
Just keep happy

You know, I--I was telling the boys awhile ago coming over, I said about how we must be happy all the time. God don't want you to be sad. You know what ill temper does? And that old temper, that's one of the awfulest old things. And it--it's about sixty percent of the cause of all sickness is temper. Yes, sir, them tam--tantrums you fly loose, remember, you just developing a cancer, ulcer, or something like, when you do it. When you get all stewed up about somebody, "I won't go back there any more. Wait till I give them a piece of my mind." All right. Remember, you're the one's going to pay for it. Just keep happy. The little story, said there was a little robin one morning, setting up on a limb, whistling over to his little mate. The little mate flew down by him and said, "You know, I'm so--I'm so worried this morning about one thing." Said, "What?" Said, "We robins never worry." "But I just wonder if those poor creatures, the human beings, that frown on their faces, they walk, I wonder, maybe they haven't got a heavenly Father that watches over them like we have, us robins." That's about it. You never heard of one of them having high blood pressure, did you?
The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham


Love casts out fear

Sometime ago, when I was on the warden force. Near Henryville, Indiana, is a friend lives up there, and I… He was sick. And I was turning some fish loose in a creek. So I thought I'd go over and pray for the man. So I had a little, old gun you had to pack as a warden. I unbuckled the thing, throwed it up in the truck and shut the door. And I thought, "I'll go across the field over to pray for my friend." As I walked up across the field, I was going along humming. I forgot that down at the Burke's farm, a great big Guernsey bull had killed a colored man down there. He was a caretaker. He was a fine animal. And they didn't want to kill him, so they sold him up here to this man. I knowed there was warnings all around the field, but I'd forgot about it. I got right out in the middle of the field where just a little old scrub oak (I don't think you have them in this country). And as I passed by this, all at once this big killer bull raised up. And he snorted. And I recognized that's the bull. I turned first; I felt for the gun. It wasn't there. I'm glad it wasn't. I'd probably kill the bull, and then they'd paid for it. I felt for the gun; it wasn't there. I looked to the fence; it was too far for me. There was no trees around for me to get in to. There it was nothing but to face death. I said, "Well, Lord, if the time has come for me to die, I want to face it like a man." I shoved my shoulders down. I said, "If this is it, if I must die by this bull, then I must die." And something happened. I know this sounds like a child, but it's the truth. Somehow another, instead of despising that beast, I had a love for it. And then I thought, "That poor thing was laying out there in the field. I come in on his territory. I disturbed him. He don't know no more than to protect himself." And he threw his horns down, and dug the dirt up, fell onto his knees. You know how they do just before they charge. And I thought, "That animal… Oh, I'm so sorry that I disturbed you." I said, "I don't want you to kill me. I'm the servant of God. And I'm on my road to pray for some sick people. And I forgot about those signs." I was talking just as I am now. But there was something another had happened. I wasn't scared of him. I was no more afraid of that bull, then I would be my brother. That's where the church is. You're always scared it's not going to happen. That's the reason it don't happen. When that fear… Love casts out fear. When you got love, fear is gone. But as long as you got fear, love cannot operate. And when the bull made his charge to come to me, he come within about ten feet, and he stopped and threw his front feet out. And he looked so depleted as he looked this way and that way. And he turned, and went right back around, and laid down over there where he got up at. And I walked across the field, and went out of the pasture. He just laid there and looked at me. It was love that took the fear away, and God seen me through. Now, after I got out of the pasture and that left me, then I just shook like a leaf. But while I was in the presence of him, the fear had left.
Love - 57-0519E - William Branham


It's only to believers

Now, it isn't to unbelievers. People say, "Well, I—I don't believe that can happen." Well, it'll never happen to you. Just—just you just settle that, it'll never happen to you. But it will to those who believe, for it's only to believers. Now that doesn't make us a healer, no more than preaching salvation makes us a Saviour. We—we know that there is one healer and one Saviour, and that's the selfsame Person, Jesus Christ. We're here to glorify Him to the people. Now, a revival isn't exactly adding new members to the church. A revival is reviving that what you've already got. And sometimes I've wondered what a revival is for. This may sound a little strange, for a stranger to you, to say this. But I was standing by the lake shore, one day, in Lake Michigan. I was watching the waves, how they come in and went out, and they would leap. Oh, it was heavy winds a blowing, and—and the waves would dash way in the air, and churn up-and-down, and roll in and come back out, and roll in again. I thought, "My, what a revival!" But, you know, there is no more water in that lake than it is when it's perfectly normal and quiet. That's right. It's just got the same amount of water. See? Then I wonder, why is that lake all stirred up? Just the same as we get stirred up in a revival. We churn around. You know what it always does to the lake, though? It cleans it. It washes all the trash out on the bank. So that's why we have to have a revival for; get all the unbelief and things away from us, so we can see more clear what God wants for us. That's what we're anticipating this time, is a revival among the people.
The Identification Of Christ In All Ages - 64-0409 - William Branham

What is the Token?

And in Him is no death. In Him is no sorrow. In Him is no weary. In Him is no sin. In Him is no sickness. In Him is no death. We are in Him! If Satan tries to hand you something, like sickness, just take your Token and apply It. Oh, my! Take your Token and apply It, that you are a purchased product of Jesus Christ. The Token stands that your fare is paid. He says, "When you die, you're lost." Say, "You're wrong. I have the purchased product. I am a purchased product. I have the Token." "What is the Token?" He knows what It is. Don't, don't fool with him. He knows what It is. Now, you might talk to some of these preachers, and they'd argue with you. Not Satan; he knows better. See? Oh, yeah. He come against it, two or three times, you know, and made a mistake, of temptation. Satan knows what you're talking about. Just show that Token, he'll fly. Yes. Cause, what is it? It's a sealed product. He can't break that open, and give something in there that's not right. Say, "Take your hands off! I'm sealed." Oh, my! A sealed product! Yes, sir! You are purchased. Hold the Token over your unmovable faith in His promise, watch him go.
The Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


What a victory it is

When some of those boys coming back from overseas, they tell me when the ship come into New York, just as it come into the harbor, they looked over there and they seen the Statue of Liberty. Is the first thing you see, sticking up. They rose, some of them crippled veterans out on the deck of the ship, so that they could see it. And when they begin to see that Statue of Liberty, they begin weeping. They cried. They couldn't help it. Great big men stood there, big rough-handed men, quivering and shaking. They couldn't hold their emotions. Why? It was an emblem of freedom. Just behind that Statue of Liberty, laid—was papa, mama, loved ones, sweetheart, wife, baby, all on this earth that meant dear to them, stayed just behind it. And just before they walked in, they recognized; it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. Sure, it would shake your emotions, that old flag flying. Think of it, a battle-scarred veteran coming into the harbor. Certainly, it was a wonderful time. 64 But, oh, brother, one of these mornings, when the old Ship of Zion blows, and I see that emblem standing there, the old rugged Cross, while the winds whipping her old gray banners, as she's moving through the fog of death, what a victory it is. Why, no wonder we can't hold our emotion still. Something has happened; we've become fellow-citizens. The thing is complete.
The Great And Mighty Conqueror - 57-0421S - William Branham


But you believe there's something to it

Now, first thing, that comes from the heart. You believe it. Then you walk up and confess it. Say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour. I believe He saved me." There's not a physical thing in the world that you could prove that you're saved. Your eyes are the same color, got the same shirt on you had on. Go outside and the old gang says, "They ain't nothing to that." But you believe there's something to it, don't you? Now, how… What if you say, "Well I'm going to see how it works out." It'll never work out until you keep your testimony going. You believe you're saved. You act like you're saved. You say you're saved. And you associate with those that are saved, and it works salvation. Is that right? And the same thing will take place by Divine healing. You believe you're healed. You act like He healed you. You say you're healed. And He's a High Priest of your confession to make good anything that you confess that He's done before—fore the Father. There it is.
The Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham


He never fails us

He never fails us. And He—He will always be here just the same. I love Him tonight. And I know you do too, don't you? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] So I'm very happy that everybody's in love with Jesus. And He's in love with every one of us. That's the good part, isn't it? That He loved us before we loved Him. When we were real ugly behaving and contrary to God, yet He loved us. I just… That's sounds bad, doesn't it, to think that…? Brother Ryan, I don't know whether I could suffer that very long or not, somebody being so ugly and different with me and still I love them.
Testimony - 53-0902 - William Branham


It's something that's eternal

And when we have that, there's nothing will separate us. There's nothing can divide us, as long as we love one another. I've been a minister for thirty-one years. I've seen all kinds of gifts. I've--I've seen God do great things. But the greatest thing I ever seen in my life was love. It's the most powerful force that stops anything there is, is love: love that moved a mighty God. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." Love is a great keynote, thing we--we leave out. It's something that's eternal.
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever - 61-0118 - William Branham


Just commit it to God

There's a fountain open, flowing freely everywhere. Just drink till you just can't drink no more. The tree, if it just drink to what it was allotment, why, it would just always, still in the drought. That's what's the matter with the Christians. They don't drink enough. You want to drink till you just spread out and let somebody else see it. See? Push out. Get a testimony. Commit it to God. Believe it. Step out on it. Claim God's promise. Just commit--commit it to God. Believe it. "Commit thy ways unto the Lord." He will bring it to pass whatever you want. But He can't do it until... as long as you're holding it. Say, "Now, I will see if I'm any better, and see if this will work." You commit it to Him; forget about the rest of it. Go testifying of things you don't even see. You believe it. It's not what you see; it's what you believe. It's not what you feel. He never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?"
God In His People - 50-0227 - William Branham


It's in seed form

Now when a man plants a seed. If you're a farmer, or know anything about planting any seed; if you plant a seed today, some corn, say, you put it in your garden. And tomorrow morning you'd go out and dig it up and look at it, and say, "Well, there's no difference in it." You plant it back. And the next day, you go back, look at it, and say, "There is no difference in it." It will never come up. It can't do it. When you dug it up, you spoiled the picture right there. You've got to commit it to the earth, and then it's up to the earth to do the rest of it. And every time that you look at your symptoms, testify about them, complain about them, God can never heal you. You commit it to God and believe His Word. He'll bring it to pass. Whether it's sprouting, whether it's whatever it's doing, you don't care. God promised it, and potentially you have your healing when you accept it. It's in seed form.
A Court Trial - 64-0412 - William Branham


It's darkest just before day

You know, sometimes when things are going wrong, dark… We know by nature that it's darkest just before day. And many times when we see disastrous things happening like that, especially to believers, we must bear this in our mind, that it's Satan trying to block the blessing that's on its road. That was very much so in this case. Satan was trying to tempt them to feel that they had done wrong, and was trying to block the on coming visitation that God was going to give to Abraham and Sarah. And we're taught in the Scriptures, that all things work together for good to them that love God. And no matter how bad it seems, remember, it has to be working for your good. I'm so glad of that. Satan's been after me all day. So I just believe that there's a blessing in store here in this city, somewhere. And I know, when he tempts and tries to block out, what's he trying to do? Get you to disbelieve. And if you—the worst thing that you can do is disbelieve God. And as soon as you get a little scared, "Well, maybe I haven't done this and I haven't done that," right then, Satan's got that blessing conquered for you. You can't get to it as long as Satan makes you think that.
Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord? - 60-0328 - William Branham


There's nothing can harm you

God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take care of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen. That took the solar system and [Brother Branham makes a blowing sound—Ed.] blew like that and every star went to its place. Sure. And He watches over you. Amen. That's the kind of a Father we have.
The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham


Bring Him into your heart

Now, that's it. Get Him inside of your heart. And then as soon as the door was closed, the outside world shut off, then He opened their eyes. And that's what He will do to you, if you'll ever let Him come in; shut the world outside, shut all the unbelief off, then He will open your eyes, if you'll only come in—let Him come in. Bring Him into your house. Bring Him into your heart. Bring Him into you. And when you do, then say, "Now, look, in the meeting tonight I'm going to shut all my unbelief outside." Now, listen close and watch me. "I'm going to shut all the unbelief outside, all the superstitions I ever had. All the difference, I've ever had in my life, I'm going to shut them all outside. And I'm going to say, 'Jesus, You come into my house now. Come into here with me.'" And when you do, close the door and say, "Now, Satan, you can't come in tonight. I'm having Jesus here; I'm going to entertain Him." Now, Satan is unbelief.
The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham


Don't worry about anything

"I tell this one thing, Christian people, don't worry about anything, just as long as God goes with you, everything else will just fall right into its place, and just—it'll—it'll be—love. Just in your heart, pray till you love the Lord Jesus with all your heart, and you'll love every one of His people with all, and you'll love every sinner with all your heart."
Whatever He Saith Unto You, Do It - 54-0722 - William Branham


You don't need it no more

And today, when a man hears the good news, Christ died in your stead, nothing that you can do about it, Christ paid the price, the Gospel sounds, you can drop every cigarette, every chew tobacco, every whiskey bottle, every--every thing that's binding you and say, "I am free. This is the good news. Christ hath made me free." You're a free people. You don't have to go any longer. You don't have to serve the devil any longer. You can be free if you desire to be free. Now, you don't have to drink; you don't have to run around; you don't have to mistreat your wife; you don't have to curse; you don't have to lie; you don't have to steal; you don't have to be weary. Why, you've got the resources up yonder that's never been tapped of the bountiful blessings of God that the world knows nothing about. You say, "I must have a little pleasure." Why, brother, if you ever hear the good news of the trumpet, the worldly pleasures seem so little they're sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. You don't need it no more.
The Mark Of The Beast - 56-0715 - William Branham