
It's best to always obey God

It's best to always obey God, and don't have no questions. Now, if there's a question in your mind about receiving the Holy Ghost, whether it is for today or not, you'll never receive It like that. You can't do it. You've got to know that the promise is to you. And you are... And then if there's anything in your life that condemns you, you just might as well make that right first, because He will not come in over the top of that. See? You got to make it right. Then when we have everything clear, and understand perfectly, then we can go to walking.
Why - 59-0813 - William Branham

Just tell his good things

You know, the real Christian way is to hide everything you can from a brother. Don't tell his bad things. Just tell his good things. Just tell what you know about him is good. If anything is bad, let it alone. Poor fellow has got enough against him, anyhow. Don't try to take a pole and shove a man further into the ditch. The Christian attitude is pick him up and take him out of the ditch. See? Don't never try to shove him down. He is down, already. Try to help him up. And, but, too many of us today, too many people today, I might say, try to do that, if they could just get something another that they could say, that was real bad. Now, for instance, if—if one of you brethren would make a mistake and do something is wrong; which, you're subject to do it; I am, too; every one of us. But, as we go along, let's remember we are brothers. We are brothers. And if we got any fighting, let's fight with one another. Bring it together. Bring it before our brethren and settle it.
Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham


That doesn't fail

Was quoting to a man today that had kindy thought he had--he'd trusted the Lord for his healing, and he had failed to receive his healing. And then he become discouraged and said, "If I haven't got faith enough to be healed, maybe I haven't faith enough to be saved." I told him, I said, "The basis of Divine Healing is not on the same level as on salvation." Divine Healing is something that was throwed into the believer, but salvation, when you're--when you receive Christ, and are borned again, you have an immortal life that cannot perish or get old; it can never die. It can never... It's just--just finished forever when you're borned of the Spirit of God. But this body, it gets sick, and weak, and God helps us, and heals us, and we get sick again. And it's just temporarily until the journey's finished. But salvation is permanent forever. Amen. That doesn't fail.
The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham

Prayer stops the leak

And I tell you, don't let the world creep into you. Don't let the world get into your churches, brethren. Pray it out, fast it out until God comes down and takes a hold. That's right. Keep the joy of the Lord among the saints. Keep them prayed up. And guard every little place. If Noah seen a leak in his ark, why, he put some pitch in it. And so that's about the best thing I know to keep the leak out, the world out, is to stop up the leak, is the best thing that I know to do. Only one way to do it; that's prayer. Prayer stops the leak. Prayer changes things.
The Arrow Of God's Deliverance Shot From A Bow - 56-0801 - William Branham


That's what the world needs

And you take the seed of God and put it into a real good flexible heart that's not prejudiced and indifferent, just a nice, humble heart, and put that seed of God in there, and let it go to growing. And let it get alone to itself, and the dewdrops of glory go to falling on the soul, you'll see the sweetest, meekest, humblest Christian in your neighborhood that you ever seen. That's right. And that's what we want. That's what… That's what the world needs. That's right, my Christian friend.
A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham

That's the way God wants us to do

We don't draw down any stake and say, "We just go this far." We go out just as far with fellowship with everybody that God will let us go in His Scriptures with the people. And now stick together; be of one accord, one heart, and move on for God. That's the way God wants us to do.
A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham

Then you're going on, brother

158 Fellowship with everybody. But now here, now, you'll never win any other way but besides fellowshipping with everybody. You got to. Now, when they got so bad, they immorally, then stay away from it. That's right. Don't get on the enemy's territory. But as long as you're trying to win your brother, that's different. See? Now watch. But you'll never win the opinion of the organization, one person. No, sir. When, they got their rule set, "We believe this, period!" If you'd write up your doctrine, "We believe this," comma, it'd be different. A period means, "We believe this, and you've got to come to this and sign this paper, or that's all of it." But if you say, "We believe this," comma, "plus as much as we can learn from God. We're open to the Holy Spirit," then you're going on, brother. Yes. That's going to be different now.
And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemy - 62-0121M - William Branham


We've got to attract the world to Christ

Then the next thing, they have to want it. Now, if they see it and don't want it, then that's different. But you haven't put a vain advertisement out. But if they first have got to see it and then we've got to make it so attractive to them… Oh, I hope we see that, the attractiveness of salvation, what it does to the person. We've got to attract the world to Christ. And the Gospel does have an attractiveness. It has it to those who are hungering for God. It only attracts those who are hungering and thirsting, and that's the ones we're out for. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him."
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham

Then the world will see Christ in you and me

Now, remember that. Each one of you, from tonight on, remember you are God's billboards. And you're—you're God's advertising agent. Now, the world will look at you to see what Christ is. So we don't want to smear a big lot of stuff on there that testify about things that we really are not. Let's first be that. And then when we be that, then the world will see Christ in you and me.
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham


But He's always right

Now, that preacher that smacked him, Zedekiah, he was deeply sincere. And he was just as sincere as Micaiah was. And I believe that--and he was a good man. I believe the rest of them was. "Well then," you say, "Brother Branham, where have you got us to tonight? Then you've got Micaiah standing there, sincere, prophesying under the Spirit, and here stands four hundred against him, prophesying--sincere, anointed prophets. Now, how are you going to tell the truth from error? One of them... Four hundred said, 'This is right,' and one says, 'This is right.' And you say, that both groups under anointing." Here's the way to tell who's right. Micaiah's prophecy tallied with God's Word. Micaiah had the Word. He might not have been able to dress like the rest of them. He might not have been able to holler, "ah-man", like the rest of them. He might have not have been able to have the education the rest of them had, but one thing he did have... He might not have been as forceful a preacher as they was, but he had the Word of the Lord. And heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never pass away. The Word of the Lord, It shall endure forever. Friends, what happened? Just let it run its course. Notice, with all that, and the congregation, the king, the army, millions listening to it--they had to make a decision. So they judged by the one that had the majority. God's not always in the majority. He's sometimes in the minority, but He's always right. God is right.
God Keeps His Word #2 - 57-0307 - William Branham

He can keep His promise

That's what the devil likes to work on you and oppress you. You know, that's a trick of the devil to oppress. But when the Christian knows his legal rights (Amen.), when you can quote God's Word, "I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee," that takes all the oppression away. And the clouds begin to clear back. But if you just know that God has promised and God's faithful, He can keep His promise or He'd never promised it.
The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham