
A wrestling match

67. But we're in a wrestling match. We're wrestling not with fine-dressed intellectual psychology, but we're wrestling with the power and the promise of God which can break any hold on any devil at any time. Jesus, our Lord, proved it when He was Emmanuel, God Himself made flesh among us. And when He met Satan, to show that Satan could be defeated by the Word, every time Satan would come to Him He said, "It's written. It's written." Oh, how I would like to take time here on some note I got wrote here, on the things that He said--how many times that He broke Satan's power with "It's written." (Oh, my.), showing that that fortified person behind the Word of God can scream out, "It's written, turn him loose. Turn loose, Satan, for it is written," if you're staying behind the Word. "If ye abide in Me, and My Word's in you, ask what you will." That's right. Can't be wrong; that's got to be right.

Putting On The Whole Armour Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham

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