
But all through the Blood

155. And someday we're coming out to the river. It's going to be foggy that morning too. The old sea will be roaring, the old Jordan, the breakers a-dashing, death choking the life out of us. But, God, I--I won't be scared. I settled it a long time ago. I just want to take off the helmet, as a warrior, turn around, look back down the path to see where that line has guided me to. See all the wilderness I've come through, and every briar patch, and every pile of stones that I got bruised on, but holding the Wire... As You said, the poet did, "Some through the waters, and some through the floods, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood." And I want to take This, the old Sword here that's protected me along the road, and stick It back in the sheath, scream out, "Father, send across the boat this morning; I'm coming in home." You'll be there, Lord. You promised it. You can't fail.

A Guide - 62-1014 - William Branham

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