
He brought the Kingdom of God so low, till the weakest of Christian can use it

Listen to this children. The Word of God will--will defeat Satan anywhere, any place, on any conditions, any time. When Jesus was here He was God. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, but He never used any of His gifts. When He met Satan, He brought the Kingdom of God so low, till the weakest of Christian can use it. When Satan come to Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones..." He said, "It is written." The Word. He took Him up, tried to whitewash the Word for Him. And Jesus said, "And it is also written." He took Him up to the top of the mountain, said, he had to look all these kingdoms, "I will give them to you if You'll worship me." He said, "It is written." There it is. And it is written, "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it; you shall have it." Then defeat Satan with the Word of God.

Expectations - 53-0507 - William Branham


For you're filled

I always felt sorry for an incubator chicken. A chicken that was born in an incubator chirps, and ain't got no mammy to go to. That puts me in mind of a seminary preacher that don't know no more about the Word of God than what the seminary said: Chirping and no mammy to go to. But when you are really born under the wings of His grace and power, you'll agree with every word He said is the truth. And when God moves in the supernatural, your heart will hunger right to it. You won't get off on the side and say, "Mental telepathy, a devil, Beelzebub. I don't believe that. My church doesn't teach it." You'll say, "God be praised forever." For you're filled.

The Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham


It was there talking for Itself

The day of Pentecost they waited till they had Scriptural authority. That's right. 'Fore they claimed anything, they knowed they had it. They didn't say--say, "Well, I--I felt a little sensation." They felt it, saw it, and everything else. They knowed it was there. They seen it moving in them, working in them, talking through them, everything. It was there. They didn't have to presume nothing. It was there talking for Itself. And a man, when he's borned again of the Spirit of God is the same thing today. You don't presume. "I--I believe we received the Holy Ghost when we believe." No, you didn't. You don't... You could do it, but just because you believed... If God didn't fill you with the Holy Ghost, then He hasn't vindicated you yet. You haven't got it. See? That's right. Don't presume you've got it. Be sure of that thing. You don't want to take a chance on it. No, 'cause you'll be lost. Just don't presume. Just stay... Go, stay till it's over with.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


He knows what sheep food is

You know, there's a lot of sheep food, and there's a lot of food you give your sheep would kill it. And I'm so glad that God was mindful enough of His sheep to get the right kind of Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. He knows what sheep food is. And you know what sheep food is? It's the Word of God. "Man shall not live..." May I change that just a little; "Sheep shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." The sheep of God are fed by the Word of God. The Holy Spirit in you, what makes you the sheep, feeds solemnly on the Word. And solely He feeds on the Word. Anything you throw in the pen outside the Word, he will root it out to one side and let it lay there.

The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham


That's what God wants you filled with

97. There is so many people today who says that the Holy Spirit is not real today. While tens of thousands of them, and millions, are saying it's not so, there's that many enjoying the blessings of It. Mostly are poor people, people who's been dejected and rejected by the world, people who's been throwed out of churches because that they believed God to be God; but they have been filled with His Spirit. They are one in purpose; they're one in heart. Who are those people? Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, orthodox Jew, all together, they become one. Not one to a creed, not one to a denomination, that's the working of the devil through intellectual conceptions, but the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God in you. And God sets on the throne of your heart in His control room, controlling your emotions, and controlling your powers, controlling your conceptions, and making you one with Him in fellowship and in love. And God fills you with love. He fills you with power. He fills you with the Spirit. He fills you with His own Divine Nature, and He changes your carnal nature into His Nature. Then, in this, you become a new creation in Christ.

100. Then the love, you go out and seemingly the birds sing different. Oh, how different it is when Christ comes, how you can look back and think, "How did I ever stay away from it? How did I ever reject it?" Everything's different. You have no enemies; they all look sweet. You can forgive everything that's ever been done. The bitterest of enemy, you could pray for him on the street, put your arm around him and lift him up; no matter what creed, what denomination he belongs to, he's a creature who Christ died for. That's what God wants you filled with. That's the filling. That's the Kingdom. That's what we're one in.

The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham


When I see the blood

Wherever you may be, the hour has come. And everyone can see the dullness of the church today. Everybody can see the deadness of many--too many of the members. It's because that you have played around; you've took sensations and you've took other things. And you have trusted upon the wisdom of some man, upon a theology of some organization, upon the membership of your mother's church, and upon some loyal pastor. But that all are good things, have nothing against them, no more than circumcision was to the Jew, but that wasn't God's program. "When I see the blood," and it only... And today the Holy Ghost is God's Covenant with God's covenant people. The Holy Ghost, the Life of the resurrected Christ, has got to be displayed in the church amongst the people, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Token - 63-1128E - William Branham


"Let me rise and try again."

2. But I was told one time that over at the Ballard and Ballards, there was a fellow went over to get him a job. And they asked him to sign his name to the paper. And when he went to sign his name, he did not have any... an eraser on the end of the pencil. And the man told him, said, "You have no eraser?"
He said, "Well, I don't make any mistakes."
And Mr. Ballard said, "Then I can't use you; you ain't going to do nothing." So that's about... I think that's about right. If we don't make mistakes, we not be doing anything.
But what I like about a person is that, when you make a mistake, a real soldier is ready to rise and try again.
There used to be a little song we sing, "If I falled," or "If I fail," something or other, "let me rise and try again. Forgive me, Lord, and try me one more time." I've prayed that so much to God, that I'm ashamed of myself almost. "Let me rise and try again." Constantly falling, and each time, why, I... He's been merciful to help me to come back again.

What Went Ye Out To See - 59-1001 - William Branham


Its all in His hands

God alone, in the beginning, He was only God... He wasn't even God at the beginning. Did you know that? He couldn't. God's an object of worship, the English word. See? As He was Elohim, the self-existing One; He wasn't even God. But in Him was attributes, such as your thought. See? Your thought... I have to see something, and then I think of it, and then, speaking; and a word is a thought expressed. So, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was expressed," (See?), brought forth. And now all is the same. Same as we are, born again, we got Eternal Life. If we have Eternal Life, there's only one form of Eternal Life; that's God. And we're attributes of Him. Now, I can talk amongst Christians this way. We are attributes. And Jesus came as a Redeemer. How many believes that? Redeem, is not create something new. Redeem is to bring back that which has already been. See? So what are you scared about? See? It's all--it's all in His hands; the clock is not ticking wrong. Everything has to be this way, and it brings us to this spot now.

Who Is Jesus? - 64-0620B - William Branham


The Holy Spirit in you will always punctuate the Word with, "Amen"

God made a man to thirst. When He made his heart, He made him to thirst because He made him to thirst after Him. And dare anybody to try to--to satisfy that holy thirst with the things of the world. That was put in you to thirst after Him. "As a hart panteth for the water brook, my soul thirsts after Thee, O God." It's not that I'm angry with the church; I'm in love with the church. And I know that--that something's fixing to happen. And that's why I--I say, "Get ready, people. You can't do those things. Your outward expression shows the inward work of grace hasn't been done yet." No matter how much you shouted, how much you spoke in tongues, danced in the Spirit, whatever you might've called your emotions, unless that life copes with this Word... And you hear that Word, and turn away from it, something's wrong. The Holy Spirit in you will always punctuate the Word with, "Amen." It's the truth. See? It's right.

A Testimony On The Sea - 62-0720 - William Branham


Everything has to obey Him

105. Notice, God will make our bodies so obey Him, that He said in Saint John the 6th chapter, "He that eats My flesh, and drinks My Blood, has everlasting Life, and I will raise him up at the last day." Think of it, our bodies obey when we have no more control of it, and it turns back to a spoonful of dust, God will speak to that body and it'll rise up again in the likeness of the resurrected Jesus Christ. What are you worrying about this? If it's in the hands of God, let go, amen, for He will raise it up, last day. He promised to do it, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's written in His Word. What are you scared about this then, this little old ship? He is in it.

106. If He isn't, don't leave tonight until He comes in. It's a dangerous thing to try to sail without Him. You'll be sunk, sure.

107. But you can't sink. If you sink, He'll raise you up again, so what difference does it make? The Eternal Life, God Who can make all creation obey Him. Oh, I love that old church song:

The winds and the waves obey His will.
Peace, be still! Peace, be still!

108. Everything has to obey Him. All nature has to obey Him. He's the Creator of nature. Amen.

109. After the discip-... disciples found theirself at the end, it must have dawned on them. After they seen they couldn't do nothing about it, it must have dawned on them, "Say, we're in an awful shape here! Oh, I'm going to die. I don't want to drown. This..."

110. One of them must have said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute! Did it ever dawn on you, that He's laying right there? Here we been talking all about Him, testifying about Him, about the great works, and claiming Him to be the Messiah, and here He is right here with us." Oh! Oh! Glory! Oh, what a feeling!

Calling Jesus On The Scene - 63-0804 - William Branham


God saves you unconditionally

Man has always tried to do something to save hisself. There's nothing you can do about it. God saves you unconditionally; He just calls you, predestinated you to be saved. And somebody's predestinated to be lost. The Bible said so: "Men of old, foreordained to this condemnation..." When... Esau and Jacob, both born from the same parent, before either child was born, said Romans 9, not knowing good from evil, God said... That the election might be sure, God said, "Esau have I hated, and Jacob have I loved," before either one of them done anything about it. See? See? "No man can come to Me except the Father draws him." You said, "Oh, I sought God, I went seeking for Him." No, no, God sought for you, not you for God. Human nature proves that. When Adam sinned, he didn't start hunting God; he started hiding from God. And Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except the Father draws him." Then God drawed you first.

Speak To The Rock - 53-0512 - William Branham


It's God's way of doing things

139. It seems like, the Christian life, if the fellow is not absolutely centered on Christ, the Christian life, seems like, holds so many disappointments. But those disappointments are-are God’s Divine will happening for us. Now, it don’t seem like it would be that, but it’s God’s way of doing things. He lets us hit the river, to see what we’ll do.

140. Moses led the children of Israel right in the path of duty, and Pharaoh’s army behind him, and the dust boiling from a_a half-amillion men in arms. And here was two million helpless Jews with nothing, standing there, men, women, children, and so forth. And the Red Sea had him cut off. The dead sea had him cut off. He...There’s no place to go. See? But Moses had a V-day when he prayed through. He went and begin to cry out to the Lord.

141. And the Lord said, “Why you crying to Me? I commissioned you to do it. Speak to the children, that they go on in the line of duty.” Amen. There you are. “Don’t cry out to Me. You’re commissioned to take these people over there. Just speak to them, that they go
forward, stay straight in the path of duty.” Amen.

142. What a courage that ought to be for the sick person! What a courage that ought to be for the backslider! Turn yourself around, and start back. Stay in the line of duty. It’s God’s business to open up Red Seas. It’s God’s business. You just speak and move forward. That’s all you have to do.

Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham


It was God calling for you

And if God hadn't elected you to be a Christian, you would not be a Christian. It's God's choice, not yours. No man seeks God. No man seeks God at any time. You haven't sought God, but God has sought you. It wasn't you calling for God; it was God calling for you. And then when God called you, it showed He elected you. You accepted the call, it was justification. Then you gave your heart to Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit. And now you're positionally placed in the body of Christ. Now, if it made you quit your old mean habits and act like a Christian ought to, if it'll do that for you, it'll heal your body, 'cause it's a promise. Amen. There you are.

This Great Warrior David - 55-0118 - William Branham


We want to make every minute count

Remember, that we mustn't never come to church to play religious. We mustn't come to just put on a religious act to go to church. We must come to worship in Spirit and in truth. We must be deeply and sincerely... We must really mean what we're coming here for. The days are getting evil. The time is evil. And we want to--we want to make every minute count, and especially when we're in the house of the Lord.

Confirmation And Evidence - 62-0621E - William Branham


Here's where it's to begin at

The church is the judgment seat, where heaven is the great judgment seat of God. And the little wells represent the little churches all out, and judgment begins at the house of God. See? Here's where the judgment begins. That's why... I don't see why so many complain that I speak too hard, and try to make people straighten up, and tell them the way they're living, the way they're dressing, and tell me I'm hurting my ministry, when the judgment seat is the house of God. That's right. Here's where it's to begin at, right here where justice, and righteous, and judgment of God is to go forth from the pulpit.

Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water - 60-0723 - William Branham


That's what faith does

Faith doesn't see this here. Faith looks to see what God wants, and works accordingly. That's what faith does. It sees what God wants, and what God wants done, and faith operates through that. Faith is a long range vision. It don't lower its sights. It holds to the target. Amen. Any good shooter knows that (See?), that it's long range; it's a--it's a telescope; it's a binocular that you don't look around here; you don't use binoculars to look to see what time it is. See? You don't use that, but you use binoculars to look away off, and faith does that. Faith picks up God's Binoculars, both of them, both sides, the New and Old Testament and sees every promise that He made, and faith sees it out yonder. And faith chooses that, regardless of what the present tense says here. He looks at the end. He don't drop his sights down to look this way; he looks out yonder. He keeps the crosshair dead center on the Word. That's what faith does.

Why Cry? Speak! - 63-0714M - William Branham


We ought to be consecrated, hid away in the holiest of holies with God

Now, we're going to speak tonight on the holiest of holies, the dwelling place where God Himself dwelt. Them days, He dwelt in His tabernacle. And today He dwells in you as His tabernacle. But we must make this place a dwelling, not an outer court place, or the first holy place. But we must live with God in the holiest of holies, a consecrated, hidden life, alone, quiet with God. We become too excited, upset, about too many things. It shows there's something lacking. The church ought to be a million miles up the road to what it is now. We're still back down in the adolescent age, fussing, and fighting, and quarreling, and stewing, when we ought to be consecrated, hid away in the holiest of holies with God.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


Speak the word

150. God lets disappointments happen, to show victory. Oh, if we could only see that! See? You’d only see that these things that seems to be so burring you, and upsetting you, they are trials. They are things, to stand still, focus your glasses on the Word of God. And speak the Word, and then just walk forward. That’s all there is to do it.

151. We get to a time, we say, “God, I don’t know what to do. I’m up
against it.”

152. Speak the word, “Lord, I believe.” And just start walking forward. God does the opening up of the sea. You just keep walking. See?

63-0421 - Victory Day - William Branham


It has to happen

There's where my faith is built on, nothing less then the eternal Word of the eternal God. And God is no better than His Word; I'm no better than my word; and you're no better than your word. If I can't take your word, then I... There's no need of me saying I have confidence in you, because I could not. And if you can't take my word, there's no need of you telling me you have confidence, because you can't. Then if we can't take God's Word, we can't have confidence. But when God has said it, and you believe it with all your heart, that it's applied to you, it has to happen. And may I go on record just now saying this: That I believe that the right mental attitude toward any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham


We are only what we are by the grace of God

If I see a man walking, fine-looking young man; in a few years, watch his hair turn gray and slip out, his shoulders droop down. A beautiful young girl standing, with a sainted, godly face on her, and stand and praising God; and I come back in a few years and find her stoop-shouldered, packing two or three children. Well, my, there--it shows that in that body there is death. No matter how well it is and how lovely it looks, it's still got death in it. Now, I watch which a way that spirit in there leans. If it's always representing the Light, speaking of the Light, talking of the Light, it'll go with the Light. But if it's always on the other side, of the world, the things of the world, influenced by the world, there's nothing but it to turn into darkness when it dies, into outer darkness. So you see, what we are, we must remember that we are only what we are by the grace of God, and none of us can brag about it. We can only bow in adoration and humility before God and give praise to Him for His goodness.

Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham


God's provided way of survival

Did you ever notice little chicken when he gets out of the shell? He's got a extra little beak upon his shell, a little white scratcher. And the little fellow in there, just as life begins to come, he begins to nod his little head. What does that do? That little scratcher scratches the shell, and makes it thin. As he gets a little more life, he begins to hammer with that little thing. And after he's already out of the shell, he don't need it any more. So it just drops off. And the thing that does, it's a protection for the end of his bill. If it wasn't so, he'd have a deformed bill, and couldn't pick up his grain. Oh, my. God's provided way of survival, God fixes him up, just the way to get out of there. There's no better way. Anything else would kill him. He must come God's provided way. Now, if you try to manufacture some way or figure out some way, you'll kill it. That's what's the matter with the Christian church today. It's tried to accept some manufactured way, in the stead of beating its way through to the Kingdom of God.

Accepting God's Provided Way At The End Time - 63-0115 - William Branham


Let's get on our walking shoes

He didn't displease Him. What the Lord said do, Enoch done it. Now, he was a type, remember. The ark is a type of the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand that's carried over, which is Noah and his bunch; but Enoch went home just a little bit before the flood. You know that. So Enoch just kept walking in the Light till one day he felt his feet getting off the ground. He just kept walking, and he walked on into glory without even dying. That's right. God took him away because he was walking in the Light, with a testimony that he walked in the Light of God, kept walking, walking. Let's get on our walking shoes, church. Keep walking in the Light, beautiful Light, Comes where the dewdrops of mercy are bright; Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus, the Light of the world.

The Ten Virgins And The Hundred And Forty Four Thousand Jews - 60-1211M - William Branham


I chose you

But when God spoke it back here, every Word of God is steadfast. It's immutable; It's impartable; It cannot fail. And when God slayed the Son before the foundation of the world, He was just as much slain then as He was at Calvary. It's a finished product when God says so. And remember, when the Lamb was slain, your salvation was included in the Sacrifice, because the Bible said that your name was written on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. What about that? Then what are we going to do? It's God that showeth mercy. It's God that called you. It's God that chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, "You never--you never chose Me; I chose you. And I knew you before the foundation of the world." There you are.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #1 - 57-0915E - William Branham


That's the idea

If I run around with women every day, and come in and tell my wife I loved her, she'd know I was a liar. My actions would speak louder than my words, certainly. I'd prove to her I didn't love her, because I wasn't true to her. If she told me she loved me, and every time I'd be gone, she'd take off with somebody else, it would prove that she didn't love me. That's right. Her actions prove it. I don't care how much she'd try to tell me, "Bill, I love you, and there's no one else in the world but you," I'd know she was a liar. And when you try to say, "Lord, I love You," and doing the things of the world, God knows you're a liar to begin with. So why... What's the use to accept an old half-way experience, and something another like that, when the great skies of heaven are full of the real thing? Why do you want to be a miserable, professed, half way, half-baked, so-called Christian, when you can be a real borned again child of God with the joybells of heaven ringing in your heart, rejoicing, and praising God, and living a life of victory through Jesus Christ. Not trying to do it yourself, because you'll fail to begin with. But take Him at His Word, and rest upon what He said was the truth, and believe Him, and love Him, and He'll make everything work right in right for you. That's it. That's the idea.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #1 - 57-0915E - William Branham


It was God in the man

Moses, the very deliverer, God's gift to the people, they did not understand him. You see what I mean? They did not understand Moses. And Moses thought, surely, that they would understand that he was their gift to deliver them. But they did not understand. And now, friends, don't get me wrong. May I say this with reverence in my heart, knowing that I'm an eternity bound person that'll stand before judgment someday. Thousands of people are missing their gift. See? They can't understand it. And they'll look and say, "Oh, he's just a man." That's true. Was it God or Moses that delivered the people? It was God in Moses. See? They cried for the deliverer. And when God sent the deliverer to them, they failed to see it, because it was by a man. But it wasn't a man; it was God in the man.

Faith Is The Substance - 47-0412 - William Branham


You've got something to do

113. So Nathaniel was a believer. And when he seen the Word made flesh, vindicated that he was a believer, he said, "Thou art Rabbi, Thou art the Christ. Thou art the King of Israel." He believed it.
114. When the woman at the well saw it, she believed it. She is a believer.
When blind Bartimaeus... When a woman come by...
115.Everybody was crying, going on. Some of them saying, "There's a whole... I hear You raise the dead. There's a graveyard full of them up here; come up and raise them. Let us see You do it." See, that same devil that said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be turned to bread." Same one put a rag around His face, hit Him on the head, said... passed the stick, one to the other, said, "Now, if You will tell us who hit You, we'll believe You." Them soldiers, see, making fun out of Him. It looked like the card chip was down, on Him.
116. But just remember, God is always on the scene. See? He's right there ready, at any time.
117. Now Jesus said, "I could speak to My Father and straightway He would send Me twelve legions of Angels." Oh, what would one Angel do? See? But, you see, but He could send twelve legions just at His command. But He had a job to do. He had something to do. He had to go through that.

118. You've got something to do. God's got something for you to do. You may have some heartaches and some troubles, you may have some disappointments, but do we pray to shun them? No. "Lord, take me through them, whatever they is. Whatever it is, don't let me escape them. If they're set for me, just give me grace to go through that. That's all."

Three Kinds Of Believers - 63-1124E - William Branham


What God has determined is going to happen

There he was, no fellowship, not one thing in that forty years was spoke that God did for him, or any way, any supernatural. He was out of fellowship. And when the Church gets out of fellowship with God, miracles cease, signs and wonders cease, revivals cease; God just moves right out when you get out of fellowship.
The thing to do, is keep (that what I was trying to say a while a go) the love of God in your heart. Keep fellowship with Him, and He will add these other things, just as we mature. Don't you think so?
And so, Moses, out of fellowship, no fellowship--out there in a strange country, amongst strangers, not his own people... She was his peop--the people there were Ethiopians, and he was a Jew. And there, completely out of reach of God, seemingly, and God all the time knowing, that no matter how much of a mess that God--that man makes out of the program of God, God's going to straighten it out. That's right.

So, just know, that there's going to be a Church appear before God, without spot, without blemish, without a wrinkle. God's going to do it. And if I fail to preach the truth, and Brother Joseph fails to preach the truth, and you brethren out there fail to preach the truth, "God's able of these stones to rise children unto Abraham." He... Somebody's going to preach and contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Somebody's going to pull the Church on. That's right.
So no matter how much the picture was marred, it'd taken God forty years to rectify what Moses done in about three days, just get that picture straightened out again. He just took Moses and set him out here, and give him a high-tempered wife to kindly get him straightened out, and God went on down here fixing the picture around again, till He got it straightened out. But He was determined that He was going to do it, and He ordained Moses to do so. Oh, I just love that.

What He's... What God has determined is going to happen. Oh, don't it give you a wonderful feeling? What God has determined, it has to be. That's right. He's going to do it anyhow.

This Great Servant Moses - 55-0122 - William Branham


Then the Holy Spirit quickens the Word to you

Now, the Gospel is not altogether the Word. This is the Word of God, and all things must be based upon this Word. If it isn't, it isn't true. This is... But Jesus said, "Go ye in all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Now, He did not say "Teach the Word," He said, "Preach the Gospel." So the Gospel consists more than teaching the Word, for Paul, confirming that, said, "The Gospel came to us, not in Word only, but through power." Demonstrations of the Holy Spirit would come and demonstrate the Gospel, bring the Word to a living reality. If you just receive the Word by knowing the Word, that doesn't do you any good. "The letter killeth; the Spirit giveth life." Then you must be borned again, and then the Holy Spirit quickens the Word to you.

Speak To The Rock - 53-0512 - William Branham


Believe it anyhow

And if God is infinite, infinite and cannot change, His Church must remain as It was at the beginning. Do you admit that? The Church must ever remain the same as it was. But man has tinkered with it, put their own interpretations in it. Don't you never try to interpret the Word of God. Say just what It says and don't care how it is. So just line up with It; that's all. Don't change the Word. The Bible said, that the Scripture is not any private interpretation. We have no right to say these things; we just got to read It and say just exactly like It says, and believe It the same way. I don't care how ridiculous It seems; believe it anyhow.

Palmerworm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar - 59-0823 - William Branham


God made a man to thirst after Him

It's more pitiful to see a son of God, that was borned to be a son or a daughter of God, slave by the world, than it is to see the eagle in the cage. The world has caged people up. Denominational barriers keeping them from the thing that God put them on earth to be: sons and daughters of God. And that's a pitiful sight, to see human being that's helpless, seemingly, bound by sin, and merely beating their brains out flopping around from beer parlor to beer parlor, from place to place, and from amusement to amusement, trying to find satisfaction, when God alone has the satisfaction that can satisfy them. God made a man to thirst after Him.

As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest - 59-0815 - William Branham