
The auction sale

82. You know, the old master violinist, one time... You've heard the story. They had an old violin and auctioned it off. They wanted to sell it, and nobody would buy it. And they said, "Who'll give a dollar? Who'll give a dollar and a half?" Finally, "Going once, going twice, a dollar and a half."
Finally an old gray-haired man stepped out of the audience (You know the story.), picked it up, said, "Let me have it." Put some rosin on his bow, and struck it a few times. The people begin to weep, the tears began to run off their faces, like that. And when they did, the auctioneer picked it up again, said, "Who'll make...?" One said, "A thousand dollars."
"Two thousand."
"Five thousand. "
What was the difference? The master, the one who knew it, the one who built it, he knowed how to get out of it what was in it.

83. And as long as we try to bring our churches out of creeds and denominations we'll never do it. Let the Master Builder of mankind, Who made man in His own image, Who's building Him a bride for this same thing, let His bow stroke of the Holy Ghost strike this Word in your heart one time, and it'll be the best example. No matter how many big churches you go to, and how many names is on the book, it'll do more for Jesus Christ than all the churches, and denominations, and creeds, and world churches, and organizations in all the world.

Identified Masterpiece Of God - 64-1205 - William Branham

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