
It's how far you can stay away from it

The old Scotchman said, one time when there was a hill had to ascend yonder, he… There's some drivers there said, "I can ascend that hill driving these six head of horses and the coach, and drive within six inches of the rim of that mountain, and go around there at a full gallop; I'm a teamster." The Scotchman scratched his head, then he said, "I…" The other one said, "I can ascend it and drive within four inches of the rim, all the way around with my team and never fall off." Said, "Let me take you." They… Said, "What about you?" to the third man. He said, "Sir," he said, "I claim to be a good teamster, but I stay just as far over as I can." He said, "You're the one's going to take me." See? It isn't how close you can go and how much you can play around it; it's how far you can stay away from it. That's the next thing: getting away from it. And don't hook yourself around unbelief.
Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham


But it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer

But in the face of all these un-... doubting ages and things that we have went through and live in today, the worst of all, in the face of all this doubt, God does go right on proving His Words to be right, as He has in every age. He... Unbelief doesn't stop God, it doesn't hinder Him. I don't care how much the world unbelieves, It's still going to happen. Unbelief doesn't do nothing but condemns the unbeliever. The unbelief will send the unbeliever to Hell. It'll rob him of every blessing God promised to him, but it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer. See, unbelief doesn't stop God, it only stops the unbeliever. You say, "I... The sun ain't going to shine tomorrow, I'm going to stop it." You try it. See? All right, you can't do it. God has set it in order and said it would shine, and it's going to shine, that's all, He said it would. There might be some clouds under it, but it's still shining just the same. And you can't stop God with that.
Proving His Word - 64-0816 - William Branham


It's time to do it now

And brother, if there ever was a time… Listen to me, as I speak in the Name of the Lord. If there ever was a time that the Christian people, who's called by the Name of Jesus' disciples; if there ever was a time that the church who believes in righteousness and the power of God; if there ever was a time you ought to dig a ditch and get a stone of a testimony in your hand and mar up some of these old cold formal wells around here, it's time to do it now. That's right. That's right. All right. Let's get going. That's right. God will spread a vision here tonight. He'll do something for you if you can believe Him. Do you believe Him? All things are possible; only believe. Let's bow our heads.
Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham


Now is that the end of that sun?

Look at the sun. The sun comes up of a morning, it's a baby born. God sent it up. It's to serve God's purpose. And at nine o'clock in the morning, it goes to school, it's a teenager. And then at twelve o'clock, it becomes fully matured. After twelve o'clock, fifty years has passed, it's half done, and starts going down, gets weaker, older. It's getting stronger until this time, then starts getting weaker.

Just as we do. We start out, strong. And get... As we come to our full maturity, we get stronger. Then when a certain age, we're our best. Then we start weakening, all the time, going down.

Finally, after while, it sets over the western horizon, a beautiful light. It served God's purpose. It dies. The earth colds, cools off, gets cold, over the night. Now is that the end of that sun? Is that the last time you'll ever see it? No. The next morning, she rises up again, in the resurrection. God, every day, testifying to it, said, "There is a life, death, burial, resurrection."
I Am The Resurrection And Life - 63-1118 - William Branham


Satan don't have to fire at you

As long as you're firing at one another, Satan don't have to fire at you. But let that bound be broke, and spread forth your tents way out yonder, and take in every brother, then, I tell you, the great army of God will rise in the Power of Jesus Christ, go back to the Bible. And you talk about a Church for the rapturing grace, it would come to pass when we can tear down our traditions, forget all of our denominational things, and come right back on the basis of God's Word.
The World Is Falling Apart - 63-1115 - William Branham

That's the Spirit of God in a man

An eagle won't build his nest on the ground. The eagle builds his nest way as high as he can get in the highest peak. That's the reason God likened him to His church. You are a candle that sets on a hill. That's right. High ambitions, high anticipations, we're expecting great things. We're not... Say, "Well, I'm Pentecostal. That settles it." That don't for me. I'm expecting greater things. "I'm Baptist. I'm Methodist. I'm Oneness, Twoness, Threeness," or whatever you are. That don't satisfy me. I got the ambition to move on till I meet Him: up-up, up-up-up. "I received the Holy Ghost. That settles it." It didn't with me. I'm just still taking it, and moving higher and higher (That's right.), just moving on way high: high ambitions, high expectations, ambitions. Not, "Well, we got a pretty nice little church. We'll just settle down. Me and this little crowd, we don't want none of the rest of you in our group." Not me. I want to reach out a hand to every fallen creed...?... rather and bring in. Ambitions, do something. Expectations for a man that had ever walked in truth to see truth... You'll never get him in there that way by downing him. You've got to put your arm around him, and love him, and let him know that you're a brother. Then something will happen. If you're a kin to Jehovah you will do that. You got His Spirit. And He come to ones that hated Him, despised Him, and spit in His face. He still prayed they'd be saved. Certainly. That's the Spirit of God in a man.
As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 61-0122 - William Branham


There's one thing that we have in common

In closing. There was a man and a woman, husband and wife, was separating. And they tried to make up. They went to psychiatrists, to find out if he could draw their minds together, but he couldn’t. They went to everything that they could think of, to try to stay together, but they just fussed, and continually they were divided. And they just couldn’t stand each other, and couldn’t stand in each other’s presence, and they go to fussing. So, they decided they would divorce. So, they hired a lawyer, to give them a divorce. And he said, “Well, now, before we do it,” said, “we’ll sell the place.” And said, “You all better go down and divide the spoils between you before you get the divorce and the place is sold.” So, the husband and wife went together. They went to the home. And they went into the living room, and she said, “I’m going to take this.” And he said, “I’m going to take this.” And they fussed, and they stewed and carried on, one another. After while, they’d say, “Well, I’ll give you this if you’ll take this.” All right, that went on a while. Then they went into the parlor and different places, and into the kitchen, and into the bedroom. They divided their spoils. Then finally they remembered there was some stuff in the attic. So they went up into the attic and they pulled out an old trunk. And they begin to lay out different things, say, “You can have this, and you can have this.” And finally both of their eyes fell on a certain little object, and they both grabbed for it. And they looked at each other. What was it? A pair of little white shoes that belonged to a baby that had deceased. It was part of both of them. There, with their hands clasped like that, over this baby’s shoe. Really, who did it belong to? Whose was it? It belonged to both of them. They had things in common. In a few minutes, as one looked to the other, tears begin to run down their cheeks. What was it? They could divide everything else, but when they come till they had something in common, the child, and it was in heaven, then the fuss was over. In a few minutes, they were in each other’s arms. The divorce was settled. Peace reigned. And, brethren, let me say this to you tonight. We’re not wanting you to join a church. But I’m asking you this. There’s one thing that we have in common, that’s Jesus Christ. He is in common with us. We can’t all be Baptists. We can’t all be Methodists. We can’t all be Oneness, or Threeness, or whatever it is. We can’t be that. But there’s one thing we have in common, that’s the pardoning offer of God, His Son, Jesus Christ. We have all things in Him. But that’s the first thing for us to accept. Then we can get other things, when we accept the pardon that God has offered us. And that won’t be through our educational system, through our denominational system, but will be through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We all can meet there under the cross, and be one and have things in common. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Let us bow our heads just a moment while we pray.
Pardon - 63-1028 - William Branham