
It'll take care of the rest

If you love the world, the things of the world, the love of the Father's not in you. That may be a little hard to be taught here, but it's the truth; let me tell you. I don't have measuring sticks in church. No, not a bit. No, sir.
Old, old oak tree you have around here holds its leaves all winter long. Spring of the year comes, you don't have to go pick the old leaves off, just let the new life comes in, the old leaf drops off. That's the way it is. Let Christ come into the heart; the rest of it will take care of itself. That's right. Just get Christ in the heart; it'll take care of the rest.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham


See what God will do for you

And, brother, let's get back to God, to the living God, the resurrected One, the One Who's love, the One Who respects no denominations, and respects them all in another way, the One Who loves every creature of His on the earth, and is wanting to come down. He's done everything He can to work His way down into the hearts of men.
He's provided a way like the brass serpent. He provided Jesus to meet all that we have need for while we're in this journey between heaven and earth. That's... He provided Jesus Christ and He's God's all-sufficient sacrifice. Everything you have need of tonight is not in your church; it's in Christ. There it is. It's not in your education; it's not in your theology, what your creed is, what your... It's in Jesus Christ. Look to Him with simple, humble loving faith, and say, "God, cleanse me from all selfishness and take all impurities from me, and let me from this day be wholly Thine." See what God will do for you.

The Inside Man - 53-1212 - William Branham


Ask plenty

20. After Elijah had crossed over, got over on the other side, he said to the young prophet... And them two prophets represented perfectly, Christ and the Church. Elijah going away, leaving the authority with the Church, was a type of Christ going away, leaving the authority with the Church. But the church had to come through Lutheran age, through Methodist age, through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, die out to self in order to receive the blessing.
Now, they crossed the Jordan. And they're going up the hill. Elisha turns around and said, "What would you that I do for you, seeing that you've been patient to follow me from every place, and won't turn back. You're determined to go on?."
Elisha says, "That a double portion of your Spirit might come upon me." That's the way to ask. See? Ask plenty. So God likes to give it that way. Just a little... The trouble... People say, "I--I ask the Father so much..." Oh, my, don't be scared to ask Him: ask just all you can ask. He likes to give you just as much as you got faith to receive. He won't run out. God's got plenty a blessings.

21. Could you imagine a little fish about that long, out in the middle of the ocean saying, "I better drink of this water sparingly; I might run out someday"? Oh, my... that... Why, my... That's nothing compare with what the blessings God's got for you. Could you imagine a little mouse under the great garners of Egypt saying, "I just better eat a few grains each day, because it might not last through the winter"? Why, he could never eat it in a thousand lifetimes. Neither could you "off-surp" the blessings that God's got laid up from you if you live ten million years here on earth. There'll still be plenty of blessings for you left, for He is the inexhaustible fountain of Life. When you plant yourself in Him, by this fountain, it's like the tree that's planted by the rivers of water. How glorious. And how He likes to push forth His blessings to His people and give to them abundantly.

Prophet Elisha - 54-0723 - William Branham


That's His nature

Some people picture Samson as having a--a shoulders about like a barn door. Now, it would be nothing strange about that, to see a man who could pick up the gates of Gaza and walk out with it, or take a lion and pull him apart. But, you know, Samson was just a little bitty (in the street expression), a little shrimp, little bitty, old curly-headed, sissified, mama's boy: seven curls. It was a strange thing. When they thought that a man, a great big ten-foot man could pick up a lion, sure, and kill him. But the strange thing was, this little fellow seemed to be helpless until the Spirit of the Lord come on him. It wasn't Samson. It was the Spirit of the Lord.
That's the reason that it wasn't the apostles. Jesus chose them all, practically every one of them without even enough education to sign their name. He didn't choose priests. He didn't choose theologians. He chose fishermen and herdsmen, the ignorant and unlearned, so that He could take that in His hand, and take nothing and make something out of it. That's His nature.

Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


It's darkest just before the day

4. And now, we see in the first part of this chapter, Abraham was setting in the door of his tent on a real hot day. It must have been a very hot day. Perhaps, lot of complaints had been coming in lately by the herdsmen, that the grass was all gone, the land was drying up, and that the cattle was becoming very thin, and also, that the water supply was just about all gone. They'd found the water holes in the land, and as the water got low, they would dig out and dig out till they got down to where the water was seeping through the rocks, and still the cattle did not have enough water to supply them.
You know, sometimes when things are going wrong, dark... We know by nature that it's darkest just before day. And many times when we see disastrous things happening like that, especially to believers, we must bear this in our mind, that it's Satan trying to block the blessing that's on its road.

5. That was very much so in this case. Satan was trying to tempt them to feel that they had done wrong, and was trying to block the on coming visitation that God was going to give to Abraham and Sarah.
And we're taught in the Scriptures, that all things work together for good to them that love God. And no matter how bad it seems, remember, it has to be working for your good. I'm so glad of that.
Satan's been after me all day. So I just believe that there's a blessing in store here in this city, somewhere. And I know, when he tempts and tries to block out, what's he trying to do? Get you to disbelieve. And if you--the worst thing that you can do is disbelieve God. And as soon as you get a little scared, "Well, maybe I haven't done this and I haven't done that," right then, Satan's got that blessing conquered for you. You can't get to it as long as Satan makes you think that.

Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord - 60-0328 - William Branham


I like that. I like that...

64. I was told a little story once. It helped me a lot. There was a boy that was kidnaped in the early days. I suppose all of you has taken Bible history and taken the history of the church. And in I believe it was the Foxe... No, it wasn't. It was the Nicaea fathers, or, the life of St. Patrick. St. Patrick was... Actually that was just a name was given him. His name was Suscat. And he was--he was kidnaped by a bunch of--of sea-rovers and was hired out to be a hog-raiser.
And this story goes that this kid was kidnaped and taken aboard of a ship, and he was working his way. And the old captain taken sick one day and was--was just about ready to die. And he was so sick, way out on sea, and the old fellow with his gray beard laying in his cabin. And he called his hands, his deck men, said, "Is there a Bible among you?" Said, "When I was a child I had Christian raising," and said, "I'm dying. And, men, I don't want to die like this." He said, "Have you got the Word of God? Any man here's got the Word of God?"

65. Finally way back in the bunch of men, a little boy stood up and he said, "Sir, I have a Bible. I am a Christian. I pack it with me."
He said, "Come here, sonny." He said, "Do you mean you pack a Bible?"
He said, "Yes." Said, "My mother and father was Christians, and I gave my life to Christ when I was just a teeny little fellow, and I've packed His Word with me wherever I go." Said, "I put it upon my heart and it's been in my heart."
He said, "Read me something out of there, son, before I die."
And the little fellow turned over to Isaiah 53 and 5 and it reads like this, "He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed."
And when he said that, the old captain said, "Can you read on?"
The little boy said, "May I comment here?"
And the old captain said to the lad, said, "Go ahead."
He said, "My Christian mother, before I was taken from her," said, "you know she used to read that Scripture to me so much. And you know the way she read it?"
And the old captain said, "No, son, I'd like to hear the way your Christian mother read it."

66. She said... He said, "Here's the way she read it: 'He was wounded for Willie Pruitt's transgressions; He was bruised for Willie Pruitt's iniquity: the chastisement of Willie Pruitt was upon him; and with His stripes Willie Pruitt was healed.'"
The old captain said, "I like that. I like that." Said, "Oh, if my name could only be read in there." Said, "You think you could do it, son?"
He said, "I'll try it." He said, "He was wounded for John Quartz' transgressions, He was bruised for John Quartz' iniquity; the chastisement of John Quartz' peace was upon Him; and with His stripes John Quartz was healed."
With tears running down his beard, he said, "Fetch me my clothes. Jesus Christ has healed me. I give my life to Him." See?

67. Oh, friend, if you can only read your name in there. Oh, if I can read my name. "He was wounded for William Branham's transgressions; He was bruised..." Not the church, not this, not creed, but "He was bruised for my iniquity: the chastisement of my peace was upon Him; and with His stripes William Branham was healed." Oh, if we can just read our name into Scripture and really mean it. It's... That's what does it. Read our name into it makes a receiving, a pardoning. For when we realize that "He was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquity..."

Pardoned - 63-1028 - William Branham


Oh, you can fly away

What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off. Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer.
Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do.
Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


We do not live by what we see

9. Now, may the Lord add his blessing to the reading of His Word. It is a strange thing, that man who was made in the image and the likeness of God and was called of Him to walk by faith, believing that God is, would choose to walk by sight instead of by faith. After his makeup, his being, and all that dwells in him was fashioned in the likeness of God... And God is that great Jehovah Who calls those things which were not as though they were. And man made to live with God in this manner, yet has he chosen to walk by his sight. He wants to be his own boss. He wants no one to tell him what to do. That's just the nature of man.
It proved to be thus in the garden of Eden when he had lost his fellowship with God by choosing to go his own way, and not have any one to rule over him.

10. But a man is made like a sheep. And a sheep cannot find it's way back, I'm told; when it's lost, it's totally lost.
And that's the way with man. When he is lost, he is absolutely helpless. He must have a shepherd to guide him. And man when he chooses, as the days go on, we find man continually getting worse, choosing rather to walk by sight, than stead of by faith, by the Unseen. And when he does that, he robs the inner man, which is the soul. And that's the eternal part of man.

11. Now, "Man shall not live by bread alone," said the Lord, "but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." And a man's physical being, to be taken care of, is not all the reason God put him on the earth. Because what He does with this physical being amounts to very little. It's his soul what counts. It's the inward man that did not come from the earth; it come from heaven, and that's the eternal part of the human being.
But yet, strange that he tries to figure his own way out. And we find it so in the Scriptures. That when a man chooses to walk in his own way and do the way he wants to, God just let's him alone.
Man must not think for himself, but he must let the mind that was in Christ be in him. We are not to think for ourself. We are to call anything contrary to what He said, as though it is not, no matter what our eyes claim to be. We do not live by what we see; we live by what we believe.

Looking At The Unseen - 58-1003 - William Branham

God means just what He says it means

72. The identification, that God's Own interpretation is the manifestation of the promise. Maybe I'll say it, make it a little plainer. When God speaks the Word, He doesn't need any man, or any woman, or no one else to say what That means. When He said... Well, you say, "God meant this." God means just what He says it means. See?
Now, how does He interpret His Own Word? By fulfilling It. The Bible said, "A virgin shall conceive"; she did. That don't need any interpretation. God said, "Let there be light," and there was. That don't need any interpretation.
God said also, that in these last days He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, and He's done it. That don't need any interpretation. That only needs an acception, somebody to accept what God has done. It doesn't need an interpretation. God interprets His own Word. God promised

Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding - 65-0120 - William Branham


God's work

A man's work declares his character. Christ was God's work. And Christ declared God's character, His feeling for the sick, His longing for saving of souls, till even He gave His own life. God's work... God's character was declared in Christ.
And if you can just empty your own intellectual thoughts out and give God the right of way, He can declare His character through the work of your yielding. Empty out; get the world, get your doubts out of the way.
If you come to the altar to be prayed for, say, "I'll go up and see if I get healed," God can never declare His works. You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way and let Him fill you.

Believe From The Heart - 57-0623 - William Branham


It'll come to pass

188. Everything He's got in His Kingdom belongs to us. He just takes the whole big Book full of checks, and signs His Name on the bottom of them, say, "Here you are, son. Anything you need, go get it." Amen.
Don't be afraid to fill it out. Fill it out and hand it in, say, "Thank You, Lord." Hallelujah. It'll come to pass.
"Whatsoever things you desire (Mark 11:24), when you pray, believe you'll receive it, you shall have it."

191. Sign out the check, say, "Lord, I need healing." Tear it off, say, "There You are, Lord, I ask in Jesus' Name for healing." Say, "Thank You, Lord," and walk right on, believe for the healing. That's right. Like them crows sending down that food to Elijah. There it is.
Say, "I need salvation for my soul." What'll you do? Just write out and say, "Said, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labor and heavy laden; I will give you rest.' That's for me, Lord." Fill out the check. "I need salvation. Hand it to me, Lord."
"Here It is." "Thank You, Lord." Walk away with it.
Need the Holy Ghost? Yes, sir. "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem till you're endued with power from on High. After this the Holy Ghost come upon you, you'll be witness of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, and Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world." You believe It? Fill out the check and send it up signed, see what happens. God will give it: God's provided way. He provided you a Checkbook; go ahead and fill it out. God promised it. You believe that? Sure. God always has a provided way.

God's Way Made For Us - 52-0900 - William Branham



I believe that every person come here tonight, with good intentions. And I believe that your intentions is to know something of the Lord Jesus. You would not have come out here, if you had a--a mind of the world, you'd probably be over here, and where they were having worldly pleasures of some sort, bathing on the beach, or out in the museum, or the parks, or somewhere, on those kind of things. But you've come tonight, merely because you wanted know what this was all about. Maybe you are a renowned Christian. And every Christian person--person longs to know more the Lord Jesus. Don't you believe that?
And I believe, if there was one thing that every person in here would long to see tonight, would know were truly to see the Lord Jesus appear here at the platform or somewhere in Person. And that's our great anticipation of waiting His coming. Someday He will return, and we will see Him. Until that time, He's with us in a Spirit form, and He only has hands as we yield our hands. He only has eyes as we yield our eyes, a voice as we yield our voice to Him. And we become a complete yielded vessel; then the Holy Spirit speaks through us.

This microphone here, it--it's a mute unless there's a voice here to go through it. And that's the way we are, the church is: The church is a complete mute unless it is subject to the Spirit of God, to let the Spirit speak through the church as God will. And then it becomes a voice to the world, as long as it--it's an outlet. The church is the outlet of the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ to the peoples of the world.

Now, if there would be any person in here, anyone, that would say... How many in here would like to see the Lord Jesus? Let's see your hands just around. Everyone, everyone would like to see Him.
Now, I had my hand up too. I would love to see Him, and I believe tonight... Now, why can't we see Him? That's the next thing. Now, He promised that He wouldn't hide Hisself from us, that He would reveal Himself to us, and come to us, and be with us, and in us; and He would be the same in His church, that He was when He was in flesh; and He would continue that way until He came again in flesh. Is that His promise? We all know that to be truth. The Bible says this.
Our Lord Jesus, before going away, He said, "A little while, and the world will see Me no more." Now, that's the world. The world there means the--not the world--it's the world order, not the--the world, earth, it's the world order, the people. "A little while, and the world will see Me no more, yet ye..." Now, He was talking to a "ye," not just to them individuals, because watch. See? "Yet ye, shall see Me. You will see." For He promised He'd be with us, even in us, until the end of the world. Is that right?

Now, there's going to be somebody that's going to be on the sign--the side of the "ye." "Ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you." There's going to a side of the world, who doesn't desire to see Him. They just--well, if it's for curiosity, they'd like to see Him. But otherwise, just merely to pay the price, and become a Christian, well that's different.
Now, the "ye's" that's here tonight, may be privileged to see the Lord Jesus Christ, the persons that's the "ye." And I pray that every one of you are "ye's" tonight.

To See Jesus - 54-0718E - William Branham


A lollipop

Gypsy Smith, I believe it was, once said that the greatest offering that he ever had, outside of salvation... Said, "One night he was going to have a love offering taken up from it, for him." I think, by the way, that's the reason he was put out of the Salvation Army, was taking an--an offering, or something... No, it was something somebody give him, a watch or something. I believe you're not supposed to do that in the Salvation Army.

But said, "That all the people would--had give him a love offering. And from the depths of their heart they'd done it." Many of those people's in glory tonight and their reward is with them for helping that wonderful man of God. And he said one striking thing. When he started to leave the audience that night, standing back behind the curtain was a little girl, ragged, and she had a little present wrapped up in her hand. And she said, "Give Mr. Smith," said, "this is all I have, but this is my love offering to you." And when he got outside and unwrapped it, it was a lollipop, been licked on a little bit. But she happened to think that she... It was all she had to give.

He used to tell how he--how it got him. That's right, it's all she had. You know, the One Who watched the widow put in the two pennies tithings that time, He seen that lollipop, don't you believe so? Sure He did; He sees everything. No matter how insignificant it is, Jesus said, "Isn't two sparrow--isn't two sparrows sold for one farthing." And a farthing is a fourth of a penny. Two sparrows, one farthing, one fourth of a penny will buy two sparrows, how insignificant. And said, "There's none of it... neither of them... No sparrow could even fall without your Father knowing about it." He knows everything, doesn't He? So isn't it wonderful then just to lay our hearts right out before Him?

Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


I'm convinced

I'm convinced that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm convinced in the ministry and the Message I'm preaching. I am convinced that It's the Truth. I'm convinced that these visions come from God. I am convinced we're living in the last days. I'm convinced that this very Spirit that's on you now is the Holy Ghost. Glory.
I'm thoroughly convinced. I'm convinced that the Holy Ghost way is right. I'm convinced that the Bible way is the Truth. I'm convinced that This is Jesus Christ here now. I'm convinced if we believe Him at this minute. I'm convinced that He'll heal every sick person in a moment in a twinkling of a eye. I'm convinced that He'd pour out the Holy Ghost upon here till there'd be such a shout till hard to tell what would take place. I'm convinced. I believe it with all my heart.

Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0610 - William Branham



20. You know what I find in traveling? I say this with humbleness. I find two classes of people. One, the fundamental, the other one, the Full Gospel. They're both fine classes of people. But here's the trouble. The fundamental knows what they are, positionally, in Christ, but don't have much faith to exercise it. The Full Gospel's got plenty of faith, but don't know what they are. That's right.
Just like a man's got a lot of money in the bank, but he don't know how to write a check. And the other man's got no money in the bank and he knows how to write a check. If I could ever get them together.
If you realize that you're a son and daughter of God, and the deposit's made in Calvary, and you've got a checkbook in your hand, write anything you want to on there, God's promised to take care of it. It's in the bank. It was deposited at Calvary. Your salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're worries, and things gone. And everyone of you can be perfectly made well, 'cause your redemption is already redeemed before God, and He's setting at the right-hand of God to make intercessions upon your confession.

Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham


Soul, Body, Spirit

Now, a man is made up as a triune being: soul, body, spirit. Now, the outside is the body. There's five gates to that body, and that's the five senses, of course: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, like the seed that's planted... The inside of that is the pulp-like of the seed, which is the soul. There's five gates to that you enter into: conscience, and memory, and so forth.
But then inside of that little compartment is the third compartment, which is the spirit. And that's what controls the rest of it. There's only one avenue through that, and that's self will. You can accept or turn away and that's the only avenue to that. If you accept the will of God through that spirit, God's Spirit takes His place in your heart and controls the rest of you. And if you do not accept that, then the enemy takes that spot and controls the rest of you.

An Ensign - 62-0119 - William Branham


Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones

262. So one cold day, he was standing by the gate of the city of Tours, when he was going in, and said there laid an old beggar in the street. You've have read it, no doubt, many a time. There laid a beggar in the street, freezing to death, a real cold winter. He was begging people, "Come. Will--will somebody give me a cloak? I'll freeze tonight. I can't lay out on this ground like this. Will somebody give me a coat?" Nobody. He said, "Please, somebody have mercy, an old man, I'm dying. I've served my time. I've done my best. Don't let me die. I'm freezing to death. Somebody wrap me up, will you?"
And so he just stood back, Saint Martin, looking. He wasn't a believer; he wasn't a Christian then; he hadn't accepted It. He just stood and watched. Nobody did it, when the crowds went on by, some of them plenty well to do it. He only had one coat, and that was his military coat. He pulled out his sword and cut it, half in two, wrapped the old beggar up in it, and went on.
People laughed at him going down the street, one piece of coat hanging on him. "What a funny looking soldier," they said it was, made fun of him.
That night he was woke up in his sleep. He looked, standing by the side of his bed, and there stood Jesus wrapped in that old piece of coat that he'd wrapped the beggar in. Then he knowed, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones..."
It was a paradox, his call. He was the--he was the messenger of that age. He stood for the Scripture, against all the wickedness of Catholicism in that day. God chose him, and He let him see Christ by a paradox.

Paradox - 64-0206B - William Branham


Make me the best doormat

53. "Lord, if I'm to be the doormat, make me the best doormat You ever had. Whatever I am to be, let me be." Not, "Make me... If I can't be a Billy Graham, or an Oral Roberts, why, I ain't going to be at all." See? Why, you're just as much thought of as Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, if--if you got a--if you're the doormat, if you're God's... If God needs a doormat, He--He wants a good doormat; that's all. See? It doesn't matter. But we go along presuming that we're supposed to be this or that. Don't do that. Just ask for service, whatever it is. See? Whatever it is, let God choose your service. See? And then when He gives you service, remember that it is Jesus that directed you here. You were born for that purpose. Be a--a good servant to Him, wherever it is. Yes.

Remembering The Lord - 63-0122 - William Branham


Love produces faith

27. "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.
Wished I had time to tell you the experiences with wild life, of what I've seen conquered by faith, by love. I told you the other night about the old opossum being sent up. I seen a vicious bull one day, was going to kill me. This is on record; I was a game warden at the time. I was going over the hill to pray for a sick man. And we're supposed to pack a gun, but you wouldn't go to pray for a sick man with a gun on your hand. So I took the gun and laid it in the little old truck, and crossed over through the field. And I was way out in the field and I knew... I had a--ought to of thought that this killer bull was out there, he'd just killed a colored man on a farm, Mr. Burks, just about three months before that, and they sold him up there to the people that had these Durham cattle.

28. And then when I started across the field, right out in a big open field, and not over about thirty yards from me, this big fellow raised up, and threw his horns down, and let out a big bellow, if you know what I'm talking about. And there he was, horns about like this. And here he come.
At first it scared me. I--I looked for a tree, and there wasn't any tree. And I know he could out run me to the fence. So I thought, "Well, this is it." So then, something happened. O God, if that would only stay there instead of going away. Something happened. I--I wish God would let it happen to everybody here tonight just long enough to get healed. See?

29. Something happened that I wasn't scared of the bull. I felt sorry, because I disturbed him; I was in his field. He was laying out there not bothering me. I come along and woke him up. And so I felt sorry for him. Now, you can't bluff it; it has to be there. That's the way faith is; you can't bluff; you got to really have it. The Devil will know it.
And this fellow started towards me with his head down, just as hard as he could. I wasn't no more afraid of that bull then I would be of any of my dear brothers and sisters standing on this platform. And he run within about five feet of me, and he stopped, he looked at me so depleted; he looked right and left. I said, "Fellow, I'm sorry I disturbed you." I said, "Now, you're God's creature, and I'm God's servant. Now, the Creator that made you made me, and I am His servant. I'm on my journey across the hill to pray for one of His sick children. If I knowed you been laying there, I wouldn't have come by and disturbed you. So now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Creator, go back and lay down."

30. At the judgment bar you'll see it brought into light. That bull looked at me a few minutes, turned around, walked over, and laid down. And I--I stood there, the tears running down my cheeks. I walked within five foot of that bull, and he never even turned his head and looked at me. Why? Instead of hating him, I loved him. Love will conquer anything. Right.
That's what conquered my heart when I knowed that God so loved me that He gave His only begotten Son, that I wouldn't have to perish. Knowed that I was born in this world a sinner, and was perishing, and God loved me that He gave His Son to--for my life to be redeemed. And then I--I couldn't hate no more; I had to love. That's what brings these results that you see. It's love.

Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


The mother eagle

33. Now, this old mother eagle's determined that her child ain't going to be like that. And I'm so glad that she is. Yes, sir. I'm glad that we don't have to hover down under something like that. "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord, our God, shall call." God's determined in every age, He will take His eagles out. Absolutely.
So there comes a time that this little eagle's just got it awful soft, walking around on sheepskins. Oh, he's just got the Holy Ghost, and he's just about to burn the town down. But you know what? He can't get--he can't stay in that nest all the time. That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church. It's staying too long in the nest.

34. So you know what happens? The old mother comes into that nest, and she takes that same beak, that she daubed it all up with, and pulls every bit of that sheepskin out, every bit of that rabbit fur out, and throws the thing out of the nest. She makes the nest so miserable, till he--they can't even set down.
You know, God knows how to make you willing to do things. That's happened to the many of your families. Certainly it is. He just pulls all the soft pad out, so you walk on thorns. Every time he sets down, it's on a thorn. He jumps up. He becomes discouraged after while, and I think, if there ever was a time that the Pentecostal church ought to be discouraged, is now. We've denominated ourself, built great barriers of lines. One's Assemblies, the other one's a Oneness, the other one is a--a this, and that, and the other one. And then we just built such lines, and barriers till there's stick stick, here, and stick stick, there. What's the matter? God's fixing to take us out of it. That's exactly what it is. Them little old eagles get tired setting down on them thorns.
Great revival going on; "Don't you do it; we're not cooperating." Oh, try and stop an eagle one time.

35. Mama eagle knows what to do. So she throws all the packing out, so it'll make it rough, and he's willing to leave. You know, that works in many ways, if we had time to speak of it. Sometimes God has to take some--one of your love ones away. Sometimes He has to cause sickness to hit you. The doctors say, "Well, there's just nothing more can be done." Sometimes God just took all the padding out of the nest. You believe it? Sure, He does.
Oh, you say, "I've been strong and healthy all my life," but the pad got out of the nest one day. You can't walk on that sheepskin all the time; you've never left the nest. You just can't stand around church, and shout and praise God, and jump-up-and-down and run around. There's work to be done.
So you know what that old mother eagle does? She comes down there and looks at them poor little fellows bouncing around. So she wants to show them how great she is. That's the only way she can get their attention. Maybe God had to let you take TB before He could get your attention.

36. Oh, you say, "I belong to the biggest church in this city. I--I've been a loyal--I've been a loyal tithe payer." That's good. "I've never did anybody any wrong, why should the Lord let me get sick?" Maybe He's just stirring your nest a little bit. He wants to show you how great He is.
You know, really, the little eagle has never seen mama. He's been so satisfied in the nest, he don't know how great she is. So you know what the eagle does? The mother eagle is far a bigger bird than the father eagle. A good sized bald eagle can spread fourteen feet from wing to wing. That's right. And you know, this little eagle has been down in his nest all the time, and so satisfied with just shouting, and jumping, and running around, until, you know, he's never knowed how big mama was that put him in that nest.
So God has to let sickness strike His church once in a while. He has to let a little depressing of the Spirit come, take a little of the joy out of the church, just to spread forth His wings and show you Who He is. So he begins to get, oh, my, a sticker here, and a sticker there, and everywhere he sets is a sticker. Why, he's ready to get out of that nest.

37. So the big mama comes up there and spreads forth that great big wings. Oh, I watched them, how mammoth she looked, far beyond the boundaries of the nest. Her--her nest is about eight or ten foot around, and her wings are fourteen feet. How she stands on that nest, and she screams to them little ones. And then, when the little ones look up, she spreads forth her great, mighty wing. She's trying to get them to have faith. She's going to do something with them.
And maybe, God might stir your nest, so He can spread forth His wings to show you how great He is. He wants to do something for you. He wants to show you how great Thou art, how great Thou art. And when we have to lay on our back and look up towards the sky, and to see Him spread His wings in the solar system, from sky to sky, to see those stars...

As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 58-0316 - William Branham


God is under obligation to reveal Himself to you

17. And so, that's the way it is tonight, those who desire to see God must come with a perfect heart, with all strange feelings set aside, with all malice towards their neighbor set aside, with all malice towards other churches, and other individuals, and forms of worship. You must come with that perfect heart. "Could I see You, Lord Jesus? Now, I'm...?... take all my superstitions away, and I am going to seek tonight, to see the Lord Jesus." Now, I hope that your intention, every one of you.
And I believe, that if you come with that kind of an intention, that God is under obligation to reveal Himself to you. Don't you believe that? That God is under obligation to reveal Himself to you here tonight.

18. Now, it wouldn't be any strange thing to people, if we talked about the Lord Jesus after His promise said that He would reveal Himself to us. Couldn't we see Him?
Someone said not long ago, a little boy, he was away to a school. And he asked his preacher; he said, "Could anybody see God?" And the little... The preacher said, "Why, no one could see God." Said, "The Bible says that no can see God and live."
And then another one... He went to his Sunday school teacher, and his Sunday school teacher said, "Why, certainly not, sonny, no one could see God and live." And everyone was discouraging telling that no one could see God.
One day, while he was down on the river, he was with an old fisherman. And the old fisherman was pulling his boat and weeping because he was looking at a rainbow.
He said, "Sir, can anyone see God?"
The old fisherman must be so full of God, until he said, "Sonny, all I've seen in the past thirty-five years, has been God."

19. Now, if we become so filled with God, and so immuned from the things of the world, we can see God in every act in every move of life. Don't you believe that? If we set aside all the things of the world... Sometimes we come to church, for instance, to a meeting like this, say, "Now, I'm going down there. I don't believe in no such stuff as that. I don't believe it, and I'm going down there, because I'm going to prove to myself there's nothing to it." Well, that's just the way you'll return, the same way. You'll say, "Well..." Because Satan will show you many things that there is--and he will tell you there's nothing to it. But now, if you go with the intention to find God or to know of God, God will reveal Himself to you, because He's under obligation to do so. That's exactly right, and He will do it.

To See Jesus - 54-0718 - William Branham


He's watching tonight

76. ...Now, we find out that they'd gone off on one, so excited because they seen the bread made, and stuff like that. They thought, "Oh, we're just rowing out here. And go on without Him; it'll be all right."
And the first thing you know the sea begin to get worse and worse. Satan said. "Now, I got them. Now, I'll get rid of every one of them, out here on the sea."
And she begin to dash, and the whitecaps, and the little boat become waterlogged. The mast pole broke down, the oars broke off, and there they was letting her drive just any way they could. They were screaming for fear. Every wave... Satan setting on every wave there, glinting his glittery eyes, and showing his fangs, and saying, "I'll sink them on the next one. I'll sink them on the next one."

77. All hopes was gone. But you know what? He was still watching them. The Bible said He climbed up the mountain. And He was standing up there watching them, seeing what they was in trouble. I'm so glad that grace is still in existence. If it wasn't, we'd all be gone. When He left us, He climbed the highest mountain that there could be, Calvary. And then climbed on a past the moon, stars, Jupiter, Venus, Milky White Way, plumb on in, till He went so high till He even has to look down to see heaven. He can see everywhere. And His eye is on the sparrow. I know He's watching tonight. Amen. I believe that with all my heart. He's watching tonight.

Testimony On The Sea - 62-0720 - William Branham


What would your faith do today?

31. What's Jesus doing? He's got his eyes set to Calvary. He's going right straight to Jerusalem to be offered up for a Sacrifice. The weight of every sin that was ever committed on the earth, or ever would be committed, rested upon His precious shoulders. He was a big Man. When people say bad things about you, if you can just go on forget it, that shows you're a big man. Little men can't tamper with it; He was too big to listen to their criticism. He had one thing to do; that's the Father's will. He had to die for those men.
So He kept going with His face set towards Calvary. You can imagine, the strain on Him, the seeing yonder, of Gethsemane, the agonies of Golgotha, the forsaking of God, the earth turning black, His shoulders rubbing, His face bleeding, His wounds. All was on Him, even to His scream, "Father, is it possible, that this cup..." And He--such agony till His water and Blood separated and dropped from His brow. Nothing, only extreme agony would do that. All that was resting upon Him.
And all one howl one thing and one another. But the apostles doing the best they could to keep the people away from Him. And He marched on towards Jerusalem.

32. And this blind man said, "Oh, my. My time is past. Oh, I can't let Him pass. Oh, Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Have mercy on me. Oh, He can't hear me; He's way up the road. What can I do?" Rebekah said, "Now, look (See?), if you will pray and ask God, something will happen. Just don't be excited. Just ask God."
Blind Bartimaeus then said, "O Jehovah, You know my condition, oh, I--I--I'm--I'm blind. I--I've waited, You've just been revealing something to me; I've been strangely stirred. That's why I'm here, and just at my opportunity."
And Jesus could be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. He can still be touched by the feeling of all that. He couldn't hear the man's voice, of course not. But his faith (Think of it.), the faith of a insufficient beggar; bum we'd call it today, blind man, dirty, ragged, setting by a gate side begging, stopped the Son of God on His march to Calvary. Yes, sir.
What would your faith do today? It'll bring Him from heaven down here to any individual.

Blind Bartimaeus - 56-0414 - William Branham


But by the bags of the knees in his pants...

Man ain't measured by muscles; that's beast. Man's measured by character. I seen men that weighed two hundred pounds and all muscle and didn't have an ounce of man in him. Throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her, that ain't a man; that's a beast. That's brute. Man is character. There never was a man like Jesus Christ. But the Bible said there was no beauty that we should desire Him. Probably a little, bitty Fellow, stooped in the shoulder or something... We all hid as it was our faces from Him. But He... There never was a character like that. That's what real man is. You don't measure a man's muscles, but by the bags of the knees in his pants where he's been praying. That's the way you measure a man, by character. It's true.

Hear Ye Him - 60-0712 - William Branham


You renew your youth

75. And that's the reason God likened Himself to an eagle. He likes His children to eagles. And because they're the highest soaring bird, they can go higher than any other bird there is. His eye's so keen. It wouldn't do him no good to get up there unless he seen what was going on down here, see far off. He likened His prophet to eagles that can sail up like this, and look way off and see things coming, come back down and tell the people what's fixing to happen: the eagle.
And these old eagle, when he begins to get old, he finds... And he goes way up high into the cleft of the rocks, and he finds a certain rock. He gets up there. He's getting so old he can't hardly walk around. This crust is killing him, over his head.
And he takes his head and he starts beating against that rock, beating it against the rock until he knocks the crust off his head. Oh, it hurts him. You can see him up there flopping around. He will jump back (watching him through glasses), he will knock his head again. What's he trying to do? Knock that crust off. And he will bleed, and the blood will run all over him till he knocks that crust off.

76. And if he can't knock it off, he dies. But if he gets it knocked off, he will start rejoicing and screaming. You can hear him for miles, just a-screaming. Why? He knows that he's got all the crust off of him. He knows that his youth's going to be renewed because that he got the crust off. That's wonderful. I appreciate that for the eagle.
But brother, I know a Rock. Amen. I know a Rock that the weary sinner can beat his, not his head on there, but beat himself in prayer till all the crust of the world is took off of him, all the unbelief, the shackles are broke loose. And that man can beat himself in prayer there till every sin-shackle is broke away from him.
I know where prostitutes can beat till they become ladies. I know where drunkards and gamblers can beat till they become saints of God, men of God. I know a Rock. That Rock is Christ Jesus, our Refuge. And as soon as you get all the world beat off of you, you renew your youth.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0518 - William Branham


He saw something real...

65. This little story... It might come in just handy right now. I want to say it. You... All you know that I hunt. I--I'm--I love to hunt. My mother's a, that just passed away recently, she was almost a half Indian. And I--I've hunted all my life. First thing I ever bought... I dropped sweet potato plants all day and got a quarter, bought me a steel trap, and caught a rabbit, sold the rabbit for fifteen cents, and bought me two more steel traps: started right off in the business. I was only about six years old. I've been hunting, trapping, ever since. And I go up into the north woods to hunt, used to, up there, and way up.
And I had a good hunting partner up there, and he was a dandy hunter, real good shot; and a man that you didn't have to worry about getting him lost in the woods. He knowed how to get out of there. And I used to love to hunt with him. But he was so cruel-hearted. He--he had eyes like a lizard. You know how them funny looking eyes, like women try to paint theirs today? You know, lizard-eyed like. And so she...
He was a very fine man, but he was cruel. He used to kill fawns just to make me feel bad. He just... He knowed I...

66. Now, it's all right to kill a fawn; that's all right. If the law lets you kill a fawn, my hunter brothers, that's all right. Abraham killed a calf and fed it to God, and God eat it. That's right. So the sex, or the size has nothing to do with it. But just to kill just for the fun of killing, that's a murderer. I don't believe in destroying things. I was seven years a game warden myself, as you know. So now, remember, always be honest and right with those things. And here was a...
He'd shoot these little fawns, and maybe not even pick them up, just to make me feel bad. Just cruel-hearted... And I tried to talk to him about God. And I'd mention God, he'd just stand there and laugh with his head back. So... But way down in him I thought there was something might be good in a man. You don't... Don't never turn a man down altogether. Just try your best, keep on. Let God do the turning down.

67. So I--I... One day I went up there, and it was late in the season. And them white-tailed deer, up there, my. You talk about Houdini being an escape artist, he was a amateur the side of them. And anyhow, when they been shot at, they were just--just vanished. And moonlight night, they'd feed at nighttime, and crawl under brush in the day, get back in the thicket. You never find them.
And there come a nice little snow that night, about six or eight inches, good tracking weather. And we were--took off for hunting. And we'd always carry a thermos bottle full of hot chocolate, where if we got turned around somewhere in the woods, or killed a deer, and had to walk back, or got in a snowstorm, that chocolate would help keep you alive. It's better than coffee or anything, because it's got a--a fuel to it, and a nourishment to chocolate. So I had a... We each one had a quart in our shirt and a sandwich.
And we'd walked all morning, hadn't even seen one track, and we were... Long about eleven-thirty or twelve o'clock, we come to a little opening about the size of this building here. And he--he was ahead of me, walking, and we'd usually go way up into the--above the timber lines, then we'd... He'd split, and we'd go one way and another, and walk down through. And if we got a deer, we'd hang it up. And we'd know when we come back to the base camp... We'd be back there that night, or if we wasn't, we didn't worry about one another. We'd know how to take care in the woods, and we'd be back the next day.

68. So then, I thought he was fixing to leave, 'cause we're getting pretty high up. And the deers usually run up the mountain when they were scared. And so then he stopped at this little place and set down. And I thought he was reaching back in his shirt to get a hold of this thermos bottle to--to eat our lunch; and then we'd separate and go back. So instead of that, he brought out this little old whistle.
He had made a little whistle that sounded just like a little baby deer crying for its mammy. You know how--you know how a fawn goes, that little funny noise. Well, he'd fixed him a whistle, sounded just exactly like that. And I said to him 'fore we left that morning; I said, "Burt, you wouldn't use that?"
He said, "Aw, you're like all the rest of the preachers. You'd never make a hunter. You're too chicken-hearted." Said, "Don't--don't--don't... You're--you preachers are too chicken-hearted to be hunters." And usually I had to get his game anyhow.

69. But--but however, he--he was going to shoot this little deer. So he reached down in his shirt, and he pulled out this whistle. I said, "You wouldn't do that."
He said, "Oh, get next to yourself, Billy. Get next to yourself." There was a snowdrift there, and he blowed this little whistle.
And I thought, well, we hadn't seen a track, wouldn't hurt nothing. But to my surprise, about as far as across this building, a great big, beautiful, whitetail doe stood up. Now, that's the mother deer: doe. Her big ears standing out like that, her big beautiful eyes looking. What was the matter? No matter how good she was hid, a baby, her baby cried. It was in distress. She jumped up. She begin looking around. Now, we wasn't standing over thirty yards from her.
He looked up to me with them lizard eyes, and I thought, "Oh, my." And he blowed it again. And that deer walked right out into that opening. Now, anyone that hunts deer knows that's absolutely unusual. They won't do that, especially when they've been shot at, and that time of day too: about eleven o'clock, twelve. She walked right out in the opening.
And I looked at her, and I begin to think. "That mother, he's deceiving her. He's blowing that whistle like a little baby crying, her baby. And she's not a hypocrite. She's not just acting; she's not putting on something. But she's borned a mother. It's instinct in her. She's a mother, and that's a baby crying. She was a genuine born mother. It was in her."

70. She stepped out there again. He looked at me again like that. I nodded my head like that. He... I reached down. I heard that shell go up in that .30-06, big hundred and eighty grain mushroom bullet, level down at that telescope. I knew in a few moments when he touched that trigger (He was a dead shot.), I knowed he'd blow her loyal heart plumb through her.
And, "How could he do that?" I thought. "A cruel-hearted a man as that would take that mother there, trying to find her baby, out there looking for her baby; and would blow her loyal heart right out of her." I thought, "What a cruel fellow that must be. Surely he won't do it."
And when the--the bolt went down on the model 70, went down like that, the deer heard it, and she turned. And she saw the hunter. But did she move? No, sir. Why? She was a mother. Death or no death, her baby was in trouble. She was trying to find that baby. She was looking everywhere. The baby was calling. She couldn't help that. She was a mother.

71. I--I was almost crying. I just turned my head. I thought, "God, I can't see that. How can he do that, blow the heart of that poor old mother out there, and her standing looking for her baby? A genuine display of loyalty, and how can he do it?" He leveled down like that, that steady nerve. I turned my back. And I said, "Heavenly Father," down in my heart, "don't let him do it. Don't let him do it. How can he do it? How can he shoot the heart of that mother out like that, and her trying to find her baby like that?"
And I waited, and the gun never fired. I waited a little longer; the gun never fired. And I turned around to look. And here's the way the gun barrel was going, just shaking. And he looked up, and the tears running down his cheeks, his lips a quivering. He took the gun and throwed it down on the snow bank, and grabbed me around the trouser leg, and said, "Billy, I've had enough. Lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."
He's a deacon in a Baptist church now. Right there on that snowdrift, I led him to Christ. Why?
He saw something real. He saw something that wasn't put on. He saw there was something genuine. He knowed there was something behind it. She was a mother. She was a born mother.

72. God, make me a Christian like that. Make me to be a Christian, so that I can be so real that people who are looking for something real can see something real, and know that Christ is real. Let us bow our heads.
How many in here... Be honest. Just a minute, will you? Be honest. How many of you would like to be the kind of--as much a Christian, as that deer was a mother? Raise up your hand, say, "It's me, Brother Branham. I--I want to be that kind of Christian." God bless you.

Behold A Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 62-0721 - William Branham


You just let the pressure off

99. You say, "Well, I--I wonder, Brother Branham." You don't wonder; you just let the pressure off. Commit your case to God, and go on as if it was all over. Don't build up pressure; it lets off pressure.
"Well," you say, "I am so worried, Brother Branham, I just don't know." Let off the pressure. Amen. In the city of refuge He took your worry, so you--you don't have to have it. Cast your cares on Him, for He careth for you. Don't you worry about your cares; that's His business.

101. I met a woman here some years ago in a ten cents store. She was about sixty years old, looked about thirty years old. I said, "How do you do it, sister?"
She said, "Brother Branham, I've got two sons that's doctors that's older than you are." And honest-to-goodness, she--she didn't look over thirty years old. She said, "Here's what it was. When I come to Christ when I was about twelve years old... And I set down and thought about it. I studied other religions, but when I found the true one..." She said, "I come to Christ and took my case, my soul, my all to Him," and she said, "I've never had a worry since." Said, "Now, He promised to take care of all my troubles." And said, "If He's not big enough to do it, I know I'm not big enough to do it; so what's the use of me worrying about it." See? That's it.
Christ promised that He'd take all your cares. Cast your cares on Him. So what are you worrying about? Worry builds up pressure; pressure blows up. So just cast your cares on Him and quit worrying. All right.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0513E - William Branham


A bigger circle

A certain organization the other day, because that I let another minister set on the platform that didn't belong to their organization, he said, "We have drawed a line. We have drawed you out of it, Brother Branham, out of, out of our circle."
I said, "I'm drawing another one, so big... take you back in again." I said, "So you just can't push me out." That's right. "I'll draw a line right over the top of yours and take you right back." See?
That's for... We are brethren. "We are not divided; all one body are we." Right. We're Christians, borned of His Spirit, washed in His blood. We are Christians. We should act like Christians; we should behave ourselves like Christians, men and women. Let me tell you that that's one thing the church is lacking today, is behaving itself like Christians.

Expectation - 61-0205M - William Branham

You do that the very best that you know how to do it

Whatever God wants you to do, then you do that the very best that you know how to do it. No matter how little, no matter how little it is, you must do it.
You say, "Well..." The trouble of it is, each one of us wants to do the next man's job. We all want to pack the ball, as we say. You see?
Like this watch here, now, every little movement in there has its place. Now, every part of it can't be the hands. Now, I only look at the hands to see what time it is. But if one of them little wheels in there gets out of order, that won't keep the right time.
And that's the way it is with people. We've all, the Body of Christ has got to be in their position in harmony. See? And then we can look around and see what time of day it is. See? Then the world's a-looking to see what it is. See, see? But they're watching you. And if you're just a little hair spring, main spring, or whatever you are, you do the very best job you can at that.

God Doesn't Call Man To Judgement Without First Warning Him - 63-0724 - William Branham


What God does is real

What the devil does is myth; what God does is real. Therefore, I'd like this to sink deep down into the heart. When God saves a man, he's saved. Don't worry about ever going back, you can't. What God does is eternal. The devil can work you up and make you believe you're saved, but when God actually saves you, you've got it as long as ever is, because you got Eternal Life; Jesus said so. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Eternal Life and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's as eternal as God Himself, because it's His Word.

Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It - 59-0920 - William Branham

The hidden Manna

Jesus is the hidden Manna; Christ is the church's Manna. What is manna? Manna in the Old Testament was that what come down from heaven fresh every night to sustain the church in its journey. Is that right? Now, in the New Testament what is the hidden Manna? "A little while and the world seeth Me no more (hidden); yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." And Christ is that hidden Manna that comes from God out of heaven afresh every day--every day. We can't say, "Well, two weeks ago I had a great experience of God." What about right now? See? Every day, fresh, a new blessing, a new something coming from God, the hidden Manna coming down from God out of heaven, Christ. And we feast upon this Manna which is Christ, and He sustains us through the journey till we reach the--the land on the other side.

Question And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham