20. You know what I find in traveling? I say this with humbleness. I find two classes of people. One, the fundamental, the other one, the Full Gospel. They're both fine classes of people. But here's the trouble. The fundamental knows what they are, positionally, in Christ, but don't have much faith to exercise it. The Full Gospel's got plenty of faith, but don't know what they are. That's right.
Just like a man's got a lot of money in the bank, but he don't know how to write a check. And the other man's got no money in the bank and he knows how to write a check. If I could ever get them together.
If you realize that you're a son and daughter of God, and the deposit's made in Calvary, and you've got a checkbook in your hand, write anything you want to on there, God's promised to take care of it. It's in the bank. It was deposited at Calvary. Your salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you're worries, and things gone. And everyone of you can be perfectly made well, 'cause your redemption is already redeemed before God, and He's setting at the right-hand of God to make intercessions upon your confession.
Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
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