
Because it's not your Word

Now, it had been a long time since Elijah had make this prophecy. He'd been in glory long. But he would--he'd made this prophecy, and he knowed it was coming to pass. And then Micaiah knew that Elijah was a man of God, and here was God up in heaven holding a council up there how to bring the word of Elijah to pass. And if you've got the Word of the Lord, and will speak the Word of the Lord, and don't doubt the Word of the Lord, God will hold a council meeting to make your Word come to pass; because it's not your Word; it's His Word. It's His Word, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, if it's truly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Micaiah The Prophet - 61-0426 - William Branham

No one else could do it

But He had to stand the reproach. And here He has Hisself bound, lead up to death, in order to be put to death, to bring back Eternal Life. Glory to God! Oh, how I love Him! Bring back Eternal Life and raise up every son of God, down through the age, that stood with that Word and took the reproach. That's right. If He hadn't come, Noah couldn't raise. If He hadn't come, Elijah couldn't come back. If He hadn't come, Noah would never raise. If He could... if He hadn't come. Cause, He was that predestinated Lamb, that come to take the reproach upon Himself, and die the death for every Word of God that had been spoke, and these righteous men has stood for. He had to be. No one else could do it. God Himself, and He come and took the place, that He might redeem and give Eternal Life to every son of God that has stood for the same Word and would suffer the reproach. Every son of God, down through the age, that would stand the reproach, there was no one could redeem him, but by faith he saw that Redeemer coming.

The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word - 62-1223 - William Branham

Do you know all those things are good for you?

And sometimes we think that, our burdens. I might inject this right here, that, we think our burdens are so heavy sometimes, that there's nothing like it in the world. Do you know all those things are good for you? They are all to mold you, make you. Prophets and sages was molded on the backside of the desert, in the hot, blazing sun, through tribulations and trials, and persecutions. And these things that we have today, there's nothing happened to us that hasn't happened to other Christians, before. Other Christians has had to stand in the hour of darkness like this, and even be fed to lions, for their testimony.

We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham


Don't stop for nothing

What if Jesus would've come to earth and said "I'm Jesus, I'm Son of God," never done nothing, He'd just say "I--I'm going up here and join the church"? Would that been the Son of God? What did He say? "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." Oh, my! Do you see? God declares Himself, He loves to. He's Jehovah. He likes to make Hisself known. Oh, I'm so glad of it. Yes, sir. He's made Hisself known to me, I know He has to you. Some of you young people just converted, yet you don't... might not know Him in the power and great things that the older Christians do, but you're coming right on into it. You're coming right up the King's highway. Don't... Just keep looking and pressing just hard as you can. Run, run, run just as hard as you can. Don't stop for nothing, just keep on going.

Revelation, Chapter Four #2 - 61-0101 - William Branham

Only thing that'll back off God is Blood

Adam and Eve made just as good a apron as any Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal could make, it covered their nakedness. But God could see through it, so He killed something and took the dead skins of the--skins of the dead animal and covered it. Blood had to take its place. That stayed His wrath, He seen the blood and backed off from it, because something had shed its life. O God! Think of it! Only thing that'll back off God is Blood. And there's only one Blood that He'll back from, and that's His Own Son. When He sees that's His Own Son's Blood, He'll back back. 'Cause that's the gift that is... God has given to His Son, to redeem those who He foreknew, and it brings God back from His judgment. But when that Blood is removed, and all that was foreknown has been called into the precious Body, His Church has been made ready and taken up, then God's wrath is on the people. Oh, brother, don't never want to stand there!

Revelation, Chapter Four #3 - 61-0108 - William Branham


When He's Lord, He's Lord over all

Now, let's look into the human heart, if it has doors inside the door. Now, people say, "Jesus, come into my heart, because I don't want to go to torment when I die. I want to accept You as my Saviour, but I don't want You to be my Lord." Now, there's quite a difference. He can be your Saviour and still not be your Lord. When He's Lord, He's Lord over all. Every part of you, He's Lord, welcome to any place in your heart.

Door To The Heart - 59-1128 - William Branham


It's all drinking, resting, peace

When you're planted in Christ Jesus, everything that you have need of in earth's journey is in you when you receive the Holy Spirit. And the only thing you have to do is drink, drink, and push out, push out. Just drink till you can't drink no more. If you have need of Divine healing, go to God's Word and drink from It, until you push out. If you need more of God, just keep drinking, pushing out. And Christ is the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. And if you're planted in Him, the only thing you have to do, is drink of His goodness and push out whatever you have need of in this earth's journey. It's all drinking, resting, peace. It's not what you struggle and strive and pull at, you--you defeat the very purpose that you're representing when you do that. Christianity is not something, God's not One you have to beg, and cry, and plead, and fast, and starve, and everything like that to get to.

The Inter-Veil - 56-0121 - William Branham

And His Spirit is put right in the middle of the new spirit

Notice, now, "I'll give you a new spirit, and I'll put My Spirit..." Notice, the new heart is put right in the middle of you. And the new spirit is put right in the middle of your new heart. And His Spirit is put right in the middle of the new spirit. It's just like the mainspring in a famous watch. When that... When that mainspring sets in the middle of the watch, it controls every movement of that watch. And that's what's the matter, friends. Now, I hope you see this. And I'm not saying it to be--try to twist or be indifferent; I'm only saying it because I know that someday I'll stand in the judgment with you. You see, if the Holy Spirit is in the middle of your spirit... And that watch spring makes all the rest of the movements just tick just exactly to the place, keeping perfect time. When the Holy Spirit is in the middle of your spirit, it makes every action of the Holy Spirit in you tick off just exactly according to God's Timepiece, the Bible. Right.

Why Is It That So Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life? - 57-0303A - William Branham


We must live it

And we each one have a life that God has given us, and we must live it. And I... to my humble opinion, if you'll get this, I think the most best life in the world, no matter whether it's up or down, if we'll find God's path and walk in it, where God has ordained for us to walk...

Life Story - 52-0720A - William Branham

That's the vindication of His resurrection

Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit. Our eyes can't see Him, because that they're physical yet, unless there would something happen that we could see vision. But He is here just as visible, just as real as He was the day that He spoke to Mary at the grave, or He met Cleopas on his road to Emmaus. His Presence is here. It can be feeled with that, felt with that inner charge that's on the inside of the human body, called the new birth. The soul has been magnetized unto Him. And once in a while, when you let your mind be concentrated on Him, believing on Him, after while something, a reality, you can feel something sweep over your being. That's the vindication of His resurrection.

My Redeemer Liveth - 55-0410S - William Branham


He spoke it into existence by His Word

And the very God, back there in the beginning that rolled the world, the moon, the stars, and made them from things which do not appear, or made them out of things that do appear. Out of things... And where did He get the material to make it? He spoke it into existence by His Word. He said, "Let there be." And it was so: Deity. And that--a portion of that deity dwells in the heart of every borned again Christian. Hallelujah. Then what did He say, "Ask what you will, and it'll be given to you." There you are. Deity, it fell on the day of Pentecost. It's still falling.

Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham

That's the faith

Why brother, it's by faith you're saved. Is that right? But listen. In accepting of your faith, God confirms your faith by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. If you say you believe, and you don't get the baptism of the Holy Ghost, then you do not, it--it--your faith isn't accepted in the sight of God. You've got a mental faith and in the stead of a heart faith. That's right. When you truly believe God, God's under obligation to pour the Holy Ghost on you. And then if He does pour the Holy Ghost on you... You say, "Well, I've got the Holy Ghost too." Well, if you do, you're bound to believe in the supernatural signs and wonders, because you're added to it. That's the faith.

Earnestly Contending For The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints - 53-0614A - William Branham


Faith is a revelation

Now, faith is a revelation. There's where I want to stay, there, just a moment. It's a revelation. He has revealed it to you by His grace. It's nothing you did. You didn't work yourself up into faith. You ever have faith, it's give to you by the grace of God. And God reveals it to you, therefore faith is a revelation. And the whole Church of God is built upon the revelation.

Work Is Faith Expressed - 65-1126 - William Branham

Then the Holy Spirit came

Jesus would not permit His disciples to preach the Gospel until they received the Holy Ghost, yet they had been honored to walk with Him three and a half years. Though they were holy men, accepted in His sight, but He would not let them go preach until they waited up there and got all the differences out of them, and then the Holy Spirit came. What the world needs today is that same filling. When the dumping-out comes, it needs a filling. What does that filling do when it comes in? Where you have doubts, it brings faith; where you have indifference, it brings love; where you had hatred it brings fellowship; and then when the church of the living God, someday will be united under one great Head, and that will be the--the Head of God. God, into the unity of the Body of Christ will be the Governor and the King and the Lord over the entire church under His control. Then she will be received up.

The Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham


It's a choosing time

This is a choosing time. You cannot stand neutral any longer. You may leave before the message is over, but you can't go out that door the same person you come in. That's right. You'll cross that threshold tonight either a better person or a--a more evil person than you was when you entered. You can't help it. It's up to you to make a decision. Now, notice. It's a choosing time. You can't be neutral. It's a choosing time. You must choose you this day whom you're going to serve.

The Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham

It'll bring you right straight to the light, if you'll stay with it

Some people has great big faith like this, anything can happen. The next has faith that deep, takes a little longer. Next has faith that deep, takes quite a little while. Some has faith like a mustard seed. But if it's mustard seed faith, genuine faith, hold on to it; just keep believing it; it'll become marble faith; then it'll become grapefruit faith; and then it'll become mountain faith. It'll bring you right out if you just stay with it. Hold on to it; it'll bring you right straight to the light, if you'll stay with it.

The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham


Set with a humble heart

Someone said to me, not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, I would give anything if I could see a vision." I put my arm around him, a real brother; I said, "My beloved brother, every time you open the Bible, you see a vision, God revealing Himself. Here is God's vision." Just open it up and--open, say, "God, now open my eyes that I can see You." The Word is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us." And here's God, and every time you open the Bible, you see a vision of God, speaking forth to you. Set with a humble heart.

Come Let us Reason Together - 55-1004 - William Branham

It would be a sin for you to disbelieve now

I'm trust that God is blessing you all out there now to where you can't disbelieve any longer. It would be a--a--a sin for you to disbelieve now. After God has sent His Son, and has performed this thing that He speaks of now, and has done all these signs, and you... and sent His Bible, sent His preachers, sent His gifts, and you still disbelieve Him, there's nothing left for you but to be condemned at the end. Is that right?

The Twentieth Century Prophet - 53-0800 - William Branham


He made the earth for the tree

Deep Calling To The Deep: if the deep's calling, there's a deep to respond. In other words, before there was a tree to grow on the earth, there had to be an earth to grow in first. God never made the tree for the earth, He made the earth for the tree. He made the earth and commanded the earth to bring forth a tree. And the earth was calling, till the tree come forth. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there was no water for him to swim in. The reason he's got a fin, is because there was water for him to swim in to use it. Everything that we have is for a purpose, and for a cause.

The Deep Calleth To The Deep - 54-0624 - William Branham

Our little church here is sovereign

And our little church here is sovereign. It doesn't have any denomination or anything to send its deacons; it elects its own deacons. It elects its pastor; it elects its trustees; it elects everything that comes in and out of the church. No one person has the say-so over anything; it's the church. And the church are those who come and support the church with their presence, with their tithe and offerings, are always the ones that has legal say-so in the placing of such.

Placing Of Deacons - 58-0720E - William Branham


It's on tapes

You remember what that dream, that I got the interpretation, was? "Go back and store up Food." Where was the storehouse? This tabernacle. Where is there anything like it in the country, around here anywhere, that will compare with the Message that we have? Now, course, our little brothers here that's out along here, these other little churches, are us. We're one. Where would you go to, to find It? Show Its comparison anywhere. You go right out in denominational creeds. You'll go right out away from the Name of the Lord Jesus. You'll go right out away from these other things. See? And here is where the Food has been stored up. Well, one Message that I preached here to you all... Look, I've been preaching from one to six hours to you, on a Message. Well, if I had to use one of those Message, I'd take a week to take It, just a little bit here and a little bit there, see, because It's been stored up here. It's on tapes. It'll go worldwide on the tapes, where people in their houses. Them tapes will fall right into the hands of the predestinated of God. He can direct the Word. He'll direct everything just exactly to its course. That's the reason He sent me back to do this. "Store up the Food here."

Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham


I am the Resurrection and Life

I can see Him. He wasn't very much to look at. The Bible said there's no beauty we should desire Him. He wasn't a great big six footer. He was a little frail Fellow. He straighten His little frame up, stooped in the shoulders as He was. Said He was gray in His beard before He was thirty years old. Stooped in His shoulders up like that, said, "Thy brother shall rise again." Oh, my. She said, "Yes, Lord. I know he will raise again at the last day." Them Jews believed in the general resurrection. Said, "I know he will raise at the last day. He was a good boy. And God will raise him up at the last day." I can see Jesus say, "But I am the Resurrection and Life. I am," not "I will be; I was": I am (present tense.); I am the Resurrection and Life. He that believeth in Me shall never die."

The Resurrection Of Lazarus - 51-0729A - William Branham

You follow me, as I follow Christ

Now, I'm not trying to usurp authority or something like that, but, you see, a man or anything with two heads to it, it--it doesn't know how to go. God never did have two heads to His Church, He never did, it's one head. He always dealt in every generation as we've studied through the Scriptures, there's always one individual that He deals with. Because you get two men, you got two opinions. It's got to come to one final absolute, and my absolute is the Word, the Bible. And as a pastor here of the church, my absolute is the Word, and I want... I know you are brothers, you kind of look to me to be your absolute to what... as long as I follow God as Paul said in the Scripture, "You follow me, as I follow Christ."

Church Order - 63-1226 - William Branham


Then you have some idea of what the love of God is

45. Now here in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, a minister was talking, that there was a--a young lady. She had waited a little long in life to be married, somewhere around her twenty-five, thirty years old. And she was a fine, staunch Christian girl. And there was a certain man in Louisville that wasn't; he hadn't lived such a good life. He had run to dances and roadhouses, and so forth, but one day he found pardon for his sin and he--he become a real Christian, real staunch Christian. About a year later, he fell in love with this young lady, and the young lady madly fell in love with him. And they were married.

46. And after they lived together about two years, they said that this young lady said to her husband one day, she said, "Dear, I suppose that's kind of hard for you, just a new Christian," said, "I've been a Christian since a little girl." But said, "For you, a young Christian, to have to stand all the--the--the wiles and temptations that goes with it after you--you've sinned so long."
And he said, "Well, it does become a battle."
47. She said, "I want you to remember one thing, that if the enemy does upset you somewhere, and you fall and you go back into sin, don't stay away from home. I want you come on home." Said, "You're going to find at home the same wife that you married." And said, "I'll help you to pray back, and pray through, and get back to God again." Said, "I--I--I--I don't want you to stay away." Said, "Look, I married you upon the basis not of what you were, but I married you because I loved you." And she said, "No matter what you do, I still love you. I married you because I loved you."

48. And the man that day went to work, was heard repeating it in a... the place where he was working. He said, "Now, how could a man do anything wrong against something like that?" When a woman, that loves him so much that, no matter what he did, was willing to come back and take him again, and try it again. See? It shows... Now, you multiply that by a billion and then you have some idea of what the love of God is. See?
49. That when a man falls in love with Jesus Christ, the things of the world... When you think of what He did for you in the Light of the Scripture, not in the light of some emotion, but in the light of facts, what it is, then there is something happens in you. When the new Birth comes, the sin is dead as midnight. When as long as that Light is in you, how can darkness shine? It cannot do it. That's what God did to one man who throwed hisself in the gap, that could take the promise. And Moses being a--a type of this Antitype, that's why Moses stood in the gap for the people.

Standing In The Gap – 63-0623M – William Branham


Don't be a scared

The same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, the same Angel of God that come into the--the place and delivered Peter from the bars, the same Lord Jesus that stood before Paul and sent the shining light that blinded his eyes. And the men around him couldn't see no light at all. But Paul; it put his eyes out. And he was blind and had to be led by the hands to the city, the light was so bright around him. That same Light, the Lord Jesus Christ is here tonight in His resurrected Being and proving Himself by infallible signs and wonders that He's here. Oh, people, put your faith into action. Don't be a scared. Why, shame on you; don't be scared. Stand fast in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free. Don't entangle yourself in a bird cage any longer. Come on out of it. Break down the walls. Christ tore down the middle walls of partition, made us free. We're ready to fly away. Amen. I like that.

Faith In Action - 55-1003 - William Branham

Stay right with it

Refuse to sign for anything the devil brings. He will have to take it back. Say, "I refuse to have it. I just won't have it, no, sir." He will have to take it back in the Name of the Lord. If you believe it, and confess it, and say, "I've accept Jesus Christ as my Healer," there's no affliction or disease can stay on you. Stay right with it. But the first time that you get weak and say, "Well, yes, I've still got it." Then you drop right down to where you was at. You signed for it, then took it back. Say, "Yes, Mr. Devil, I--I'll have it back." Oh, brother. You stand right there as--as long as there's a breath in your body, say, "I refuse to have it. I refuse to have it." How do you feeling? "Wonderful, hallelujah." That's it. That's right. Show the devil what you're made out of; you're borned again by the Spirit of God, and you don't have to bow down to his images. Stay right there, say, "I don't want your stuff." "Why, here's your name on it, the doctor said..." "I don't care what he said. I know what God said. Get away from here with it." That's right, that's the way to treat him; hand it back. He was the one give it to you, he will have to be the one take it back.

The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham


A winner never quits and a quitter never wins

15. But we, not we... We who are in contact with the spiritual realm of God, we... "Well, I was prayed for and didn't get me healed, so I guess there's nothing to it." Oh, what a poor crow bait you make for God. See? Look. No, sir. God wants somebody who will not give up . A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. You've got to stay and call it, call things right before Satan. Tell him "It's this a way. THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord has said so and that It is written. It's written." No matter what he says, "it's written," right there.
"Well, Brother Branham never got to touch me."
"It is written." Brother Branham never done no healing. God done your healing. It's already did. "It's written. Whatever I ask and believe God, I shall receive it. It's mine, my personal property."

16. Then Edison, hour after hour, something in his heart... They never had no electricity before, but--to light a light, but Edison believed that it would do it. And finally he conquered it, because something in his heart said it'll do it. And as long as there's something in here saying that it'll do it, there's got to be something out there to respond to that. That's right.
What would your great grandfather have said when he talked to the neighbor about a television, a wave, vibrating through the air like that, would even make the picture. Why, he'd have said, "He's mentally upset," but somebody believed that there was an airwave. And he couldn't explain it. God had it here. Now, how did he think of being a airwave. We've got it: we got television, haven't we? Sure we have. Radio and so forth. How was it? Because something down in the human heart said, "It's there." And it broke into that realm, and picked it up, and brought it out here and give it to the world.

17. Now, brother, sister, you can call a fanatic if you want to, but I know that there is a power of God. First thing, because God said so. Second thing, because in my heart there's something in there that says that there's a power of God to heal every sickness. I believe it. And as long as I believe that, I'll spend my life (See?), that I know that it's the truth. It's God's Word first, and there's something in my heart telling me, "It's there." And I'm searching every wire, everywhere, trying to find a place that we can get it into church. Fanatics may rise and go, but God... You'll see the day, that the church of Jesus Christ will stand to its feet with this great power that they're laughing at us about today. It'll be brought forth just like electricity was, 'cause there's something down in the human heart says it's there. See? It's the same Angel of God.

My Angel Shall Go Before Thee – 53-0216 – William Branham