
God is right

And tonight, maybe a cancer has conquered you; maybe something else has taken a hold of you, some disease, even the disease of sin, or whatever it is. It may look dark and gloomy to you now; may look like you'll never recover, maybe look like you can't get over that TB, that prostate trouble, or that lung trouble, whatever it is, that tumor, that crippled condition. The doctor may say every hope is gone. But standing right by your side tonight, ready to take you in possession, stands the eyes of faith who sees the victory yonder through the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Away with Satan and his gloom, and up with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the faith of Almighty God. Faith can take its holy stand on the Rock of Ages, and pierce a eagle eye through every stormy cloud when the very waves of death and disappointment's trying to wash its foundation out from under it. It can stand there and look beyond the skies and say, "God is right," and believe the counsel of the wise and living God. Amen.

The Power Of The Devil - 55-1005 - William Branham

Something got a hold

And when man impersonates something, it's never works out right. But if you can get a hold of that Something, and that Something get a hold of you, it's going to happen. If you come here tonight for healing, and let the Holy Spirit get a hold of you, and you get a hold of It, you are going to get what you ask for. There is no way of keeping you from It. You come believing that Jesus Christ saves, and there is a saving power gets a hold of you, and you a hold to It, you are going to get saved. If you believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit gets a hold of you, and He'll baptize you, and you get a hold of Him; you won't have to move from your seat, He will fill you with His Presence right there where you are. Just as He did, "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on them that heard It." Something got a hold!

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now - 64-0306 - William Branham


He's still got a Voice

In spite of all this impersonations, false voices, false prophets, all these other things that's rising up, Jesus still said, in spite of all of this, "If any man will hear My Voice and follow after Me." He is the Word. Listen, His commission to us today, in all these voices. Which, I said it would take hours to bring out all these voices. And it's confusing to the people, it's a pathetic thing. And, after all, you don't get the second chance, you got to take It now. You might not get a chance tonight. You might not get a chance tomorrow. It's now! "When you hear My Voice, harden not your heart, as in the days of provocation. Now is the time. This is the acceptable time that if any man will hear My Voice." That goes to show that His Voice would still be there in the midst of all the chaos. He's still got a Voice!

The Voice Of God In This Last Days - 63-0120M - William Branham


He promised it

Someone the other day, teaching, said, talking about Apollos, up there, that good Baptist preacher. Paul walked up to him said, "Oh, yes, you're a fine fellow, but have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" He said, "Oh, oh, I--I thought I got the Holy Ghost when I believed." They still teach that, but it's wrong. Faith's all right. Faith is good. Faith's got... Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto by-or for righteousness, but God give him the seal of circumcision as a seal of his faith. Brethren, when you got pure genuine faith in God, God will give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost as a seal of the promise, which is a seal, that you have faith. You might make a--a--a some kind of an impression, or make people believe, or you might say you got faith, but when you really got genuine unadulterated faith, God will give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost as a seal of the promise. Amen. That's not skim milk now, children. Now remember, take it, believe it. Put your faith and turn it loose yonder with God, and the Holy Ghost will come upon you. He promised it. Then, brother, the devil looked like a little bitty fellow.

God Commissioning Moses - 53-0508 - William Branham


He takes His most strongest part

Oh, I want you to look at a beautiful thing here. When Jesus goes to cast out a devil, it's so little to Him till He just takes His finger to cast it away. That's all He has to use. Oh, blessed be His holy Name. He only uses a finger for the most powerful devil that could rise out of the burning hell. One little finger He casts it away. That's all He does. But when He's got a lost sheep gone astray, and when He goes to bring it back, He takes it and lays it over His shoulder. The strongest part of a man is in his back and shoulders. And He takes His most strongest part, not His finger, but a lost sheep, throws it over His shoulders and gently bears it back to the fold. When a devil's only used by a finger...

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 57-0228 - William Branham


Walk with God

And you're here to fulfill It too. Just walk unconscious of fear. Walk unconscious of criticism. Walk unconscious of the world. Walk as you walk in Christ. Walk with Him, not paying any attention to right or left hand, just keep moving on. If something comes up in the church, walk with God. Hallelujah. If sickness strikes you, walk with God. If the neighbor don't like you, walk with God. Just keep on walking with God.
Enoch, one day walked like that. You know what he done? He walked all the way home with God; got so far up the road, he didn't want to come back any more. Amen.
Walk with God. Doctor says you're going to die; walk with God. Yeah. Doctor says you can't... well; walk with God. Just walk with God; that's all. For God has promised you, "I'll never leave you or forsake you. I'll be with you to the end of the world." And He took an oath by that covenant that He give you, that He'd confirm it. Just walk with God then.

He Swore By Himself - 54-1212 - William Branham


How are you, brother?

And the people pass down the street, used to, why, we'd grab a hold of one another's hands and shake their hands like that, saying, "How are you, brother?" And today when they pass on the street, they give a little silly grin, throw their head up in the air. Oh, my. No wonder the love's gone. I despise that old somebody feel they're bigger than somebody else. After all, you're six foot of earth. That's all you are. That's right, everybody.

Believest Thou This - 50-0115 - William Branham

That's when He can use any of you

Then Paul said, "When I am weak then I am strong." Yes, he said, "Then will... I will glory in my infirmities of my weaknesses and so forth. I'm thanking God that I got all of it out of me. And when I get everything out of me, then God can come in. But as long as I got some of myself there, then God can't get in." There, that's it; we--we smother Him out. We drive Him away with our... From the poorest of us to the richest of us, from the least to the greatest, we keep God out of our lives because of our own selves. I've often said, "The greatest enemy I got is William Branham." He's the one that gets in God's way. He's the one that gets lazy. He's the one that gets to a place sometimes where he thinks he can do something about it, and when he does, that shoves God right out of the picture. But when I can get rid of that guy, when I can get to a place that he's out of the way, then God can come over and do things that William Branham knows nothing about. That's when God can use you. That's when He can use any of you. He can use anybody when we get out of the way. But as long as we got ourselves in the way, then we cannot.

Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham


How can he hold his peace?

O Lion, of the tribe of Juda, rise up and roar! Thou art roaring in this last day. Your eyes are narrowed. You're looking down. You're seeing the sin of this so-called Christian nation and world. You're seeing the sin of this nation, when it's been bought with precious Blood. You're seeing how the denominations are wading over Your Word. See how the false prophets are lying. God's Truth they're denying. Roar, O Lion of Judah! Let Your prophets cry out. "When God speaks, who can keep from prophesying?" It's the Word of God coming out of the Bible, moving up through the prophet. How can he hold his peace? If he would, he'd blow to pieces. O God, let Your prophet roar, Lord. Roar out Your Message, God, and let every creature of Your Kingdom take heed. May they stop. May the women stop and examine themselves. May the men stop and examine themself. May every preacher that listens to this tape, stop and examine himself, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda roars. And the true Word coming to the prophets, speak, cry out, "Repent and turn back before it's too late."

The Way Of A True Prophet Of God - 62-0513M - William Branham


It's the test

Now, we find out that when man tries to find a serum (a doctor) to give to his patient to inoculate him from sickness, he first tries it on a guinea pig, and see if it'll work. But God didn't do that. He never took a guinea pig; He used it on Himself. A good doctor that wants to try a serum, if he don't know whether it'll kill or cure, he ought to take it himself first to find out 'fore he puts it in somebody else. And God, in order to take this serum, had to be made flesh and dwell among us: a kinsman Redeemer. Amen. God had to become man, so He could take the serum. And He had His inoculation at Jordan (Amen.), when He walked out in the river by John and was baptized. And then the inoculation come down. The toxin fell from heaven like a dove, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He was inoculated. And immediately after the inoculation come the test come. And every man, as soon as you receive the Holy Ghost and become inoculated, every demon out of hell will turn against you. Even your own family, sometimes will turn you down: your husband, your wife, your pastor. You're kicked out of church; you're laughed at, made fun of. It's the test. Amen.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham

It's your character that makes you

Your name don't make what you are. It's your character that makes you. Your character molds you and makes you what you are. I've always said, "Let me go into a man's house." And let him stand out on the street and testify, sing, shout, speak with tongues, dance in the Spirit, anything he wants to do; let me go into his house and look at these old pin-up girls all around the wall... Let me look at these magazines that he's reading here on his desk, and listen at him turn the radio on to some of that African nonsense of rock-and-roll and boogie-woogie, I can tell you right now what kind of a spirit he's got. See what it feeds on? I don't care how much he carries on out there on the street, here's what he's really feeding on. That's his diet. That's right. Let me... How much... No matter how well he claims, and how good society, and what his standing, and what his social status is, that doesn't make a bit of difference. Watch what his spirit feeds on, what music he listens to, what he reads, what he looks at. You can tell what he's made out of then. And his character will always tell.

ainted Face Jezebel - 56-1005 - William Branham


That was the day that the price was paid

Finally one day, that's that day at Calvary, there was One came down from glory, One by the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who came from glory, and Calvary was formed. That was the day that the price was paid, and sin question was settled forever, and it opened up the way unto this thing that we're hungering and thirsting for. It brought a place of satisfaction. There's no man that's ever visit Calvary and seen it the way it was, that can ever be the same. Everything that he ever desired or longed for is met when he reaches that place. It was such an important day and such an important thing, it shook the world. It shook the world like it was never shook before when Jesus died at Calvary and paid the sin question. This sinful world had a blackout. The sun went down in the middle of the day; it had a nervous prostration. The rocks shook, the mountains rent, and the dead bodies bursted from the grave. What did it do? God zeroed in on Calvary. He wounded that animal called Satan forever.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


You are a holy nation

140. What makes them peculiar? You are a holy nation. What have you done? Entered out of that land. You're over in another land. How did you get over there? That's the promised land. What kind of a promise? "It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh." By one Spirit we are all baptized into this one promised land. Amen. Brothers and sisters (Hallelujah.) with the purity of heart, no jealousy, no enmity, nothing... I don't care if a brother goes astray, no matter what he does, you'll go after him.

141. I went after a brother not long ago, had went astray. A young fellow said to me, said, "Let that rascal go. Let him alone."
I said, "If I ever get to a place that my heart don't go with my brother, then it's time for me to go to the altar, because I've fallen from grace." I said, "I'll go as long as he's got breath in his body, and I'll catch him somewhere along the line." Yes, sir. And I caught him (Hallelujah.), brought him back. Yes, sir. He's back in the fold safely now. Yes, sir. He'd have went astray as sure as the world.

Adoption #2 - 60-0518 - William Branham


You believe it just the same

Now, perfect faith, just like perfect love, casts out all fear, all doubting. If you believe it, no matter what the symptoms are, what the results, you believe it just the same. Do you ever have something you just knew was going to happen? No matter what the--looked like it might not happen, but it's going to happen anyhow because you believe it that way. Now, when Jesus says anything, His Word is a Seed. And every seed will bring forth of its kind. If it's a seed of promise for your salvation, it'll work salvation. If it's for healing, it'll work for healing. If it's for joy, peace, anything that you have need of, all them redemptive blessings is in Christ. And He's setting tonight as a High Priest of your confession (Hebrews 3:1), setting at the right hand of His majesty in heaven, to make intercessions upon your confession.

Whatever He Says To You Do It - 53-0601 - William Branham

Return, people

Return. Return, the Holy Spirit cries, "Return." I can think of when Jesus looked up over Jerusalem and He wept. He loved it, and they had rejected Him. And a man that's filled with the Spirit tonight can look out over the church and see a people that ought to be shining with the glorious power of God. And the Holy Spirit within your heart weeps tears of regret. What have we done? God called us--our fathers out fifty years ago, and we returned back. And you see what it's got us, a disgraceful bunch under the name of Pentecost, people who smoke, drink, marry three, or four times, women who cut their hair, paint, use their--shorts, wear immoral clothes, everything, call themselves Pentecostal sisters. What a disgrace on the Name of Christ. What a disgrace upon His church. No wonder He says blasphemous names was found in Babylon, organization, confusion, all messed up, all kinds of this, that, and the other. Where's Christ in the whole thing? Return, people.

Return And Jubilee - 62-1122 - William Branham


It's to bring us to a place where God can make Himself more real to us

It is written in one of the Scriptures in the Bible, that, "Trials are brought upon us, are more precious to us than gold itself, for it is God giving us these trials." After we become His property, our confession, and our baptism, and our promise to walk in life for Him, then every trial that comes upon us is to perfect us for His glory. It's to bring us to a place where God can make Himself more real to us than He was before the trial come. I want to join in this morning with Job to say that I've lived long enough to know that's the truth. I have seen it in my own life, that every time a great situation rises, that I can't get around it, or under it, or over it, God makes a way, and comes out glorious. I just wonder how His grace ever does it, but He does it.

I Know - 60-0417S - William Branham

Stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus

Every David setting here tonight, you're positionally in Christ. God has confirmed it. Election, calling, anointing, placing: He elected you and called you. He elected you and called you. Then He anointed you with the Holy Spirit, and now, He's placed you in the body of Christ, each one of these Davids. Where's the Goliath? "Who's the Goliath, Brother Branham?" That cancer that's eating you up (That's right.), that tumor that's hanging on you, them cataracts on your eyes, that crippled arm. Everything looks at it and says, "It can't be done." The devil says, "You might as well quit believing. You might as well settle down, because you can't never no more get well. Your doctor said so; all of the rest of them said so. You can't get well." But the Christ that made you stop your drinking, smoking, lying, stealing, that saved you from a life of drunkenness, from rowling, from sin and a devil's grave, if God can do that for you, He can save you from your TB and from your cancer. He's a Goliath; don't take his boast. Stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus and challenge him to a showdown. Amen. Hallelujah. I feel religious.

This Great Warrior, David - 55-0118 - William Branham

Then you're fortified

So therefore we know our enemy by his attacks. Maybe you didn't get it just right, the way I said it. We know our enemy. When anyone, any spirit, any person tries to disagree with God's Word, remember, that's your enemy. That's your enemy. We know his old attack. That's the one he broke the human race down, and that's the way he breaks them down yet today. And that's the way he gets you away from God, is to disbelieve His Word. And the only way that you can ever stay in fellowship with God, and talk to Him in the cool of the evening, is stay fortified in the Word. Let the curtain of God's Word drop all around you, and you be a drop right in the middle of it. That's right. Then you're fortified...?...

Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham

We must do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ

Notice, safety lied only in the place of His choosing, in His lamb, and in the name of the lamb. Notice, it was a "male" lamb, a he, not a her. Not a church, she; but His Name, not her name. Where He was going to meet the people was not in her name, but in His Name, Him, the Lamb! Now we say, "The church, the great, mighty church, she did this and she did that. She has weighed the storms. We've picked up in population. We're great in numbers. We're a mighty church. She is a great thing." But God never said anything about a she. He said, "Him." "Him," is the meeting place, the Lamb, not the church. Not her name, but His Name. He didn't put her name anywhere. He put His Name in "Him"! That's why, "All we must do, or word or deed, we must do it all in the Name of Jesus Christ." If we pray, we got to pray in the Name of Jesus. If we ask petition, we've got to ask in Jesus' Name. If we walk, we walk in Jesus' Name. If we talk, we talk in Jesus' Name. If we baptize, we've got to baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. For, "All that we do in word or in deed, do it in the Name of Jesus Christ."

God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham


He's the Head and controls you

If you die, you take the blood out of a man, you embalm him. Trouble of it is, a lot of them never got embalmed. You take the blood out of the man, he's gone. Then the only thing you do is put another blood back in him; he's going to live again. You took his blood out. And now we've put the Blood of Jesus Christ in, see, and that brings the faith of Jesus Christ, the virtue of Jesus Christ, the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the temperance of Jesus Christ, the patience of Jesus Christ, the godliness of Jesus Christ, the brotherly kindness of Jesus Christ, and the love of God, which is Jesus Christ. He's the Head and controls you. And your feet is the foundation, faith. Amen! Controlled by the Head, takes the...?... There you are. There is the perfect man of God, when he possesses these virtues.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham