
You are living, written epistles

Remember the Bible said, "You are living, written epistles read of all men." Now, many people won't read the Bible. But God has made you a living representative. You are a walking letter, should be a walking Bible, Christ in you. You should be the walking Word of God. And if you profess to be a Christian and not that, your influence--your--what you're influencing will make you have to answer for many souls that you've turned aside, away from Christ, in that day of the judgment. I think it behooves us tonight to think about that. For every man, woman, boy, and girl, knows that you're coming to the judgment. You might escape this, that, or the other. You might beat the income tax, and you might escape the Internal Revenue. You might do one thing or another. You might have run over the speed limit, and the cops never catch you. But one day judgment's going to get you. That's certain.
Influences - 64-0215 - William Branham

Don't gamble on That

Believers should never gamble. "Oh, well, this is all right. I will take the chance on it." Don't you do. There's a pattern laid down, a definitely thing, and it doesn't belong in any certain group of people. It's God's Word. Don't gamble on That. Now, don't take chances. And another thing I notice among people sometime, especially in... A man will get ahold of a little money, and then he will try to invest it in some kind of a get rich overnight, some unidentified business. You will lose the shirt off your back, and you know that. See? Don't you try that. And a good, sensible, thinking businessman won't do that. It's somebody who's green at the job will take a chance like that. It never pays off.
Investments - 63-0126 - William Branham


How long does a baby cry?

How long does a baby cry? Until he gets satisfied. And that's the way the believing Christian should do, God's child. If you see that God made the promise, don't give it up, cry till it's answered. Cry till you see God vindicates His Word. When God vindicates His Word, and proves it's here, then you don't have to cry no more; you got it, walk away and thank Him for it. Until you do that, scream out till you get it. I like that, persistent, holding on. Not a hybrid plant, not one that has to be babied and petted, and packed around. Christians are real, genuine, born, articles of God. They fight for their position, and fight till they're finished on this earth. Every move of it is a fight.
God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206E - William Branham

Let's keep all the enemies away from it

When you're playing a ball game (as it's football season), the thing we want to do, is not everybody try to take the ball away from the man that's got it; it's trying to guard that man. Protect him; let him get through. We're trying to make a goal. See? But could you imagine a team so untrained as to find one man--their own man with the ball running to the field goal, and then instead of trying to knock the enemy away from him, the opposing team, to let your own man that's got the ball take off with it, every man trying to take the ball out of his hand? Why, you're bound to lose. And today, we have the same thing. When we see God come on the scene, and going to bless a certain thing, let's keep all the enemies away from it. Let's use our influences as--as tackles, not runners, tackles that protects the runner, lets him pack the ball through, because there's no opposition; all you have to do is just keep running. And we should be tackles.
Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham

That's what God told us to do

No matter how great a teacher he is, how powerful he is, how intellectual he is, or how his gift operates, if he isn't trying to achieve something for the benefit of the body of Christ, your own spiritual discernment would tell you that that's wrong. No matter how accurate, how perfect, how it is, it's wrong if it isn't used for the body of Jesus Christ. To achieve something, maybe he's got a great gift that he could draw people together with a great intellectual or a spiritual power, that he could draw people together, and maybe he's trying to take that gift and make hisself famous so that he'll have a big name, so that other brethren will look up to him as some big person. Then that's wrong. Maybe he's trying to--to edify a certain thing here that he wants everybody else to get out of the picture and let him and his group be the picture. That's still wrong. See? But if he has a gift of God and he's trying to edify the Body of Christ, then I don't care what he belongs to. You're not discerning the man, you're discerning the spirit, the life that's in the man. And that's what God told us to do.
Discernment Of Spirit - 60-0308 - William Branham

That's the place where God reveals His secret things

Have you ever come to the place in life where Christ meant more to you than all the arguing you could do about your church? Has Christ meant more to you than all the world? I don't mean from an emotion or a mental work-up; I mean from the depths of your heart, that something's settled in there, that something's taken place, that you don't know how it come, but you're hid away, and your whole motive is to serve Jesus Christ. Have you entered that place, my dear brother? Have you come into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act smart, but till the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see nothing else, you're whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody, flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and the calling.
A Hidden Life - 55-1006A - William Branham


Perfect love casts out all fear

That's the trouble with man tonight; that's what's the trouble with people tonight; you're scared. That's the biggest curse there is on the Full Gospel people, or any other people; is because they are afraid. God has made the provision, but you're afraid to take His Word for it. If you was--wasn't afraid tonight, why, you would take your healing by faith, and know that God promised it, and the thing would just go plumb away from you. Afraid, scared... And I've noticed it. And that's the reason I'm such a believer in healing. I know that if you can get away from that scare, and get love in its place, something's going to happen. There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it?

"Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.
The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


Just lean on His understanding

Satan was much smarter than Eve. She didn't--wasn't even in the picture. But she wasn't supposed to be smart; she was supposed to be obedient. We're not supposed to be smart. Jesus said the children of this world, or, the kingdom of this world is much smarter, the children of darkness than the children of Light. We are likened to sheep. Sheep can't even lead themselves; they've got to have a shepherd. God don't want us smart, He wants us to lean on His understanding (Amen.), just where He leads. Amen. You see the picture? Don't lean upon your own understanding. Proverbs 5, 3. Don't lean upon your own understanding, lean upon His understanding. No matter how contrary it seems, and how big the bright lights look out here, don't pay no attention to it. Just lean on His understanding, what He said is the Truth.
Oneness - 62-0211 - William Branham


Let's love one another

Well, some new issues and the different kinds come in. If it's not of God it'll fall anyhow. So why... Just let them go ahead and let's love one another. Don't fight one another. As long as the devil's got you fighting one another, he don't have to fight at all. He will set back and has a picnic, watching you fight one another, and laugh at you professing to have the Holy Ghost, and fighting one another.
Turning Northward - 61-0129 - William Branham

So there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus

You wasn't saved by the Blood; you're kept saved by the Blood. But you were saved by grace, through faith, believing it. God knocked at your heart, because He predestinated you. You looked up, and believed it, accepted it. Now, the Blood makes an atonement for your sins. Remember, I said, "God does not condemn a sinner for sinning." He's a sinner to begin with. He condemns a Christian for sinning. And then because He has condemned him, Christ took our condemnation. So there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. And if you do anything wrong, it isn't willfully. You don't sin willfully. A man that sins willfully, goes out and willfully sins, never come into that Body yet. But a man that's once in there, he's dead, and his life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost, and the devil can't even find him; he's so far back in there. He would have to come out of there before the devil can ever get him, for you are dead.
Adoption #4 - 60-0522E - William Branham

That's the reason people doesn't get healed

Intellectual faith... That's the reason people doesn't get healed, is because they only have an intellectual view of it, what their mind conceives. But the mind will reason. The mind will say, "It cannot be. I am no better." My sense of sight says that, "My arm is no straighter than it was yesterday." My sense of feeling says, "I don't feel any different than I did yesterday." Reasoning, mental theology will reason out, say, "Well, now wait a minute, I believe that's foolishness." See, you're reasoning. That intellectual faith will do that. But when once that faith comes down into that compartment down here, it'll never question this up here, at all. It's absolutely a fact, and it'll agree with every Divine Word of God.
Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham

I would rather see brotherly love existing among the church

Now, there is so much in the day that we live in pertaining to gifts. So many people judge people by gifts that they have. Well, I believe that these things are gifts. I believe that what we see take place is gifts, and they are God-given gifts. But we--if we do not use them in the right way that God intended them to be used, then we can do more harm with the gifts than we could if we did not have the gifts. The other night I made a statement at the pulpit, saying this, that I would rather see brotherly love existing among the church, if we didn't have one case of healing or anything else. See, we must know what these things are for.
Discernment Of Spirit - 60-0308 - William Branham


God's still got those Angels in order

There's one assurance the believer has, though the world turned him down, yet God loves him. The world may call you holy-roller; they may call you fanatic; but if you're true to God there's one sure thing: God loves you, and His Angels are encamped about those who fear Him. I'd imagine on every limb, all around through the place, was swarms of Angels. And God came down, and He said, "My poor little tired servant. He's so nervous and tore up, he don't know what to do. I want to pick out the Angel standing here that's got the softest hands. Don't you scare him; walk over and stroke his brow right easy. And I want the best cook among you, and go up there, and get all the vitamins that you can find, and put in this corn meal. The world's turned him down, but I'm going to treat him right." Hallelujah. That means "praise our God." Don't get scared of that. "Bring forth the best that we got; cook him a corn cake and set him down some water." And this soft-handed Angel went over and stroked the little servant of God on the brow. Remember, if you've done your best, God's still got those Angels in order. He loves you just the same as He loved Elijah.
What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 59-0412E - William Branham

Sin will be judged

If this nation escapes judgment, God will be obligated to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for sinking them and burning them up, for we are just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah ever was. And if He sunk Sodom and Gomorrah and burnt them up because of their sin, and He doesn't deal the same way with us, then He would be unjust and owe them an apology. God doesn't have to apologize to nobody or nothing. Sin will be judged, and it'll be punished, just as sure as there's a God Who can make judgment. And God's judgment is Holy, God is holy.
The Handwriting On The Wall - 58-0309M - William Branham


God is a God of variety

God is a God of variety. He has big hills and little hills. He has plains, rivers, mountains, grassy spots. He has little trees, big trees, white flowers, blue flowers, red flowers. He has... He's a variety and to His people are a variety; and He makes it all to His pleasure. Look at the--look at the earth. You can see what God loves, and that's what it'll be in the resurrection. Oh, I'm so glad of that, aren't you? To think that someday we'll see Him as He is. Someone said not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, will we know--will I know my mother?" "You'll not only know your mother, but you'll know every mother. You'll know everybody." "Oh," he said, "now, that's ridiculous." "Oh, no, no. On Mount Transfiguration, Peter, James and John had never seen Moses or Elijah, but when they was under that inspiration, they recognized them as soon as they appeared and never seen them." Is that right? But we'll know one another. Don't you worry about that, you'll know it.
Abraham - 56-1208 - William Branham

What a day that will be

It gives us the promise that someday that these old weakening, feebled, gray-headed, broke down mothers will be changed. Not only will mother set there by herself, but all of her family with her. And what a day that will be. What a time it will be, when we look upon the faces of those who we have loved so well. What a difference on that morning when we shall see our loved ones, and--and to watch what they'll be. Then all the afflictions will be taken away. All the mars of suffering will be done, no more pale cheeks of death, no more tears from the eyes; the resurrection promises all of this. There'll be no more funerals, no more patting the baby on the cheek that's like a piece of stone, where the undertaker has embalmed, and pushed out, and put paint on, and so forth, to look natural. It'll never be needed again there.
Mother's Day - 59-0510M - William Branham


It'll never be needed again there

It gives us the promise that someday that these old weakening, feebled, gray-headed, broke down mothers will be changed. Not only will mother set there by herself, but all of her family with her. And what a day that will be. What a time it will be, when we look upon the faces of those who we have loved so well. What a difference on that morning when we shall see our loved ones, and--and to watch what they'll be. Then all the afflictions will be taken away. All the mars of suffering will be done, no more pale cheeks of death, no more tears from the eyes; the resurrection promises all of this. There'll be no more funerals, no more patting the baby on the cheek that's like a piece of stone, where the undertaker has embalmed, and pushed out, and put paint on, and so forth, to look natural. It'll never be needed again there.
Mother's Day - 59-0510M - William Branham

He's at every place, and all powerful

Jesus died for one purpose: and that was to save those who God foreknew would be saved. That's right. God knew there was going to be somebody saved, and there had to be a preparation, or a way made, for them to be saved. If there wasn't, salvation wasn't possible. So God foreknowing that people would be saved, knowing who they were, He had to lay a plan down. Now, you'd say to me, "Brother Branham, then God knows exactly who will be saved?" Correctly. "Why does He say, He's not willing that any should perish?" He isn't. He isn't willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance. But the order to be God, He has to know who will do that, or He wasn't God. 'Cause He is--He's omnipotent; He's omnipresent; He's omniscient; He knows everything. He's at every place, and all powerful.
Making A Way - 56-0304 - William Branham

Don't you want to have the Holy Ghost today?

One day, the Bible says, that things will break out on this earth and diseases and things, and all the people will be plagued, till the flesh shall rot on them and so forth. But the Bible says, "Don't you come near any of those who has the Seal of God in their forehead." And the Seal of God is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now, you advent brothers, I don't want to disagree with you on being a seventh day; there's no Scripture for that. But the Bible Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed till the day of your redemption." And the mark of the antichrist is to reject that Holy Ghost. Which you're sealed outside of the Kingdom forever, with no, no way they'll ever be forgiven. He that speaks against the Holy Ghost will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come. There's your mark of the beast and the seal of God in one little handful. The seal of God is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the mark of the antichrist is to deny it. Now, you're marked one way or the other. Don't you want to have the Holy Ghost today?
The Junction Time - 56-0122 - William Branham


He becomes acquainted with his Maker

A animal doesn't have a soul. But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.
Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham


It'll be something different

I was just thinking. I don't know whether I ever did quoted this or not. Brother Charlie... Sometime ago I was down in Kentucky with him, and he said, "Brother Branham, do you think in the millennium you and I will squirrel hunt?" I said, "I don't think so, Charlie." He said, "Well, we liked it so well," said, "do you--you think we will when we get in the millennium?" I said, "No, won't be nothing killed in the millennium." And he said, "Well, we just like it." I said, "Charlie, what if I could convince you that one time you were a hog, and you'd raised to a higher being, to being a human being. Would you ever go--want to go back and enjoy the pleasures of a hog?" Said, "No." I said, "See, you'd be so much higher than the hog now, you're human, you'd never want to be a hog any more." I said, "Now, multiply that by ten thousand, and that's what you'll be when you are changed from here to what you will be. You'll never want to be human again." That's right. It'll be something different. I'm so glad just for the thoughts of it, knowing that someday we will climb higher.
That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham

You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ

The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in its condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.
Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham


Don't be afraid to fill it out

Everything He's got in His Kingdom belongs to us. He just takes the whole big Book full of checks, and signs His Name on the bottom of them, say, "Here you are, son. Anything you need, go get it." Amen. Don't be afraid to fill it out. Fill it out and hand it in, say, "Thank You, Lord." Hallelujah. It'll come to pass. "Whatsoever things you desire (Mark 11:24), when you pray, believe you'll receive it, you shall have it." Sign out the check, say, "Lord, I need healing." Tear it off, say, "There You are, Lord, I ask in Jesus' Name for healing." Say, "Thank You, Lord," and walk right on, believe for the healing. That's right. Like them crows sending down that food to Elijah. There it is.
God's Way That's Been Made For Us - 52-0900 - William Branham

Every believer's setting before it

If I went to your table and set down there, you said, "Preacher, come eat with me," I believe you love me. And you had beans and potatoes and carrots and fried chicken and pumpkin pie and ice cream, everything setting there, why, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the potatoes as I was to the beans. The only thing, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the chicken as I was to the pie. It's all on the table. And the only thing I have to do is say, "Would you please pass me some pie?" I believe with a good free heart, your love to me, you'd say, "Certainly, my brother, have a nice big piece of it." Is that right? If I'd say, "Would you pass me potatoes?" "Why, certainly, my brother, here it is." And every redemptive blessing that Jesus Christ died for and purchased in His atonement at Calvary, it's setting on the table and every believer's setting before it. Hallelujah. If I need healing, I say, "Father, pass me some healing," and I pour it out on my plate and eat a big... Now, if you want to starve to death, go ahead.
Questions And Answers On Genesis - 53-0729 - William Branham

That's a way the woman should thirst to be

And did you know, they are the only creature that--that the female is prettier than the male; it's in the human race. Every other animal, take the--the cow to the bull, the doe deer to the buck, the hen to the rooster, the mother bird to the father bird, always you find the male is big and pretty. But on the human race, showed there's where the perversion come, it turns around; and it's the women so is--is pretty, and they lust to be pretty. Not like some of these weird creatures we see on the street of this day; no, no, not that kind of pretty. No. That's the horriblest looking sight I ever seen in my life. Yes, sir. That is a perversion; that's perverting the true thirst. Now, the true thirst that a woman should have, would be to "adorn themselves in modest apparel, and to have a Christ-like spirit," I Timothy 2:9. Now, that's a way the woman should thirst to be. Now, if you want to be pretty, that's the way what makes you pretty (See?) is a Christ-like spirit, and adorn in modest apparel.
Thirst - 65-0919 - William Branham


They put the light up there for your protection

It's not--it's not necessary that any man would go to hell. And God don't send no one to hell. You send yourself to hell. God's done everything in the world He can to keep you from going to hell. And yet, you determine to go to hell. You fight over every barricade God puts in your way; you just go right on over it. "I don't believe in this. And I don't believe in that. And I don't believe in this." Just headlong... Now, there's a red light here in the city. And it turns red and green. That tells you when you can stop and go. If you run it, well, don't blame the city. They put the light up there for your protection. But if you run on through it, that's up to you. It's you--you--you brought your own judgment.
God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

Don't be discouraged

And then one day God wanted to make it real plain to the people in Phoenix. So how He was going to do it, He was going to give this Abraham a double test. So He said, "Abraham, take thine son, thy only son, and take him to a certain mountain, where I'm going to show you, and there sacrifice him. Now, what if Abraham would have took the second thought? "How am I going to be the father of nations, when here I am this old, and You're asking me to kill and destroy the only evidence that I have that You'll keep Your Word and make me a father of nations?" How God loves to test His people. Every child that comes to God must be tested, child trained; no exceptions, everyone. And maybe tonight, that you're sick, just to have a little child training, just a little testing. Don't be discouraged. God's on the throne. He knows all things. If were truly borned of the Spirit of God, everything's working together for our good. He's going to make everything right. He promised He would. He swore He would. And He's got to keep that Word. He's kept it now for oh, thousands of years to every believer. Would you be any exception? No, sir. We're no exception. Now, watch Him now.
Jehovah Jireh - 57-0309E - William Branham


That's the kind of love that Christ had

And when you separate from Divine love, then you can't overlook your brother's mistakes no more. You got to bawl him out for it. That's right. You can't overlook sister's mistakes no more. Because you've got away from that Divine part, that love part. But if you really love the Lord Jesus, if sister or brother, does something to you, "Oh, well, that's all right, they didn't mean to do it." That's the kind of love that Christ had, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."
The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


You're here now to receive us

I offer myself with these people and a sacrifice of all that I have, Lord, to You for service. I'm starting again, Lord, moving around the world. Help me, O God. If I've disbelieved You at any time, forgive me of my sin, forgive me of my unbelief. I know that You are and a Rewarder of those that seek You. Likewise, I confess the sins of my people this morning, their weaknesses and their doubtings, as they're standing with their arms in the air. I confess their sins, Lord, and all of our weaknesses. Send the Holy Ghost upon us with the seal of Your approval, that You are God, and You're here now to receive us, and to take us into Thy arms, and to redeem us of everything that we've lost. If it's our health, may it be restored a hundredfold. If it's our soul, may it come to us as a blooming, shining article, filled with the Holy Ghost to be presented before God. If it's unbelief, may it become to us again, Lord, with faith to move mountains. Grant it, Lord.
Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham


Let's just move right on

Christians sometime is looked down upon or made fun of, but we come as a warrior (Amen.), come sprinkled in the blood. The old rugged cross going before us, the morning star lighting up the way, why, we're on our road somewhere. Don't care what the world says: what God said. The field belongs to us; God said so. We're on the road. If we get knocked out on the battlefield here... If this earthly tabernacle is gone, we got one already waiting yonder. There's nothing to be scared about. Yes, sir, everything belongs to us, because Christ has redeemed it all to us through Him. And He loved us, and we could not come to Him unless God drawed us to Him. He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that comes, I'll give everlasting life, and will raise him up at the last day." What worry have we got at all? There's nothing to worry about, nothing to be scared about. Say, "Who's going to be President?" We'll have a depression. That doesn't matter to me. Only thing I know, God has spoke and said He's going to take me through, so I just took His hand, took His Word. So here we go on our road to the promised land. When we get to Kadesh-barnea, we just believe God's Word and move on. That's right. And oh, the glorious part, once in a while He gives us a big bunch of grapes for evidence (You know?) that we--that there's a land beyond the river that they call the sweet forever. Isn't that right? So live or die, what difference does it make? Let's just move right on.
Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham

Why did I fear?

And this morning the Holy Spirit, through the Word's bringing you the good news, that from before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. All the devils out of hell can't erase it out of there. God wrote it and spoke it. It's just as sure to happen as God wrote it in there before the foundation of the world. Amen. How glorious our heavenly Father is in His infinite love and His mercy to do that for us. "Then be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect." How can you be? When it's not my perfection, it's not your perfection; it's His perfection of His Word, that He chose you. You never chose Him. And He brought you into Christ. And you are secure with Jesus Christ, and just as perfect as Christ was before God. For you're not standing with your own; you're standing in Him with one thing, "I believe God." Amen. Oh, I love Him. Oh, my. On the other side of Eden... Amen, What a wonderful time it'll be someday, when you look back down and say, "Why did I fear? Look at the joy I missed."
The Lamb's Book Of Life - 56-0603 - William Branham