
How many believes He's infinite?

In the Book of Ephesians the 1st chapter, the Bible said that God predestinated us to be the adoption of the children of God through Jesus Christ, predestined by foreknowledge. God knowed everybody would be saved before even the world was created. Jesus never come to the earth to die, and be pitiful, and say, "Somebody will take mercy on me, and say, 'Well, He died, I guess I'll come.'" I wouldn't run my office like that, and you wouldn't either. How about God?

God sent Jesus here to call those who by foreknowledge He knew would come. Certainly He did. God... If He wasn't infinite, He didn't know. But if He was infinite, He knowed every fly, every flea, everything else that'd ever be on the earth, if He's infinite God... How many believes He's infinite? 
Tell me what 'infinite' means. There wasn't one thing that ever was on the earth, but what He knowed it before the world was created. He said so. Then He knows... He's not willing that any should perish, but His foreknowledge let Him know who would perish and who wouldn't.
Door To The Heart - 58-0316E - William Branham


That's when you really love Him

And if I am cast away at that day, and I knowed…I cannot see where I would be. But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It’s, I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that’s a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See, I want to do His will. I ask Him for something some time, He shakes His head “no,” I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said “yes.” Because, we always ought to ask, “Thy will be done.” His noes is just as…if that’s His will, that’s just… It’s a whole lot better than His yesses, if it’s His will to do it. That’s when you really love Him. Amen.

I get to talking about Him, I just can’t stop. Oh, He is so real, so real to me!
The God Who Is Rich In Mercy - 65-0119 - William Branham


Believe the Message of the Bible!

Now, you people that’s listening to This, on tape, you women, you men, you listen a minute. If you ever believed me, you believe It now.

It’s time for to quit fussing with one another. Believe the Message of the Bible! Believe Jesus Christ! And love, and honor, and respect one another. Men respect your wives. You respect your homes. Bring your home together, because, remember, this Lamb was for the home, not just one; for the whole home, too, had to be brought. Everything had to be brought in. We should love each other. And believers should separate themselves from the world.

Notice, they were not just yet come together to talk about the message. They come together to apply the blood, to apply the token.
Token - 63-0901M - William Branham


Don't be scared

And don’t be afraid. He’s at… No matter how many atomic bombs they have, how many hydrogen bombs, and how much they speak of this and this is going to happen. Don’t be scared. God’s at the wheel. He knows just how to steer. He knows just how it’s coming out. So we don’t have one thing to fear, but be just a lovely, little carefree child, who’s looking up to Father every minute, and depending on Him to lead us, guide us, and to take us into our destination by His grace.

And by loving Him that way, you wouldn’t do nothing to harm Him. Why, if you’d do anything to harm Him, or all through the night, your hot tears would run down your cheeks in repentance. Because you wouldn’t hurt Father for nothing. Would you… You wouldn’t hurt your little baby; you’d hate to do that. You’d hate to hurt the feelings of your wife or your husband. How much more your Lord and Saviour?
Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham


How will the world know that you love Jesus?

How will you know, how will the world know that you love Jesus? When we love one another. That’s how the world…See, God sees your faith; the world sees your action. Love one another now. Be kind to one another. Talk with one another. Be patient with one another.
The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck - 65-0218 - William Branham


Let's be sure

Let us be sure now, while we are in our right mind. And in the church, and amongst the people, where the Holy Spirit so has identified Hisself with us, let's be sure that everything is all right, and stays all right, before Him. 16  Don't you stop. Don't rest, day and night, until that quickening Power has brought you from the things of the world, into the Kingdom of God. And you that truly are brought into the Kingdom of God and quickened by the Spirit of God, how happy! With tears of joy we should be on our knees, day and night, thanking God for what He's done.
Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? - 64-0418E - William Branham


Everything obeys God

Every demon will obey God. It has to. Everything obeys God. And it’ll obey you if you have faith.

Joshua stopped the sun. Is that true? Somebody said, “All things are possible with God, nothing impossible.” But all things are possible to you also. Nothing impossible to them that believe. All things are possible. Brought right down and made you, if you just know Who God was.

Well, I’m afraid that the Church doesn’t know their authority. I’m afraid that Holy Ghost born men doesn’t realize their authority where—or the authority that God has permitted to His Church. “I’ll give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose will be loosed. I give you power over serpents, and over all kinds of diseases, oh, everything, and nothing shall harm you.” Exercise your faith. Let it loose. Let God have His way. God will grant it to you.
Who Is God? - 50-0815 - William Branham


You walk just the same

The thing for you to take, is to know that when Christ is in your heart, when the great trials and troubles come on, He is still sweet to you. You walk just the same. If everything is going wrong, and everybody is against you, and everything turn this way, you’re still sweet and lovely. It’s all right. Moving right on. “And you, your spirit, bearing record with His Spirit, that you’re sons and daughters of God.” If that doesn’t echo in your soul, tonight, friend, let’s not be marked out of the Kingdom of God. Let’s get in the Kingdom of God.
Jubilee Year - 54-1003E - William Branham


Your faith is the only thing can do it

Jesus promised these things would happen in the last days, that God would return in the form of human flesh, like you and I here tonight, and would work that same thing just before the world would be destroyed. And the world would be like a Sodom. See? Now we got the Sodom condition right; every position, every person, everything setting just exactly right.

Now can’t our faith come to that? Can’t we call Him on the scene? Call Him on the scene. Your faith is the only thing can do it. Now you believe with all your heart, each one of you now.
Calling Jesus On The Scene - 64-0319 - William Branham


If you ever leave the camp of your own reasoning that's the place you'll find God

Sometimes God asks us to do foolish things, to our own thinking. And if you ever leave the camp of your own reason, that’s the place you’ll find God.

Notice, as they went out into the wilderness, there were miracles, signs, when they moved into this camp. Now remember, they left Egypt’s camp and moved out into the wilderness with God’s camp. How do you know it was? God said, “Your people shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I’ll bring them out with a mighty hand, and I’ll give them this land here.” And they were on their road, by a vindicated Light, a vindicated prophet, with signs, wonders, that God was in the camp, and they were on their road. They had a Pillar of Fire. They had a prophet. They had manna. They had living waters. Amen! They had changed, changed campgrounds. They had to do it. They couldn’t see those things in Egypt. They had to change the campgrounds, in order to see the supernatural.

So will the people of this day have to change the camp from them denominations that say, “The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And all these Scriptures are wrong; and they work for another age.” You’ll have to change your campgrounds, go beyond that camp, to where all things are possible.
Going Beyond The Camp - 64-0719 - William Branham


Together we could be expressed to the world that we have love one for another

In traveling, I think if there’s any great thing that I’ve seen missing in the church today, to one of the greatest hindrance in the church today, there’s—keep a revival back, is the lack of that godly love that Christ expressed when He was here on earth.

It’s easy for you and I to love somebody that loves us. But Jesus didn’t have that kind of love. He had God’s love, and God loved His enemies. For God so loved the world; when the world was unlovable, God still loved the world.

It’s a different, even in the expression in the—the words, the—the—a “phileo” love, like we have one for another. But the “agapao” love is a Divine love.

And if there’s anything that I believe that would start a revival in Los Angeles, would be a time that we could all break down our different barriers and come together as Christians in love. That’s the Pentecostals, the Baptists, and the Presbyterians. And all together we could be expressed to the world that we have love one for another.

Jesus prayed that prayer that we might love one another as He loved us—as He loved us! And He loved us so much that He died for us. No one could love like that unless they—with the natural love, because it would not hold out. It won’t express itself. It’ll do as long as there’s friendship connected with it. But when the friendships turn, then people begin to say, “Well, he did so-and-so. She did so-and-so. They backslid, they…” Real godly love goes after that backslider till it finds him. Godly love goes and stoops to the lowest of hell to pick up a man or a woman that’s fallen.

That’s what we’re lacking today. We have a fine cultured church, educated, fine dressed, fine buildings, nice choirs, beautiful music, some of the best the world’s ever had. But we are dying for some of that godly love.
Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming - 59-0403 - William Branham


Shalom to you!

When man see you living like Him, when he sees your character and your conduct with the Word just exactly like He was, the Word being manifested, then man will see Jesus Christ. They won’t have to look around anywhere else, say, “What does this creed teach, what does that creed teach?” They’ll know what God is when they see you.

Shalom, God’s peace be Light upon you! And when God’s Word is vindicated in this age, completely, and you see It and believe It, shalom to you!

Face the new year with this, put Him as David said, “I’ll put Him always before me. Because He is on my right hand, I shall not be moved.” If you meet death this year, what difference does it make? God promised He would raise you up. If an accident kills you, what difference does it make? You have Eternal Life, “I’ll raise him up at the last days.” Amen. What if anything happens? No matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that’s in Christ. “Hunger, peril, nakedness, no matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that’s in Christ.” And He is the Word. Shalom!
Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


What did the fiery furnace do?

Oh, yes, He permits crosses and crossroads and junctions. He always does that, in order to perfect us for His service. He permits those things to happen. Can’t you understand that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] He does that so He can perfect you for the calling He has called you for. That’s your growing pains. He did Daniel that way, you know.

He did the Hebrew children, in the fiery furnace. What did the fiery furnace do? The fiery furnace only broke the bands that had them bound. That’s all the furnace did, just burnt loose the bands.

Sometimes it takes trials to break the bands of the world off of us, take you out of the world. Might be, have to take you out of your creed, first. Like the man drowning in the river, you have to take him out of the river before you get the river out of the man. That’s about the way God has to do sometime. Let them throw you out, one time, then they get the world out of you. Got to—got to get you out of the world, first. Sometimes these growing pains is what does that. Oh, yes.
Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


Be kind to them

And if there’s anything that we ought to be, is kind to one another. When you see a brother or sister in fault, don’t never—don’t never breathe it to nobody. Keep it to yourself and pray for that person. Be kind to them. And if the Spirit of God is in you, then you will be kind to one another.

And we are about the Master’s business as He was about the Father’s business. And the same Spirit that He had to begin the works of the Father and to finish the atonement, to make a way that we could carry the message, if that Spirit’s in you, you’ll have that same attitude towards people: trying to do what you can to help them, no matter who they are or where they are. You’ll try to help people. Amen. That’s kinda strong, but that’s truth. That’s right. It… Rather, friends, it’s the time has come where we’re nearing the end. And something’s got to be done.
Inspiration - 56-0128 - William Branham