
Isn't it strange...

21. Isn't it strange how God does things? He will let us get right down to the last, the last mile away. You know, He--He likes to do that. He did it with the Hebrew children. He knew who He could trust, so He let that--them boys walk right up to the fiery furnace, till they could almost smell the fire, and He never moved. But when it comes time, He will move. He will move, but He waits till His own time. He wanted to see what kind of a reaction they'd have. He knew they'd made their stand.
And when He knows that you make your stand... He will let Satan take you to the last mile of the way. But just remember, He's still there. He wants to see if you really mean what you're talking about. "Oh, I believe God's a Healer. Yes, I sure believe it." And the next day, you still got your pain. "Well, maybe I never got it." Sure you got it, He just wanting to see how you're going to react on what you said. You say, "Oh, praise God, I believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit." The first little temptation that comes along, you fly off like a buzz saw. He's trying to see your reaction on your action. He's trying to test you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened, tested." Every child that comes to Him, He puts him through a test to see how he will act.

22. Anyone, a chemist, anyone else, will always test something. Great pipes... I used to work for a gas company. And they'd test those pipes by putting a plug in the end and a valve. And I don't remember now just how many hundred pounds of pressure they'd put on them pipes to see if there's a little sand hole that would blow. And if the--they could not stand the test, then it was throwed into the scrap heap.
And when you're put under a test, when you're fixing to be used for God for a testimony... Like the lady here in the wheelchair, the man, the little boy, some of you people out there, maybe you're Christians and wonder why you're put under this test. God's fixing to use your testimony, but He wants to see how you'll react, so He puts the pressure on. If you blow up, well then, He can't do nothing with you. But if you'll hold on, stand the test...

Reaction To An Action - 59-0810 - William Branham

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