69. I laid down by an old spring where I used to drink, laid down there and just drink, and drink, and drink. I noticed that was the happiest spring I ever seen. It was always bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble. That's like a good old fashion Christian, always bubbling over whether things going right or not, just going just the same, bubbling over.
70. God works in His nature in the grounds too. Do you believe that? If I'd sit down and talk to that spring, I say, "What makes you bubble? What makes you so happy?"
He'd say, "Brother Branham, it ain't me bubbling."
I'd say, "Well, maybe that you bubble just because that--that I drink from you."
"You bubble because deers drink or bears drink?"
I say, "What makes you bubble?"
He say, "Brother Branham, it ain't me bubbling. It's something behind me, pushing me, making me bubble." And that's the way every man that's borned again of the Spirit of God. There's something behind you pushing you and making you bubble. Hallelujah. Oh, glory. That's right. It makes you bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, everlasting joy springing up.
Show Us The Father - 53-0907A - William Branham
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