
Now is that the end of that sun?

Look at the sun. The sun comes up of a morning, it's a baby born. God sent it up. It's to serve God's purpose. And at nine o'clock in the morning, it goes to school, it's a teenager. And then at twelve o'clock, it becomes fully matured. After twelve o'clock, fifty years has passed, it's half done, and starts going down, gets weaker, older. It's getting stronger until this time, then starts getting weaker.

Just as we do. We start out, strong. And get... As we come to our full maturity, we get stronger. Then when a certain age, we're our best. Then we start weakening, all the time, going down.

Finally, after while, it sets over the western horizon, a beautiful light. It served God's purpose. It dies. The earth colds, cools off, gets cold, over the night. Now is that the end of that sun? Is that the last time you'll ever see it? No. The next morning, she rises up again, in the resurrection. God, every day, testifying to it, said, "There is a life, death, burial, resurrection."
I Am The Resurrection And Life - 63-1118 - William Branham

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