
The Guide in the wilderness

36. Now, here we are; a Guide, and He is God's provided Guide. Now, we're going through a wilderness, and we're on our road somewhere, and we can't get along without this Guide. And dare anybody to try to substitute any other guide. If you do, he'll take you off the line. This Guide knows the way. He knows every inch of the way. He knows every thought that's in your heart. He knows everybody that's here. He knows who you are, and what you've done, and all about you. He's God's Guide, the Holy Spirit, and will reveal things to you, and will tell things that He's heard, can repeat your words right back and say what you've said (Amen.); tell you what you've been, what you've got, where you're going. A Guide, the correct Guide, and He will guide you to all Truth, and His Word is the Truth.

A Guide - 62-1014E - William Branham


Roni said...

Amen brother, The posts are precise and deep cutting,
Keep them comming and God bless you buddy

ABC said...

Amen, I will. Lord willing! :-)
God bless you!