
God bless you

63. And many of you driving miles and miles to come hear a simple person like myself try to bring the Word of God... I'm sure it was something more than that that you come to listen to besides me, because I have nothing I could present. I'm uneducated, no personality, no nothing about me. And then when I see people drive for hundreds and hundreds of miles, and stand and wait here, and two o'clock in the morning, it wasn't for nothing that I had. It's Christ. I'm so glad you love Him. And I love Him too. And together we love Him. And because we love Him, we'll never have to part. We may separate for a little bit here on, as time goes on, but we'll be together again. It's been my ambition just to try to lead people to that place.

64. And now, beginning the new year, I want to say, not "Happy New Year" to you; I want to say this to you, "God bless you." And if He does that, that's all you'll have need of for the coming year. And I trust that He will.
And I'm by His grace, we're going to try this next year, if He shall spare me, spare you, by His grace I hope I am a better pastor next year than I have been this year, hope I be a better servant to Christ. I'll try hard to try to live closer, more truer to bring the Message just as He gives me; I shall bring It to you the best that I can, withhold nothing that He would want me to give you. I'll do all that I know how. And I know you feel the same way. You--you feel like that we all want to work together now, for the evening Lights are certainly getting dim, and the sun's far setting. The earth's cooling off; we know that. Spiritually speaking, the church is cooling off and the revival is over. We don't know what comes next, but we will trust God for that, whatever it is.

The Contest - 62-1231 - William Branham


That's the Prescription

God is the Doctor. He's the Doctor of the soul. He's the Doctor of salvation. And He educated a man in His Own Theology, Peter, an unlearned man. He couldn't even read his name when it was wrote before him. But He give him the Holy Spirit, and give him the pencil to write the doctrine about. So on the day of Pentecost, he wrote the prescription. Let's see what he wrote. Doctor Simon Peter, let's see what your prescription is for salvation. Let's see what it was wrote out for. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter and... the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what can we do? (Watch out, you got the keys.) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of You in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. That's the Prescription. Don't doctor it up; you'll kill your patient. That's what's the matter with a lot of these people talking this "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," they're killing a lot of spiritual people, doctoring with the wrong thing.

Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911E - William Branham


When you can't figure out any more, that's the time to believe

In the garden of Eden, there's two trees; one was knowledge and one was faith. One was Life. One was death of knowledge, other one was life by faith. And as long as they eat by faith of this tree, all right, they lived. But when he got on this tree, he died. The first bite he took, he separated himself from God. And man continually has been biting off of that tree. And every time he takes a bite by knowledge, he destroys himself. God destroy nothing. Man destroys himself through knowledge. Look, he bit hisself off some gun powder, kills his comrades. He bit hisself off of an automobile off the tree, kills more than all the wars put together. Is that right? Knowledge, knowledge, eating off that tree. He has got hisself an hydrogen bomb now; I wonder what he's going to do with that. See? But the trouble of it is, these people, they figure up so much, on this tree of knowledge, then when they can't figure it out any longer, they say, "baush with all of it." Listen, in the Name of the Lord, listen: When you can't figure out any more, that's the time to believe.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 52-0810E - William Branham


Give your Light

There's something about it, when you find Christ, you cannot hold your peace any longer. The rest of your days you are a changed person, for when life and Life comes together, it makes a bright Light. True. When the bulb connects with the wire, if it's a correct bulb, it's got to give light; when the current and the bulb gets together, there's nothing to do but scatter light. It has to do it. And when a man or a woman is predestinated to Eternal Life, and they see the current of God catch that bulb, it'll throw Light everywhere it can. You might not be over a ten watt, but you'll scatter what Light you got. If you ain't a five-hundred watt, scatter ten watt Light. Give your Light. "Let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven." Yes, sir.

In His Presence - 62-0909E - William Branham


Faith is the victory

Have faith, not just floating faith, not just a make-believe faith, but a real faith. Now, faith is a conqueror; faith is an overcomer. It just isn't a--a peace maker, it overcomes. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. What does it do? What is faith? What is the conqueror? Conquer and victory is the same. To conquer, it means to beat down, to override, to handcuff, to throw into prisons. It means that the sin, that once ruled you, you rule it now. It means that you have overcome it, you are--you've whipped it. You're greater than it is.

Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham


It's anchored forever

56. ...Oh, how it is today, my poor decrepit friend, that when the man who has never knowed His power, to give new light and to give new hope, when he walks into the Presence of the Divine Person of Christ, with a faith that holds him spellbound to His majesty... It isn't like walking to the altar and giving the minister your right hand; neither is it like going into the pool to be baptized, or standing with a shell to be sprinkled. It's walking into a Light that you have never witnessed before. It's a anchor of a Divine faith that calls anything contrary to the Word of God as though it wasn't. It puts new Life. It gives hope to the dying. It gives courage to the weak. It gives healing to the sick. It gives blessings to the unfavored. How wonderful it is to step into the Light of His Presence. Not a myth, neither is it something that somebody has just fleshly, in their minds, drawn up. But it's coming directly into the Presence of the King of glory, the eternal Light of the living God.

58. When something happens that anchors that hope in you, that no matter how sick you get afterwards, it's absolutely no good for the devil to try to tempt you anything contrary. It's anchored forever. No matter how much the enemy would cause you to try to live the wrong life, you're anchored forever, for you've stepped into His Presence, into a Divine Light that's changed your innermost being and put a joy bell of salvation, ringing into your heart, that the world knows nothing about, that you've passed from death unto Life. Death and its shadows has flown from you, and you become a new creature when you step into this Divine Light.

59. As those Magis stood spellbound, as they watched that Light, finally I can hear one say to the other, "Oh, isn't this a magnificent token that something's just about to happen?"
Truly, today also, when we come into the Presence of the Lord Jesus, it's a Divine token that something's about to happen; His glorious second coming is at hand.
And when they looked one to another, and after while... They watched It, perhaps, all night. How It gleamed, it seemed to be brighter than the other stars. It seemed like they couldn't take their eyes off of It to look at any other star.
And I'm sure, if we see that great eternal Light shine into our face, we will not look at our denominations, to say, "We are Baptist, or we are Presbyterian, or we are Pentecostal," or whatever it might be; we only look to the Light and live. He is the eternal Light.

63. And as they watched It, when the sun finally rose... Through the day they sleep. I've watched them setting on the streets in India with their limbs crossed, their heads together, as they in the daytime would sleep, and at nighttime they'd go watch the stars, watching for any move.

64. It's only those who look for Him shall see Him. It's only those whobelieve in Him shall enjoy His blessings. It's only those who believe in healing shallreceive healing. It's only those who believe in salvation shall obtain it. All things are possible to them that believe. But at first, it must not be just a drawed up fleshly idea. It must be a direct revelation sent from God alone.

The Great Shining Light - 57-1222 - William Branham


He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it

Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.

God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham


A Christmas Story


A Christmas Story
William Branham

There was an old shoe cobbler, and I believe it was in Germany where he--he'd make their shoes. And one day while... In his spare time he used to pick up the Bible, and he would read It. He'd read the context and the text in the Scripture, and he got real deeply sincere. He said, "You know," he said, "I--I... When this Christmas comes around, I'm not going to light up any Christmas tree." But he said, "You know what?" He said, "I'm going to get a--a big dinner, and I'm going to cook my--roast my lamb, and I'm going to get my cranberries, and all my sauce and things." And he was just by himself. And he said, "I'm going to set it on the table. And I'm going to invite Jesus to come set across the table from me. I want to know God's Messiah and what I can do in respects." He said, "I--I'm going to do all this. And then I'm going to set down at the table, and I'm going to ask the blessing; and I'm going to thank God for what He's give me. And then I'm going to say, 'Lord Jesus, won't You come and set down across here, just for Christmas dinner with me?'"

The simplicity, God always hears that, sincerity. And the old cobbler saved up his money to get such a dinner, you know, and would be invited to the King of kings. And he set it down, and he had it cooked, and he set it out on a table. And he cleaned himself real good, and he groomed himself, and combed his hair. And he set down at the table, and set a chair for Jesus, and some more chairs setting around. "It might be for the apostles," he said, "if they might come in."
So the old fellow bowed his head, and he asked the blessing, and--and thanked God for the food. And he said, "Now, Jesus, won't You come and dine with me for this Christmas dinner? And he started eating and watching the chair. No one come. He eat a little bit more, and he said, "Lord God, I've invited You to my home. Won't You come and be with me?" And he started to reach over and get something to eat, and someone knocked at the door.
And he went to the door. He was an old man, stooped in shoulders, ragged. He said, "Kind sir, I'm cold, would you let me get warm?"
And he said, "Step in." And he came in, and he smelled that aroma of the food; his mouth kind of watered; he turned around. Will you set down?" Said, "I'm expecting company, but would you set down and just eat with me till the company comes?"
He said, "Thank you. I would be glad to." And he set down, and they had dinner. The old man thanked him, got up and went.

And the--the cobbler turned around; he said, "Lord God, why did You disappoint me?" Said, "I made everything so ready. I did all that I knowed how to do. (If you'll just do that...) I done all that I know how to do, and thought You would come in and dine with me." And he got to weeping; he run and fell across the bed. And he was laying there on the bed, weeping. "I--I--I done everything that I thought was right, Lord, and why didn't You come to dine with me?"
And a voice came to him, and he remembered the Scriptures, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones, you have done it unto Me."

The Falling Apart Of The World - 62-1216 - William Branham

...instead of receiving God's Gift, God's Christmas Gift

Christ is just as rejected today as He was back there. There's no room tonight in our good churches, our big churches, our fine churches. There's no room in our religious circles today for a Holy Ghost meeting. They don't want It. It--it belittles them in the sight of the classes of the country. It belittles them to think that they'd humble themselves to come down to an altar to cry and to tarry there until they're filled with power from on high, to rise up from there with newness of Life; to let women let their hair grow out, and act like women ought to; to make men throw away their cigarettes, and to quit their drinking, and treat their families right. It's too much for them, so they hold onto the creed of their church instead of receiving God's Gift, God's Christmas Gift.

God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham

Don't be too smart

You know, the Scripture is given by inspiration. You--you don't just learn it in schools. It has to come by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. No matter how smart and shrewd you are, the Holy Spirit reveals the Word of God. Look at those Pharisees in the days of Jesus, the Sadducees, and teachers, holy men without blemish, scholars, had to be born in a certain lineage, Levite. Had to be trained from youth up in the Scriptures and know every meaning, and yet failed to see Jesus and recognize Him, when the whole Scripture is laying full of it, of His coming. Get what I mean? So don't expect to know God by education or theology; you know God by being borned again, new birth. The Holy Spirit wrote the Word of God. And He so entangled it in there; He said, "I've hid it from the eyes of the wise and prudent and will reveal it to babes such as will learn." So if you want to know anything, get to be a baby. Don't be too smart.

The Angel Of The Covenant - 54-0301 - William Branham


Then you can read between the lines

When I go overseas... I got a lovely wife. And I tell her now, "Good bye, sweetheart, you pray for me now." She prays for me. When I'm overseas, and am well, gone for months, and I pick up a letter, she'll say, "Dear Billy, I am setting here tonight with the children, thinking much of you..." Now, I see what she's writing on the paper, but you see, I love her so much till I--I can read between the lines. I know what she's talking about. See? And that's the way it is with God. You can't just set down and read it in a cold formal heart. You've got to be in love with the Author, and then you can read between the lines. Then you--you have an understanding of the Scriptures.

Jehovah-Jireh - 59-0417 - William Branham


Lord, may it settle it forever

91. Lord Jesus, I've just tried to explain the Word. You've testified that It's the Truth. Your witnesses, we could have called hundreds, and yet we haven't the time. Here also lays handkerchiefs, laying here, that's going to the sick and the afflicted, right here where the Holy Spirit gives witness that Jesus is still alive. We know Him by His Life, the life that He lived, the things that He did. And we pray, God, now as laying hands upon these handkerchiefs, that whosoever they touch may they be healed. I offer my prayer, with faith, along with this other bunch of believers, for these who are not able to be here. May they enjoy the greatness of God. They may be sick and can't come. Some poor old father sitting back there in a room, pecking on a little white cane, this afternoon, waiting for this handkerchief to return. That baby laying there in the hospital, burning up with a fever, and someone waiting to bring it the handkerchief. Let the power of Almighty God go with them, anoint them with the same anointing that's been upon the meeting this afternoon. And may they recover, Lord. We offer this prayer in their behalf, because they wasn't present. But You're omnipresent. May You be there to confirm Your Word, through Jesus Christ's Name.

92. Now let the Holy Spirit truly, not emotion, not some kind of just a halfway hope, but a genuine verdict may be passed for this, what I call this afternoon, "the court." May each one of them give testimony the same, as they take their prayer card and hold in their hands, as they cross the platform. May, when they have... being ministered to according to the 16th chapter of St. Mark, "They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover." As Your elected servant stands here and we lay our hands upon them, Lord, may it settle it forever. May they go out of here just as happy, and forget about they ever had any troubles, because they're sure, like Abraham was, that God is able to perform the promises that He made. We ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

I love Him, I love Him

Because He first loved me

And purchased my salvation

On Calvary's tree.

The Trial - 64-0419 - William Branham


The same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful

When Jesus was God made flesh, the Fullness of God was in Him. He had the Spirit without measure. We have it by measure. Now, what if you go out to here pick up a spoonful of--of water out of the ocean. Well, that--that what Jesus had, the whole ocean; but you and I have got a spoonful. That's the difference. You'd never miss it. He don't have to have us, but we have to have Him. But if you took that spoonful of water and took it down to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful. And when God on the day of Pentecost, when He come down like a rushing wind, did you notice He was a Pillar of Fire, but did you notice He separated Himself from that Pillar of Fire, divided Himself amongst His people, and cloven tongues of fire set upon each of them: God separating Himself to His Church. No wonder He spoke, Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst.

Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham


It'll take perfect love

104. THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll take perfect love to put you in that place, for that's all there was there. No matter how many, how much religious demonstrations, how many good deeds you done, or whatever you done, that won't count nothing on that day. It'll take perfect love. So whatever you do, you lay aside everything else, until you are just so filled with the love of God, till you can love those who hate you.
I'm just, as I said this morning, I was made... My whole makeup is grace. A lot of people say, "Now, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. Yeah, you do something for me, and I'll do something for you." That's not grace. Grace is, if your back is itching, I'll scratch it anyhow, whether you scratch mine or not; you slap me on the face, and say, "my back needs itching, needs scratching," I'll scratch it. See? That's it; do something. I don't believe in works; I believe that works is love. Works is--works is the manifestation that grace has taken place.
I don't live true to my wife because I believe she'd divorce me if I didn't; I live true to her because I love her.

106. I don't preach the Gospel, 'cause I think I'd go to hell if I didn't; I preach the Gospel because I love Him. Certainly. You think I'd cross those stormy seas, and them planes diving back and forth, and lightning flashing around, and--and everything else, and most any minute... and everybody screaming, and "Hail Mary's" a going on through the plane, and everything... Them people a-swinging in them safety belts, and the pilot saying, "Enough gas to last fifteen minutes longer, don't know where we're at." Do you think I'd do that just--just for the fun of doing it? Huh. You think I'd get back out there in the jungles where German soldiers had to put their arms around me like this each night and take me in and out of the meeting, until the Holy Spirit begin to perform miracles, communists setting with night scopes, to shoot me a mile away. You think I'd do that just for the fun of it? Because something in me, love. They're humans that Christ died for. Paul said, "I'm not only willing to go up to Jerusalem, but I'm going up there to be crucified. I'm going up to die. I'm going up there to die for the cause of the Lord." It's something, love that constrains you, that makes you. That's exactly right.

Adoption #4 - 60-0522E - William Branham

He knows everything that you do

No matter how little you do, He knows everything that you do. It's recorded in heaven, just as much for your account as it is Billy Graham's, or Oral Roberts', or any of the rest of them that has great meetings. It's not the big things sometimes we do; it's the little things we leave undone. Now, Jesus is no respect of groups. Jesus met in all kinds of groups, all sizes and all walks of life. One time we have a record of Him meeting with five hundred; sometime with thousands. One time we see him with twelve; sometime once with three, and even to one. No matter the size of group, the main thing is Jesus is there to meet with that group. No matter how small your church is, or how large it is, how many you preach to; the question is, are you so committed to God that Jesus meets in your company?

Hear Ye Him - 60-0313 - William Branham


He has to act every time afterwards the same way

Now, remember. If God is ever called on the scene to act, and the way He acts first, He has to act every time afterwards the same way, or He did wrong when He acted first. So if that was the way of making Himself known in that day to the Jews and to the Samaritans who were looking for a Messiah... No Gentile was looking for a Messiah. We were Romans and Greeks and worshipping gods of iron, and steel, and marble, and like a lot of them are still doing, and--and like that, with a club on our back. But now after two thousand years of theology and teaching, now the Gentile Church, the elect Church, is looking for the Messiah. Now, He will have to act when He's coming this time just like He did that time. He will have to do the same things, 'cause the Word said He would do it.

Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham

Make you the best servant you can be

Now, if you want to speak in an unknown tongue, I believe God will let you do it. But according to the Scriptures, you're still nothing until the Holy Spirit comes. Then after the Holy Spirit comes then you can speak in tongues and have... God will just take the nature that you are, and cut it out for you, and make you the best servant you can be. He might make you preach the Gospel; He might make you have a gift of speaking in tongues; He might make you a prophet; He might give you a spirit of prophecy; He might... It's hard telling what He'd do for you; or He might do all those things for you. But the first thing is to be sure that by one, not sensation, but by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. And then, the gifts come from that body.

Identified With Christ - 59-1220E - William Branham


Just keep holding on

I've walked out and looked at that great morning star as she begins to move yonder. What does the morning star say? The morning star is only reflecting the supreme light of the sun coming. Is that right? The morning star, the reason it's so bright, you know why it is? The sun's so much closer to it. It's a pressing on, and the morning star hails the coming of the sun. All right, you morning stars, it's time to go to hailing His coming. Shine morning stars, rise early. It says the sun will soon be here. When we look and see that morning star just a glistening in the skies, it means that the sun will shine pretty soon. And when we see the morning stars of God rising and shining to the glory of a resurrection of Jesus Christ, shows that that Supreme One is pressing on. The lights are gathering, but the morning star hollers, "Hold on; it isn't long till daylight. Hold on, it's not long till daylight. Just keep holding on."

Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham


God takes care of all things

Now, see, there's no need of fighting. God takes care of all things. You see? Don't do it. Just love them. Return good for evil, all the time. Is that right? When anybody speaks good about you, well, be thankful. If anybody speaks bad about you, bless them anyhow. Sure. That's right. Let... God takes care of the rest. He's the One. Isn't that right? He's the One. So after all, we all got to answer to Him. And no matter what it is, if your archenemy... If you got any feeling at all, and the worst enemy you got that you know was going to go to a place like hell, it'd make you feel bad. I don't know of a person; I don't--can't think of the lowest person in the world today, that it was Stalin up there, ever who it was, I'd hate to know that man was suffering in the torments of hell this morning. I'd hate to know it. I sure would. I pray God have mercy upon his lost soul as he died (See?), that God won't let him suffer like that in eternity. Think of a human in the torment of hell, that the Bible pictures here to the unbeliever.

Divine Healing - 54-1219M - William Branham


They believe

Oh, my soul would cry, "Hallelujah to God," when I think that God puts in His Church the best that He can find. God takes His children and tests them with a acid test. Then He places them into the Body of Christ because they are tested. They believe. They've went through the trials. They've had the experience. They are witnesses of His, and know what they're talking about. Not just an intellectual conception, but they've been borned again of the precious Holy Spirit, and time-tested and tried, until their souls are set like flint towards Calvary. Yes, they are time-tested. They are witnesses of His power.

Believe From The Heart - 57-0623 - William Branham


He will believe every Word of It

If a man once under the Blood feels afraid that God won't keep His Word, it's an insult to Him. Say, "Jehovah, perhaps this is Your Word, but I don't know whether It's right or not." Oh, shame on you. Why, once under the blood... He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee." I believe it. That's all. Don't insult Him. He said, "He that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out." I believe it. Once coming under the Blood, take His Word for any thing He says. And every believer... Here it is, get it. Every man or woman that has once been brought under the Blood of Christ, all fear and condemnation is gone out. Then he will believe every Word that God writes in the Bible to be the truth. He will not say, "This is not inspired, and that's not inspired," but he will believe every Word of It. Amen.

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham


They hold on because they have an eagle nature

The mother eagle watches until her eaglets are fully feathered. When she thinks they have matured sufficiently she stirs the nest. I have wept as I have watched this through binoculars. She will fly towards the nest and with those great wings give the eaglets a blast of wind. It shakes all the loose feathers out of the eaglets, because she is getting them ready for their first solo flight. The little eaglets know that something is going to happen, because they are eagles. They feel the blast of the rushing mighty wind and the nest is in for a shaking.
The mother gives a certain scream, throws her wings out, and those little baby eaglets somehow know by nature how to place their feet in her wings, take their little beaks and hold on to a big strong feather.
The mother turns her proud head and sees her brood on her wings, lets out a scream, for she is full of joy. Her eaglets know their place, and she takes off for the heights. She goes just as high as she can, the little eaglets not murmuring a bit. They just hold on and go places they never thought they would be.
Off they go into the blue and when they get up high she shakes them off, right in the middle of the air. When she shakes them off, she doesn't leave them but makes a big circle, watching.
There the little ones are. They flop their wings for the first time. They turn somersaults, and everything else, but they are flopping anyway. When they get weary the mother just swoops under them and carries them up higher again. Sometimes she will catch one with one foot, and another with the other foot, and carry them up higher. The little eaglets are carefree because they are not dependent upon their own ability, but on the ever present ability of their mother who is watching over them. They just have an old fashioned Pentecostal jubilee.
Then when she gets done with them, and they have had all their fun, she spreads her big wings and they sit on her wings, holding onto a feather with their beaks. She takes them down to something new again, down to a green place. They have never had their feet in that place before, so they just jump off and have another jubilee. They are just as carefree as they can be, and when she gets through she takes them and flies off to a great high place in the rock and there she sits and watches over her little eaglets. Woe to any creature that will try to harm them.
The little eaglets know how to place their feet on the wings of the eagle and hold on to a feather with their beaks. God tells them how, and the church of the living God knows how to take hold of the Word of God, and those great strong wings of deliverance and hold on to every divine promise when a mighty shaking takes place. They know how to hold - they hold on because they have an eagle nature.
The mother eagle turns her proud head and sees her brood on her wings. I have often thought of what God would do when He sees His church take its position in the Word, to claim every promise that God has made. God looks at them proudly and loves them with real love.
Every member of the body takes his place positionally; the minister in his place; the prophet in his place. What a day, when God gets His church on the Word and there comes the power of God and we follow all the way on the wings of that great eagle of God, the great Holy Spirit.
As the eagle rises higher and higher the little eagles do not murmur a bit. They have their little beaks set in her feathers, they just can't murmur. And that's the way God takes His church - if you're really set in the word you don't murmur, you just hold on, as the little eagles hold on. If God made the promise, He can keep His promise, and so those who are set in the Word hold on.
As the mother eagle watches over her own, so Christ is watching over us. He is sitting on the right hand of Majesty on high and it makes no difference what the world says of what people think. Just have a wonderful time and rejoice. If you do not think that God has things for you that you never knew about, just take a ride.

As The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest - William Branham

He never stops watching over you

Right here friends I want to emphasize this: above all, do appreciate God for the lovely abode He gives you. Remember, only fools walk with hobnailed shoes where angels fear to tread. How it grieves me to hear you as God's children complain and murmur. Shame on you all if you're guilty! And you people who call others holy-rollers, or fanatics--shame on you! Don't you know that you're a fool for using such expressions. Let me tell you this--a fool will call another Christian a holy-roller, or some other dishonoring name, and the angels fear to even think such things, let alone say them. And you people who come to a meeting and call the works of God, Beelzebub--or take an apathetic attitude, or shrug your shoulders and leave after a night or two--shame on you! Don't you know the angels would not dare say one thing against one of God's servants, or His children? And at every meeting that is taking place God has His angels there to help out, and these angels watch over you, and take care of you all through the meeting, and then they are commissioned to go home with you to watch over you and keep you safe. And right here let me ask you--are YOU as concerned as this about your brother--are you as concerned as this about a meeting? Oh how easy He makes it for us to walk with Him.

And now let us look at the mother eagle again. Notice how she watches the little eaglets, watches every move they make. She is concerned, she won't let them fall out of the nest. And look how our great Heavenly Father watches over you--He won't let you fall. Jehovah eagle watches over His little ones! Oh hallelujah ! I sometimes think that we would break our necks with the power of God if it weren't that God watches over us. He sets our limits, He keeps us in the nest, and He Spreads His big wings over us--when He does this no one can harm us, or take us out of His hand, His own nest. Just think how helpless you were when you were first born of Him--but see how He watched over you! He never stops watching over you. How blessed!

As The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest -book - William Branham


It means that you have been regenerated

Then when you become a son or a daughter of God, your disposition changes; your attitude changes; your all, your look towards life and towards others changes. It doesn't mean that you just have joined church; it means that you have been regenerated. You have become a new creation in Christ Jesus, that you have... The old things have passed away, and God has spoken to you, and you have become a new creature. I want this to go way down even into church members. Then as you would love to be in the Presence of Christ, and you become a part of Christ, then people love to become in your presence, because you become a part of God, son and daughter of God.

When Divine Love Is Projected Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place - 57-0126E - William Branham


Just let Him take care of it

17. And then I always say this, "I will do this, if the Lord is willing." See, if I make a promise to anybody, I will do it if the Lord is willing. See? And therefore, then if it isn't the will of Lord, and I will be... I will speak on this message, if the Lord is willing. He could give me a call right in this message to take off for California. I'd cast aside everything, and take off for California as hard as I could go.
And I want to live like that. I don't want nothing tying me down. I don't want no great big something or another where it's worth millions of dollars, and you have get so much money every day, to tie me down. I want to be where when God says, "I want to go down here to these people; there's only five of them. But go down there and stay there till I tell you to leave." I want to go there. I haven't got no obligations, just... And if He wants me go overseas...
Now, here it is, just mentioned going to Germany--or to--to Africa, and some millionaire woman, just the time that the Spirit put it upon me go to Africa, she said, "I will sponsor the trip and pay every bit of it." See? That's all. Why should I worry about money and things, when my father owns all of it. See? He could just speak to this rich man, or that rich man, or this people, or that people, and no need of me have to worryabout it. See, God just takes care of it all. Brother Roy, that's the way to live. Just let Him take care of it. It's so good.

And From That Time - 59-1231 - William Branham


It's God on this proving ground

You mustn't question anything to God. "For the footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And every trial is put upon you to prove you. And the Bible said they're more precious to you than gold. So if God let a few light afflictions happen to you, remember, it's for the correction of you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened of God and tried," child-trained. There's no exceptions, "Every son that cometh..." And these afflictions are done or brought--brought about to see what attitude you'll take. See, it's God on this proving ground. That's all earth is, is a proving ground, and where He's trying to prove you.

Hebrews Chapter Four - 57-0901E - William Branham


What we need is a Holy Ghost atmosphere

59. Just as you expect, that's what you get. But you come to the meeting expecting to see the glory of God moving, the power of God, sinners being saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, sickness being healed, then watch what God shows you. Yes, sir.
See, you are a creator in yourself. If you're... How many's borned-again say, "Amen?" [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you know each one of you is a creator? You are a part of God; you're a son of God, an offspring of God, a daughter of God. Is that right? Then you are a creator.
Now, did you ever see people, they were nice people (I ain't saying this for any back now.), nice people but you just couldn't hardly stand to be around them. You know that. Nice people, it's their atmosphere they're in. Then you've seen other people that you just long to be with them, is that right? It's that atmosphere that's around them all the time.
Now, my wife setting back here, she don't know this, but... She's supposed to be here somewhere. And you can imagine in our home about what takes place in a run of a day: people coming, going like that. And I go in sometimes, and the poor little fellow in there in the kitchen crying, not even a chance to cook the children anything to eat through the day. And--and there it is.
And the little kiddie, the little girl about two years old, little Sarah, and Rebekah, and they're in there, and they're crying and going on. And my wife crying, she'd look up, she'd say, "Bill, I'm just about to go crazy. I just don't know what I'm going to do." She said, "I..." And gray-headed at thirty-four years old. And so I said, "Well now, that's right, honey."

60. I never--don't fuss at her. See? No. "That's--that's right, honey." See? "It's--it's very bad, but you see we're--we're serving the Lord, so we..." See, what I'm doing all the time in my heart, I am trying to create a different atmosphere. They're all nervous and they're tore up. See?
Now, I was thinking in my heart, "O Lord, now send Your Presence and Your love to my poor little tore up wife." And I say, "Yes, dear. That's right." I say, "What was this here?"
"Oh, we haven't had anything to eat and..."
I say, "Well, there probably won't be anybody else in for next couple of hours. Let's get something to eat. And I'll help you." And I'll start getting up my sleeves.
She'd say, "Now, look, young man, you might be able to help me wash dishes but you can't cook."
I will say, "Who can't cook?" Like that, you know, just going on. "Well, you haven't never seen me fry potatoes yet. I was raised on them," like that--something like that. And I'll see a little bitty smile trickle on one side, you know.
And the first thing you know, I come over, and I put my hand on her. She don't know what I'm doing yet. And I say, "Bless your heart, honey. I--I'll tell you, I'll help you do this." And then down in my heart I'm saying, "Lord, send my peace--Your peace that's in me into her now. O God, quieten my family now. I'm Your servant, Father. Send..."

61. And the first thing you know, she'd say, "Bill, you know a certain thing?" Them little old black eyes are snapping again, you know. "You know?"
"Yeah." And I look at the baby, she's in there, got her blocks and the babies are playing together. What is it? It's creating an atmosphere. Hallelujah.
Brother, let me tell you brothers. The atmosphere is what does it. It's exactly right. Look, it's not the hen that hatches the egg; it's the atmosphere. Yes, sir. Is that right?

62. You put that same egg under a pup, it would--it'd hatch the chicken just the same. Put it in the incubator; it'll bring the chicken just the same. It's the atmosphere. Hallelujah.
What we need is a Holy Ghost atmosphere (That's right.), an atmosphere where the power of God's a moving, one accord, one place, gathered together under that atmosphere of expecting God to move down and do signs and wonders. Amen. Let's move ourself up into that bracket. Step up in faith. Move out of these three dimensions up into the next one.

Expectation - 54-0228A - William Branham


Then what overcoming faith did you have?

You see, many times, people thinks that a prophetic gift, that God just says, "I'll pick you up right here, and set you down here. Now, you just go right over here." And He doesn't tell you all those things. If He did, then what overcoming faith did you have? See? See, you, He lets you stand alone more than anybody else. See? You all can come to me and ask for certain things, and He's never failed yet but what He's give you the answer. That's right. Yeah. But I can ask Him for things for myself, and many times He just let's me alone (See?), just let me go ahead and walk into it. I have things now that I have to solve out myself, and decisions I have to make. And this is such a vital one, till I cannot exactly make it until I'm sure that it's Him speaking to me. And I--I... He won't give me a vision. He just lets me alone. So I'm just setting as an orphan like this morning; I--I don't know which way to turn. So I have committed it to the Lord.

The Ever Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham


Only way we see Christ

Only way we see Christ is when He reflects in each other. I see Christ in you. You see Him in me. That's how we watch Christ. I come to the meeting. I start preaching. I watch the people. You can see whether they're interested or not, just a few minutes. You look over the audience. You can tell who you're boring or whether you're not. See? And the first thing you know, you see them standing there hanging on to every word, under expectation. See? I'm seeing Christ reflected in that person, because he's hungering and thirsting for God. And then me preaching the Gospel, he sees the Christ reflecting in me. I see Christ reflecting in him. That means Christ is in our midst then. Amen. Hungering and thirsting... I watch the audience, how they take it, say something another, watch what--what effect it takes on them, watch their face light up, full of joy. They're ready right then to receive something. That's Christ. I see Christ reflecting in that person, because the Gospel, the simple Gospel of Christ is taking a hold in that heart.

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham


There's something within you

I used to say about, speaking down here, about an old spring I used to drink from. It was bubbling and jumping, and jumping and jumping, down around Milltown. I used to wonder why that spring jumped, so one day I set down there and was talking to it. Imagine a man talking to a spring? But I was talking to Nature Who made the spring. And I wondered, "What makes you so bubbly, so jumpy? Is it because that--that the children come here and drink from you, or I drink from you, or something?" If the spring could've spoke back, he would say, "No, Billy, it isn't because that you drink from it. It isn't because anybody drinks from me. It's something down beneath me here, pushing me and making me bubble, and jump, and carry on like this." And that's the way, every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. It's not you. It's not human emotion. It's because that the resurrection, or the power of God, is in that human life, and is pressing up into Everlasting Life, moving into Eternal Life. Something in here... You could not hold your peace if you had to. There's something within you.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


He died to take away the sin of the world

I got a baby in glory that was just dedicated, not baptized, because baptism is for remission of sins (See?), to show that you have repented. That baby has done nothing to repent for. It's a baby, just born here in the world. It hasn't got no power with coming here. See, and it has no sin. When Christ died at the Cross, He died to take away the sin of the world. Until this baby has done something to repent for, the Blood of Jesus Christ makes an atonement. But now, the mother as--and father, parents, has the right to bring the baby and offer back to God the baby that was give to them by God.

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903


It takes the atmosphere

The little boat as it dashed on across the lake. It must've been about that time that Satan must've raised up and said, "Oh, I've caught them alone without Him. Now's my time to settle the score with them, for they had been casting out my demons and so forth. So I'll settle the score." That's when Satan can settle the score when he finds that you've gone off without Jesus. That's when Satan will get the church. When you get so interested in something else besides prayer meetings, when you get so interested that--that you're supposed to have a natural growth instead of a spiritual growth, then remember, Satan's on his road. He's caught you without Him. God, is my prayer, wake up the church again to old fashion, all night prayer meetings. Wake the people up to a--a spiritual atmosphere. Oh, it--it takes that to bring children into the Kingdom. It takes the atmosphere.

It Is I Be Not Afraid - 60-0329 - William Branham


God lives in His Word

In your business deal, your word is your bond; your testimony should be real. God grant the day, that when men will be what they are, what they say they are. If I wasn't for Christ this afternoon, I'd be against Him. I'd be going around tearing up the stuff. But I believe Him, and I'm--I'm ready to--to even give my life for Him, because I believe Him, that it's right. And if His Word's not right, then He's not right. And if His Word can't be trusted, He cannot be trusted. But I'm so glad to know that I... You can hang your soul on any certain word in that Bible, and it's true; every word of it is true. God lives in His Word.

Hear Ye Him - 58-0209A - William Branham


What a beautiful thing

And when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word. How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there's something mentally wrong with me. And how can I... If there's something mentally wrong with me, deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot? There's something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said in promise. There's something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer. You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him, because you're baptized into Him by the Holy Spirit that's brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing.

God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham

We're going home one day

All Scripture is inspired. I don't believe we have one right, and will be condemned for it, if we add one word to It or take one Word from It. Revelations 22 says so. I believe He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I certainly honor the Lutheran for their stand in their day, the Methodists for sanctification in their day, and the Pentecostal for their stand in their day; but we're living in another day. We're living when there's been stalk, tassel, shuck, almost like the wheat, but the wheat's inside the shuck. The shuck has just supported the wheat, kept the hot sun from burning it. And now the denomination is pulling away from it, so It can lay in the Presence of the Son to get ripe. So we are--we're in... There won't be no more organizations rise up. This is the end of it. We've had, always about three years, when a message starts, they organize it. This has been going on for nearly twenty years and no organization. It can't. We're in a wheat time, a harvest time. I can hear the great combine coming. We're going home one day. "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Does God Change His Mind? - 65-0427 - William Branham

God is His Own interpreter

God is His Own interpreter. When He promised, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. See, whatever God says, God proves it. No matter how much you try to think the physical resurrection couldn't be, and them people's back yonder, just dust of the earth, and past dust now, they're just into the acids and gases that their body was made out of. Their soul's still living. God said, "I'll raise it up." Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God." See, no matter, every Word has got to be kept, and man shall live by that Word.

Proving His Word - 64-0816 - William Branham


You ought to see where Jesus comes in

12. But this young fellow standing that close to Eternal Life, and never even ask for It... Well, we condemn that man, but you know what, perhaps maybe you and I have been guilty of the same thing, standing at mouth or voice distance of Eternal Life, looking at It, watching It, and walk away from It just as blank as he did. That's right. We're too took up with other things.
So many people today, you have so many things you have to do. You have to do your shopping. You got to hurry, the--the, this, that. We're just hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, and getting nowhere, getting farther away from God all the time. Now, that's right. And... But he thought he'd completed just exactly what he was supposed to do and that's all.
Many times we come up to the church, and sign our name to a paper, and shake hands with the pastor, be baptized with water, and think, "We've done our religion now." And you leave off the main thing, a talk with the Lord Jesus. Many times you have the opportunity and don't do it.

13. I wonder what caused this young man to do this. I can see, maybe, a week beforehand, way down in another city, a great gray synagogue, and a pastor there, a... We'll call him Doctor Pharisee just for a name. And I can see him as he walking up and down his great halls, and his great rugs on the floor, and fine furniture, and a house, rubbing his little fat, chubby hands, and saying, "Well, you know, I'm a respected man of this city. I have a--a degree, a Bachelor of Art. I'm called Doctor. Everybody, when I go downtown, they regard me as Doctor Pharisee. 'Good morning, Doctor Pharisee.' Oh, I'm the head of a lot of lodges and things. And when the clubs meet, they ask me to speak. I'm a very fluential speaker too. And the city looks up to me." There is just so much, I in it: "I, I, I, I."

14. Here sometime ago, an outstanding minister, wrote me a letter, and a less than a half a page, and I counted twenty-two "I's" in it. "I, I, I. I have this. I have that. I have..." And after all, you haven't got nothing that God didn't give to you. So you ought to see where Jesus comes in.
I went to a city where they was going to have a meeting one time. And the pictures of the minister all over the city, "The man of the hour. God's man for this, the man with a feeling for the people." And I never seen Jesus' Name anywhere.
I thought, "Why, maybe Jesus isn't coming to the city. Maybe it's just the man." So that's about right.
But just, "I, I, I." This Pharisee had it, and it's--it's still loose.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


Life cannot associate with death

648-11. And then, I was at a friend's house yesterday, a Christian home where there was some young Christians gathered. And I was talking to them, and the--something just presented itself to me, a thought of how... I was looking into the woods and around the trees and see them dying, and I thought, "How pretty those trees are even though they are dying; yet they are pretty." And sometimes a tree looks better when it is dying than when it is when it's in greenest and best. And I wonder if that just wouldn't picture out our conditions to our heavenly Father, for He said, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
How that must be a--a--beautiful thing for Father to look down upon His child coming home to Him and holding his position in Christ, his faith and his confession (See?), "I am saved by the grace of God," and stand there (See?) in the hour of--of death, yet we can hold our profession, we are saved.

649-13. And I believe that our Father is--loves our gallantry and believing and holding our testimony. And it just--just isn't to testify when you're feeling good, and healthy, and strong; it's when you're down, and weak, and troubled. There's where your testimony counts.
And thinking on that, I was thinking of this, that death is associated not with life. Life and death cannot exist at the same time. And the trees has to have the sap go out of them before that the leaf can die on the tree. So therefore, death is associated, I would think in the realms of a human being, death is associated with sin. Because before we had any sin, we had no death at all. But where there is death, then there is sin; and where there is sin, there is death; 'cause death is the results of sin.
And then, he that... The soul that sinneth, it shall die. But when we're borned again of the Spirit of God, we have Eternal Life and not associated anywhere with death. See? Death cannot associate with Life. Life cannot associate with death.

649-16. And talking to--in the room yesterday where some young Christians was, I said, "If you were standing out here on the road and a car was coming down the road at ninety miles an hour out of control, you would get off that highway as quick as you could. You'd jump, slide, do anything, get out of the way of that car." And that's the way that sin should be to a Christian, because sin is associated with death. And as soon as you see sin in any form, jump from it, get away from it. I don't care what you have to do, get away from the very appearance of evil. Because remember, to associate with sin is death. Just the same as standing there and let that car strike you.
Don't just wait and see what it'll do; get out of the way of it. The very appearance of evil, shun it quickly. When you see a temptation coming up, and sin... You know, if it's something wrong, that death is lurking after you. See? Then get away from it just as quick as you would get away from a--an automobile approaching at ninety miles an hour. See? You'd--you'd want to get away from it right quick, out of the way. Jump, slide, run any way, just get away from it.

650-18. And how that we know that we have Life, is because that we hate sin. And we hate sin so bad, that we know that death's associated there, and we shun the very appearance of it. Any way we can get away from it, we jump, run, anything that we can do to keep away from sin, because sin has death in it. And we sure don't want to associate anything in death. We want to keep away from that.
So I thought that would be a good little thought. It struck me yesterday talking to these Christians; and I thought that would be good to pass to the church this morning, especially while the young people are setting here and undergo--undergo such temptations as that.

Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham


It's just got to be put together

A real Bible believer, punctuates every one of these promises of God with a "Amen." That's right. If you can't believe it all, you say, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about that," you've got the same interpreter that Eve had. She tried... He tried to interpret it to Eve. "Oh, this is right, and that's right"; and "Oh, that's true to that. But, surely God..." God said so. And every word... There's not one word, or one phase of it, can be mis--mis-accepted. If you don't accept it with all your heart, every bit of it, then you might as well not even start at all. See? Remember, it was one little phrase of it, just turned around, that caused every sickness, every heartache, every death, everything. It caused it all. Just by misbelieving one little phrase caused all this. Do you think just deliberately walking over one little phrase will get you back, when... People don't accept half of it sometimes, and then call themselves Christians. See, see? It's all right, every bit of it. It's just got to be put together. And there's only One can do it; that's the Holy Spirit, by interpreting It by His own fulfilling what He said He'd do.

The Voice Of The Sign - 64-0214 - William Branham


This is God, His Word

Watch, he had to obey it word by word. "Take off your shoes, Moses. The ground whereon you stand is holy." What if Moses said, "Well, now, Lord, I just had some schooling. Honor is take off your hat, so I'll take off the hat." That would never worked. When God said shoes, He meant shoes. When God said borned again, He meant borned again. He don't mean a handshake or repeat a creed. Everybody's scared of that new birth. The devil substituted a handshake for it or some kind of a psychic affair that would make you acknowledge, "Yes, I'm borned again." But your life tells what you are, the life that's in you. You say you're borned of the Spirit of God and deny one Word of that Bible, it shows you're not. You try to place it back on something else, that shows it wasn't the Holy Spirit, 'cause He'd never deny His own Word. You say, "Well, my church teaches that." There it shows you're not. You're borned of the church not of God. This is God, His Word.

Conferences - 63-0608 - William Branham


It's where you met God

It is not the holy church; it's the Holy Spirit in the Church that makes it holy. It isn't the holy man; it's the Holy Spirit in the man that does it. Not a holy man, there's no such a thing; it's a Holy Spirit. And Peter was referring to this as a holy mountain, because a holy God met them on this mountain. It was a sacred sand. And let me stop here this afternoon and say this: that each one of you people that's been borned again of the Holy Spirit, You remember the very hour where the Holy Spirit, the very spot where He met you. And when doubts come, and fears begin to rise, there's always that certain place, that you can come back to that time where you met God, and the devil can't tread on those sacred sands. It's where you met God and you talked to Him. Though fears and things rise, it has nothing to do with it. You know you met God on those sacred sands.

Hear Ye Him - 58-0209A - William Branham


It'll be light in the evening time

"It'll be light in the evening time." The clouds break back. Denominations are broke (Hallelujah.), and the people has entered into the baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders just like they had in the beginning. "It'll be light in the evening time." And remember, it was in the evening time when the Bride was chosen. Rebekah was taken in the evening time. It was the evening time that she met Isaac: he was out in the field. It's evening time. Our Gentile revival is ending pretty soon. The Jews are going to take the revival. As soon as they can see the power of God manifesting and receive the Holy Ghost, they'll take the Gospel. Our Gentile days are ending. Get into the Kingdom while you're--have a chance to get into the Kingdom.

The Great Coming Revival And The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit - 54-0718A - William Branham


That's what God wants us to do

The thing of it is, people, my brother, sister, and friends, is to be conscious of your littleness. See? Don't be conscious of how big you are. Be conscious of how little you are. You're--you're small. We're all that way. God can do without us, but we can't do without Him. See, see? We--we can't do without Him, but He can do without us. God's only trying to find one person He can get in His hands. He's always tried to do that. You notice, all down through the Bible, when He found an Isaiah, when He found a Jeremiah. Then He found--He found Samson one day; but Samson gave his strength to God, but he gave his heart to Delilah. See, he... You've got to give your all to God, your reverence, your respects, your everything that you are. Just be nothing; just see how little you are, and that's what God wants us to do.

Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham


He was the fulfillment

84. Like many of you, man, women, my age; we used to have, around the country, a lot of Chinese laundries. When the Chinese first started in, they come from the West Coast, moving eastward, coming over from the Eastern country, moving this way. And as they did, they were a people who were not acquainted with our language and our ways, but they were fine laundrymen. And they couldn't write the ticket so you could get your right laundry back.
But, the Chinaman, he got himself a bunch of little cards with nothing on it at all. So when you come for your laundry, he would take this card and tear it in a certain way; and hand you one piece, and he kept the other piece. And, now, it's a little better than what we have now, because when you come back to claim what was your own, those two pieces must dovetail. You couldn't impersonate it if you had to. There's no way of doing it. You can make copies of letters, but you can't impersonate that tear. It's got to fit exactly with the other piece. Therefore, your dirty clothes that you brought in, you could redeem them by this ticket, because it matched the ticket that was turned in.

85. And when God, by the prophets, and under the law, condemned us to sin; and the law has no grace, it's only tells you you are a sinner. But when Jesus came on the scene, He was the fulfillment, He was the--the fulfillment of everything God had promised. He was the perfect, identical image of the promise. Therefore, all promises of the Old Testament was met in Jesus Christ. It couldn't be met in Moses, it couldn't be met in any of the prophets, but it was met in the Masterpiece. It matched all that It said It was going to be.
So will the Church have to be a match to everything God has promised. It must be the piece that's smitten off of It. So if the original is the Word, so will the subjects that's been taken from It be the Word, to match Its side.

86. Therefore, the Chinaman, you could claim... Where, the law condemns you and said you were dirty, and you were guilty, and could put you in the prison. But when He came, He was the Match-piece for it, that could take you out; and bring you back, to--to be the complete ticket, the redemption that God had promised back in the garden of Eden. "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head. But, His heel shall bruise--bruise its head."

The Masterpiece - 64-0705 - William Branham


I will praise You

71. Say, will you do me a favor, sister, that God done you one? We're strangers, aren't we? Lay your hand on that woman behind you, call her Mrs. McAlister. She don't know me. McAllen, rather. She's got trouble with her head. But it's going to leave her, and she's going to be all right. She don't hear too well. All right. It's all over now, Mrs. McAllen, you can go home too. You believe Jesus Christ now makes you well. All right. Then go home, be made well.
How many believes Him now, that He's Jesus Christ. It's time to rise on the scene. It's time to believe with all your heart. Do you believe it? How many will accept Him now as your Healer? He's crossed the building, back and forth, in and out, forward and backward, believing it. Do you believe it with all your feet--all your faith that you can? Stand to your feet in the Name of Jesus Christ and receive your healing. Raise up your hands.
Repeat after me. [Congregation repeats after Brother Branham--Ed.] Lord, I believe, that You're the Son of God. I renounce my unbelief. I accept You as my Saviour. I accept You as my Healer. I accept You as my King. I believe You, now Lord. From henceforth, my testimony shall never be negative. I will praise You, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, raise up your hands a'nd praise Him. And it's all over. God bless you.

Only Believe - 61-0427 - William Branham


He deserves it

That stern, old prophet, looked that woman in the face; he said, "Go bake me a cake first." What a command for a man to tell a widow woman, starving to death, to feed him first? What did he say? "For THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will never go empty nor the cruse dry until God sends rain on the earth." First, God. She went in and baked that little cake and come, give it to the prophet. And went right back and baked another one, and another one, and another one, and another one. And the barrel never went empty nor the cruse dry until God sent rain on the earth. She put God before her children. She put God before anything else. She taken the Kingdom of God first. God must have first place in your heart, first place in your life, first place in everything that you do or what you are. God must be first. He doesn't want the second place. He doesn't deserve the second place. He deserves the best, and the first, and all that we got. He deserves it. Blessed be His holy Name.

Hebrews Chapter Two #2 - 57-0825E - William Branham


Your character is known by the works that you do

You see, a man's character is made known by his works. Whatever you are, your works prove what you are. No matter how much you testify, whatever you say, pro or con, that has nothing to do with it; your works tell what you are, tells what you are inside. Every job that you do manifests what you are. And you business men, if you just do a patched up job, see what I mean, just a halfway job, don't do that. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. That's right. When you come to Christ, if you can't absolutely sell out lock, stock, and barrel, and come to Christ, don't come at all. But when you really want to be a Christian, stand out, make it real. That's what God wants you to be. And that'll--that'll prove... Your works will prove what your character is. Your character is known by the works that you do.

Time Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818


God don't want you to be sad

3. But we're happy to be here in this church tonight for the glory of God. Trusting that God will bless you all exceedingly abundantly and give you that which you have come to receive. And we're... This Brother Joseph, of a night when he comes to make an introduction, I wished I could only live to that reputation he tries to make me. That's just because he likes me, you know. Not that, I'm not worthy of that kind of introduction and I--I just the servant of the Lord. But he sure... He maybe puts me on a spot so I have to live pretty good, you know.
Everyone I trust, is feeling as good as possible tonight at the time, as good as common, so that the Lord will bless us together. Many of you here, of course, are perhaps needy and sick, and wanting God's blessing. And aren't we happy tonight that we have a God Who can give us some of His blessing, Who can give us the good things that we desire. What if we didn't have any heavenly Father?

4. You know, I--I was telling the boys awhile ago coming over, I said about how we must be happy all the time. God don't want you to be sad. You know what ill temper does? And that old temper, that's one of the awfullest old things. And it--it's about sixty percent of the cause of all sickness is temper. Yes, sir, them tam--tantrums you fly loose, remember, you just developing a cancer, ulcer, or something like, when you do it. When you get all stewed up about somebody, "I won't go back there any more. Wait till I give them a piece of my mind." All right. Remember, you're the one's going to pay for it. Just keep happy.
The little story, said there was a little robin one morning, setting up on a limb, whistling over to his little mate. The little mate flew down by him and said, "You know, I'm so--I'm so worried this morning about one thing."
Said, "What?" Said, "We robins never worry."

5. "But I just wonder if those poor creatures, the human beings, that frown on their faces, they walk, I wonder, maybe they haven't got a heavenly Father that watches over them like we have, us robins."
That's about it. You never heard of one of them having high blood pressure, did you? No. No, you don't hear no ambulance ringing for them, or so forth (You see?), they--they live in God's true provided way. It's always us that makes things wrong. We're the one who knows science, you know; we're the smart folks. And so they... we... The birds don't change. You know the birds still build their nests just like they did in the garden of Eden; they never change. See? We're the ones who change. The Jewish brother... Now, if there's a Jew here I don't mean this; I'm a Jew too. So you know, he said, "Well," he said, "the trouble is the people." See? He said, "The bird fly down in the road to get a bug. The car runs over him." Said--said, "It's the people." So that's right too. "The bird had a right to the bug, but--but the people invented a automobile and run over him." You see, he said, "It's the people." And that's wrong. We're the one who upsets the world. God made it wonderful and beautiful for us. But we upset it by our ways. We're so scientific, you know; everything must be just this way, way we think it.

The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham


Just so you can get up...

104. Here sometime ago, over in Africa, I was talking to a--to an old saint. He said, "Brother Branham, I know you believe in the supernatural."
I said, "Certainly, my brother."
He said, "Years ago I used to think I was somebody." Said, "I thought I was really a Christian." And he said, "Then up in our church... I had to climb a hill, where I stopped my little car." And said, "I had to climb a hill about, oh, three or four hundred yards, and get around of bushes and things, getting up." And said, "We'd have prayer meeting up there." And said, "I thought I was really a Christian." He said, "I knowed all the Bible. I studied all the Hebrew. I studied all the right pronunciations of the word." And said, "Anybody walked up to me, I could [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] talk to them like that about the Bible. I knowed what I was talking about." He said, "One night I was going up to church. There'd been a lot of conflict in our church." Said, "There was little parties against one another. You know how they raise up."
Said, "Yes, sir."
He said, "On my road up the hill, I was walking, and all at once I become conscious that somebody was following me." And he said, "I thought I'd wait just a little bit for ever who it was to catch up, and I'd talk to them a little while as we went up the road." You know, that's kind of a good thing; you just wait a little while. And said, "As I walked up the hill," said, "I come up. A Man come up the hill," and said, "He had a bundle on His back that was way bigger than the Man." And said, "He was just a panting, and a blowing, and making just little short steps, trying to get up. And I said, 'Fellow, can I help You pack this load up the hill?' He said, 'No, I got to pack it.'" Said, "I looked at His hand," said, "I knew then it was a vision. He had scars in His hand." Said, "I fell down, and I said, 'Lord, are You packing the sins of the world in that sack?' He said, 'No, I'm just packing yours, just getting you up the hill, just so you can get up.'"
That's the way it is. If we'd just look around, we'd find out He's packing ours. Doesn't it make you feel little? Our wicked, cruel heart, just because we can do it...

The Church And Its Condition - 56-0805 - William Branham


Think right; do right; you've got to come out right

22. Now, friends, there's many things that people do and say, perhaps maybe... I--I'm not the judge of people. But I think any ministry or any demonstration of the Spirit of God that can't be backed up in this Bible, I'd leave it alone. If anything that anyone says that isn't backed up by the Scripture, then I--I couldn't go with it; although I wouldn't say it wasn't God till I seen the fruits of it. Then I wouldn't say nothing about it; I'd just let it go like that.
I don't believe in talking about people. I don't believe that. I believe in rebuking sin and so forth; but talking about, "Well, this church is not right, and they are nothing but hypocrites, and this pastor's nothing." That's wrong. The Bible... God...

23. One man one time by the name of David, who could've killed his enemy; God led him right up to the enemy, and the man that was searching for his life, and his--even his general said, "God has delivered him into your hands; take his life." And he cut the piece off of his coat, went back up, he said, "God forbid that I touch His anointed." That's right.
So don't--don't say nothing evil about Christians. Don't try to harm Christians, 'cause you'll reap what you sow every time. "Touch not My anointed; do My prophets no harm. For it was far better for you that your--that you'd have millstone tied at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea, than to offend My anointed." Is that right?
So don't say nothing about Christians. Maybe some of them don't live just right, or do just right, but that--that's God's child. Let--let the Father take care of His own kiddies. You know? If we go to fighting one another, God give us both a whipping, maybe. So let's--let's just leave the other fellow alone and pray for him. Try to love him and correct him and maybe God will help him.

24. And so God prepares and sends voices of warning. And He's always made a preparation. Just before He sent Elijah up on the Mount Carmel, there to prove that He was God and--and the nation had gone wrong, well, He sent Elijah out to give a warning and to make preparation for these things. And He always does that: God provides a way every time for the people. And then if the people reject His mercy, there's only one thing left to do and that is for His judgment.
It's just like if you're going right, and that's right, and this is wrong going left, you can't expect to be going wrong and come out right. You've got to come out wrong. You may think you're going right, but you find out after awhile, it'll be wrong. And you can't go right and wrong at the same time. So just keep right all the time, and you're bound to come out. You think sometimes you're going wrong when you're going this way, but as long as you're going right, you'll come out right. You've got to.
So think right. That's your obligation to yourself. Do right; that's your obligation to God. And you'll be right just as certain as I'm standing in this platform tonight. Think right; do right; you've got to come out right.

God's Preparation - 54-0401 - William Branham


You want to know a little secret?

30-2. You might go all kinds of emotions, and carry on every way, and call in the name of religion. The heathens do the same thing. But give me a consecrated life that's dead and rose again in Christ Jesus, who lives in the Shekinah Glory, with the love of God around them; that's the person I would believe that's going to be there.
Put me beneath the veil, under the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Take all your gifts that you have in the Scripture. The devil can impersonate every one of them; but he can't impersonate love, 'cause love in genuine. The devil can't love. That's one thing he can't do. And when you get to a place that you love one another, and all the world is dead... And if you love God...

30-4. I was talking to a woman the other day that was just bawling me out like everything. She was going to--almost give me a whipping. I was setting with another man. And she said, "You start across this place, and I'll call the sheriff."
I said, "Well, sister dear, I was only..." I said, "We're Christians; we wouldn't do that."
She said, "Christians, there is no such thing." Real nasty... And she was bawling us out terribly.
I said, "But, lady, there is..." I said, "Don't you believe in Jesus Christ."
She said, "Oh, I believe in Him, but not in people."
I said, "You can't believe in Him without believing His people. You can't do it." Oh, she was doing everything but giving me a cursing. I walked out to the car--out of the car, went over. I said, "Sister, we only want to pass over a little place here." I said, "It'll be all right." I said, "I wouldn't have done it for anything." I said, "I'm--I'm working here."
And she said, "That's the way with you people. You think you can run over us old folks."
I said, "No, no, no." I said, "That's--that's all right. If you don't want us to do it. I don't know how we'll ever get the car out of here. We come in. Your husband told us we could."
"I don't care what he said. You're not doing it."
I said, "Well, we--we come in here." And I said...
She said, "Can't go out in that yard now."
I said, "Lady, do you see that mud? Why, you'd never get ten foot off where we're at now, off that grass and rock there." I said...
She said, "That's up to you to see to it, but you cross here and you're going... I'll go call the sheriff."
I said, "You have a perfect right, and I'm sorry that I didn't come and see you besides your husband." I said, "I'm sorry about it."

31-2. And she, oh, she was raging, and a puffing, and a blowing, and shaking her fist in my face, and everything. I set there with an old ragged pair of overalls on. And I said, "Well, I'm very sorry that I--that I disturbed you. I wouldn't have done it for nothing in the world, sister." I said, "I--I'm--I'm ashamed of myself." I said, "Your husband said it was all right. And it's all right." And I said...
She said, "You young people think you can run over us old folks."
I said, "No doubt that's what took place along the neighborhood here many times. But sister, we're Christians." I said, "I don't live here. I'm just working here to help some brother out."
She said, "You're working here?" Said, "What are you doing here?"
I said, "I'm a minister, a reverend."
She looked me up and down; She said, "A reverend?"
I said, "Yes ma'am."
She said, "What are you doing here?"
I said, "Trying to do a good deed to help somebody out."
"What's your name?"
I said, "My name is Branham."
She said, "Are you Brother Branham?"
I said, "Yes."
She said, "Forgive me." And her lips started quivering. She started crying. She said, "I'm a backslidden Methodist." She said, "I'm ashamed I acted the way I did."
I said, "God bless you, sister. Go back to church; won't you? Serve the Lord Jesus."

32-3. See, if you jumped out there and started fussing at her, and telling her you did have a right and so forth, and you...?... See what you'd have done? Just a few words of love go on down to the heart. Brother, let's get people inside the veil. That's right.
You want to know a little secret? That's how I conquer wild animals. That's how I conquer diseases, is by love. The love of God constrains us to do such a thing. Come in the veil. Won't you today, while we bow our heads for a moment of prayer?

Why Are People So Tossed About - 56-0101 - William Branham


You'll never be forgiven until you believe...

Now, don't think that I'm a Universalist that believes that everybody's saved and will be; I do not, no, sir. I believe that all those--everybody was saved as far as God was concerned, for Jesus paid the full penalty for sin when He died. Now, it will never do you no good until you accept it. See? You have to accept it. And it's not how hard you cry, how much you beg, how much you persuade; it's a surrendered heart to God with faith believing He done it. Even our altar calls that we have, in bringing people up around the altar, they didn't do that in the Bible time; that's a tradition of our people, originated formally in the Methodist church. But look, it's a good thing. I don't like this dry eyed repentance. I like to see somebody get up and really be sorry for what they done, and really mean it. But no matter how much that you pray, you'll never be forgiven until you believe you're forgiven, then you confess that you are, then live like you are.

Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham


God has hid it from the wise and prudent

Now, in the beginning when God spoke, and Satan was standing there and he heard it... And the people are trying to find this missing link. I'll tell you by revelation, if--if you want to receive it, that missing person between animal and man is the serpent, before he had his legs taken from him. The Bible said, "He was the most subtil of all the beasts (not reptile), of all the field." He was the one who beguiled the woman in his beauty. And she conceived, and now by doing that and seeing sin was coming, God put such a curse upon him till science will never find any relationship between this serpent as known today and mankind. But, there is your fallen, degraded being between--that hooked the animal life together. There you are. God has hid it from the wise and prudent, but will reveal it to babes such as will learn. See? There's your fallen person.

Joseph Meeting His Brethren - 56-1230 - William Branham


It lays in our own individual faith in a finished work

Why do we baptize? Water won't save you, but it's the obeying an act. Taking the communion won't save you, but it's following the commandments. You're only... Beating on the altar won't heal you. Beating on the altar won't save you. You could beat on the altar until you just went out of breath and--and died there. You'd still be unsaved until you accept and believe that Jesus died in your stead, and you accept Him as your personal Saviour. Every minister in here could lay hands on every sick person in here and pray from now until day after tomorrow night. There'd never be one thing happen until you accept what Jesus did for you. So therefore it doesn't lay in ministers, in one another, but it lays in our own individual faith in a finished work that Christ did for us at Calvary.

Be Not Afraid, It Is I - 61-0414 - William Branham

You're His

Lord, I take myself and place it with these people who are standing. Be merciful to them, Lord. You let me preach the Word. They heard It; they believed It. And they've come, and I'm bringing myself with them, Lord. Hear us, O God, hear us. Forgive us of our trespasses and give unto us that which we are so desiring in our heart.
We realize that we're eternity bound creatures. Our heads are bowed to the dust, where You taken us. And someday You will bring us from that dust, just as such as there's a star shining in the sky. You promised You'd do it, and You will do it.
Forgive us of our sins now. Help us to go from here today, new creatures, with new objective, new motives, and them all be according to Thy will. Let us stand with a firm fast faith. Let us act and be as Christians should be. Make us an example in the neighborhood, that when we pass by, that the women might say, "There goes a saint of God, if there ever was one, sweet, meek, gentle. There goes a saint in that man across the floor yonder. If there ever was a godly man, there he goes. His life proves it. I'm his neighbor, such a Christian, such an honor to live by him." God, grant it.

Now, take what's lacking, Lord, in us of being what we should be, and place in us, Lord, that which we lack. Take out that which we need not, and place in that what we need to make us as gallant Christians, millions times farther, and more than the mother animal was for her baby. Grant it, Lord. We stand in need of Your sanctifying power. May it be given to us, through Jesus, Thy Son.
As you stand, praying. Don't be to quick to set down. Just think a few minutes. Who raised you up? Who made you raise up? What was that? Who did it? Christ. That's Who's standing by you. That's what's made your heart change, is Christ. Do you believe with all your heart, you that's standing, that that thing that was wrong with you when you raised up, you believe that Christ takes it away from you now; and you can go from here, a different person, and live sweet and humble and meek and loyal to Christ, the rest of your days? If you do, I want you to defy the laws of gravitation again. That something in your heart has told you that, I want you to raise your hands, and say, "I truly believe that from this hour on I'll be His. And the things that was wrong with me has gone. I can now take my place with Christ."
God bless you. A hundred percent, hands up everywhere. That's right. Now, you're His. Now, all sin has passed away.

A sweet thing, I'm noticing perhaps a mother standing (and you all, while you're in prayer), and a little boy with tears, and his own little eyes turned red. He raised his hand with his mama. Oh, I'm just so glad the Holy Spirit's here to catch those little things. You see? It means so much. It's just so real. God bless you, is my prayer. Go now, and be a real gallant Christian. May God rest your gallant soul.
And someday, if Jesus tarries, if it's ashes to ashes, and dust to dust, and earth to earth, you'll never forget this day. I speak in the Name of Christ. Amen. God bless you.

Hear Ye Him- 58-0209A - William Branham


He still keeps His Word

I imagine, when the people wanted a good laugh, they went up and stood before the ark door and laughed. "Why, you said it was going to rain a hundred years ago! Grandpa told me he heard you up here saying it was going to rain, and you're still beating around on this old piece of wood up here. Why don't you get next to yourself?" But it was God getting ready to confirm a promise and to fulfill a prophecy that His prophet had made. Very unusual! God fulfilling His promise to Noah, while others was laughing. God was also getting ready to make history to show to others, even to this day, that He keeps His Word! No matter how unreal it seems, and unreasonable, He still keeps His Word.

What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? - 65-0725E - William Branham


What you scared of?

That's it. You're scared. People today is afraid. What you afraid of? Why, even death itself don't scare a Christian. "Death, where is thy sting?" The very thoughts of people is scared. "Oh, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I just can't get well." What are you scared of? There's an atonement laying for you yonder. Sure. "Well Brother Branham, I've done so much sins. I've..." What are you scared of? There's an atonement waiting for you. There's Someone Who loves you. Don't be scared. The constant Words of Jesus, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore. Fear not." Get that atmosphere around you.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


At that moment, you are healed in the sight of God

Now, you don't go to hell because you're a sinner; you go to hell because you refused to accept the way away from hell. There's a bypass; that's Christ. There's a bypass from your sickness, quick death, premature grave; that's through Christ. But now, you're--you're--you sinned in the beginning, and Christ died for your sins. Therefore, He saved you when He died. He saved you, and He healed you when He died, for He took your place. But now, all you have to do is to accept it by faith, and you'll receive it. See what I mean? Now, there's nothing more to be done, because your healing's already paid for. You can have it right this afternoon. You can have it right now, this very minute when you believe it. When your faith meets God's requirement, to believe that Christ died for your sickness, when He died for your sins (and He died for your sins at Calvary), and accept it upon that basis; at that moment, you are healed in the sight of God.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham


See, what He says about it

55. A great musician, just here a few years ago, went to Russia. He was playing an overture, and he was playing just so greatly until the Russian people were screaming at the top of their voice. They stood up and they screamed, and they screamed, and applauded, for him to play just once more. And he, and he stood (now listen), and they... They screamed again, and they stomped, for him to play again this great overture.
And he... They noticed the boy. They said, "He must be beside himself. He's not noticing our applause. He's not noticing it. We're trying to call him back to play again." But they noticed he just stood like that, staring. So after while they turned to look. He wasn't paying any attention to the applauding of the people; but his old teacher, the old maestro, was setting up in the audience. He wanted to see what he said about it. He wanted to know whether he would applaud, or nod his head--it was well done. He didn't care what the people said; he wanted to see what he said.
And if the people tells you that the days of miracles is past, Jesus Christ is not the same yesterday, today, and forever, don't notice what the people are saying, but look up to the Master Who wrote the Words. Keep your eyes turned up there. See, what He says about it. If divine healing's right, search His Word today, and come expecting tonight. Can we bow our heads just a moment?

56. Gracious Lord, I am thankful for this little audience that's set here now waiting. I pray that You'll sink some seeds into their hearts, that they'll come tonight with such expectations, till the lame will walk, the blind will see. May there not be one feeble person among us tonight. May all the heart trouble be healed, the cancers. And may Your Spirit just come down, and even in their homes this afternoon may they be healed before they even get to the church. We're expecting, Lord, great things.
So guide the people into the house of God tonight. Guide the sinner, that wayward boy, mother's darling baby that she's brushed his tears away, and there he lays on the barroom floor today; that wayward daughter, out all night. May the Holy Spirit speak and guide their feet to the house of God and then to the altar tonight to find Christ, their Saviour. And may we, as Simeon of old, with arms of faith, embrace the precious Lord Jesus in our hearts tonight, and make our heart the cradle. Let our experience with Him be as a swaddling that'll make us live different from now on.
Bless our little brother pastor here, and these other ministers, and whoever there is in the church, Lord, today. Bless... trusting that You'd give every church a great service today. May it be a day we'll never forget. Keep us strong now to serve You. Bless the people as they go to their homes. We ask in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Expectation - 61-0205M - William Branham


All those things faced Him

There, Jesus, facing up that road, a road that you and I tonight, all of us are guilty of sending Him up that road. On His mind, He knew that He was going to Calvary, up that road. On that road He knowed He was going to Gethsemane. He was going to Pilate's judgment hall. He was to be beaten, mocked, and then His great gifts of God was to be put at trial. Going to put a rag around His head and smack Him on the head and--and say, "Now, if you know all what's in the people's hearts and minds, tell me who hit you." All those things faced Him. A quivering, bittering death, there, He had to face. He knew also, hanging in His mind there, that He was going up to have His hands placed around a pole; His clothes stripped off of Him, and lashes that would burn plumb into the bone, was going around Him. And His Blood would bathe His sides and a cruel thorn crown would be placed on His head, and He'd be nailed to a cross and hang there, bleeding, bleating, dying, as the most bloody sacrifice was ever offered in the world.

Blind Bartimaeus - 54-0402 - William Branham


He was God's Lamb

If you would ever know Who Jesus really is, then you can appreciate His great sacrifice so much more. You have to know Who He is, first. He wasn't just a righteous man, or a good man. He was the Son of God. No one, no Angel, no nothing else could have ever took the place but He. And He was willing to come down for us. And when He was born, He borned on the earth here, and come by the way of a stable, and went out the way of capital punishment. And yet, we complain sometimes because we have a few trials and troubles. Well, look what He--what happened to Him. You know why He was borned in a stable? Because He was a Lamb. Lambs are not born in houses; they're born in barns. And He was... Did you notice to the Calvary, they led Him away to the slaughter. That's the way they do Lambs. They lead them away. He was God's Lamb, provided Lamb, provided for us, that we sinners might have access to God through Him.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham


"This is My people"

God's always got a people somewhere that He can point to and say, "That's it." Oh, I want to be among that number. I'm sure we all want to be there. It's the desire of every heart. We want to be among that number that God can say, "This is My people. Look at them. They're an example of what I am. They are reflecting My Life in theirs. They have surrendered their life, and I'm reflecting Mine Life through theirs." What a beautiful thing. What a--how it must make God feel good to know that He's got somebody He can put trust in.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham


Nothing can defeat the purpose of God

And I know today, being my birthday, that I'm getting to be an old man. I looked at myself in the glass, and I see that that little boy that built this tabernacle is not that little boy any more. He's becoming an aged man, stooping shoulders, the beard turning gray, the hair going out. But nothing can defeat the purpose of God; nothing can. Therefore, I rest assured upon the promise, "Because I live, ye shall live also." I join with Job of old, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last day He will stand on the earth." It's a purpose that God has. I must serve this purpose. My whole life must be brought into His purpose and to His program. Each of us is that way.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham


Stay right with it

The Bible said the Gospel came to us not in word only, but through the power, manifestations of the Holy Ghost. In other words, it's the Holy Ghost taking the Word of God and making It manifest. See? And otherwise the only way that the signs of Mark 16 can follow the believer is that the Holy Spirit Himself takes the Word of God and demonstrates it to the people. That's it. Now, faith makes that Word live. See, the Word is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And then Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, ask what you will and it'll be done for you." See? That's staying with Christ in the Word. Don't go right or left; stay right with it. See? And then it's actually not your word then; it's His Word, and His Word has the power and authority behind It.

Confirmation Of The Commission - 62-0122 - William Branham


He is the eternal Achievement

First, He's the Way; second, He's the Truth; third, He's the Light; fourth, He's the only eternal Fou--Foundation; and fifth, He's the only eternal Happiness and Joy; sixth, He is the only lasting Achievement. He is. You tell me somewhere, or some place, that you could go, or something you could do, or something you could achieve, that would be everlasting outside of Jesus Christ. Tell me if you could build a house that would be everlasting. Tell me you could build a popularity, be eternal. Tell me you could get enough riches that'd be eternal riches. You cannot do it, nothing outside of Jesus Christ. He is the eternal Achievement. And if you have achieved ever so much in your life, you have never achieved the eternal thing yet until you have found Christ Jesus and have got Him into your heart. He is the eternal Achievement.

To Whom Would We Go? - 60-0606 - William Branham


Don't never be upset

God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen.

The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham


The best thing you can do is answer always

I wish I could stand where he did. Wished I could stand in that place where he was standing. You know what I'd do? Oh, I wouldn't be interested in so much church affairs; I'd fall on my face and say, "Dear Lord Jesus, the Master of Life, give to me Your pardoning grace," if I had the opportunity to stand before Him. I believe that's about the feeling of everybody here tonight. We'd do the same thing. I... But today it's just like it was then. We're so taken up with so many things in the church we got to do, so much the church requires us, and so much places to go, till really, we fail many times to receive the opportunity. And maybe, some night we got to go practice for song service. We got to do something else. Something, maybe, religious nature, but when the Holy Spirit is speaking at your heart, the best thing you can do is answer always, no matter what it is, what time of night, or what kind of an errand you're on, 'cause He might not speak no more for a long time, and maybe never.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


Then you're going to see something happen

Now, I want you to notice: the lamb was a silent lamb. The Bible said, "He opened not His mouth. Like a sheep before the shearers, He was dumb." He didn't open His mouth. He wasn't a Fellow that wants his rights. No, sir, He was willing to forfeit His rights. He was a silent Man.
But today, oh, my, how we want our differences. Oh, my. "I tell you, you just let somebody say something to me; I'll go over and get him, boy; I'll take him apart. I'll tell that old hypocrite when I see her. You just wait till I see her. Bless God, hallelujah. Uh-huh." The Dove just takes His flight and goes on away. That's right. The Holy Spirit's not with you any more, as long as you feel that way. Just mark that down in your book. It'll never do it. The Holy Spirit just won't stay around where that kind of a spirit is. It's got to be a lamb spirit, a gentle spirit, or It just won't stay with it; that's all there is to it. If it ain't a gentle, meek, led by the Holy Spirit... And if anything comes up, It just don't even notice it, just goes on. See? And the very minute that it turns aside, you know, that's the very, the...

When you turn aside... You know, the first sin started of a person turning aside just for a minute. Did you know that? The Bible said so. Eve turned aside just a moment to hear what Satan had to say, and he painted a picture so pretty to her till she actually thought it was the Truth. And she listened to him.
And the only thing the devil wants you to do, is just turn aside just for a few minutes. He can paint the picture, say, "Now, look here. You know, brother, you know, sister, if they were the right kind of people, they wouldn't do this. If they just did this right here, you know." He can make it so real to you until it becomes a real truth. That's right. But remember, it's the devil.
I don't care how lowdown they are, how far they've stooped in sin; it's your business to put an arm around them and lift them up by the love of God. Where was you when the Dove of God lifted you out of the miry clay? It's your business, my friend. This world is dying for a little bit of love. The...

I want you to notice this animal too, this little animal; it was a silent lamb because it didn't... When He was reviled, He reviled not again. He didn't rail and carry on, and fuss and stew, and go on, He didn't do it. When somebody... When He was reviled, He reviled not again. He opened not His mouth.
But you let somebody do something to you or me, oh, my, we blow up like a toad frog eating buckshot, puff out like a--like an old goose. "I'll tell you right now; he stepped on my toes like that again, I'll never go back to that old church again. No, sir. Bless God. Hallelujah. The Nazarenes will receive me, the Pilgrim Holiness, they'll take me. Hallelujah. I don't have to do it no more." All right, the Dove takes Its flight.
"You know what? If that old hypocrite goes to that church, I'll never go again. Bless God, I'll never do it." When that thing strikes you, that old snarling wolf, the Dove takes Her flight. That's right. Then the Holy Ghost is gone.
Then you wonder what's the matter with you. You wonder what's the matter with the church. You wonder what's the matter with you. Why ain't you got victory like you used to have? You changed your nature. You become a goat instead of a lamb. You become something else besides a lamb.
You've got to get that real meek Spirit, "Let the Holy Ghost lead me wherever. God, I love every sinner, no matter where they are." That kind of a place get in the human heart, then you're going to see something happen.

The Church And Its Condition - 56-0805 - William Branham