33. Now, this old mother eagle's determined that her child ain't going to be like that. And I'm so glad that she is. Yes, sir. I'm glad that we don't have to hover down under something like that. "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord, our God, shall call." God's determined in every age, He will take His eagles out. Absolutely.
So there comes a time that this little eagle's just got it awful soft, walking around on sheepskins. Oh, he's just got the Holy Ghost, and he's just about to burn the town down. But you know what? He can't get--he can't stay in that nest all the time. That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church. It's staying too long in the nest.
34. So you know what happens? The old mother comes into that nest, and she takes that same beak, that she daubed it all up with, and pulls every bit of that sheepskin out, every bit of that rabbit fur out, and throws the thing out of the nest. She makes the nest so miserable, till he--they can't even set down.
You know, God knows how to make you willing to do things. That's happened to the many of your families. Certainly it is. He just pulls all the soft pad out, so you walk on thorns. Every time he sets down, it's on a thorn. He jumps up. He becomes discouraged after while, and I think, if there ever was a time that the Pentecostal church ought to be discouraged, is now. We've denominated ourself, built great barriers of lines. One's Assemblies, the other one's a Oneness, the other one is a--a this, and that, and the other one. And then we just built such lines, and barriers till there's stick stick, here, and stick stick, there. What's the matter? God's fixing to take us out of it. That's exactly what it is. Them little old eagles get tired setting down on them thorns.
Great revival going on; "Don't you do it; we're not cooperating." Oh, try and stop an eagle one time.
35. Mama eagle knows what to do. So she throws all the packing out, so it'll make it rough, and he's willing to leave. You know, that works in many ways, if we had time to speak of it. Sometimes God has to take some--one of your love ones away. Sometimes He has to cause sickness to hit you. The doctors say, "Well, there's just nothing more can be done." Sometimes God just took all the padding out of the nest. You believe it? Sure, He does.
Oh, you say, "I've been strong and healthy all my life," but the pad got out of the nest one day. You can't walk on that sheepskin all the time; you've never left the nest. You just can't stand around church, and shout and praise God, and jump-up-and-down and run around. There's work to be done.
So you know what that old mother eagle does? She comes down there and looks at them poor little fellows bouncing around. So she wants to show them how great she is. That's the only way she can get their attention. Maybe God had to let you take TB before He could get your attention.
36. Oh, you say, "I belong to the biggest church in this city. I--I've been a loyal--I've been a loyal tithe payer." That's good. "I've never did anybody any wrong, why should the Lord let me get sick?" Maybe He's just stirring your nest a little bit. He wants to show you how great He is.
You know, really, the little eagle has never seen mama. He's been so satisfied in the nest, he don't know how great she is. So you know what the eagle does? The mother eagle is far a bigger bird than the father eagle. A good sized bald eagle can spread fourteen feet from wing to wing. That's right. And you know, this little eagle has been down in his nest all the time, and so satisfied with just shouting, and jumping, and running around, until, you know, he's never knowed how big mama was that put him in that nest.
So God has to let sickness strike His church once in a while. He has to let a little depressing of the Spirit come, take a little of the joy out of the church, just to spread forth His wings and show you Who He is. So he begins to get, oh, my, a sticker here, and a sticker there, and everywhere he sets is a sticker. Why, he's ready to get out of that nest.
37. So the big mama comes up there and spreads forth that great big wings. Oh, I watched them, how mammoth she looked, far beyond the boundaries of the nest. Her--her nest is about eight or ten foot around, and her wings are fourteen feet. How she stands on that nest, and she screams to them little ones. And then, when the little ones look up, she spreads forth her great, mighty wing. She's trying to get them to have faith. She's going to do something with them.
And maybe, God might stir your nest, so He can spread forth His wings to show you how great He is. He wants to do something for you. He wants to show you how great Thou art, how great Thou art. And when we have to lay on our back and look up towards the sky, and to see Him spread His wings in the solar system, from sky to sky, to see those stars...
As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 58-0316 - William Branham
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