
He sees Christ

46. If there's one thing you could do to merit it, you'd have something to brag about it. "Lord, I've sought You day and night." But you can't say that to Him. He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him." And God seeks man and not man seeking God. So you don't have one thing to say, but, "God it was Your grace that did it." And there, as long you're accepted in the Beloved, how can God bring you into judgment, when He's already judged Christ in your stead?
How could you have to suffer for your sins, when Christ has already done it? God would be a two-timer and a awful person (That's right.), when it was thoroughly paid by Jesus Christ and you accepted it. And as long as God accepted Christ, He accepted you with Christ. And when He did He do it? Before the foundation of the world, when He spoke it into existence, He spoke you redeemed with Him.
And your names was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world, and then you're scared. Whew. "Oh, if I could just keep holding on." I quit that a long time ago. I never did even try it in the first place. I just turned loose and let Him do the holding.
Someone said when I was sick that time, when I got over it, said, "Brother Branham, did you keep your religion during your sick spell?"
I said, "No, sir, it kept me." That's the difference. And that's what happened.

47. When God brought an Israelite in... Abraham believed God. Talking to a very outstanding, one of the greatest Christian leaders in the world today, one of the greatest, Pastor Boze and I in his room the other day speaking on that... See, it's not what we did; it's what Christ did. It isn't what I'm going to do; it's what He's already done.
I know I'm no good, never was, never will be. But then in the Presence of God I'm absolutely perfect, because it's not me. He never sees me; He sees Christ. I'm in Christ. And my name was associated with Him at the foundation of the world. I'm just waiting for the cord to be drawed up. And we'll go, some of these blessed days to meet Him in the air.
Someone said, "Brother Branham ain't you afraid?" You know many times, way back when I was little boy preacher, oh, the people used to come ask you, "Brother Branham, why if that be so, well I--then I can just do anything I want to."
I said, "That's right, sure. Do anything you want to. If evil's in your heart, then you've never been to Calvary." That's one thing sure.

Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen amen amen amen! This was exactly what I needed for a dying brother who's doubting.. :D