
There's only one Book in the world can tell you that

But now, we find out that what makes man long to fellowship is because that he once had a fellowship. And his fellowship was with God. A man today is trying his best, no matter what he is, if he's an Indian. When we come here we found an Indian worshipping the sun, worshipping a totem pole. We go into Africa we find them under little idols and things. There's somewhere he's trying to find his way back, because his origin was to fellowship with God. That's where it come from. He knows that he come from somewhere behind the curtain, and he's only trying to look back behind there to see where he come from and where he's on his road back. That's the reason the supernatural attracts the attention of the people so mightily is because men are looking from where they come from and which a way they're going. There's only one Book in the world can tell you that, that's the Bible, who you are, where you come from, and where you're going. That's exactly; It tells you your destination right there in the Bible and where you come from and who you are.

The Basis Of Fellowship - 61-0214 - William Branham


Just keep fighting

God told them way down in Egypt, "I give you that land." But He didn't say, "I'll go out there and sweep it all out, and garnish the houses, and hang up the curtains, and everything. You all just move in." No, no. They had to fight for every inch of ground they took. That's right, fighting, and take it by every--fight every inch. But He said, "Everywhere the soles of your foot land, that's possession." Footsteps is possession. That's the same thing it is today. Divine healing belongs to us. The Holy Spirit belongs to us. It's our property, but you'll fight every inch of it. Yes, sir. But brother, footsteps is possession. Just keep fighting. Take it. The devil say, "The days of miracles is past." Say, "You're a liar. God said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Take it over. Everywhere your foot steps, that's possession. That's right.

Thou Son Of David Have Mercy On Me - 61-0215 - William Branham


It'll be something different

2-2. I was just thinking. I don't know whether I ever did quoted this or not. Brother Charlie... Sometime ago I was down in Kentucky with him, and he said, "Brother Branham, do you think in the millennium you and I will squirrel hunt?"
I said, "I don't think so, Charlie."
He said, "Well, we liked it so well," said, "do you--you think we will when we get in the millennium?"
I said, "No, won't be nothing killed in the millennium."
And he said, "Well, we just like it."
I said, "Charlie, what if I could convince you that one time you were a hog, and you'd raised to a higher being, to being a human being. Would you ever go--want to go back and enjoy the pleasures of a hog?"
Said, "No."
I said, "See, you'd be so much higher than the hog now, you're human, you'd never want to be a hog anymore." I said, "Now, multiply that by ten thousand, and that's what you'll be when you are changed from here to what you will be. You'll never want to be human again." That's right. It'll be something different. I'm so glad just for the thoughts of it, knowing that someday we will climb higher.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


To know Him is Life

When a man is converted, his eyes are set towards Calvary. If he's just a little bit nervous, if you don't watch him, he will go over on the fanatic side. If he's just a little scholarly, he will go over on the starchy side. But right in the middle of the road is the sane, sensible, borned again, Spirit led, endowed Church of the living God, going straight down the road to Christ. That's the real coming from both the sides. One went one way, and one went the other, shows fanaticism or either scholarly and too stiff to bow. They know more about the Word then they know about the Author. To know the Word's not Life, but to know Him is Life: to know Him. You don't have to be a scholar; you have to be a submitted person.

We Would See Jesus - 57-0516 - William Branham


Be yourself

In the American people through television, and through picture-shows, they have seen so much of the put on, till they become put-ons themself: too bad. And we get it in church, actors. Hmmm. God don't want them. Far be it from us to be actors. Be yourself; God wants you to be that way. I despise seeing someone trying to do something that they cannot do. What a disgrace, I've noticed it many times, and beautiful voices that God has given to people, a talent, and then they over-train it. I hate to hear an over-trained voice, when they stand up to sing, and get some kind of a note till they hold it so long till they get blue in the face, just to show the congregation how long they can hang on for dear life. And when they come back down, them people's not praising God; they're mind's on their note.

Pride - 55-0807 - William Branham


The auction sale

82. You know, the old master violinist, one time... You've heard the story. They had an old violin and auctioned it off. They wanted to sell it, and nobody would buy it. And they said, "Who'll give a dollar? Who'll give a dollar and a half?" Finally, "Going once, going twice, a dollar and a half."
Finally an old gray-haired man stepped out of the audience (You know the story.), picked it up, said, "Let me have it." Put some rosin on his bow, and struck it a few times. The people begin to weep, the tears began to run off their faces, like that. And when they did, the auctioneer picked it up again, said, "Who'll make...?" One said, "A thousand dollars."
"Two thousand."
"Five thousand. "
What was the difference? The master, the one who knew it, the one who built it, he knowed how to get out of it what was in it.

83. And as long as we try to bring our churches out of creeds and denominations we'll never do it. Let the Master Builder of mankind, Who made man in His own image, Who's building Him a bride for this same thing, let His bow stroke of the Holy Ghost strike this Word in your heart one time, and it'll be the best example. No matter how many big churches you go to, and how many names is on the book, it'll do more for Jesus Christ than all the churches, and denominations, and creeds, and world churches, and organizations in all the world.

Identified Masterpiece Of God - 64-1205 - William Branham

The way of approach

Some people touched the garment of Jesus and was made well. Others smacked Him in the face and hit Him on the head with sticks, and spit in His face, never felt any virtue at all. It was their attitude of approach. It--it depends on what attitude you come in. If you come believing that you're coming to get help and you're confident that you're coming to the right Person, Jesus Christ, and you're coming His provided way of approach, you're going to receive something if you come reverently. If you come, "Well, I'll go touch and see if it helps me," that won't do any good at all. See? It's your--it's your approach to God's Divine article is what does it. Just like the brass serpent. Why, the serpent didn't have no virtue in it; it was a piece of brass they'd brought it up out of Egypt. Neither did the pole have any virtue in it, not a bit. But it was obeying what God said do, what brought the power, what brought the virtue, is obedience to the Word of God. And that's the same thing tonight.

Blind Bartimaeus - 54-0402 - William Branham

The death has no more sting

Psalms 105:
There He is, going yonder to Calvary. As He's moving up the hill, and His poor, little shoulder rubbing, the old bee of death humming around Him, "It ain't going to be long till I'll get Him."
Buzzing all around and around, and after while it had to sting Him. But, friend, you know, if a bee ever stings anybody deeply, he can't sting no more. He pulls his stinger out. So he hasn't got no more stinger. And I tell you, that's the reason God was made flesh, here on earth, in order to hold the stinger of death. And now the--death has no more sting. The bee can swarm and buzz, but he can't sting. "O death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?"
But Christ, the kinsman Redeemer has made a way of escape for every believer on this earth today. The bee might hum; the bee might buzz; the bee might try to make you afraid. But I can point yonder to Calvary, where God Himself was made flesh, when He held the stinger of death, and took my place as a sinner, and paid the price.

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham

He will never turn loose

32. We put so much stress on the evidence of the Holy Ghost. The Methodist said you have to shout 'fore you got It. A lot of Methodist shouted and didn't have It. The Pentecostal said speak with tongues when you got it. A lot of them spoke in tongues and didn't have It. That's right. But, brother, when you come to a place where you got love, it never will fail. That's right. If my wife trusted me because I give her ten dollars every time I left, well, brother, that wouldn't be very much sign I loved her. I'd be right or true. But when she knows that I love her, when I know she loves me, then there's a perfect trust between each other. No--no worry at all. Then when you got perfect love of God in your heart, you don't question God about anything. When the Bible said, "I'm the Lord that heals all thy diseases," you say, "Amen, Lord, that's right. That's me."
"Tarry in the city of Jerusalem till you're endued with power from on high."
"That was me, Lord."

33. Peter said, "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. You shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Promise is to you, and your children, to them afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
"Amen, Lord, that means me." That settles it all. Anything God says, you love Him so much you believe it. Oh, I feel real religious right now. To think, that perfect love casts out all fear. You're not scared about nothing; you're just resting. You're not, "Oh, I may backslide tomorrow. I may backslide next week." I won't worry about that. I'm not trying to hold on. I--I... He held on for me. And He put a love in my heart that holds there. It's Him holding me, not me holding Him. If it was me holding Him, I'd probably turn loose. But as long as He's holding me, He will never turn loose. He promised He wouldn't.
"I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee." Amen. Oh. "He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation, but's passed from death unto Life."

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham


He sees Christ

46. If there's one thing you could do to merit it, you'd have something to brag about it. "Lord, I've sought You day and night." But you can't say that to Him. He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him." And God seeks man and not man seeking God. So you don't have one thing to say, but, "God it was Your grace that did it." And there, as long you're accepted in the Beloved, how can God bring you into judgment, when He's already judged Christ in your stead?
How could you have to suffer for your sins, when Christ has already done it? God would be a two-timer and a awful person (That's right.), when it was thoroughly paid by Jesus Christ and you accepted it. And as long as God accepted Christ, He accepted you with Christ. And when He did He do it? Before the foundation of the world, when He spoke it into existence, He spoke you redeemed with Him.
And your names was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, and then you're scared. Whew. "Oh, if I could just keep holding on." I quit that a long time ago. I never did even try it in the first place. I just turned loose and let Him do the holding.
Someone said when I was sick that time, when I got over it, said, "Brother Branham, did you keep your religion during your sick spell?"
I said, "No, sir, it kept me." That's the difference. And that's what happened.

47. When God brought an Israelite in... Abraham believed God. Talking to a very outstanding, one of the greatest Christian leaders in the world today, one of the greatest, Pastor Boze and I in his room the other day speaking on that... See, it's not what we did; it's what Christ did. It isn't what I'm going to do; it's what He's already done.
I know I'm no good, never was, never will be. But then in the Presence of God I'm absolutely perfect, because it's not me. He never sees me; He sees Christ. I'm in Christ. And my name was associated with Him at the foundation of the world. I'm just waiting for the cord to be drawed up. And we'll go, some of these blessed days to meet Him in the air.
Someone said, "Brother Branham ain't you afraid?" You know many times, way back when I was little boy preacher, oh, the people used to come ask you, "Brother Branham, why if that be so, well I--then I can just do anything I want to."
I said, "That's right, sure. Do anything you want to. If evil's in your heart, then you've never been to Calvary." That's one thing sure.

Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham

The dawning of a new day

The dawning of a new day, I feel it all over me now. The Light of a new day, a Light of a day where there is no night, where there is no darkness, no shadows, no skies, no--no dim, dark skies, no midnights, no graves, no flowers on the hillsides, no funeral processions, no doctors, no morgues. Amen. I--I can feel the--the rays of His Light breaking through upon my soul, the new day. The old one's pressing away. As I feel the mortal blood pouring through my body, I feel the surge of the Holy Ghost come in behind it, "Rise, and shine." Something said, "Billy Branham, you're getting old; you're getting weak; your shoulders are dropping; your hair's turning gray and falling out." That's right. And darkness and gross darkness upon the earth. "But arise, and shine." I feel falling there the surge of Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ which has made me a new creature in Him. I look for that day (Amen.), for the new day.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham


It is more precious than gold to us

God brings tensions into the church, for every son that cometh to God must be tried, and proven, and tested. He lets sickness strikes you. He lets diseases come on you to test you and to prove you, to show the world that you're truly the seed of Abraham. He permits it by His own will. He permits disasters; He permits the friends to turn against you. He permits all these things, and turns the devil loose to tempt you, and he'll do all but take your life. He could throw you on a bed of affliction; he could turn your neighbors against you; he could turn the church against you; he can do most anything, and it's God's will for him to do it. We are taught that it is more precious than gold to us.

Possessing The Enemy's Gates - 59-1108 - William Branham

You love him anyhow

There's where the church is failing in one place: overcoming, overcoming temperance--temper, overcoming difference, overcoming church prejudice, overcoming hatred. Many people tonight who shout and speak with tongues and run up-and-down the aisle, and hate their neighbor. That has... Brother, you're lost yet. That's hard to say, but that's the truth. Right. Overcome. You can only overcome when you... You say, "I'm eating manna, glory to God." Yes, but look what happens from one day to the other. You get the miss-meal cramps. Come on in where the manna's fresh all the time. Whether your neighbor treats you right or not, you'll love him anyhow. That's right. Whether he agrees with you or not, you love him anyhow. That's the way you got to do it. That's the hidden life. That's that consecrated life. That's that life that the veils of the worlds... And you're shut off from the things of the world. You only live in Christ. You see what I mean, church?

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


Let's do good

Now, there has to be enough light to make a shadow. If it was dark in here my shadow would not be on this pulpit. But being that there's light, then it makes a shadow. See? So death is dark in a certain way, but it's only a shadow. See? "The valley of the shadow of death..." So there has to be a certain amount of light in death to make it a shadow. Aren't you happy that that's so, that there is light in the valley?

Someday we're all coming down that way, friends. Every one of us are on our road there tonight. And each time our heart beats, is one time less than it'll ever beat again. It's just got so many beats it's going to make in this journey. Some... It'll make its last beat one of these days. Then we've got to go down through the shadow of death. So we're happy that we have been promised that the Morning Star would meet us there to light up the valley and give us the--a light to cross the river.
I've got to come that way some time. That's why I want to put all my life for the Lord Jesus, everything that I can do for Him. And I can only serve Him as I serve His people. You can only love Him as you love each other. I can only love Him as I love you and you love me. And together we love God. And we become His children, in that I serve you, you serve me. And that's we're serving God. Jesus said, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these little ones, you have did it unto Me." So if we want a blessing, let's be a blessing to someone else, and a blessing will return. Like casting your bread upon the water, it'll return. And that's true. In all walks of life you'll find that. You usually reap just as you sow. So let's do good. Talk good and be kind. And people talk about us, we'll say good things and kind things. And good things will come our way, if we'll give them out.

Law - 55-0115 - William Branham

It is written

Notice. Now, Jesus, invested with all the powers of God, but when He met Satan, He never used any of His powers. He only referred to the Word. He did. He said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" Then how can you say you can stay home and be just as good a Christian as you would be at church? You can't do it. Read the Word. The Holy Spirit feeds on the Word. The Bible is God's spiritual diet for His church. And the Holy Spirit is the One Who brings It to you and places It in the heart; and with thanksgiving you water It. And every Divine promise will produce just exactly what God said it would do. It's got to. It's His Word, and It's Life.

The Entombment - 57-0420 - William Branham


We'll be like Him

And everything on earth, the beauty, the sweetness, the beauty of the earth, is nothing else in the world but an answer to a far better than that, that waits us when we leave this world. For everything in earth is just a pattern of that which is in heaven. Everything that's good, everything that's righteous, everything that's beautiful, trees, birds, everything is just a pattern of what's in heaven. Our own life is just a pattern. It's just a shadow, and not the real thing. It's the negative side. It takes death to develop the picture, to put us back in the theophany we come from. Then in the resurrection we come in His likeness, a resurrected body. What a beautiful; not only beautiful, but it is the real solemn truth of God's eternal Word, that we'll be like Him.

The Entombment - 57-0420 - William Branham


It's something manufactured

People try to make themselves holy. And when you do, it's just like I said before; it's like a... It would be like a buzzard trying to put dove feathers in himself to make a dove out of it, when his nature's still a buzzard. See? See, it's... It would be like a crow trying to put a--a pigeon's feathers in, or a peacock, and saying, "You see, I'm a beautiful bird." See, it's something manufactured. But a peacock don't have to worry whether he's going to have peacock feathers or not. The dove don't have to worry whether he's going to have dove feathers or not. As long as his nature is a dove, he will have dove feathers. And see, the holiness people begin to say, "The women must wear long hair and long sleeves," and all these things, "and long skirts, and not wear any wedding rings, or jewelry of any type." See, it become a self-righteous holiness. See, see? That--that's--that's manufactured holiness.

God Hiding Himself In Simplicity Then Revealing Himself In The Same - 63-0317M - William Branham

You're known by your company

Samson got into bad company. And you always can remember that when you are in bad company, you are out of the will of the Lord. My own southern mammy used to tell me, "If you lay down with a dog that's got fleas, you'll get up with the fleas." That's rather a rude expression, but it's got a lot of common, everyday sense to it. You just can't associate yourself with the things of the world and except--and expect to stay spiritual and humble before the Lord. You're known by your company. There's an old saying, "Show me your company, I'll tell you who you are." And when the church begins to keep company with the world, then it's no more than the world. It gets out of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, gets out of the company of God, and of angels, and of God's heritage, when it begins to flirt as Samson did.

Where Has Thy Strenght Gone Samson? - 59-0702 - William Branham


It will endure forever

I think love is the greatest force there is in the world. There's nothing more powerful than love. If I had the choice tonight, and was a sinner, and was standing here before God, and He have said, "Now, boy, I'm going to give you all nine spiritual gifts. I'm going to let you prophesy, give you the spirit of prophecy. I'm going to make you a mighty preacher, give you the word of wisdom and understanding. I'm going to give you the gift to speak in tongues and to interpret. I'm going to give you a gift of healing that you'll have great faith for the sick. And I'm going to do all these things for you. I'll give you all that, or I won't let you have any of those things, but let you have real love in your heart." I'd say, "God give me love." That's right. "For where there is tongues, they shall cease. Where there's prophecy it will fail. Where there's knowledge, it'll vanish. But where there is love, it will endure forever. That's what drove the heart of God to send Christ to the earth.

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham


The most powerful force in the world

The most powerful force in the world isn't speaking with tongues, or interpreting tongues, or being honored by God to be a minister, or to be a evangelist, or to be a prophet; the most powerful weapon that I've ever found in my life, is love. It'll... The phileo love, which the Greek word comes from friendship, like you have for your wife. There's a difference. It'll make a mother for that baby, run through a blazing fire. Her life means nothing. That's phileo. What will agapao do (See?), the godly love. We must love, divinely love one another. Then you don't see your brother's mistake. If he does make a mistake, you never, you look over the top of it, and you love Him anyhow. See? That's it. Love those that love you. Then does not the sinner the same thing? But love those who doesn't love you. That's what shows the Spirit of God is in you, 'cause He loved you when you were His enemy. And He loved you. And that Spirit's in you, it'll make you love your enemy, as you do your friend.

From That time - 61-0412B - William Branham


It's all over...

5. One of my manager's recently said, that in Canada where he was raised, our Brother Baxter, he said, "They had a little bicycle up there one time, and they was going to give every boy, or the boy that could ride a six inch plank, hundred yards, up in the air four feet, would win a new Schwinn bicycle." Said, "They had a little, sickly, type of a boy there, that they didn't think knowed very much about a bicycle. And all the other boys thought, 'Well, each one, they were special riders.' They'd go down in the city and get a basket of groceries, or a bag of groceries, never even touch their handlebars, swing around the corners, and through traffic, and come on home with it.' They said, 'My, that boy's always got his hands on the handlebars looking.' Said, 'Why, we can out ride that fellow.'"
They was all in the contest. He happened to be the last one. Every one of them fell off but him. He went right on to the end of the road. He won the bicycle. All the boys got around him to ask him, "Why--how did you do it?"
He said, "I tell you, fellows." Said, 'You all are much better riders than I am, but," said, "you made a mistake." Said, "You were looking down, trying to keep your bicycle on this board." Said, "I set my eyes to the end, and just kept looking at the end, and I held that steady."

6. If I had to look what's going on around me all the time, I might stray off the road too. But I look what's at the end, keep my eye there, I can be steady. Let friends forsake, and everything else goes wrong, and people say this, that, or the other, I'm looking to the end, down there. That's where, I got our eyes set, to this--this hour, when I meet my friend. When the battle's all over, and we're there... And just imagine when they have the table set, all the old veterans of the wars will set along this table. And I look down and see Saint Paul setting down there, and Peter, James, John, Brother Moore, and Brother Bose, and Brother Bosworth, oh, my, others of the veterans, and look along that table there, you know I--I--I just... You just reach across the table and squeeze one another's hand. That's going to be wonderful. No doubt, but a little tear will run down our cheek, once in a while for joy, then the King will come out in His beauty and His robes around Him, the One Who redeemed us, then talk about crying, talk about rejoicing. When we're setting there thinking the great battles we've been through together, and He will come down and wipe all the tears from our eyes, and say, "Don't cry no more; it's all over. We all here now; enter into the joys of the Lord."
That's going to be a wonderful time for me. I'm just--just look--looking to that all day long, and all night long. All the time, I look for that.

Whatever He Saith Unto You Do It - 54-0722 - William Branham


Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to

Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done; you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore, there's no gall in you; there's no unclean habit in you; because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you. "Why," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham; I can do what I want to." I always do, always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ.

One The Wings Of A Snow White Dove - 65-1128E - William Branham

He'd been taught right

There's something about the--where you go, what church you go to, and what teacher teaches you. Do you know that? It--it's got something to it. Therefore, we ought to seek out the very best that we can find, so we're getting the best; not because it's sociable and so forth, but the real Bible teaching. Look, one time when Israel had got out into the wilderness with their armies, and they had a seven day compass, and they'd run out of water. And they were about to perish; they said, "Oh, if there was a prophet near." And one of them said, "We have down here, Elisha. He poured water on the hands of Elijah." See his associate? In other words, "Here's Elisha who's had associations with Elijah, the Word of the Lord is with him." You get it? He'd been taught right.

Hebrews Chapter Three - 57-0901M - William Branham


Do it anyhow

You know, as a servant of God, you ought to watch what you're doing, because you're written epistles, read of all men. You Christians, always be willing to lend a hand or to do something to help somebody make life a little pl--more pleasant for them as they're... You say, "Well, I--I don't have any gift of healing." You don't have to have. At least offer something. Offer a prayer. Do something. Make them feel... Do the best you can by them, anyhow. Never turn a shoulder, a cold shoulder, to anyone, no matter what it is, even if they've mistreated you. Do it anyhow. If you can't do it from your heart, then you ought to come to the altar and stay till that spirit comes in you that from your heart, you can love those who doesn't love you. That's when God will answer your prayer, for as long as there's anything in your heart... "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, then God will not hear me." That's what David said, and that--that's true. He won't hear you.

Blind Bartimaeus - 60-0330 - William Branham


When a man meets God...

28. When a man or a woman, I don't care how many vows you make, or how many new pages you turn, until you meet God you can't be changed. But when you once meet God, then you're changed forever.
Didn't only change Moses, it changed Israel. It changed Egypt. It changed the world at that time, because one man met God, and took Him at His Word.
What we need today is somebody to meet God face to face and talk to Him. The situation... When men meet God, things are changed. Certainly. That's the only way that we can have things. And from that time on, Moses the coward, Moses the one that was running, had been changed. And from that time, he become the servant of the Lord. It always works that way. When a man meets God, things are changed.

From That Time - 59-1231 - William Branham


It makes you bubble

69. I laid down by an old spring where I used to drink, laid down there and just drink, and drink, and drink. I noticed that was the happiest spring I ever seen. It was always bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble. That's like a good old fashion Christian, always bubbling over whether things going right or not, just going just the same, bubbling over.

70. God works in His nature in the grounds too. Do you believe that? If I'd sit down and talk to that spring, I say, "What makes you bubble? What makes you so happy?"
He'd say, "Brother Branham, it ain't me bubbling."
I'd say, "Well, maybe that you bubble just because that--that I drink from you."
"You bubble because deers drink or bears drink?"
I say, "What makes you bubble?"
He say, "Brother Branham, it ain't me bubbling. It's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble." And that's the way every man that's borned again of the Spirit of God. There's something behind you pushing you and making you bubble. Hallelujah. Oh, glory. That's right. It makes you bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, everlasting joy springing up.

Show Us The Father - 53-0907A - William Branham

He knows how you feel

God could not suffer in Spirit. He had to become flesh to feel the pain of sickness, to feel the temptation of lust, to feel the temptation of want, to feel the temptation of hunger, to feel the power of death, that He might take it upon Hisself to stand in the Presence of the great Spirit Jehovah (the Spirit, not the man, the Spirit), to make intercessions to this life. And Jesus took that in order to make intercessions for us, for He knows how it feels. When you get sick, He knows how you feel. When you're tempted, He knows how you feel.

Hebrews Chapter Two #3 - 57-0828 - William Branham


And it's yours....

Could you imagine, talking about exhausting God's love, and power, and beneficiaries for you. Could you imagine a little bitty fish, about that long, way out here in the middle of the ocean say, "Now, wait a minute. I better consider this thing. I better drink of this water sparingly, 'cause I might run out someday." A little fish, about that big, in the middle of this ocean out here... Well, that could easily be done, more easier than you could ask too much of God. He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. Whatever you have need of, ask Him and believe it. He provided it in the redemptive blessings when He died at Calvary and gave a promise to you for everything you have need of while you're in the journey. And it's yours, if you'll ask and believe it. That's right.

Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham


Don't you try to bluff him

41. And besides all that, the Devil has blinded him. See what it was? Somehow I entered in... Not me, the Holy Spirit (O God) was taking me into the feeling. Oh, when you can project your life, by taking me into a feeling of love for the old man...
And just then, he put he put his arms over my shoulder and begin weeping on my shoulder. Then something happened. I thought, "That cursed blind Devil, that blinded this poor old man, that's never had any privileges..."
"Well," I said, "you blind spirit, come out of him." And all of a sudden, he opened his eyes and he begin to scream, "I can see." What was it? Projecting the love of the Holy Spirit. That's the way it happens.
When that poor man run to the platform to take my life that night, threatened he would do it, rolled up his big arms before sixty-five hundred people besides the hundred standing in the streets in the rain, he said, "You hypocrite, tonight I'll break every bone in your body."
I never said a word. I looked at him. I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight pounds and him nearly three hundred, seven foot something tall, maniac out of asylum. And he run up there and he...

42. Now, instead of... Well, I was scared sure. But when I looked at him, something begin to happen. Instead of thinking, "Oh, if I was big enough, I'd whip you." Instead of that, I got to thinking, "Poor brother. The Devil's got him bound. Why, he'd want to love me as much as I love him. He can't help being like that. That's not him cursing me. That's the Devil." That is with any man. It's not the man that's cursing you, that you want to get angry with and kill him in a few minutes. It's the Devil making him do that, not your brother. It's the Devil he's possessed with.
And he made a great big threat. And before I could say anything, the Holy Spirit begin to speak. And instead of hating the man, I loved him. And the love of God was projected to him, and he rolled around his big eyes like that, and fell on my feet in the floor. Love conquered.

43. I've heard them talk about bad dogs. I... Happens to be I'm not afraid of a dog. You're not... What makes the dog bite you is because you're afraid of him. Now, that may sound silly. But it's not. Wild animals, I never seen one I was afraid of, because I love them. I've been face to face with grizzly bears and everything else. Because I love the animals. You have to have it; you can't bluff it now. Did you ever see a dog raise his nose and go... He knows whether you're afraid or not. Don't you try to bluff him. You might've bluffed your neighbor, but you can't bluff the dog. He knows. And you can't bluff God. And I say this with all reverence; you can't bluff the Devil. I don't care how loud you holler, how much you scream, and kick your feet. He will just lay right there.
But when you really got the article, you don't have to say very much. He knows whether it's real or not. Them disciples was screaming and hollering, trying to make this lunatic well. Jesus said, "Come out of him." What happened? The disciples were defeated. But that Devil had to know where that Voice was coming from. It was from a Fountain were the Dove of God was setting. He recognized that vibration when it went from Him. He knew that was more than a disciple. He knew that was more than Moses. When it...?... in Moses and he made Moses sin. But when He said, "If Thou be the Son of God, make a miracle here before these children..."
He said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" He knowed he hadn't met Moses then. There was something about it. Right.

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham


He's put his trust in you

178. Now, remember. When... God has counted you worthy when you have a test. Now, don't fail this, to get this. When you have a trial or a test, it shows the grace of God has found, you found favor with God, and God believes that you'll stand the test.
You remember, He did the same thing by Job.

179. Satan said, "Oh, yes, I seen Job down there." Said, "He's not..."

180. God said, "He's a perfect servant. There's none in earth like him. There's nobody like Job. He's a perfect man. Now, he, he's My--he's My pride and joy."

181. Satan said, "Oh, sure. He gets everything he asks for." Said, "Let me have him once." And said, "I, I'll make him curse You to Your very face." Said, "I'll just make him curse You."

182. God said, "He's in your hands, but don't you take his life." See? God had confidence in Job. Amen.

183. When looks like everything has gone wrong, God is giving you a trial. He's got confidence in you. He don't have to baby you around. You're not a hotbed plant, a hybrid. You're a real Christian. God is giving you a test, see what you'll do about it. Amen. No wonder Peter said, "These fiery trials, why, count it a joy. It's--it's more precious to you than gold."

184. And many times we hum and haw, "Oh, well, if I just..." Well, that, well, that's something God give you, to overcome. He--He--He knows you'll do it. He, He's--He's put his trust in you.

Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham


You've got to really have it

36. He's right, and I'm wrong always. And He's always right. I love Him.

37. Oh, I'm so glad to know that by grace He put that in my heart. That powerful thing of love, it conquers. It'll... You can conquer your husband. If he won't go to church, and he fusses at you for going, just pray. Now, don't try to put it on. If you do, it won't work. But if you really get such a love in your heart for his soul, he will know it. Don't you worry. The husband is sanctified by the believing wife, vice versa. You can't fool it. You can't bluff it. It's got to really be there. That's the reason where genuine faith...
People sometimes think they got faith when they haven't got it. You've got to really have it. I've seen that same conquering power.

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham

How do you see it?

Faith is designed to see what God wills and wants. There is no knowledge that can do that. Faith alone is designed and give to the human race to find out what the will of God is. And you take your faith that you've got and it don't focus with the Word, then leave it alone, you got the wrong faith. But when your God given faith focus you with the Word of God, you're directly in line and zeroed. Oh, my. God help us this hour, great hour that we live in. Faith, designed to see what God wants. How do you see it? Through the camera of His Word, His promise. This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ.

Look - 63-0428 - William Branham