the King. Only one thing the slave never knew, he'd ever go back home again. But there's one blessed thing, we know we're going home someday. Amen.

The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham

The Church that's praising and blessing and watering with thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost Who has brought the Word to you...

And remember, Rebekah, hardly knowing what she was doing, yet she watered the same animal, the camel, that was to take her to her bridegroom, to her husband, her lover. And always a beast of burden in the Bible represents a power. Like the beast come up out of the sea in Revelations, it was a power that raised up among the people. And this beast was being watered. Rebekah watering the same beast that she rode on, that taken her away from her place here to her new home, is a type of the Church today, watering and blessing the same Holy Spirit that's going to lift It up and take It to Its new home. The Church that's praising and blessing and watering with thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost Who has brought the Word to you...

A Time Of Decision - 59-0418 - William Branham


You are heaven-bound like a martin to its box

110. The church comes in and adopts other things. They have to have a little party where they all lay on the beach to have recreation: a card party to get-together for fellowship. That's right, have a dance sometime at one of the member's house, sometimes in the church basement. A dance, adopting, trying to get something to satisfy, what's the matter? They're a bunch of pigs anyhow. They're pigs to begin with. If it ever come in contact with Christ, they'd have so much joy those things would be deader than midnight to them. Gospel, drunk on the Spirit, joy unspeakable and full of glory...
Don't condemn the sinner. Have mercy on him. Let him go ahead and smoke his pipe. Let him drink his liquor. Let him have his card parties; that's his pleasure. Don't blame him. Coming home and everything, tired and wore out, he wants some pleasure. The thing for you to do is live such a godly life that you can prove to him that the Gospel holds ten thousand times more than that for him.
And if he dies in that state he'll go to hell on his liquor. That's the devils intoxication. If he dies dragging on that old pipe, God's his Judge. If he dies going out here dancing and running around with immoral clothes on, God's their Judge. But there's one thing, if you die under the anointing power of the Holy Ghost like Stephen did when he looked up in the face of God, said, "I see heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand." You are heaven-bound like a martin to its box. Amen.

Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham


Our own life is just a pattern

And everything on earth, the beauty, the sweetness, the beauty of the earth, is nothing else in the world but an answer to a far better than that, that waits us when we leave this world. For everything in earth is just a pattern of that which is in heaven. Everything that's good, everything that's righteous, everything that's beautiful, trees, birds, everything is just a pattern of what's in heaven. Our own life is just a pattern. It's just a shadow, and not the real thing. It's the negative side. It takes death to develop the picture, to put us back in the theophany we come from. Then in the resurrection we come in His likeness, a resurrected body. What a beautiful; not only beautiful, but it is the real solemn truth of God's eternal Word, that we'll be like Him.

The Entombment - 57-0420 - William Branham


It's something manufactured

Now, an highway of holiness...People try to make themselves holy. And when you do, it's just like I said before; it's like a... It would be like a buzzard trying to put dove feathers in himself to make a dove out of it, when his nature's still a buzzard. See? See, it's... It would be like a crow trying to put a--a pigeon's feathers in, or a peacock, and saying, "You see, I'm a beautiful bird." See, it's something manufactured. But a peacock don't have to worry whether he's going to have peacock feathers or not. The dove don't have to worry whether he's going to have dove feathers or not. As long as his nature is a dove, he will have dove feathers. And see, the holiness people begin to say, "The women must wear long hair and long sleeves," and all these things, "and long skirts, and not wear any wedding rings, or jewelry of any type." See, it become a self-righteous holiness. See, see? That--that's--that's manufactured holiness.

God Hiding Himself In Simplicity Then Revealing Himself In The Same - 63-0317M - William Branham


If you lay down with a dog that's got fleas, you'll get up with the fleas

Samson got into bad company. And you always can remember that when you are in bad company, you are out of the will of the Lord. My own southern mammy used to tell me, "If you lay down with a dog that's got fleas, you'll get up with the fleas." That's rather a rude expression, but it's got a lot of common, everyday sense to it. You just can't associate yourself with the things of the world and except--and expect to stay spiritual and humble before the Lord. You're known by your company. There's an old saying, "Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are." And when the church begins to keep company with the world, then it's no more than the world. It gets out of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, gets out of the company of God, and of angels, and of God's heritage, when it begins to flirt as Samson did.

Where Has Thy Strength Gone Samson? - 59-0702 - William Branham

God give me love

I think love is the greatest force there is in the world. There's nothing more powerful than love. If I had the choice tonight, and was a sinner, and was standing here before God, and He have said, "Now, boy, I'm going to give you all nine spiritual gifts. I'm going to let you prophesy, give you the spirit of prophecy. I'm going to make you a mighty preacher, give you the word of wisdom and understanding. I'm going to give you the gift to speak in tongues and to interpret. I'm going to give you a gift of healing that you'll have great faith for the sick. And I'm going to do all these things for you. I'll give you all that, or I won't let you have any of those things, but let you have real love in your heart." I'd say, "God give me love." That's right. "For where there is tongues, they shall cease. Where there's prophecy it will fail. Where there's knowledge, it'll vanish. But where there is love, it will endure forever. That's what drove the heart of God to send Christ to the earth.

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham


He loved you

The most powerful force in the world isn't speaking with tongues, or interpreting tongues, or being honored by God to be a minister, or to be a evangelist, or to be a prophet; the most powerful weapon that I've ever found in my life, is love. It'll... The phileo love, which the Greek word comes from friendship, like you have for your wife. There's a difference. It'll make a mother for that baby, run through a blazing fire. Her life means nothing. That's phileo. What will agapao do (See?), the godly love. We must love, divinely love one another. Then you don't see your brother's mistake. If he does make a mistake, you never, you look over the top of it, and you love Him anyhow. See? That's it. Love those that love you. Then does not the sinner the same thing? But love those who doesn't love you. That's what shows the Spirit of God is in you, 'cause He loved you when you were His enemy. And He loved you. And that Spirit's in you, it'll make you love your enemy, as you do your friend.

From That Time - 61-0415B - William Branham


You're still secured

Christians go from one denomination to another. It shows that they have never come to that refuge. See? They go away sometime to seminaries (That's all right.), and they learn the Word just as close as they can. They come home, and they try to talk that Word just as close as their denomination let them do it, and that's good. But that ain't it. Not to know His Word, but to know Him: Him... Why, sure. It's not how much of the Word you know, how good a church we have, what our denomination means to the world, how much exemptions we got by this, and how much fellowship we have with the world, what kind of a crowd we have coming; it's you. Are you under the Blood? If you as an individual... I don't care if every one of the congregation is wrong, you're still secured. You're under the Blood.

Letting Off Pressure - 63-0113M - William Branham

You're under the Blood

Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done; you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore, there's no gall in you; there's no unclean habit in you; because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you. "Why," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham; I can do what I want to." I always do, always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ.

On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove - 65-1128E - William Branham


You didn't mean to do that

56. You once come in the house like, oh, my, angry and kick over something, and oh, my, how you carry on. Like the old man that got converted one time, they said he got saved. I ain't saying this for a joke; I'm just saying it so you... I don't believe in joking, but you might see what I mean. He come up the road, and he was singing; he used to curse, and carry on, and hoop, and holler. He went to a little old meeting and got really saved; he come back up the road singing, "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross."
When he got close to the door, said, one the old hounds looked over there and said to the old cat near the corner, said, "Listen at that, would you." He always kicked them off the porch and everything said, "I'll bet he hasn't got it." Said the cat, "You lay here, and I'll lay here; we'll see if he's got it or not."
When he got so close, they couldn't stand it any more. So under the house went the dog and around the house went the old cat. He went back out and went out to the barn. He'd always knock the chickens around, beat everything up: mean, just the devil in him. So the old rooster said, "He used to get so mad at me when I crowed to get him up in the morning, I will try him out."
So he let out a great big crowing, and then flew; he couldn't stand it no more. The old cow said, "Now, I'm in a awful fix, he's got me with a halter on me, tied me around a post, and I have to stand it." All the fowls and things gathered around said, "Try him out." Said, "The only thing you have to do is switch him in the tail--with your tail right across his face and watch what happens." Said, "We will see if he's got religion or not."
Old cow thought it was hard to do. But he as he standing, singing, "Jesus keep me near the cross," just a milking away. The old cow took her tail like this, and she swatted him in the face like that. He patted her on the back and said, "Bossy dear, your old soul." He said, " Bless the Lord, you didn't mean to do that ."
They all said, "He's really got it." Now, that's right.

57. That's what the evidence is, brother; you've passed from death unto Life. And all the things that you once done, passed away, because the Life of Jesus Christ has put the Holy Spirit into, controlling you a new creature. And once purged has no more desire of sin as long as you live on earth.
So if you're constantly weak and falling up-and-down, remember, you might have a mental acceptation of it, but never an experience of being borned again, when meekness, gentleness and patience takes the place of this mental theology... Oh, you say, "Listen here, Mr. Branham, I--I study the Bible. Our pastor and so forth, I--I took Bible lessons."
Yes, the devil has too. He knows--he knows more about it than you'll ever know. That's right. But there's one thing: he can't get the Holy Ghost. You can. That's right. So as long as--as he--as he can't get to you... For you are dead, your life is hid in God and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Umm. How could he ever get you? The first thing, you're dead. Did you ever hear a dead man tell a lie? Did you ever hear a dead man fuss back at you? Stand at the casket and fuss at him all night, he will never say a word. Why? He's dead.

58. And you reckon yourself dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost. The only way the devil could ever get you, he'd have come through the same washings that you came through, and receive the same Spirit you did, and then he'd be your brother. See? So he can't get you.

The Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham


That's when God will answer your prayer

You know, as a servant of God, you ought to watch what you're doing, because you're written epistles, read of all men. You Christians, always be willing to lend a hand or to do something to help somebody make life a little pl--more pleasant for them as they're... You say, "Well, I--I don't have any gift of healing." You don't have to have. At least offer something. Offer a prayer. Do something. Make them feel... Do the best you can by them, anyhow. Never turn a shoulder, a cold shoulder, to anyone, no matter what it is, even if they've mistreated you. Do it anyhow. If you can't do it from your heart, then you ought to come to the altar and stay till that spirit comes in you that from your heart, you can love those who doesn't love you. That's when God will answer your prayer, for as long as there's anything in your heart... "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, then God will not hear me." That's what David said, and that--that's true. He won't hear you.

Blind Bartimaeus - 60-0330 - William Branham


Faith is the key

54. There's only one Door to healing, and Jesus is that Door. There's only one Door to peace. Yeah. "My peace I give unto you." He's only one Door to genuine peace. You might think you got peace. You might accumulate enough money to buy your home; you might accumulate enough money to get your children clothes, have food to eat, but you might have accumulated enough popularity to be popular amongst people. But when you slip off your shoes at night and get ready to lay down, there's only one thing can give you peace, that is, if you know you were dying that night, there's only one Peace, and, that's, Jesus is the Peace. He is our Peace.
He is our Healing. "I'm the Lord thy God, that heals all of your diseases." He is the Door to heaven. And there's no other door or no other way but through Jesus Christ. He is the Door to heaven.
And now, Jesus is the Door to all these things, and faith is the key that unlocks the Door. Now, if Jesus is the Door to all these promises of God, faith in His finished work unlocks every door to every treasure there is inside the Kingdom of God. See it? Key is... Faith is the keythat unlocks every promise He makes. The key of faith does that, faith in His finished work. It's these keys that we're speaking on.

The Key To The Door - 62-1007 - William Branham