
Have patience

40-3. And we should have patience with one another too. See? One time, we get--we get so much impatient with one anothers. We think we got to be like Moses. Moses had patience with the people. Look at--that's what caused them not to go over. See, if you're trying to do something... Like I've tried to get this message over to the Tabernacle, to see that each member of the Tabernacle becomes this. It's hard to do. I've tried to have patience; this is thirty-three years (See?), have patience. Women still bob their hair still just the same. But just have patience; just have patience, wait. Have to. If you ain't got it, don't try to build on to this down here. Have patience.

40-4. Even one time when that rebellion bunch of people had such impatience they caused Moses to do something that was wrong... But yet when it come to a show down, God got sick of their action. He said, "Separate yourself, Moses. I'll kill the whole bunch of them and start anew."
He throwed himself in the breach and said, "God, don't do it." What? Patience with the people that was rebelling against him. I wonder if we could do that? If you can't, don't try to build on this, because it--it don't change, you know. That's the way the first one is vulcanized into this, and that's the way everyone of them has to be vulcanized. If you don't, you don't come to that statue of the dwelling place of the living God. You haven't got patience, patience with one another.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014 - William Branham


But all through the Blood

155. And someday we're coming out to the river. It's going to be foggy that morning too. The old sea will be roaring, the old Jordan, the breakers a-dashing, death choking the life out of us. But, God, I--I won't be scared. I settled it a long time ago. I just want to take off the helmet, as a warrior, turn around, look back down the path to see where that line has guided me to. See all the wilderness I've come through, and every briar patch, and every pile of stones that I got bruised on, but holding the Wire... As You said, the poet did, "Some through the waters, and some through the floods, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood." And I want to take This, the old Sword here that's protected me along the road, and stick It back in the sheath, scream out, "Father, send across the boat this morning; I'm coming in home." You'll be there, Lord. You promised it. You can't fail.

A Guide - 62-1014 - William Branham


That's what makes you perfect...

35. Now, but these worshippers who came under the shadow, could never be made perfect. Let's dwell on that word there. Never... Were offered year after year, continually, make the comer unto perfect. I want you let... Haven't you heard many times the people say, "Oh, there's none perfect." That's right. You can't be perfect in the sight of your fellow man. But you've got to be perfect or you'll never go to
heaven. That's right.
The Bible said, Jesus speaking in the beatitudes, Matthew, said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Then you've got to be just as perfect as God is, or you're lost. Now, how you going to do it? See? Now, one little mistake and you're lost. One little flap of the eye and you're gone; 'cause nothing can enter in to those places but perfect.

36. God put Satan up there one time as an angel, which he was, the son of the morning. And he took the good things of God and perverted them into evil. God's sure that nothing will enter there that'll ever do it again. See?
Now, you've got to be perfect. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Now, how you going to be when you're continually sinning, when you're continually doing what's wrong?
Now, this will kinda put a little kink in the legalist. But notice, it isn't what you do; it's what God has done. It's not what you do; it's what He done. See? You can't be perfect. You can't be in yourself. But in Christ, you are perfected. You're not trusting in your own good works, or your own church you belong to, but you're trusting in the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. There you are. That's what makes you perfect. There's what anchors your faith.

Lamb's Book Of Life - 56-0603 - William Branham


Was you perfect?

50. Danny Greenfield... Not long ago a--a famous preacher went through Central America, here. And he said he dreamed one night, he died. And said, when he died, he thought he went up to heaven. And he--he knocked at the door, and the--a door keeper come, he said, "Who approaches this holy place."
He said, "I'm Danny Greenfield, from America, the evangelist."
Said, "Just a moment, Mr. Greenfield. I'll look on the book and see if I see your name." Went in and looked on the book; He said, "Sorry. No Dan Greenfield here."
He said, "Sir, I was an evangelist in America, and I held great meetings, and hundreds of people received the Lord Jesus." Said, "Surely, you overlooked my name."
He said, "There's no Dan Greenfield here, sir. You're not registered."
Said, "What can I do?"
Said, "The only thing," the Angel said, "the only thing I know you could do: you might appeal your case to the great white throne."
He said, "Well, if that's my only hope, I'll have to do it."
And said, seemed like he started off, moving. And he moved through space for a long time, real swiftly. Said he begin to come into a Light. And as he got deeper and deeper into the Light, it seemed like it wasn't coming from any certain place, but just a great Light. Said he got slower and slower till he got right in, seemed like the midst of it, and he stopped. He said, "Such a feeling." Said, "he trembled all over." And said "Directly, a voice came from there that would've shook the world to pieces. Said, 'Who is it, approaches My throne of judgment?'"
He said, "I, Danny Greenfield, the American evangelist."
He said, "Mr. Greenfield, you have come to My justice?"
"Yes," he said, "Lord, I have come to Your justice."
He said, "I will judge you by My holy law." He said, "Danny Greenfield, did you ever tell a lie?"
He said "I was just ready to say, 'No, I never... '" said, "but I thought I had told some things that wasn't altogether the truth." Said, "He said, 'Yes, Lord, I've told lies.'"
He said, "Danny Greenfield, did you ever steal."
He said, "Surely I could answer that. I thought I'd been honest." But said, "In the Presence of that great Light, I remembered a lot of shady deals I pulled."

51. And brother, sister, you may think you're all right under this Light, but wait till you get in the presence of that Light. Better be sure.
He said, "Yes Lord, I've stole."
He said, "Danny Greenfield, to enter into My kingdom, thou must be perfect. Was you perfect?"
He said, "No Lord, I wasn't perfect."
Said, "All my bones begin to come loose." He said, "I knowed that the next great blast would come: I'd heard that great voice say, 'Separate from Me forever, you worker of iniquity.'" Said, "Just as I was listening for that voice," said, "I heard the sweetest voice I ever heard in my life." Said, "There was no mother's voice could ever be like that." And said, "I turned to look, and I saw the sweetest face that I ever looked at." Said, "No mother's face could be that sweet." And said, "He come close, put His arm around me. He said, 'Father, truly, Danny Greenfield wasn't perfect in his life. But here's one thing Danny Greenfield did do, when he was on earth, he stood for Me, and I'll stand for him here.'"
Who would stand for you, tonight, friend, if you were going tonight? Let's bow our heads and think of it, just for a moment.

The Queen Of The South - 58-0613 - William Branham


A wrestling match

67. But we're in a wrestling match. We're wrestling not with fine-dressed intellectual psychology, but we're wrestling with the power and the promise of God which can break any hold on any devil at any time. Jesus, our Lord, proved it when He was Emmanuel, God Himself made flesh among us. And when He met Satan, to show that Satan could be defeated by the Word, every time Satan would come to Him He said, "It's written. It's written." Oh, how I would like to take time here on some note I got wrote here, on the things that He said--how many times that He broke Satan's power with "It's written." (Oh, my.), showing that that fortified person behind the Word of God can scream out, "It's written, turn him loose. Turn loose, Satan, for it is written," if you're staying behind the Word. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word's in you, ask what you will." That's right. Can't be wrong; that's got to be right.

Putting On The Whole Armour Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham


The Guide in the wilderness

36. Now, here we are; a Guide, and He is God's provided Guide. Now, we're going through a wilderness, and we're on our road somewhere, and we can't get along without this Guide. And dare anybody to try to substitute any other guide. If you do, he'll take you off the line. This Guide knows the way. He knows every inch of the way. He knows every thought that's in your heart. He knows everybody that's here. He knows who you are, and what you've done, and all about you. He's God's Guide, the Holy Spirit, and will reveal things to you, and will tell things that He's heard, can repeat your words right back and say what you've said (Amen.); tell you what you've been, what you've got, where you're going. A Guide, the correct Guide, and He will guide you to all Truth, and His Word is the Truth.

A Guide - 62-1014E - William Branham


Planting a seed

43. Jesus had all the fine qualities of God in Him. Do you believe it? He had powers upon powers. But when He met Satan, He never used His power. He give an example for the weakest of Christian. When He met Satan, He said, "It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." The weakest Christian can take that stand. Hold it. Sure, God's in His Word.
Every time when He meet the enemy, He said, "It is written." I believe He had power to do it. But He met Satan on the same grounds with the same Word that you can meet him with, every one, "It's written."
You believe it? Why, it's written. "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe you receive them." Watch the order of the Word. Believe now (present tense) you receive it, and you shall have it. It'll be given to you later, but believe it now. Before you can get your crop, you got to plant the seed. Water it. Believe it. Don't dig it up every morning to see if it's... Every time you dig it up, you'll delay it that much more. It'll never grow if you keep digging it up.

44. When you settle it in your heart that God's healed you, sister; you, little boy; you, brother; any of you, settle it in your heart and believe. Take God at His Word and start testifying about it. Give it plenty of water; fertilize it. Watch what takes place. The Word of God will produce just exactly what It says.
If that's not the inspired Word of God, I wouldn't be standing here. I wouldn't believe in it. But I know It's the truth. Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away. "I the Lord have planted it; I'll water it day and night 'less some should pluck it from My hand."
There you are, God in His Word. God speaks anything, He means it. God says it. Then there'll be so many things and such things, and it was. God said, "Let there be light." Light sprang from somewhere from the Creator. God said, "Let there be this," and it was this. "Let it be that," and it was that. What God said is seeds. God's in His Word. You believe it?

Show Us Father - 50-0819 - William Branham


The Power Of Faith

57 Oh, I love Him. There's no way at all to ever tell Him. Amen. No wonder the Bible said, "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered in the hearts of men." Oh, my. How glorious God is.
Don't you want to trust Him, if you're weary and tossed about?
Shame on you, Christians, that call yourselves Christians, and go around so weary. "Well, I don't know. If I go to church, the..." Oh, you're a poor excuse.
Let me tell you. Lift up your head. Straighten up your chest. Oh, my. Oh, use faith. Faith is the boss. That's right. Faith has hairs on its chest. Brother, I mean it's got big muscles. When it speaks, all the worries drop from one side the other.
The Devil said, "Now, you just can't make it. You can't do this. You're ashamed to testify." Faith raise up, and say, "Shut up. I got the floor." Amen, amen. Sure. Faith takes the initiative.
That's what we need today for every pilgrim in the land. Straighten up your head. The Bible said, "When I was..." David said, "When I was afraid, I walked with--I trusted Him. When I was afraid, then I trusted Him. Whenever I come to the--even the fear of death, the shadows..."When Paul came down, he said, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" Brother...

Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime;
With partings leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.

Someday setting yonder on the celestial hills of glory, where the sun will never go down in that city, where the saints are all over there shouting, those old heroes of the faith, looking back down those places yonder, and seeing a path made of glory, I want to set with them, and see that I put my head up in the air, and trusted God, and walked on in the time of storm. Oh, my. Let us pray.

Lamb's Book Of Life - 56-0603 - William Branham



51. The 12th chapter of I Corinthians said, "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one body and become members of that body." And then it's not what I've done, what I am, who I was, or nothing about it; it's what God has done for me in Christ. And we are perfected with our Sacrifice.
He makes no mistakes. He wouldn't bring you in, if you wasn't worthy. He knows your heart. That's right. He knows what you are. He knows your motives. He knows what you are. There's traps all along the road. Sure. The devil will cause you to stumble, and you say, "God, I didn't mean to do that. God, You know it." You're still perfect, because there's a perfect Blood offered for you everyday, and a bleeding Sacrifice hanging before the throne of Almighty God. That's right.
Now, how did you get in there? God, by foreknowledge... Now, God said that Jesus... Now, put on your caps. Get open your heart. Look. The Bible said Jesus was the Lamb slain from the, where? Foundation of the world He was slain. Why? God, the Father, when He looked down and seen how...
Jesus never come just to die a haphazard death. He never come, say, "Well, maybe somebody'd have pity when they see the way I die and everything." No, it wasn't. God don't run His business like that. God runs His business perfect. That's right. He knowed exactly what was going to take place. That's where He could foresay. He knows exactly what He... He's not willing that any should perish. He's not willing. But if He's infinite, He knows who will and who won't. Therefore, you can rest assure. If you have received God and been filled with the Holy Ghost, you're anchored to your eternal destination. Correctly. See, He foreknows.

Lamb's Book Of Life - 56-0603 - William Branham



22. After all, I'd rather have the love of God sealed in my heart than all the gifts there is in the Bible. That's right.
I thought of that here a few nights ago. My little girl called me, and I told her... She wanted me to come home to her. She loves me, oh, my. And so I--I... She's... I told her I sent her a little doll. But she didn't want the doll. She said, "I want you, daddy, not your doll." See, she wants me.
Well, that's the way I think about Jesus. I love His gifts and things to help His people, but I want Jesus. The love of God, sealed in your heart, pressed in until all the world's pressed out and you see nothing but the Lord, to love Him. And as you love one another, you love the Lord. If you don't love one another, you can't love the Lord. He said so. That's right. And God can't move into you.

Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me - 51-0413 - William Branham


An inkdrop in bleach

35. You know what the Blood of Christ does to confessed sin? Did you ever take... You women, could you imagine having a wash tub full of bleach and take a little eye dropper full of ink, and you drop it, this ink down into this washtub full of bleach, what happens to the ink? The ink becomes bleach. What happened? It doesn't hurt the bleach a bit. It just takes on and becomes bleach. That's what confessed sin does. When it's confessed upon the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, it changes its color and becomes righteousness. For you're willing to acknowledge it and accept God's provided way for you to be saved. Nothing like it, friends.
No wonder the old Salvation Army used to sing the song, "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." Not joining church, starting a new thing, or reading once in a while some literature, or something.

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.
Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

I think of it tonight. Think of the redeeming song:

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
It's grace that's brought me safe this far,
Grace will take me on."

Law - 55-0115 - William Branham

A positive testimony

18. Now, Paul speaking here of the valley, or the shadow, rather, the law, being a shadow of good things to come, could never make the worshipper perfect. Then he goes on to show what the perfection is. Now, it's a strange thing that this is so much thought of people; they say, "Well, I'm weak; my faith is not very much; I'm not a very good Christian." That's just what the devil wants you to say. You're just talking his language right then. See? You mustn't never say that. Don't never let your testimony be negative; let it be positive all the time. "I am saved. I have God in my heart. I believe Him with all my heart." Do you believe in Divine healing? "With all of my heart."
Let your--your testimony always and your thoughts, everything... Never permit a negative thought to come in your mind if you can help it. When it starts that, don't entertain it. Well, you say, "I can't help the thoughts from coming." Well, that'll be like the farmer that said he couldn't stop--he couldn't stop the birds from flying over his place, but he could sure stop them from roosting." So that's a--that's a good thing. You see? You can't help the thoughts when they come, but don't--don't--don't entertain them; just pass it on. "No, sir. Jesus Christ is my Saviour; all things are mine by God. And I--I'm going to keep them. I'm going to testify of them."
And God can only bless you as you confess that He has done it for you. See, He's the High Priest of our confession. Is that right? Hebrews 3. He said that He's the High Priest of our confession. He can only do for us as we accept it, and believe it, and confess it.

Law - 55-0115 - William Branham