
Stay there

Don't try to compete with someone else or do this. Just get right in the Word, and stay right there, and God will positionally place you into His Kingdom, where you can be the best. What if my finger ever taken a notion, because it wasn't an eye, it wouldn't be a finger any more? I would hate to lose that finger. Though my eye may be more valuable, but I love that finger. It's a part of me. You understand what I mean? I'm sure you do. So whatever office, whatever it might be, be whatever you are. And where God has positionally placed you, stay there and be as loyal to that Word as you know how to be. God will bless it. If He takes a notion for something else, He will place you where He needs.

India Trip Report - 57-0126 - William Branham


A full square meal

I heard someone say one time that Divine healing would be in the millennium. Well, you got a glorified body then, so what do you need with any Divine healing? It's the de--devil trying to put you off in something over yonder, some millennium you're going to be something; you are right now sons and daughters of God. Amen. If your man-made theology just give you a little cold tater and told you to wait, you go ahead. But I got a full course dinner of the Holy Ghost. How... Well, Bless God; that's right. They want to tell you to stand off right here, and eat some peelings, or gnaw some bones, and tell you that the chicken is all gone from years ago. Don't you believe that. God has a full square meal for a full man, that's got full faith in the Son of God and believe it, and will follow the instructions. The menu reads, "To whosoever will, let him come." And "The promise is unto you and your children, and to them that's far off; even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Having Conferences - 60-0608 - William Branham


Dead, through their creeds

By revelation of the Word, God's Word before It was even written, "Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which testified that he was righteous," the Word reflecting Itself through him by his offering. Oh, Cain went and got fruits of the field; he thought that Eve eat an apple. Most the theological seminaries has changed that now to an apricot. It was an adultery. And anybody knows that, that knows the Bible. Sure it was. Notice, the serpent's seed was produced by the first Eve's getting away from the Word. The second Eve done the same thing at Nicaea, Rome. And what has she got? A bunch of denominational children. That's right. Oh, morally good, sure, fine. But what about it? Dead, through their creeds.

The Harvest Time - 64-1212 - William Branham


You've got to look at the promise of God

Now, if we can find our position and know that it's God's Word that has promised it... That's the reason Joshua and Caleb had no fear that they could not take the--the promised land. Because all the rest of the nine came back, or the ten, and said, "We can't do it. Why, those cities walled high, and we look like grasshoppers up side the people. They're so big and they're armed," and said, "We just can't do it." See, they were looking at the sense of reasoning. You can't look at the sense of reasoning; you've got to look at the promise of God. Now, God had already sent His Angel, and the Angel was in the camp moving on. And the revelation of God had brought the Word of God manifested. And now they was ready to push into the promised land.

The Believer's Position In Christ - 55-0116A - William Branham


Back to love

I don't care if the man's wrong. If he's wrong and sincere in his heart and you're right in your belief and--and you're wrong in the--acting the way you're acting. I'd rather be in his place than be in yours. That's right. I'd rather be wrong in my doctrine and right in my heart. God will respect it more. So if a man is wrong, what of it? Help him. He needs help. Love him. If you can't love your enemy the same as you love those who love you, you're no better off than the publicans. That's right. That's what the Church has failed to get. I hope you get it tonight. I hope you see what I'm talking about. It's back to love, redeeming love. All the other things are fine, but we got to come back to fellowship with one another. And people said I fight organizations. I do not. I fight that system in there that's breaking up brotherhood. I've always done it. And I always will do it.

Getting In The Spirit - 61-0428 - William Branham


You're zeroed

Sometimes we can't wait from one night to the other. Sometimes we can't wait from one revival to the other. We have to go out and entangle with the things of the world. How we ought to be ashamed of ourself. Before we come here to confess and get into that Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin, we should focus ourself down to see that one true living God standing there Who made the promise that heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word cannot fail. Stay right there upon that. Then you're not tossed about with winds of doctrine, carried about from place to place, from pillar to post. But you know where you stand because you've been zeroed in with God. You see your own life hitting that target just like those apostles did. You live the way they did. You were baptized the way they were. You see the same results that they seen. You see it operating in you. You're zeroed. I don't care what the company says and what the denominations say. You're zeroed, because you know that you're hitting the target. Amen.

Look - 63-0428 - William Branham


Faith don't reason

Cast down reasonings. Cast them down. God don't want you to have reason. Reason always tries to find a way out. Faith don't reason. Faith just believes. Your mind, what makes you reason. It's a liar. The lie detector proves that. God's Bible, first, proves it.
But your soul is immortal, brother, sister. Your reasoning power will leave you when
death strikes you, but your soul will be with you through eternity. Won't you believe God's Word today and accept Him?

The Uncertain Sound - 55-0731 - William Branham


I'm taking a stand too

One time, the Hebrew children, when they were carried over in Babylon... Listen. The time came when they had to stand for what was right. The king made a--a proclamation. And he said that whosoever will not bow down to this image shall be throwed in the fiery furnace.
The time came for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to show their colors, their faith in God. So they turned their back to the image. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from this fiery furnace. But nevertheless, we'll not bow down to any of their images." There it was. It was time, the season was there. So then the time came that when he was going to throw them into the fiery furnace, burn that religion out of them.

That's what the devil tries to do all the time--burn you up on something, make you sicker when you're prayed for, make you think you've lost your experience with God. He's a lying to you.
The time comes when you have to stand on God's Word. Stand alone. But when that time comes, stand there. There's got to be a time when you've got to separate yourself between your feelings and your faith. That's the time it is tonight.
The time comes that when these Hebrew children had to seal their testimony by a fiery furnace. I can see them that morning. Let's look immediately. I can see them that morning. There'd come a great time in Babylon. The king said, "Now, look. We've got some fanatics down here. And they're 'causing us a little trouble with their religion. So we'll just build a furnace fire over there, and heat it seven times hotter than it ever was het. And we'll burn that out of them."

Could you imagine burning the Holy Ghost out of a man? Can't be done. Notice. I can see the king set himself upon a throne. His...?... hour ti--time came. They bound these Hebrew children, put them in front of a stair and started walking up a platform that they were to fall into this great furnace. I can hear Shadrach say to Meshach, "Say, did you... sure you prayed through?"
Sometimes when Satan puts the heat on, we have to stop and check up. "Lord, do I truly believe You?"
I can hear Shadrach say, "Yes, it's all prayed up now."
The...?... said, "You want to take that back, boy?"
"Nope. We're willing to seal our testimony with our own life. We're ready now."
I can hear king Nebuchadnezzar say, "Now, if you'll bow down to the image, I'll take it back."
"No. We've took our way with the Lord's despised few. I'm going through with it." The time was for decisions, just a few minutes left.

Many of you are setting here tonight in that same condition: heart trouble, bound in these chairs, and on these crutches and things. Just a few minutes left in this meeting. Make your decisions. The time has come for you to do it. Either you've got to believe what I've said to be the truth, and what God has wrote in His Bible; or walk away in the same condition. But the time has come.
I can hear him say, "All right. Walk them on up." The heat begin to get a little bad.
Don't worry. If you accept Him tonight as your Healer, Satan will put the heat on you tomorrow. Don't you worry about that. Yes, sir.
They started walking a little farther, and I can hear him say, "Are you sure you're prayed up?"
"All right."
Got right up the steps to about one step. They begin to feel fainty, like they was going in. In a few minutes, I can see these guards with their spears ready to push them over into the fiery furnace that was het seven times hotter than it ever was het.

Notice. We're painting an awful dark picture down here. Let's turn our camera up this way once.
Oh, my. Always when there's anything going on down here, there's something going on up there also. There's always two sides to it, you know. When Satan's on the job, Jesus is also. Ever who you yield your faith to, that's the way it's going. Give it to Christ.
Let's look up this way. You know, I can see Him setting up there in His majesty. His priestly robes draped around Him, looking down.
I see coming to His right a great Angel. His name's Gabriel, great Archangel. He comes running up, pulls His sword. He said, "Master, have You looked down in Babylon? Your people's taking a stand for You down there. The hour has come for them to stand, and they're taking a stand. But that bunch of people there is going to push them into that fiery furnace. And let me go down there. I'll clean that thing up."
I believe He could've done it. Yes, sir. He said He will give His Angels charge over these. And I believe the Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him.

I can hear Gabriel say, "I'll go down there, and I'll strike Babylon off the map if You'll let me go down there. Have You considered them?"
I can hear the Master say, "Yes, Gabriel. You're a wonderful Angel. You've obeyed Me, and set at My right-hand ever since the day that I created You. But I can't let You go. Just can't let You go."
Then I see coming this way comes another Angel. You know, God's got Angels in heaven at His command. I can see another one coming up, look at Him, He rushes up. He's called Wormwood. He falls down. He has controls of all the waters.
I can hear Him say, "Master, down in Babylon Your children has took a stand, and they're going to throw them in the fiery furnace this morning. They're almost there. And I've stood by Your side since You created me. I have the controls of the water. In the antediluvian destruction, I broke up the springs of the deep, I swept over the earth and destroyed the whole world with water. Let me go down there this morning. I'll wash her off the face of the earth." I believe He could've done it, don't you?
I can hear Him say, "Can't let You go. You've been a good Angel, but I can't let You go.

"Have You considered them?"
"Yes. All night long I've been watching them." Brother, His eye's on the sparrow, I know He watches me. He's watching you. He's seeing how much faith you got, how much you got, how much you got. He wants to see what kind of a stand that you'll take. That hour has come now. What are you going to do?
He said, "I've watched them all night long. I heard every prayer they prayed. You Angels has been good Angels, but I can't let You go, for I'm going Myself." Amen.
I can see Him rise from His seat; the priestly robes drop around Him. I can see Him say, "Come here, east wind, west wind, north, and south." Everything obeys Him. I can hear Him say, "Get over here," that big white thunderhead out yonder where it's at. I can see Him roll up to His throne, step over on there. Oh, my. Reach up and get a hold of a zig-zag lightening, pass by the Tree of Life and pick off a pine.
"What's the matter?"
"I'm going to Babylon this morning. My children has took a stand. I'm taking a stand too."

My, my. About that time Shadrach and a Meshach, and Abednego went down into the fiery furnace taking their faith--final stand for the Lord. And about the time they got into the fire, there was a fourth Person like the Son of God standing there fanning away the breezes down there.
Oh, my. His eye is on the sparrow. If He would come all the way from glory to Babylon for three children, how much more will He come to Phoenix tonight for all of those who are setting here bound. The hour has come. Father, the hour has come.
The hour has come for you. You're going to make your decision now.

Hour Is Come - 51-0415E - William Branham


Isn't it strange...

21. Isn't it strange how God does things? He will let us get right down to the last, the last mile away. You know, He--He likes to do that. He did it with the Hebrew children. He knew who He could trust, so He let that--them boys walk right up to the fiery furnace, till they could almost smell the fire, and He never moved. But when it comes time, He will move. He will move, but He waits till His own time. He wanted to see what kind of a reaction they'd have. He knew they'd made their stand.
And when He knows that you make your stand... He will let Satan take you to the last mile of the way. But just remember, He's still there. He wants to see if you really mean what you're talking about. "Oh, I believe God's a Healer. Yes, I sure believe it." And the next day, you still got your pain. "Well, maybe I never got it." Sure you got it, He just wanting to see how you're going to react on what you said. You say, "Oh, praise God, I believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit." The first little temptation that comes along, you fly off like a buzz saw. He's trying to see your reaction on your action. He's trying to test you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened, tested." Every child that comes to Him, He puts him through a test to see how he will act.

22. Anyone, a chemist, anyone else, will always test something. Great pipes... I used to work for a gas company. And they'd test those pipes by putting a plug in the end and a valve. And I don't remember now just how many hundred pounds of pressure they'd put on them pipes to see if there's a little sand hole that would blow. And if the--they could not stand the test, then it was throwed into the scrap heap.
And when you're put under a test, when you're fixing to be used for God for a testimony... Like the lady here in the wheelchair, the man, the little boy, some of you people out there, maybe you're Christians and wonder why you're put under this test. God's fixing to use your testimony, but He wants to see how you'll react, so He puts the pressure on. If you blow up, well then, He can't do nothing with you. But if you'll hold on, stand the test...

Reaction To An Action - 59-0810 - William Branham


One little thing like that

Now. But if there's a question... Men come, said, "Do you think it's wrong to smoke?" "What are you asking about it for?" If it's a question in your mind, leave it alone. For anything you don't do by faith is sin. That's right. Got to be by faith. So how can you smoke and have faith? See, it's right in your own conscience shows you that you're wrong. So if it's uncertain, you better leave it alone, 'cause that might be the one thing that keeps you out of the Kingdom of God. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, one little thing like that?" One little thing like that will do it, just disobeying one commandment of God.

The Uncertain Sound - 62-0714 - William Branham


You're in Christ

Now, we are all acquainted with the Judges of Israel. And how that they had done the Israelites; the Philistines, the Midianites, the Amorites, and all the different ones had come in like locusts and just eat up what they had, and take it out, and go on. But did you notice, they could not do that until Israel first fell away from God.
The Devil can't set a foot on you to hurt you, until first you get away from God. You must first remember that. Check when anything happens, see if you're in the faith or not, see that if you're right up to place with God; then remember, the Devil can do you no harm; you're in Christ.

If God Be With Us - 61-1231E - William Branham

Because you're supernatural yourself

There's got to be a time where you got to quit babying people. You can't sissify them. That's what the trouble today. Preachers is handling the Gospel with--with ecclesiastical gloves on. That's what the trouble of it today. What we need today's a raw, flat Gospel to tell you you're a sinner, going to hell. If you haven't got the Holy Ghost you're out of the Kingdom of God. That's right. You can't believe the supernatural, because you have never been borned again. And when you're borned again you have to believe the supernatural, because you're supernatural yourself.

The Resurrection - 53-1205 - William Branham


You are a Bible to many people

You might not think that people are watching you, but they're watching every move you make. You are a Bible to many people. Therefore, we got to watch what we do, our business deals, and everything that we do in our entire walk. Just yield yourself to the Spirit, and God will reflect Himself through you, as I said, like a vine. Jesus said in John 15, "I am the Vine; ye are the branches." Well, now remember, the vine does not bear fruit; it's the branch that bears fruit. But it gets its life from the vine.

It Wasn't So From The Beginning - 62-0630B - William Branham


But it brings life

Listen. Any birth is a mess. I don't care whether it's in a pigpen, or where it's at, it's a mess, any birth. And so is the new birth. It'll--it'll make you do things that you didn't think you'd ever do. But it brings life. And before you can have life, you have to have death. Before a seed can reproduce itself, it's got to die in order... And not only die, but it's got to rot. In order to get new life out of it, it's got to die and rot in itself. And so does every sinner. And every man, no matter how highly he's educated, and how much he's polished, how many degrees he has in the church, or so forth, how many of these things, how many colleges he's--he's educated out of; he's got to die to his own theory. He's got to die to himself. He's got to die to everything to be reborned again by the Holy Ghost.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham


God longs for fellowship

But God laid down a program in the beginning how that man can have fellowship one with another. And we'll have to come to God's terms on it; that's all.
In the beginning when man used to walk in the early age with God in the garden of Eden, when the first man was created in the great cathedrals, under the palms, he and his wife, when the cool of the evening come along, they come out and worshipped God, had a perfect fellowship. God longs for fellowship. He yearns, He wants people to speak with Him, to talk with Him. You might do one... You might sing too much, or you might preach too much, sometime, but there's one thing you'll never be able to overdo, that's pray.
The Bible said, "I would that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands."

You'll never be able to have too much fellowship with God. And God longs for His creature, who He created in His image to fellowship with Him.
Wouldn't you love to have lived in that time when the great fellowship God had with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, to come down in the cool of the evening and talk with them and fellowship with them? Wouldn't that be marvelous? We all would like to have that time. Now, I believe, by God's Word I can prove to you that we can come right back on them terms again with God tonight, right straight back to that kind of fellowship.

Reconciliation Through Fellowship - 56-0120 - William Branham


He makes Hisself simple

40. Man is still the same. He's always thanking God for what He has done, looking forward for what He will do, and ignoring what He's doing. That's exactly man always. And he does the same thing today. He always, is that... He's... That's a man. And you've got to get out of that. You've got to let the mind that was in Christ be in you.
God dealing with man has always been in humility. He never does deal with men in great big theological terms. Tell me one time He ever did. He never does. He makes Hisself simple. And man wants to make it complicated. He makes Hisself great by making Hisself humble.
Now, when a man gets a little bit of education, or a few degrees, he knows so much till you can't tell him nothing. But if be could just keep on getting great enough till he could make hisself little, till he knows nothing, then it'd be all right. But he can't get that big. See? He just can't get that big. And God is that big. He's so big till He can make Hisself humble. But we can't be--get big enough to make ourself humble. That's the difference.

God Hiding Himself In Simplicity - 63-0412E - William Branham


You are a specialist on the job

6-1. Let us bow our heads just a moment for prayer. Lord, we know that Thou art God, and after reading this sacred and holy Word, we can still see that Your nature has not changed. You are always God. And it seem like that Jesus was not going to have any help, that He was taken by wicked hands, and was hacked to pieces, and spit upon, and mocked, and hanging on the cross, bleeding, dying; and seemed like there was no help nowhere, till even He cried Himself, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" But You act in the moment that when nothing else can act.
We are given to know, Lord, that if we have any rivers that we cannot cross, if we have any mountains we cannot go through, God specializes in doing things that others cannot do. You are a specialist on the job. For You know the reason of that day on Calvary. You, being God, the infinite One, knew this hour must come. But when it was fulfilled, then You showed You were God. You showed Who was Boss.

6-3. You shook the earth, and the saints that slept in the ground come out. You've blackened the sun in the night, as the darkness of night, showing that You were God, but You seemed to be silent so long. Let us from this draw this conclusion: that as long as we are walking in the Spirit, led by the hand of God, no matter what seems to be wrong, yet we are facing Calvary, God will speak in the right hour at the right time.
Now, Father God, we would ask forgiveness of our sins and our trespasses. We would ask for Your Spirit to lead us. Lead us as the Dove led the Lamb. Let us be obedient to whatever may befall us, knowing this, that God works all things well, and know that it'll be all right.
Be with us today in this service. We pray that You'll save those who are in condition to be saved and are seeking for salvation. Fill those with Eternal Life who are seeking such. We pray that You'll heal those that are sick and afflicted that have come seeking healing. And we'll praise Thee for it. We ask it in the Name of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


What is His body?

Now, we want to think of Jesus and associate Him, what He was. What is His body? What is the body of Christ? It's the body of believers that's associated with Him in the Holy Spirit, not an idol, not a piece of bread, but a Spirit that's in the heart of the believer, and they are associated together, that when man and God can talk to each other, sons and daughters of God. Mortal man, through the shedding of the Blood bought remission of sin, and this man and this woman, boy or girl that has fellowship with Christ is communing with Him, the body.

Communion - 62-0204 - William Branham


But I know Who holds tomorrow

74. But watch, on their journey they was going down through there. Why, God said, "I'll supply your needs."
Isn't it strange though, I want you to notice this: That the first place they went was right to the wilderness of sin. Isn't it strange that God's path leads that way? Right down to the Red Sea where they was cut off, right out through the wilderness of sin, right down into temptation, just right around everywhere, is that right?
But you know that's the way God leads us, isn't it? Some through the water, some through the floods, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood. Is that right? Through every briar patch, and temptation His grace has brought me safe thus far; grace shall take me on. That's right.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. His grace has brought me safe this far, it's grace that'll take me on. I just believe Him; I don't know why. What tomorrow holds, I don't know. But I know Who holds tomorrow. That's the main thing.

Speak To This Rock - 53-1115 - William Branham

You are a walking letter

Remember the Bible said, "You are living, written epistles read of all men." Now, many people won't read the Bible. But God has made you a living representative. You are a walking letter, should be a walking Bible, Christ in you. You should be the walking Word of God. And if you profess to be a Christian and not that, your influence--your--what you're influencing will make you have to answer for many souls that you've turned aside, away from Christ, in that day of the judgment. I think it behooves us tonight to think about that. For every man, woman, boy, and girl, knows that you're coming to the judgment. You might escape this, that, or the other. You might beat the income tax, and you might escape the Internal Revenue. You might do one thing or another. You might have run over the speed limit, and the cops never catch you. But one day judgment's going to get you. That's certain.

Influences - 64-0215 - William Branham


Just say just exactly what the tape says

And now, this is just a little service that--it--it'll blend right in with it though, so listen to every word. Catch it. And--and if you're taking it on tapes or anything, then you stay right with that tape teaching. Don't say nothing but what that tape says. Just say just exactly what the tape says (See?), now because some of those things... We're going to understand a whole lot about this now, why it's misunderstood. See? And you be sure to say just what the tape says. Don't say nothing else (See?), 'cause... I don't say that of my own. It's Him that says it. You see? And... So many times confusion, people will raise up and say, "Well, so-and-so said it meant so-and-so." Let's just leave it just the way it is.

God In Simplicity - 63-0317M - William Branham


And we should be tackles

When you're playing a ball game (as it's football season), the thing we want to do, is not everybody try to take the ball away from the man that's got it; it's trying to guard that man. Protect him; let him get through. We're trying to make a goal. See? But could you imagine a team so untrained as to find one man--their own man with the ball running to the field goal, and then instead of trying to knock the enemy away from him, the opposing team, to let your own man that's got the ball take off with it, every man trying to take the ball out of his hand? Why, you're bound to lose. And today, we have the same thing. When we see God come on the scene, and going to bless a certain thing, let's keep all the enemies away from it. Let's use our influences as--as tackles, not runners, tackles that protects the runner, lets him pack the ball through, because there's no opposition; all you have to do is just keep running. And we should be tackles.

The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


But even now, Lord...

Now, watch. Looked like she had a right to upbraid Him. Looked like she had a right to scold Him, and say, "Why didn't You come? Oh, I thought You could heal." If she would, the miracle would have never taken place.
It's your approach to a Divine gift what brings the results. It's the way you come to it. Isn't that right? The way you approach anything...

She come in the right approach. She came out; she fell down on her knees, and she said, "Lord..." Didn't disregard His title. "Lord, if Thou would've been here, my brother had not died." Oh, my. That touched Him. She knew if she could get right into His heart, she'd get what she wanted. Said, "Lord, if Thou would've been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will do it." I like that. "Even now, Lord. He's dead, been buried four days. Undertakers taken him out there and embalmed his body, and put him away. He's been dead four days, and he--he's just mortifying in the earth there. "But even now, whatever You ask God, God will do it."
Oh, brother, sister, you might've tried everything there is in the world. You might've tried to get well. You men setting here with cancer, you might've done everything; no doubt you have. "But even now, Lord, right now." When?
"I will wait until tonight's service."
No. "Even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, He will do it." When? Now. He's setting at the right hand of the Father, looking down right now, ready to make intercessions.
"But, Brother Branham, I've--I've been sick."
"But even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will do it." He's waiting for you to say, "Lord, I believe You. Lord, I believe You. Even now, whatever You ask God, God will do it."
"But Brother Branham, I--I'm deaf in one ear."
"But even now, Lord."
"Well, I've been prayed for before."
"But even now, Lord. Oh, my. Whatever You ask God."
"Brother Branham, I've been trying to get the Holy Ghost for a long time."
"But even now, Lord, whatever You ask God, God will do it." There you are. That's what it takes. That's what faith is.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham


That's the hidden place

Have you ever come to the place in life where Christ meant more to you than all the arguing you could do about your church? Has Christ meant more to you than all the world? I don't mean from an emotion or a mental work-up; I mean from the depths of your heart, that something's settled in there, that something's taken place, that you don't know how it come, but you're hid away, and your whole motive is to serve Jesus Christ. Have you entered that place, my dear brother? Have you come into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act smart, but till the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see nothing else, you're whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody, flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and the calling.

A Hidden Life - 55-1006A - William Branham


It's absolutely a fact

Intellectual Faith...That's the reason people doesn't get healed, is because they only have an intellectual view of it, what their mind conceives. But the mind will reason. The mind will say, "It cannot be. I am no better." My sense of sight says that, "My arm is no straighter than it was yesterday." My sense of feeling says, "I don't feel any different than I did yesterday." Reasoning, mental theology will reason out, say, "Well, now wait a minute, I believe that's foolishness." See, you're reasoning. That intellectual faith will do that. But when once that faith comes down into that compartment down here, it'll never question this up here, at all. It's absolutely a fact, and it'll agree with every Divine Word of God.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham


Did you feeled it?

69. And now, the same Blood, and mingled in there through His stripes, you were healed. If you believe it, accept it, no matter how you feeled. It isn't by feeling, never think...Jesus never did one time say, "Did you feeled it?" Said, "Did you believe it?" That...No matter how you feel you just believe it. You're not saved because you feel like you're saved, are you? I'm not saved because I feel like I'm saved. The Devil can beat you around the bush on your feelings. Brother, I'm saved because I met God's requirement. That's why I'm saved. Let me see him beat me around that. That's what God said. My feelings, that has nothing to do with it. But the Bible said I'm saved, and I met that requirement, and that's the reason I know I'm saved. Course there is a feeling that goes with it, but not the feeling alone; it's the Bible said so. That's the reason...

Africa Trip Report - 53-1109 - William Branham


We could not do it

We're all born in sin. We could not save ourself. We could no more save ourself, than we could take our boot straps and lift ourself over the moon. We could not do it. We're totally helpless. And therefore, God would not condemn you on those basis because you are a sinner. He'd condemn you because you refuse to take the way of escape. So therefore, it isn't God; it's yourself. You condemn yourself. And when you condemn yourself, there's nobody to pity but yourself. That's all. We're... You--you must pity yourself, because you haven't accepted God's provided way of escape. Now, when God makes His ways, just wonder wh--how He feels when He makes a way for us, for our healing, for our salvation, for our comfort, for our peace, and all these things, and we just walk away and leave them. It must make Him feel terribly bad.

Why? - 61-0125 - William Branham


She's a hundred octane, brother

115. And that's what's the matter with the church today. We're full of theology, without any dynamics in it. That's right. See?
In other words, you've got to have the spark to the gasoline, or the gasoline is no more than... It's not even as good as water, as long as it hasn't got the spark to fire it. So that's the way.
No matter how well we're taught, how well we'll believe, and how much of the Bible that we say is true, and we believe it all true; it's got to be the--the dynamics has got to be there, the spark, to set that Word afire and make it start rolling. It's got to have that. If you don't, the church sets still, the car sets still, you'll set still. But no matter how much you say, "I sympathize. I believe every Word of That." You've got to have something to spark that off to make that one hundred octane go to firing, and the big Church of God go to moving on. It's got to take the dynamics with the mechanics. Nothing wrong with the mechanics, but lacking dynamics.
And I think that's what's the matter with the church today; we're lacking that dynamical power to press this Word and make It live for this day.

119. Martin Luther had the mechanics and dynamics in his day. John Wesley had them of his day. Pentecostal had them with their day. What about our day? This is another time. The church should be fully grown now, ready to go meet Christ, with the manifestation of every blessing that He promised in the Bible, operating in that one great Body where He promised that He'd meet the people and be worshipped in this great church of His.

121. But, you see, we send our kids away to school; we learn reading, writing, arithmetic, all the history of the prophets and everything. That's all right, but unless you got something behind that...
"Oh," you say, "well, I--I shouted. I spoke with tongues." That's good. I believe that too. But that's not what I'm talking about yet. See, you'll--you'll... it'll splutter. You say, "Plank-plank, boomp-boomp," like ad old car trying to start. You say, "Yeah, I believe this. I believe that too. But--but when it comes to this, them days, oh, no. No."
She's a hundred octane, brother, with a right kind of a generator behind her, it'll fire every Word of God to Its promise. Right.

God's Provided Place Of Worship - 65-0425 - William Branham


Magnetic power...

Now, if you'll notice, friends, that is a--a Pillar of Fire. George J. Lacy, you read what he said. Now, that's the best that we got in the United States on--on that kind of work, on research. And when he said that day, said, "If--if the old hypocrite (he meant the unbeliever) says that there can be... never could be scientifically proved that there was a supernatural Being," but said, "he can't say that now, because here's scientific proof that there is a supernatural Being." For you hear what he said. The Light struck the lens. See? And It was there. It was... He said, "The mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology." Said, "It's not psychology." Said, "I've said it was psychology, Mister Branham, myself," but said, "mechanical eye of this camera won't take psychology. The Light struck the lens. And the--the Being was there."

You heard what Mr. Dr. Stomewell... How many reads "The Voice of Healing," and read that article in there of Dr. Stomewell on that? He said, "Absolutely." Now, he don't know nothing about this picture yet. He was an atheist, just been converted a few weeks. But he said that, "That magnetic power of a believer in contact with God was so vital," he said, "that even he believed over the Christ, that that halo that was painted was absolutely could been seen." Because it's a power.
Now, just think. He took a--a machine. You know, the human being is not made to lie. And if you're telling a lie, they can put you before a lie detector, and your nerves will react. And then they took this same thing and converted it to a way that they could tell whether it was truth or not, and put it on a person praying, and I think it taken, I forget how many thousand kilowatts to send a radio message around the world, and when this woman begin to pray at her death, there went out enough power from her till it registered over as far as the needle would go. Enough power leaving that woman, actually supernatural power that caught on this machine, some kind of a magnetic power of her prayer, that was powerful enough to send a radio message fifty-five times around the world. That's scientific.

Men working around in science has found God. That's right. He lives out there. He is in the scientific world. They just touched around on His little basic play things, that He plays with, or has out there for them. Now, they're coming up into a place, in a category, where they can find Him.

Africa Trip Report - 53-1109 - William Branham


They are God-given gifts...

Now, there is so much in the day that we live in pertaining to gifts. So many people judge people by gifts that they have. Well, I believe that these things are gifts. I believe that what we see take place is gifts, and they are God-given gifts. But we--if we do not use them in the right way that God intended them to be used, then we can do more harm with the gifts than we could if we did not have the gifts. The other night I made a statement at the pulpit, saying this, that I would rather see brotherly love existing among the church, if we didn't have one case of healing or anything else. See, we must know what these things are for.

Discernment Of Spirit - 60-0308 - William Branham

God loves you

There's one assurance the believer has, though the world turned him down, yet God loves him. The world may call you holy-roller; they may call you fanatic; but if you're true to God there's one sure thing: God loves you, and His Angels are encamped about those who fear Him. I'd imagine on every limb, all around through the place, was swarms of Angels. And God came down, and He said, "My poor little tired servant. He's so nervous and tore up, he don't know what to do. I want to pick out the Angel standing here that's got the softest hands. Don't you scare him; walk over and stroke his brow right easy. And I want the best cook among you, and go up there, and get all the vitamins that you can find, and put in this corn meal. The world's turned him down, but I'm going to treat him right." Hallelujah. That means "praise our God." Don't get scared of that. "Bring forth the best that we got; cook him a corn cake and set him down some water." And this soft-handed Angel went over and stroked the little servant of God on the brow. Remember, if you've done your best, God's still got those Angels in order. He loves you just the same as He loved Elijah.

What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 59-0412E - William Branham