
Always remember that

We ought to honor one another, respect one another as brother, sister. And love one another with undying love. You say, "Well, I just can't." Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people too. You'll love those who doesn't love you. That's really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable. Jesus said, "If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing." But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you; Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God's watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. "While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you."
Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham


God can visit you

There's righteous people walking in all the Light of the Lord; that's the kind of a home that God can get into. Now, if you're serving all kinds of--of parties, and beer, and everything in your house, God will never visit you there. That's right. But if you've got a home that's cleaned up and living for God, with prayer and the Bible open, and a few tear stains on it, God can visit you. That's right. 'Cause you've opened up a channel that He can come to.
I Am The Resurrection And The Life - 52-0810A - William Branham


We all need help one from the other


And what about a brother that has made a mistake? Though I say he's wrong. Sometimes he's accused wrong when he's not wrong. But if he is wrong, well, if we will take him to the throne of God, stand there shoulder-to-shoulder with our brother, knowing he's a mortal, and maybe his destination rests upon our attitude towards him, when we come back from the throne of God, we'll realize that we're every one guilty, and we all need help one from the other. And the best way to do is pray.

58-0301B - The Great Commission - William Branham


Live close to Him


I'm reminded of a little Irish woman come across the sea here some time ago, and she was on her road over here. The jazz bands on the ship was all playing, you know, and going on. And after while there come a great storm, and they sent out SOS calls and so forth.

And the captain run down, he said, "Stop your playing a minute." Said, "We just received word from New York. If we can't hold out thirty minutes, we're going to the bottom of the sea." Said, "Change your music." Said, "All of you pray."

And everybody fell on their knees, and the bands begin to play "Nearer My God To Thee." And all of them begin to pray, and the ship rocking back and forth, and pitching through the waves. The little old Irish mother with a long dress on, long sleeves, and long hair, walked up-and-down was hollering, "Hallelujah. Hallelujah."

When they said, "Why don't you pray, woman?"

She said, "I'm already prayed up. I'm ready." That's right. Walk with Him; be ready.

55 So after while, they kept on, the captain come back and he said, "Lady, what's the matter with you?"

Said, "Oh, I'm so happy."

Said, "Did you understand what I said? If this ship don't hold out, if it holds out—won't hold out thirty minutes, we're going to the bottom of the sea."

She said, "I understood it. Hallelujah."

Said, "What do you mean by that, woman?"

Said, "I'm praising God."

Said, "And you going to the… might be in the bottom of the sea in fifteen minutes from now?"

Said, "Sure." Said, "I'm on my road from Ireland over to America to see my daughter. I haven't seen her for thirty years, and I'm on my road to see my daughter in America." And she said, "If the boat holds out thirty minutes, I'll see her in America." And said, "If it don't hold out, I got one in glory. I'll see one of them in the next thirty minutes. Hallelujah."

That's it. Prayed up, walking with Him, you don't know what time a squeak of brakes, and you're going out into eternity. Live close to Him. Stay in the veil.

Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham



That's the hidden life

The constant Words of Jesus, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore. Fear not." Get that atmosphere around you. Get the atmosphere. "Now, he's Methodist. He's a Oneness. He's a Trinitarian. He's this or that." Get that out of your mind. "I love him. He's my brother." "She's a Catholic. She's a Protestant. She's a…" Get that out of your mind. Get an atmosphere around you. You'll never do it standing out on this other court. You got to come into Christ first, live in His Presence. The Bible said that, "He that overcometh, I'll give him a new name. I'll put My Spirit in him." Watch, there's an overcoming, first. You've got to overcome these things in order to be in Christ. There's where the church is failing in one place: overcoming, overcoming temperance—temper, overcoming difference, overcoming church prejudice, overcoming hatred. Many people tonight who shout and speak with tongues and run up-and-down the aisle, and hate their neighbor. That has… Brother, you're lost yet. That's hard to say, but that's the truth. Right. Overcome. You can only overcome when you… You say, "I'm eating manna, glory to God." Yes, but look what happens from one day to the other. You get the miss-meal cramps. Come on in where the manna's fresh all the time. Whether your neighbor treats you right or not, you'll love him anyhow. That's right. Whether he agrees with you or not, you love him anyhow. That's the way you got to do it. That's the hidden life. That's that consecrated life. That's that life that the veils of the worlds… And you're shut off from the things of the world. You only live in Christ. You see what I mean, church? I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I've got to stand with you at judgment someday. I'm responsible for not telling the truth, if I know It. That's right.
A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


Don't wait another minute

Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know that He's my Father and there's no condemnation." You've passed from death unto Life. You know it, and you notice your life; you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek; all these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind you've done wrong, quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute; go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ.
Hebrews Chapter Six #2 - 57-0908E - William Branham