
That day at Calvary paid the price

He broke the powers of Satan. He opened the prison doors of hell. To every man that was shut up in this earth in the prisons, fearing that when he died, what death would be to him; on Calvary He opened those cell doors, let every captive go free. You don't have to no longer be torn down by sin. You don't have to no longer yield your members to sin: drinking, smoking, gambling, telling lies. You can be honest, just, and upright; and Satan can do nothing about it; because you got ahold of a line, a lifeline. It's anchored in the Rock of Ages. Nothing can shake you from it. No winds can shake you from it. No nothing, not even death itself can separate us from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus.

That's what Calvary meant. Men that were in bondage were set free. Men that were once under fear of death can no longer fear death. A man who longs for a city whose Builder and Maker is God, he can step on the highway and set his face towards heaven, because he's free. Hallelujah. He's redeemed. He don't need to wander no more, for there's a way of knowing whether you are right or not. God gives us Life. Our sins are gone. That day at Calvary paid the price. When we see all of that, no wonder the poet wrote,

Mid rendering rocks and darkening skies, My Saviour bowed His head and died. The opening veil revealed the way, To heavens joys and endless day.
That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


Why did I fear?

And this morning the Holy Spirit, through the Word's bringing you the good news, that from before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. All the devils out of hell can't erase it out of there. God wrote it and spoke it. It's just as sure to happen as God wrote it in there before the foundation of the world. Amen. How glorious our heavenly Father is in His infinite love and His mercy to do that for us. "Then be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect." How can you be? When it's not my perfection, it's not your perfection; it's His perfection of His Word, that He chose you. You never chose Him. And He brought you into Christ. And you are secure with Jesus Christ, and just as perfect as Christ was before God. For you're not standing with your own; you're standing in Him with one thing, "I believe God." Amen. Oh, I love Him. Oh, my. On the other side of Eden... Amen, What a wonderful time it'll be someday, when you look back down and say, "Why did I fear? Look at the joy I missed."
The Lamb's Book Of Life - 56-0603 - William Branham

Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him

See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God.
The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham

What we worried about then?

…in the garden of Eden. When man realized he had sinned, he tried to make hisself a religion, a covering. The word "religion" means "covering." And Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together and made themself a religion. And since then it's been a strain of man down through the age, trying to do something to save hisself. But you are saved by grace, election: God's foreknowledge, predestination, foreordination. Paul tells the church at Ephesus, that God predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. Think of it: Predestinated us in Christ before the foundation of the world. What we worried about then? Get away from the worry, we're just the happiest creatures you could ever see. My, how can you believe that and keep from being happy?
Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham

So will He continue to do it

Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God This was Moses speaking to Israel after he had been a-vindicated by God by a Pillar of Fire and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to it or take one word from it, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you." So say I in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't you add one thing. Don't take--put your own ideas in. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It. He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today in a challenge, has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God.
Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham

Grace of God this is what saves us

Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.
The Message Of Grace - 61-0827 - William Branham


Tell them the Truth

It's Christmas. All the tinsel up-and-down the street of Santa Claus, a German fiction, a Catholic dogma... There's not one ounce of it true. And it takes the place of Jesus Christ, in the hearts of too many Americans. Christmas don't mean Santa Claus. Christmas means Christ. It's not some man with a pipe in his mouth, and coming down a chimney. Teaching your children such as that, what do you expect them to grow up to be? Tell them the Truth, not on some fiction--fictitious story. Tell them there's a God of Heaven Who sent His Son, and that's what Christmas means. And He's near coming again. And as the pressure begins to come to the earth, the devil has put out his things, by eyes, what you can see, the tinsel, and so forth. God's put out His, which is Spirit, that you can't see, but you believe.
Where Is He King Of The Jews? - 58-1221M - William Branham

What a glorious thing

Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the city of Nazareth, the meanest city there was in the land, but out of there God chose a little lady to give birth to His Son, an incubator, a womb that had to--a baby had to be born by. He took such a person to do it. God works through human beings to redeem human beings. He can take you, work through you to redeem humanity, if you'll completely dedicate everything you are. If you're a young woman, dedicate your morals. You're a young man, dedicate your morals, dedicate your mind, dedicate your thinking, dedicate your heart, dedicate your soul, dedicate all you are and let Christ work through that. What a glorious thing.
God's Gifts Always Find Their Places - 63-1222 - William Branham

It's only as strong as its weakest link

A man will go down here to a--at this--to eat. And if you'd find a spider in your bowl of soup, you'd want to sue that company or that restaurant. Why, you wouldn't eat that soup; it'd be poisoned. You--you--you--you wouldn't take it at all, a big roach or something boiled up in a bowl of soup. Why, you wouldn't have it at all. It would make you sick to think about it. But yet, you'll let some bunch of theologians push something down your throat that'll send you a million miles from God, and gulp over it, when man shall live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. It's a chain that your soul is hanging over hell with. And as I've said before, "A chain is its best at its weakest point." One link to break... that's all you have to do is break one of them; that's all. The rest of them lets loose with it. It's only as strong as its weakest link.
Who Do You Say This Is? - 64-1227 - William Branham


He was God in flesh

Jesus was God, not a Jew. You remember, the blood cell comes from the male sex. And He was not no man, Jew or Gentile; He was God created in flesh. We're not saved by the blood of a Jew or the blood of a Gentile; we're saved by the Blood of God. He was God, nothing less. He wasn't Jew nor Gentile. God's creative Blood in Him, we become... If He was a Jew or a Gentile, we're all lost. He was God in flesh. That's right. I don't worship a Jew; I worship God when I worship Jesus Christ.
Why Little Betlehem? - 63-1214 - William Branham

That's put before you

You've got to have a battle. If everything comes lazy, why, you're... What are you overcoming? They overcome by the Word of God and their testimony, the Blood of Christ. You've got to overcome something, and you've got to have some obstacles. And people that different, and fuss with you, and tell you you're holy-rollers, and things, you--that's put before you, it's a trial. If you haven't got that, then you're not even in the battle. What did you join the church... What did you join the Army and get training for? To lay around, strut up and down the streets and show off? That's the way some Christians act, that we want to be looked up to. You ain't going to be looked up to. You're going to be looked down on. "For all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions." Pick up the Sword, cut everything free from you, and keep going on.
Presuming - 62-0408 - William Branham


It's yours

Sister, in that wheelchairs, and on this stretcher, God promised you healing. You'll have to fight every inch of it. The devil will make you fight with the Sword of God every inch you--you could... But remember, footsteps is possession. "Wheresoever your foot treads, that I give unto you." Every step you can make. You know, that gets me feeling religious. Footsteps is possession. All the land that your feet will tread upon in this promised land, it's yours. And it's the same to every believer tonight. Anything that you can take, any Divine promise of God, and claim it, and hold it, it's yours. Footprints..
Blind Bartimaeus - 59-0408 - William Branham

He intends for you to have it

"Go and possess it; it's yours." And they had to fight every inch of their way. But it was assured that it would be given to them, no matter what the results, what the circumstance looked like, it was theirs. God gave it to them. And they looked at the promise instead of the circumstance. Healing is yours. Salvation is yours. The Holy Spirit is yours. The real Holy Spirit is yours. Peter said on the day of Pentecost, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and to your children and them that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Then the promise is just as real tonight as it was then. It's your possession, if you'll go take it. It's given to you. If God calls you, He intends for you to have it. But you'll have to fight every inch of the way to get it. You certainly will.
Stand Still - 57-0518 - William Branham

You know it

Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know that He's my Father and there's no condemnation." You've passed from death unto Life. You know it, and you notice your life; you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek; all these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind you've done wrong, quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute; go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ.
Hebrews Chapter Six 2 - 57-0908E - William Branham


If he's a Christian

And not long ago, there was a little girl back there at the Tabernacle, my church. She's a sweet little old girl, a little Christian girl. She was running around with some little old boy who packed a flask in his pocket and smoked cigarettes. I couldn't see nothing in the boy myself. Tried for two or three years to get him to be a Christian, but he wouldn't do it. And I asked her, I said, "Sis, what do you see in that boy?" You know what kind of answer she give me, like some of these bobby sock kids today? She said, "Brother Branham," said, "he's just got such cute little feet, and he smells so good." I thought, "What a way to pick a husband." I said, "I'd rather marry a man that was a Christian, that had feet like a box car, and smelled like a polecat, if he was a Christian." That's right. If he's a Christian. That's right. By the Blood of Christ, we're saved. Hallelujah! He will make a living for you and be a gentleman, if he's saved. All right. Not by the outwardly appearance, but by the heart God judges. It's true.
Believest Thou This - 50-0716 - William Branham

Who's guilty?

You have a choice of conduct. How you conduct yourself, that's up to you. You have a choice of wife. You go out and take your wife. You want to take a wife, you want to take one that's complementary to your--to what you want, you plan your future home to be. Could you imagine a man, a Christian man, going out and taking one of these modern Rickettas for a wife? See? Could you imagine? What's the man thinking about? What kind of a home is he going to have if he takes a striptease, a burlesque off of the street out here, a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute." How does she dress herself? See, see? Wear shorts and things, she's a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, Brother Branham..." Oh, them little old tight skirts, look like you're poured into: street prostitute. Jesus said, "And whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart." Then he's got to answer for that. And what'd she do? She presented herself. Who's guilty? Think of it.
Leadership - 65-1207 - William Branham


Be filled with the Spirit

But God don't need nobody to interpret Him. He's His own Interpreter. He makes a promise and He brings it to pass, and that's the interpretation of it. No one has to interpret it. God don't ask no one. The Bible's of no private interpretation. Everybody's trying to say it means this, that... Let God speak for Himself. He's the One Who does it. He made the promise; He stands behind it. He does to believers. But unbelievers receive nothing. It's not for them. They're dead to begin with. They never was even represented. There's nothing in them; they're dead hulls. You don't want to be like that. Be filled with the Spirit.
Jehovah-Jireh #2 - 64-0403 - William Branham


God lets it get that way

Now, God lets it get that way. Now, He brought Israel right into the trap. Mountains and deserts on both sides. Pharaoh's army pursuing. Thousands of chariots and spears, and a bunch of humble little poor slaves not armed with nothing, come down to a--the Dead Sea or the Red Sea rather, right down to its banks and here was the dust of the chariots coming. And here was the mountains on either side, no way. Looked like God was a bad military man, left His people with no retreat. Sometimes He does that: Let the doctor walk away and say, "You ain't going to live. You're going to die. That cancer's going to kill you. You'll never get up out of that chair. He seemed like He leaves you with no retreat, but He is your retreat. Climb back into His arms. God, He's my Refuge. He's my mighty Tower. The Name of the Lord is a mighty Tower. The righteous run into it and are safe. The towers of refuge. He is our refuge. No other refuge I have but Him. I don't want to know any other refuge. He's my Refuge. He is a Rock in a weary land, a--a shelter in the time of storm.
Conference - 60-1125 - William Branham


Would you like to know what it is?

Moses led two million people through the wilderness. And he led them for the space of forty years, and when he come out on the other side, there wasn't a feeble one among them. Wouldn't you doctors here tonight, or some of you, like to know what Doctor Moses had, prescription? What did he give those people? How many babies was born each night? How many old people and so forth? How many lame and cripple? And how many colics, and everything else, did he get through the night? And Doctor Moses took care of every bit of it. Would you like to look at his medicine bag and find out what kind of prescription he give? Would you like to know what it is? Let's see what it was. Here it is: "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." Amen. That's the only remedy he had, and it worked for two million people.
Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham


Something will make you love the bitterest enemy you've got

Come back to Christ to a heart of love tonight. Come back to a place, till all your enemies you love with them and could shake their hand. Not because you owe it to duty, but because something in your heart says so. Something will make you love the bitterest enemy you've got. If that is in your heart tonight, regardless of what emotion you've had, you're still outside of Christ, outside of God, lost, alienated from God without mercy. That's right. Won't you come and receive Him on the basis of Divine love? Shall we pray.
The Seal Of The Antichrist - 55-0311 - William Branham


Let's remember He never was in a hurry

Paul said, "Whatever we do, we do in the Spirit." In all things we should remember Him. Let's not make a decision until we remember Him; let's do nothing, 'cause it'll be rational. If the enemy smites one side of the cheek, let's remember what He did before we smite back. Let's remember His action. If there is a decision to be made, let's wait, remember what kind of a decision we think He would make, then let that be our decision. If we get hasty, let's remember He never was in a hurry. See? If we get over anxious, remember He dwells in Eternity, time means nothing to Him. It's the motive and objective of our heart. Let's remember Him.
Remembering The Lord - 62-1209 - William Branham

Would you like for Him to remember you now?

Remember Jesus. When the barrel gets empty at the house, and there's no more flour, remember Jesus. When the doctor says there's no more chance, remember Jesus. When the Devil is tempting you; as we sing our dismissing song, "when temptations around us gather, breathe that Holy Name in prayer." Remembering Jesus, remembering that He will come again. The same Jesus that was taken away from us will return again in like manner as we have seen Him go into Heaven. Remember, He will return for those of His Own. Let us pray, and with our heads bowed. And with this little broke-up Message still in your heart, would you like for Him to remember you now? If you would, just raise your hands, and some special thing, "Lord, remember me." As the poet said, "Remember me when tears are falling down."
Remembering The Lord - 62-1209 - William Branham


You're greater than it is

Have faith, not just floating faith, not just a make-believe faith, but a real faith. Now, faith is a conqueror; faith is an overcomer. It just isn't a--a peace maker, it overcomes. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. What does it do? What is faith? What is the conqueror? Conquer and victory is the same. To conquer, it means to beat down, to override, to handcuff, to throw into prisons. It means that the sin, that once ruled you, you rule it now. It means that you have overcome it, you are--you've whipped it. You're greater than it is.
Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham

'Cause God is our victory

Think. We have an Anchor (Amen.) that's in the veil. We can't see it sometimes, but we know it's there. Like the little boy was flying the kite. They said, "Where is it?" Said, "I can't see it." Said, "I know it's still there, 'cause I can feel it." So that's right. We may not be able to see it; times gets dark. The clouds may hide His blessed face for a spell. But remember, the clouds may hide His face, but it don't hide Him. It can hide the sun from you, but it's still shining beyond the clouds. And faith sees the sun beyond the cloud. And here was Moses' mother in the conflict of testing of her faith. And every child, every son that cometh to God, first must be tried. God tests your faith. Now, look like God could just simply bypass the whole thing and don't have any--appropriate a way, and just cut the thing off, but it's better that He gives you a test, and then comes to you when you're in the test. I like that, don't you? The greatest experiences of my life, is when I come up against a mountain that I can't get over it, under it, or around it. And just stand still, and God will move the thing back. And He will move... No matter how dark the cloud is, faith pierces it yonder with a eye that looks beyond anything that the devil can set before you. 'Cause God is our victory. Amen.
The Power Of God - 55-1006E - William Branham


But if suffering lays in the path of duty, then let's take it as it comes

Moses had to make a choice: choosing by faith. How many young men would've jumped at the opportunity to become the son of Pharaoh's daughter? How many young men would have jumped at the opportunity, that Moses had to enjoy all the pleasures and the glamour of the world, to become the king of Egypt, to have the whole world at his feet. What a foolish thing, that the young men of his days, must have thought, when Moses chose to take his place with the afflicted and suffering people of God. Why did he do it? By faith. When he lifted up his eyes, he looked beyond the glamour of this world. He looked beyond the pleasures of sin. And the Bible said that he endured as seeing Him Who was invisible by faith, and he made a choice to serve that God, regardless of what took place. It has not changed. Many of us could go to what we would call a better building. We could enjoy it, maybe the fellowship and pleasures of setting in a better pew. We might be more popular to drink, and to smoke, and to dress, and to act like the world, but what's the matter? You've lifted up your eyes, and by faith you see Him Who is invisible, and have took your stand with the rejected and so-called holy-rollers of the day. For by faith we see Him Who is invisible, choosing to suffer the persecutions and the afflictions. I wouldn't say to people, that they should choose to be afflicted. I don't say, that you should choose suffering. It would not be the human thing to do. But if suffering lays in the path of duty, then let's take it as it comes.
By Faith Moses - 59-0720M - William Branham


Just stay with it

And we're supposed to be sons and daughters of Abraham, that the children of Abraham. And if it don't happen in two minutes after we're prayed for, we say, "Oh, I didn't get it." Oh, you're a poor excuse for a son and daughter of Abraham like that. Abraham... And instead of him getting weaker, the Bible said, "He got stronger all the time." Got stronger... When he was a hundred years old, he was still giving God praise. He was going to have it, and he did. They had this child, because God said so. God is to be took at His Word. What God says comes to pass, no matter how long it is, what it is. God said so, and you just hold on to it. That's all. Just stay with it; it'll bring you through.
Blind Bartimaeus - 60-0713 - William Branham

She is safe, evermore

"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Amen. Tell me that one man can speak anything contrary to That, and say it's the Word of God. When, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word shall not." 204 Faith finds the Word its sanctuary of rest. It moves right up on top that Eternal Rock, Christ Jesus, the Word, and lays down there and rests. Let the winds howl. Let the storms shake. She is safe, evermore. She rests right there on that Word. That's where faith, genuine Christian faith, rests. Resting place is the Word, for it knows that God will ever prove Hisself superior, over every one of His enemies. No matter how bad it looks, and how the enemy has come in, and how look like you're defeated, faith still knows. Now, to you sick people, oh, how I'd like to drive this home! When you catch that faith, that you're going to be healed; every--every circumstance, everything else, all signs, all symptoms can point that you are dying, you'll never move! Its resting place is in the sanctuary of God's Word, when faith, genuine faith sets itself there. Not make-believe now; faith. Not hope; but faith. Hope is out here, hoping it was in. Faith is already in, looking out, and saying, "It's done." See? That's faith. There is where faith takes its resting place, for it knows that God will never, never let the enemy ride over the top of him. He never has. Faith knows that, so, regardless of what the thing looked. Noah knowed that ark would float. See? Certainly did. Daniel knowed that God could close the lions' mouth. The Hebrew children know that God could stop the fire.
The Third Exodus - 63-0630M - William Branham

You were there

Doctors might be able to come and explain it out to you, doctors of divinity: These... out and that way..." and twist the Scriptures around. But if a man's ever come to that backside of the desert, like Moses in his forty years of training; but five minutes in the Presence of that burning bush, he knowed more about God than they could've trained him in a million years. You--they might explain all this away, and that away, but if you've ever met God, you've had an experience. You know you and God alone, stood on those grounds, and Satan can't put his dirty, nasty feet on it. That's right. You know... As Job said, "I know My Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He will stand." Satan can't put his feet on those grounds where you and God stood alone. They're holy and separated from anything else. You were there. You was the person it happened to, and you know it's real.
The Queen Of The south - 58-0613 - William Branham


That's the secret of all the mysteries of God

And now, I thank each one of you a few moments ago when you were singing, "For You I Am Praying." That's what I want you to do. It's--it's prayer that I depend on. That's the secret of all the mysteries of God. That's the key that opens the door to everything of God, is prayer. If you pray and believe, when you pray, then believe that you receive what you ask for, and God will make it known. A minister called me awhile ago from down in Louisiana. They got all mixed up, and has left his church because of someone calling him out. He said, "Brother Branham, I just like to know." Said, "They told me I was a something another in the church." And said, "I've left my church, and I'm... Don't know what to do now." I said, "I would advise you, go right back to your church again." God isn't calling people out of their churches, He's calling them to Him, to Himself, to unite us together.
Expectation - 50-0405 - William Branham


I'll be in their midst

When Jesus was God made flesh, the Fullness of God was in Him. He had the Spirit without measure. We have it by measure. Now, what if you go out to here pick up a spoonful of--of water out of the ocean. Well, that--that what Jesus had, the whole ocean; but you and I have got a spoonful. That's the difference. You'd never miss it. He don't have to have us, but we have to have Him. But if you took that spoonful of water and took it down to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful. And when God on the day of Pentecost, when He come down like a rushing wind, did you notice He was a Pillar of Fire, but did you notice He separated Himself from that Pillar of Fire, divided Himself amongst His people, and cloven tongues of fire set upon each of them: God separating Himself to His Church. No wonder He spoke, Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst.
Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham

God was the Spirit that lived in Him

For instance, what if I had the jurisdiction over you as God had over everything? And I'd say, "Well, I'll tell you what. Anybody looks at that light's going to die. Like, take the tree." And the first thing you know, this brother setting here this would look at that. I feel sorry for him. I--I don't want him to die. So I will have Terry here to... That wouldn't be right. No. Well now if I'd have my own son to do it? That wouldn't be right. There's only one way I can be just, and that's take his place. And God could not take a human's place, being His Spirit. So God created a blood cell which was His own Son, Jesus Christ. And God came in and lived in there, and lived, identified Himself in Christ. That was God Emmanuel. Jesus said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwells in Me," (See?), God in Christ reconciling the world. Jesus was the Body, the Tabernacle, God was the Spirit that lived in Him.
A Paradox - 64-0418B - William Branham


He wanted complete deliverance

That's the way the devil wants a Christian to come. "It'll be all right for you to join the church, but don't you never forgive Jones. You don't have to give up your smoking, your drinking, your lying, your stealing. Your faultfinding, backbiting, you don't have to give that up. Just join the church." But Moses wasn't a compromiser; he wanted complete deliverance. He said, "We'll not leave one hoof behind. We'll take everything that belongs to us, when we go to worship the Lord." That's the way the church ought to be. "We'll take righteousness; we'll take holiness; we'll take the Holy Spirit; we'll take a unified group, when we go to the altar. We'll be a real group; we'll leave nothing behind. We'll take everything. There won't be one hoof stay back here." You know, and people can pray in such a way till the devil will have to give in.
Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham


Let His thoughts be your thoughts

In order to stay with God, stay gentle. God is gentle. In order to stay with God, stay with love. God is love. Stay meek; stay self... Don't never be self-sufficient. Always rely upon Him. Never use your own mind. Take His thoughts. Let His thoughts be your thoughts. And take them into your carnal mind and repeat them over, say, "O God, take all my doubt away and let my thoughts be Your thoughts." And you sick people do that as we're speaking. Just take away, cast away the thought of sickness. Take God's healing thought. Let them become your thoughts. Think upon these things, the Bible said, if there be any praise, if there be any virtue.
Spiritual Adoption - 56-0923 - William Branham


You're washed in the Blood of the Lamb

And that's the way with a real Christian. Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done, you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore there's no gall in you, there's no unclean habit in you, because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you. "Well," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham, I can do what I want to." I always do; always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ.
On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove - 65-1128 - William Branham


Just love them

Now, see, there's no need of fighting. God takes care of all things. You see? Don't do it. Just love them. Return good for evil, all the time. Is that right? When anybody speaks good about you, well, be thankful. If anybody speaks bad about you, bless them anyhow. Sure. That's right. Let... God takes care of the rest. He's the One. Isn't that right? He's the One. So after all, we all got to answer to Him. And no matter what it is, if your archenemy... If you got any feeling at all, and the worst enemy you got that you know was going to go to a place like hell, it'd make you feel bad. I don't know of a person; I don't--can't think of the lowest person in the world today, that it was Stalin up there, ever who it was, I'd hate to know that man was suffering in the torments of hell this morning. I'd hate to know it. I sure would. I pray God have mercy upon his lost soul as he died (See?), that God won't let him suffer like that in eternity. Think of a human in the torment of hell, that the Bible pictures here to the unbeliever.
Divine Healing - 54-1219 - William Branham

It's not long till daylight

What is it? I've walked out and looked at that great morning star as she begins to move yonder. What does the morning star say? The morning star is only reflecting the supreme light of the sun coming. Is that right? The morning star, the reason it's so bright, you know why it is? The sun's so much closer to it. It's a pressing on, and the morning star hails the coming of the sun. All right, you morning stars, it's time to go to hailing His coming. Shine morning stars, rise early. It says the sun will soon be here. When we look and see that morning star just a glistening in the skies, it means that the sun will shine pretty soon. And when we see the morning stars of God rising and shining to the glory of a resurrection of Jesus Christ, shows that that Supreme One is pressing on. The lights are gathering, but the morning star hollers, "Hold on; it isn't long till daylight. Hold on, it's not long till daylight. Just keep holding on."
Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham


But God is able to keep His Word

And then, the other day he arrived. And he's here, so I'm very grateful for him, knowing that when the Lord promises anything, the Lord will do what He has promised. See? He just has to. In order to be God, He has to keep His Word. I--I can--not able to keep mine sometimes. You're not able to keep yours. Because we make promises with good intentions, but we're not able to carry it out. Circumstances, difficults, and so forth brings us to a place where we can't sometimes do what we want to do. But God is able to keep His Word, and He will do it. It's just impossible for Him not to. That's why we love Him so this morning. Rest upon that perfect assurance, that, "God is able to keep that which we've committed to Him against the day."
The Ark - 55-0522 - William Branham

Then He will do it

But we don't always know, you know. God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. If we commit anything to God and believe it, like our children or whatevermore, let's believe that God will answer that prayer. The day 'fore I left to go away, the phone constantly ringing, and the mothers with their children and saying, "I pray for them. " I said, "Now, just commit them to God. That's all you have to do. And don't put your hands on it any more. Let God have it." If you're going to do something about it, then God will stand back and let you go ahead till you get finished. But when you commit it to God and let Him have it, then He will do it. You just--you just believe Him. Just stand back, and don't work, but believe. That's where grace is imputed for righteousness, if you believe that God will.
Thou Son Of David Have Mercy On Me - 61-0215 - William Branham

Do you wish to have it?

Notice, "Abraham, I'm going to show you how I'm going to do it." And here's the 16th chapter--the 15th chapter, I believe it is, of Genesis. It's a beautiful picture. Now, Abraham was put to sleep by God. "Now, you don't have one thing, Abraham, that you can do to save yourself. But I'm going to show you how I'm going to do it." Now, He put him to sleep so he would be out of the picture altogether. And we're not saved by works; it's by grace, through faith, we are saved, not one thing you can do. Not one little corner could you turn to merit anything towards your salvation; it's a free gift of God by grace. That's right. If you give me a thousand dollars, and I say, "Well, I'll straighten up your tie, sir, for that." A little thing like that, yet you never give me the thousand dollars for I did something to merit that. It's absolutely a free gift of God, that He knocks at your hearts and says, "Do you wish to have it?" That's all.
Jehovah Jireh - 57-0810 - William Branham


That settles it

Any men or women that ever make real warriors in the Kingdom of God is perfectly unconscious to their faith. You keep trying to test your faith. "Wonder if I've got faith enough to do this? Have I got faith..." Don't test your faith. God said so, do it anyhow. God said so. Have you ever tested your faith whether you had enough faith to come to the meeting or not tonight? Did you test your faith to see if you had enough faith to eat your supper tonight? Have you tested... Do you think you'll have to fast awhile and test your faith to see if you got enough faith to drive your car home? Certainly not. It's just automatically you believe it. And that's the way you believe healing. Believe anything God said. Just don't fight at it, and shake at it, and rebuke the devil every minute. Just accept it and go on. That's it. There's--there's nothing to be alarmed about. God said so and that settled it. So we just go ahead, knowing it's going to happen. Just forget about it. God said it, that proves it, I believe it, that settles it. Just... That's all you have to do.
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 55-0116E - William Branham

But what He has done for us

He had a covenant with Adam, the first man on earth. And that covenant was on conditions, "If you do so-and-so, I'll do so-and-so." Adam would had something to do in order to keep this covenant alive before God. He had to walk in God's ways, keeping all of His Word, not breaking one Word. 30 But then He made another covenant, and that was with Abraham. This covenant was not on conditions, but was unconditionally. God gave the covenant to Abraham, no strings tied to it, at all. Unconditional! Not, "I will." "I have! I've already done it." 31 And that's the law that Christians must live by. Is not what we do ourself, but what He has done for us. Christ has already been sacrificed. Not, "He will be." He has been! It's a finished product.
God's Provided Place Of Worship - 65-0425 - William Branham


There's only one form of Eternal Life

There cannot be an eternal hell. 'Cause if there ever was an eternal hell, then there always was an eternal hell, 'cause eternal... There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's what we're all striving for. And if you're going to burn forever and for eternity, then you have to have Eternal Life burning; then it'd be God burning. You can't have eternal hell, and the Bible plainly says that hell was created. And if it's created, it isn't eternal. Anything that's eternal never was created; it always was; it's eternal. And the Bible says that hell was created for the devil and his angels. Hell was created; it isn't eternal. And I do not believe that a person will be eternally punished.
The Smyrnaean Church Age - 60-1206 - William Branham

A proving ground

You mustn't question anything to God. "For the footsteps of the righteous is ordered of the Lord." And every trial is put upon you to prove you. And the Bible said they're more precious to you than gold. So if God let a few light afflictions happen to you, remember, it's for the correction of you. "Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened of God and tried," child-trained. There's no exceptions, "Every son that cometh..." And these afflictions are done or brought--brought about to see what attitude you'll take. See, it's God on this proving ground. That's all earth is, is a proving ground, and where He's trying to prove you.
Hebrews Chapter Four - 57-0901E - William Branham


Live happy

I just want to ask you, wasn't it something about--you was worried about backsliding or something like that? Something on that order? Well, look let me tell--about your experience. Now look, sister, this may hurt a little bit in the audience. Now, if you don't believe this that... I'm talking to the woman. See? God don't run His business like that. Now, you know you were once saved. You know that. Well, if God saved you here, knowing He was going to lose you down there, He defeats His own purpose. He can't... You can't... He can't lose you. He might have to take you off the earth because of your sin, like the man in the Bible, who was living with his own mother, and they turned him over to the devil for the destruction of the flesh that the save--that the soul might be saved. But He can't lose you. You're His. Before the world begin, He ordained you to Eternal Life. And it's the devil trying to cheat you out of it. Call him a liar. Jesus Christ, Jehovah-jireh, has provided a place for you. Go get it. Live happy. God bless you.
Jehovah Jireh - 57-0810 - William Branham

If He did, then what overcoming faith did you have?

You see, many times, people thinks that a prophetic gift, that God just says, "I'll pick you up right here, and set you down here. Now, you just go right over here." And He doesn't tell you all those things. If He did, then what overcoming faith did you have? See? See, you, He lets you stand alone more than anybody else. See? You all can come to me and ask for certain things, and He's never failed yet but what He's give you the answer. That's right. Yeah. But I can ask Him for things for myself, and many times He just let's me alone (See?), just let me go ahead and walk into it. I have things now that I have to solve out myself, and decisions I have to make. And this is such a vital one, till I cannot exactly make it until I'm sure that it's Him speaking to me. And I--I... He won't give me a vision. He just lets me alone. So I'm just setting as an orphan like this morning; I--I don't know which way to turn. So I have committed it to the Lord.
The Ever Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham

Christ is in our midst then

Only way we see Christ is when He reflects in each other. I see Christ in you. You see Him in me. That's how we watch Christ. I come to the meeting. I start preaching. I watch the people. You can see whether they're interested or not, just a few minutes. You look over the audience. You can tell who you're boring or whether you're not. See? And the first thing you know, you see them standing there hanging on to every word, under expectation. See? I'm seeing Christ reflected in that person, because he's hungering and thirsting for God. And then me preaching the Gospel, he sees the Christ reflecting in me. I see Christ reflecting in him. That means Christ is in our midst then. Amen. Hungering and thirsting... I watch the audience, how they take it, say something another, watch what--what effect it takes on them, watch their face light up, full of joy. They're ready right then to receive something. That's Christ. I see Christ reflecting in that person, because the Gospel, the simple Gospel of Christ is taking a hold in that heart.
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham


There's something within you

I used to say about, speaking down here, about an old spring I used to drink from. It was bubbling and jumping, and jumping and jumping, down around Milltown. I used to wonder why that spring jumped, so one day I set down there and was talking to it. Imagine a man talking to a spring? But I was talking to Nature Who made the spring. And I wondered, "What makes you so bubbly, so jumpy? Is it because that--that the children come here and drink from you, or I drink from you, or something?" If the spring could've spoke back, he would say, "No, Billy, it isn't because that you drink from it. It isn't because anybody drinks from me. It's something down beneath me here, pushing me and making me bubble, and jump, and carry on like this." And that's the way, every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. It's not you. It's not human emotion. It's because that the resurrection, or the power of God, is in that human life, and is pressing up into Everlasting Life, moving into Eternal Life. Something in here... You could not hold your peace if you had to. There's something within you.
Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham

You've got to stand

When you say, "I believe Jesus Christ as my Healer. I believe, this morning, that He's going to heal my sick body. Something told me to come to the church. I'm here amongst the believers. I'm taking my stand this morning. I believe it. I'm going up to be prayed for. When I'm prayed for, there on that stand I'll remain. No matter how dark it gets, or where it's at, I'll still stand on that stand." You took your stand because it's becoming to you. After you once made a confession, you must stay with your confession. That's right. It's behooving you, as a Christian, as a believer to stay with your conviction. Don't let the devil push you off here and there. You're always muddied up. You're always off the main road. You're always in and out. And that's why you can't stay nowhere. You can't have confidence in yourself. Or, you can't, no one can have confidence in you. You've got to stand. And when you've done all you can do to stand, then stand. Just keep on standing. That's right. We must do that. It's becoming to us. It's behooving us, that we do it.
It Becometh Us To Fulfil All Righteousness - 61-1001M - William Branham


It takes the atmosphere

The little boat as it dashed on across the lake. It must've been about that time that Satan must've raised up and said, "Oh, I've caught them alone without Him. Now's my time to settle the score with them, for they had been casting out my demons and so forth. So I'll settle the score." That's when Satan can settle the score when he finds that you've gone off without Jesus. That's when Satan will get the church. When you get so interested in something else besides prayer meetings, when you get so interested that--that you're supposed to have a natural growth instead of a spiritual growth, then remember, Satan's on his road. He's caught you without Him. O God, is my prayer, wake up the church again to old fashion, all night prayer meetings. Wake the people up to a--a spiritual atmosphere. Oh, it--it takes that to bring children into the Kingdom. It takes the atmosphere.
It Is I Be Not Afraid - 60-0329 - William Branham


Every word of it is true

In your business deals, your word is your bond; your testimony should be real. God grant the day, that when men will be what they are, what they say they are. If I wasn't for Christ this afternoon, I'd be against Him. I'd be going around tearing up the stuff. But I believe Him, and I'm--I'm ready to--to even give my life for Him, because I believe Him, that it's right. And if His Word's not right, then He's not right. And if His Word can't be trusted, He cannot be trusted. But I'm so glad to know that I... You can hang your soul on any certain word in that Bible, and it's true; every word of it is true. God lives in His Word.
Hear Ye Him - 58-0209A - William Branham

You are a part of Him

...and when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word. How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there is something mentally wrong with me. And how can I (if there is something mentally wrong with me) deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot? There is something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said and promised. There is something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer. You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him because you're baptized into Him; by, the Holy Spirit has brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing!
God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham


I can hear the great combine coming

All Scripture is inspired. I don't believe we have one right, and will be condemned for it, if we add one word to It or take one Word from It. Revelations 22 says so. I believe He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I certainly honor the Lutheran for their stand in their day, the Methodists for sanctification in their day, and the Pentecostal for their stand in their day; but we're living in another day. We're living when there's been stalk, tassel, shuck, almost like the wheat, but the wheat's inside the shuck. The shuck has just supported the wheat, kept the hot sun from burning it. And now the denomination is pulling away from it, so It can lay in the Presence of the Son to get ripe. So we are--we're in... There won't be no more organizations rise up. This is the end of it. We've had, always about three years, when a message starts, they organize it. This has been going on for nearly twenty years and no organization. It can't. We're in a wheat time, a harvest time. I can hear the great combine coming. We're going home one day. "He's the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Does God Change His Mind? - 65-0427 - William Branham

God is His Own Interpreter

God is His Own Interpreter. When He promised, He said, "Let there be light," and there was light. He said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. See, whatever God says, God proves it. No matter how much you try to think the physical resurrection couldn't be, and them people that's back, yonder, just dust of the earth, and past dust now, they're just into the acids and gases that their body was made out of. Their soul is still living. God said, "I'll raise it up." Job said, "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh I'll see God." See, no matter, every Word has got to be kept, and man shall live by that Word.
Proving His Word - 64-0816 - William Branham


What a great thing it is

Now, there was those who stood by, didn't believe that. They said, "This Man is Beelzebub; He's a fortuneteller." Jesus said, "I forgive you for that. But when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, one word against It will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." See, the atonement wasn't made yet. See, there couldn't be, you can't have... You can't be cast into hell before you come to judgment. This nation wouldn't do that; God won't either. See, you're in a place, waiting in chains of prison until you receive judgment. And you see, He could not send them away, because the atonement wasn't made yet. But after His death, burial, and the Token came forth from the Blood, the Holy Ghost, then to speak against That, it's an unpardonable sin. Just one word is all you have to say against It; then there's never forgiveness nowhere. One word against It (See?), what a great thing it is.
God Is Identified By His Characteristics - 64-0311 - William Branham

We know what He promised to do

If you had a little boy sitting out on the street, and you said, "Junior, dear, you better come in, dear. It might be, I don't know, they'll probably drive around you." You don't love that child. That's right. You will get out there and shuck the hide off of him, or make him come in. That's right. You love him. That's the way the Gospel is. God loves you. "And those that He loves, He chastens and rebukes every child that comes to Him." If you can't stand chastisement, you go away and get angry about it, then you're illegitimate children, and not the children of God. So just remember, it's just the Scripture. Now a Word from Him, one Word, will mean more than I could say, a million lifetimes. It's Him. We know His promise. We know what He promised to do.
A Testimony On The Sea - 64-0307 - William Branham


It's just got to be put together

...a real Bible believer, punctuate every one of these promises of God with a "amen." That's right. If you can't believe it all... You say, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about That. You've got the same interpreter that Eve had. She tried... he tried to interpret It to Eve, "Oh, this is right, and that's right, and, oh, that's truly that, but surely God..." God said so, and every Word! There is not one Word or one phase of It can be misaccepted. If you don't accept It with all your heart, every bit of It, then you might as well not even start at all. See? Remember, it was one little phrase of It, just turned around, that caused every sickness, every heartache, every death, everything. It caused it all. Just by misbelieving one little phrase, caused all this, do you think just deliberately walking over one little phrase will get you back? When, people don't accept half of It, sometime, and then call themselves "Christian." See? See? It's all right, every bit of It, It's just got to be put together. And there is only One can do it, that's the Holy Spirit, by interpreting It by His Own fulfilling what He said He would do.
The Voice Of The Sign - 64-0214 - William Branham


This is God, His Word

Watch. He had to obey It, Word by Word. "Take off your shoes, Moses. The ground whereon you stand is holy." What if Moses said, "Well, now, Lord, I just had some schooling. Honor is 'take off your hat,' so I'll take off my hat"? That would never have worked. When God said, "Shoes," He meant shoes. When God said, "Borned again," He meant borned again. He don't mean a handshake or a repeat of creed. Everybody is scared of that new Birth. The Devil substituted a handshake for it, or some kind of a psychic affair, that would make you acknowledge, "Yes, I'm borned again." But your life tells what you are, the life that's in you. You say you are borned of the Spirit of God, and deny one Word of that Bible, it shows you're not. You try to place It back on something else, that shows it wasn't the Holy Spirit, 'cause He would never deny His Own Word. You say, "Well, my church teaches that." There, it shows you're not. You're borned of the church, not of God. This is God, His Word.
Conferences - 63-0608 - William Branham


You know you met God on those sacred sands

It is not the holy church; it's the Holy Spirit in the Church that makes it holy. It isn't the holy man; it's the Holy Spirit in the man that does it. Not a holy man, there's no such a thing; it's a Holy Spirit. And Peter was referring to this as a holy mountain, because a holy God met them on this mountain. It was a sacred sand. And let me stop here this afternoon and say this: that each one of you people that's been borned again of the Holy Spirit, you remember the very hour where the Holy Spirit, the very spot, where He met you. And when doubts come, and fears begin to rise, there's always that certain place, that you can come back to that time where you met God, and the devil can't tread on those sacred sands. It's where you met God and you talked to Him. Though fears and things rise, it has nothing to do with it. You know you met God on those sacred sands.
Hear Ye Him - 58-0209A - William Branham


It'll be light in the evening time

"It'll be light in the evening time." The clouds broke back. Denominations are broke (Hallelujah.), and the people has entered into the baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders just like they had in the beginning. "It'll be light in the evening time." And remember, it was in the evening time when the Bride was chosen. Rebekah was taken in the evening time. It was the evening time that she met Isaac: he was out in the field. It's evening time. Our Gentile revival is ending pretty soon. The Jews are going to take the revival. As soon as they can see the power of God manifesting and receive the Holy Ghost, they'll take the Gospel. Our Gentile days are ending. Get into the Kingdom while you're... have a chance to get into the Kingdom.
The Great Coming Revival And The Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit - 54-0718A - William Branham


We are more than millionaires

Some time ago, there was a poverty-stricken woman, here in the states. And her estate of her financial condition was so low till they were going to have to bring the county to help her out. And when the investigators came and said to this certain woman, "How come that you are so poor till you have to ask the county to give you help?" And she gave the story of her husband being dead, and left her with one son. And this son became a business man and had went away to India. And she had not had a penny from him for so many years, but she'd had some of the sweetest letters that she'd ever read. And said, "Maybe he is in such a condition that he could not help me. And he's such a sweet boy." Said, "I--I don't want to ask him for anything." And said, "You mean that your son, a business man, has only sent you letters and that's all he's sent?" And the blessed old mother pulled out her little spectacles, and put them over her nose, and said, "No, he sent me some of the prettiest pictures I ever seen." And she goes through her Bible and she fumbles through her Bible for a little bit, and she picks out a great big package of little pieces of paper and laid them down to the investigators. Said, "Just look, what pretty pictures." And when the investigator had read them, they were bank drafts. She was worth thousands of dollars, and she didn't know it. That's the way it is tonight, with most people. If we'd just take our fingers through the Bible of God's promises, we are more than millionaires of the riches of his grace. Though, no matter what we had done, "Come, let us reason together," saith God. He's give us the promises, but we just think the Bible is something that just the preachers should read, or that certain people just have all the--the reasoning of it. It's for "whosoever will." Every promise is just as good today, as it was the day it was wrote in the Bible.
Conference With God - 60-0108 - William Branham


He growed a crop

God could not bless Seth until He separated him from Cain. He marked Cain and sent him to the land of Nod. And Cain, with his smart wisdom, become scientists and everything else, growed a crop of that. And Seth, under his righteousness, and the love and faith in the Word of God, he growed a crop that produced a prophet that warned the last days, that's right, saved every believer. And the wisdom destroyed every one of them. They, every one, died. Every one, no matter how many degrees and psychology they had, everything else, they perished in the judgments of God. And everything outside of the true, born-again Spirit of God, that believes every Word of That and stands right on It, will perish in the judgments of God. You see these little twisters going down the street, and all this carrying on, and carrying on like that, remember, it's nothing in the world but fodder for the judgment. It'll rot. It'll got to. It's just bound to. Women, wake up.
Wisdom Versus Faith - 62-0401 - William Branham


We mustn't be afraid to ask God to keep His Word

Now, there's some things in the Bible that God wants us to challenge. God is an all powerful God, and He give His servants a commission to do great things. And we mustn't be afraid to ask God to do great things, because He's asked us to do the impossible without Him. So if He's asked us to do the impossible, we want to have the omnipotent God to do those impossibles. "Go ye into all the world; preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe," the impossible with man. And we mustn't be afraid to ask God to keep His Word.
Sirs We Would See Jesus - 57-0226 - William Branham


He deserves it

That stern, old prophet, looked that woman in the face. He said, "Go, bake me a cake first." What a command, for a man to tell a widow woman, starving to death, to feed him first. What did he say? "For THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will never go empty, nor the cruse dry, until God sends rain on the earth." First, God. She went in and baked that little cake, and come give it to the prophet. Went right back and baked another one, and another one, and another, and another. And the barrel never went empty, or the cruse dry, until God sent rain on the earth. She put God before her children. She put God before anything else. She taken the Kingdom of God, first. God must have first place in your heart, first place in your life, first place in everything that you do or what you are. God must be first. He doesn't want the second place. He doesn't deserve the second place. He deserves the best, and the first, and all that we've got. He deserves it. Blessed be His holy Name!
Hebrews Chapter Two #2 - 57-0825E - William Branham

Your works will prove what your character is

You see, a man's character is made known by his works. Whatever you are, your works prove what you are. No matter how much you testify, whatever you say, pro or con, that has nothing to do with it; your works tell what you are, tells what you are inside. Every job that you do manifests what you are. And you businessmen, if you just do a patched up job, see what I mean, just a halfway job, don't do that. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. That's right. When you come to Christ, if you can't absolutely sell out lock, stock, and barrel, and come to Christ, don't come at all. But when you really want to be a Christian, stand out, make it real. That's what God wants you to be. And that'll--that'll prove... Your works will prove what your character is. Your character is known by the works that you do
Time Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham


Why not hide your life away with Christ

Of a morning, did you ever get up real early, get out real early and smell that fresh air, how it is and how refreshing everything is? The dew has fell. Oh, brother, sister, if the only thing you know is go to church, if the only thing you know that you joined or was baptized, or something like that, why not hide your life away with Christ. Get alone in the quietness, away from the world and all of its cares, and settle down and watch what a refreshing will come. You know, Isaiah spoke of it one time. He said, "Precept must be upon precept; and line upon line upon line; here a little and there a little. Hold fast to that what's good. With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the sabbath (or the refreshing) that should come from the Presence of the Lord."
A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham

They've got one thing to do

But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there is going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowds. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They--they have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus. And Martha was fixing His dinner, and Jesus said to her, "But, Martha, you are so concerned about the things of life, but Mary has sought the better things," see, the things of Eternal Life.
What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? - 65-0725E - William Branham

You're a part of God

Jesus claimed that He's done nothing until the Father showed Him. And the Father is the Holy Spirit, we realize that. It's just a office of God. If it isn't, then which one of them is the Father of Jesus Christ? Jesus said God was His Father, and the Bible said the Holy Ghost was His Father. Now, you can't make Him be an illegitimate child, so the Holy Ghost is God, so was Jesus God. So, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is... It's the... That's three offices of one God. It's three attributes, the same God.You're a part of God, and I'm a part of God, see; but I'm not all of God, and neither are you all of God. See? See? It's attributes of God upon us, as sons adopted by Jesus Christ. Which, God Himself became flesh, to die for us.
Souls That Are In Prison Now - 63-1110M - William Branham

They hear My Voice

Now, the Bible said, "In the last days, the antichrist would be so religious, and so much like the real thing, till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." But, it's not. That's right. And, "All." "He would deceive all, upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Since the last revival? That don't sound like the Bible, does it? [Congregation says, "No."--Ed.] "From the foundation of the world." You ain't going to deceive them, 'cause they're laying right in that Word. When they see those things appearing, [Brother Branham snaps his fingers.] It's Life, they catch It right now. Others will walk around, say, "Ah, there's nothing to That. Huh!" See? They're not convinced. There's nothing there to convince them. Nothing in them, to believe with. Mother used to say, "How can you get blood from a turnip when there's no blood in it?" Right. "My sheep hear My Voice." They know the Word. What is His Voice? Here It is. These creeds they don't follow. "But, they hear My Voice, they follow It."
Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0610E - William Branham


Then live like you are

Now, don't think that I'm a Universalist that believes that everybody's saved and will be; I do not, no, sir. I believe that all those--everybody was saved as far as God was concerned, for Jesus paid the full penalty for sin when He died. Now, it will never do you no good until you accept it. See? You have to accept it. And it's not how hard you cry, how much you beg, how much you persuade; it's a surrendered heart to God with faith believing He done it. Even our altar calls that we have, in bringing people up around the altar, they didn't do that in the Bible time; that's a tradition of our people, originated formally in the Methodist church. But look, it's a good thing. I don't like this dry-eyed repentance. I like to see somebody get up and really be sorry for what they done, and really mean it. But no matter how much that you pray, you'll never be forgiven until you believe you're forgiven, then you confess that you are, then live like you are.
Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham


That's how we get well

We... Only thing we can do is accept and be grateful for what He has already done for us. Oh, that's so simple isn't it. And I'm positive that many times in people's thinking, that they try to make Divine healing and so forth, some great outreaching something, way away, "If I could only reach it." Could you imagine Jesus saying, "Now, let Me check My faith, and see if I've got enough faith to do this, see if I'll have to fast awhile to see if I'll have enough faith to do this." He was perfectly unconscious of the faith that He had. He just spoke it and knew that it would be so. Just like you come from your homes today, you probably want to return to your home, told your wife or your loved ones, "I'll be back sometime right after noon." How do you know you are? You don't try to wonder, "Have I got faith enough to go home? Have I got faith enough to drive my car? You just unconsciously turn your key on, drive on away and go home. See? It's a unconscious faith that does it. That's the way it is: in Christ we just unconsciously just say, "That's His word; that just settles it; there's no more to it." and go on. That's how we get well.
Melchisedec The Great Prince - 55-0109M - William Branham

But it lays in our own individual faith in a finished work

Why do we baptize? Water won't save you, but it's the obeying an act. Taking the communion won't save you, but it's following the commandment. You're only... Beating on the altar won't heal you. Beating on the altar won't save you. You could beat on the altar until you just went out of breath and--and died there. You'll still be unsaved until you accept and believe that Jesus died in your stead, and you accept Him as your personal Saviour. Every minister in here could lay hands on every sick person in here and pray for now until day after tomorrow night. There'd never be one thing happen until you accept what Jesus did for you. So therefore it doesn't lay in ministers, in one another, but it lays in our own individual faith in a finished work that Christ did for us at Calvary.
Be Not Afraid, It Is I - 61-0414 - William Branham


When God says so, that settles it forever

What we need in this hour is a man to challenge the promise of God before the people. God promised to pouring out of a Pentecostal blessing in the last days; I mean a real Pentecostal pour out. And it's time for it to come; another Kadesh-Barnea has arrived. Yes, sir. They said, "We can well do it. Sure we can do it." What was it? Those cowardly church members was looking to what they could see with their eyes, but Caleb and Joshua was looking to God's promise. I don't care how much opposition they had; how big the giants looked; how big the fences looked; they were looking to God's promise. Every man and woman tonight that wants to go on with God, don't pay any attention what the world says, whether we can or whether we can't; God promised it, and that settles it. God said so. I like that. When God says so, that settles it forever.
At Kadesh Barnea - 56-0527 - William Branham


He still keeps His Word

I imagine when the people wanted a good laugh, they went up and stood before the ark door and laughed. "Why, you said it was going to rain a hundred years ago! Grandpa told me he heard you up here saying it was going to rain, and you're still beating around on this old piece of wood up here. Why don't you get next to yourself?" But it was God getting ready to confirm a promise and to fulfill a prophecy that His prophet had made. Very unusual! God fulfilling His promise to Noah, while others was laughing. God was also getting ready to make history to show to others, even to this day, that He keeps His Word! No matter how unreal it seems, and unreasonable, He still keeps His Word.
What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? - 65-0725E - William Branham

Get that atmosphere around you

You're scared. People today is afraid. What you afraid of? Why, even death itself don't scare a Christian. "Death, where is thy sting?" The very thoughts of people is scared. "Oh, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I just can't get well." What are you scared of? There's an atonement laying for you yonder. Sure. "Well, Brother Branham, I've--I've done so much sins. I've..." What are you scared of? There's an atonement waiting for you. There's Someone Who loves you. Don't be scared. The constant Words of Jesus, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is alive again, and alive forevermore. Fear not." Get that atmosphere around you.
A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


For He took your place

Now, you don't go to hell because you're a sinner; you go to hell because you refuse to accept the way away from hell. There's a bypass; that's Christ. There's a bypass from your sickness, quick death, premature graves; that's through Christ. But now, you're--you're... you sinned in the beginning, and Christ died for your sins. Therefore, He saved you when He died. He saved you, and He healed you when He died, for He took your place. But now, all you have to do is to accept it by faith, and you'll receive it. See what I mean? Now, there's nothing more to be done, because your healing's already paid for. You can have it right this afternoon. You can have it right now, this very minute when you believe it. When your faith meets God's requirement, to believe that Christ died for your sickness, when He died for your sins (and He died for your sins at Calvary), and accept it upon that basis; at that moment, you are healed in the sight of God.
Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham

Things change when man meets God

Things change when man meets God. A man can never meet God and ever be the same again. You will either be a better person or a worse person. You'll be better off, or worse off after you meet God. It depends on what you want to do about it. But a man can never meet God and ever be the same. Whatever your attitude is towards God, seals your eternal destination. You can walk across the line between grace, mercy, and judgment; and when you spurn grace so many times you can separate yourself from, ever, from the Presence of God, or you can accept Him and have Eternal Life, and never die, but be raised up again at the last day in the general resurrection.
From That Time - 60-0302 - William Branham


You let go and God will let come

She dumped out so she could get filled up. She dumped all the oil she had and all oil she had, and all the meal she had to the preacher, to the Kingdom of God. And when she dumped it all in there, God come down and filled up the meal barrel and filled up the oil jug. She dumped it again in the preachers face and He come back, filled it up again. He dumped it... Every time she dumped, He filled. I'll say today if man will dump out all this nonsense of carrying on and impersonating Christianity and let the Holy Ghost take Its place, there'll be a revival will start on Eighth and Penn Street that'll sweep the whole country. Quit the nonsense. Get back to the Word of God. Dump out if you want to fill up. You let go and God will let come. You dump out; God will fill in. Oh, the petty things that you've got to do this, and you've got to do that, and you ought to do this, and you ought to do that. Forget it. Dump it out of your soul.
Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham


But they're promised grace

Jesus, in the spiritual, is the Lily of the valley. And when you get to such a place you can't stand yourself no more, and life means nothing to you, God's got a shot of opium for you from the Lily of the valley that eases all your troubles, all of them is gone away. You don't have to get drunk on whiskey to ease your trouble; they come right back again. But come and get a--a drink of opium from the Lily of the valley, and they're ended forever. Let come, let go, what may; if you live, if you die, if you're this, or that, or the other, nothing separates you from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus. Christians are not promised a flower bed of ease, but they're promised grace sufficient for every need they have. Amen.
Law Or Grace - 54-1006 - William Branham


It's by His Word

And you're bound to be backsliding constantly, so it takes a constant prayer to God. Paul said, "I die daily." And if Paul had to die daily, how much more am I going--I'm going to have to stay there dead all the time, if--if Paul had to die daily to stay right with God. And so, we'll all have to do that, just die out to ourself. And that's getting God's way. Now, there's only two ways of anything: That's the right way and the wrong way. And them ways are your ways and God's way. And you can't be in your way and God's way at the same time. You've got to forget your own way to get in God's way. And you got to get out of your own way to get in God's way. For as long as you're in your own way, you're out of His way. So forsake your way, forsake your thoughts, forsake everything, and just rely one thing, on THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's all. Then you know you're right. Though you can't see it, none of the senses will say it's right, every one of them will say it's wrong; but you know it's right because God said so. That's what makes it right. Now, that's... His provided way has been His Word; it is His Word. God's provided way for the human to live is not by your senses; it's by His Word.
God's Provided Way - 53-1201 - William Branham


His Word has the power and authority behind It

The Bible said, "The Gospel came to us not in word only, but through the power, manifestations of the Holy Ghost." In other words, "It's the Holy Ghost taking the Word of God and making It manifest." See? And, otherwise, the only way that the signs of Mark 16 can follow the believer is that the Holy Spirit Himself takes the Word of God and demonstrates It to the people. That's it. Now, faith makes that Word live. See? The Word is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And then Jesus said, "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, it'll be done for you." See? That's staying with Christ in the Word. Don't go right or left. Stay right with it. See? And then it's actually not your word, then. It's His Word, and His Word has the power and authority behind It.
Confirmation Of The Commission - 62-0122 - William Branham

I know my Redeemer liveth

And I know today, being my birthday; I am getting to be an old man. I look at myself in the glass, and I see that that little boy that built this tabernacle is not that little boy any more. He's becoming an aged man, stooping shoulders, the beard turning gray, the hair going out. But nothing can defeat the purpose of God; nothing can. Therefore, I rest assured upon the promise, "Because I live, ye shall live also." I join with Job of old, "I know my Redeemer liveth. And at the last day He will stand on the earth." It's a purpose that God has. I must serve this purpose. My whole life must be brought into His purpose and to His program. Each of us is that way.
I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham


But you won't fail Him, will you?

If there's any of you that's backslid and gone away from God, and don't know--don't know, you've lost that fellowship, like that little lady last night. Oh, darkness gathers when you get away from God. You're on a muddy road. You're bound to lose. And if you don't have that victory that you ought to have, won't you come, too? This is a complete victory. This could be a V-day for you, for all the things of the world. You say, "I've had so many trials, Brother Branham. I've just been drug from pillar to post." Haven't I just told you that that's God, because He trusted you? You won't fail Him, will you? You might have fell. You might have made a mistake. But you won't fail Him, will you? You'll rise up again, like a real soldier, grip the Sword, and come forward again. We'd be glad to do that. Sure.
Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham


You are God's expressed thought

Now, if you have Eternal Life today, you are in God. By God's being in you, you are God's expressed thought. Whew! Then don't listen to any reasonings, lest your crown be taken and give to another. Don't take any reasonings at all. Just believe what God said is the Truth and stay with It. Reasonings through wisdom tries to make the Word say something It doesn't say.
Wisdom Versus Faith - 62-0401 - William Branham


The best thing you can do is answer, always

I wish I could stand where he did. Wished I could stand in that place where he was standing. You know what I'd do? Oh, I wouldn't be interested in so much church affairs; I'd fall on my face and say, "Dear Lord Jesus, the Master of Life, give to me Your pardoning grace," if I had the opportunity to stand before Him. I believe that's about the feeling of everybody here tonight. We'd do the same thing. I... But today it's just like it was then. We're so taken up with so many things in the church we got to do, so much the church requires us, and so much places to go, till really, we fail many times to receive the opportunity. And maybe, some night we got to go practice for song service. We got to do something else. Something, maybe, religious nature, but when the Holy Spirit is speaking at your heart, the best thing you can do is answer, always, no matter what it is, what time of night, or what kind of an errand you're on, 'cause He might not speak no more for a long time, and maybe never.
The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham


But He will speak in some way to you

Sometimes we go off on a tantrum somewhere and not think about God, not pray over it, ask the Lord whether we should do it or not, and we find out that our supply of blessings is cut off. Then we wonder sometime, "Well, wonder why I can't have no more blessings." You don't watch, you let down in your prayer life. You say, "Well, I'm a Christian." Well, that's the more sign you should pray, more than ever. Read the Bible every day. Pray every day. Don't make any decisions too harshly or too quickly, without first considering God about them. Ask Him, "Shall I do this, Father?" Ask Him, "Is it Your will for me to do this?" Then see what the Holy Spirit will speak to you. He might not give you a vision, but He will speak in some way to you, to let you know, if you'll be sincere and ask Him.
The Prophet Elisha - 54-0723 - William Branham

No law but love

But in every church, we have doctrine. Many times, in organizations, denominations, they have a creed. And they stay on that creed, "This is our creed." No matter what the minister thinks, he's got to preach the creed, because he's in the denomination. And in here, we don't have no creed but Christ, that's the creed; and no law but love; no book but the Bible. And Christ is the Head; and the Bible is our Textbook; the world is my parish. So I like--I like to just preach the way that I feel led to preach, and just the way that I see it.
The Mark Of The Beast - 54-0513 - William Branham


Then you have faith, genuine faith

Now, when we're going to be prayed for for our sickness, I wonder if we have done everything that God requires us to do. Have we followed every iota of the Scripture? Have we give Him our hearts and lives to service? What's the reason you want to be healed? That's the reason you can't get faith enough (See?), because you haven't maybe made this thing to God sincerely from your heart. Like Hezekiah did, give God the reason, he wanted to set his--his kingdom in order. And God sent His prophet back and told him, and he'd be healed. See? But you have to have those things made right first. So then as soon as you get to these places and know that it's been revealed to you by the Word of God, by the revelation, by the Word that God requires you to do, then you have faith, genuine faith.
I Have Heard But Now I See - 65-1127E - William Branham

The hour is at hand

If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you'd better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a--a believer, is a wick. Look, he's got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end's dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a--what a Church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah. Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.
The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham


It don't need any amputations

God, before the foundation of the world, looked down through the stream of time and saw everything that would be. And therefore, He could call and elect those who He knew that He would put into His building. That's right. And if you've been called tonight by the Holy Ghost and given a chance to come into the Kingdom of God, happy ought you to be. Amen. If you're in the Kingdom of God, and you're a part of the body of Christ, thanks be to God. You live the life. You do the things that's right. And remember, this might sink just a little bit rough when it goes down, but let it digest awhile. If you're in the body of Christ, He does not have any amputations. No, His body's perfect, it don't need any amputations. Amen.
The Infallible Word Of God - 56-0406 - William Branham


I love that

A man said not long ago, said, "I--I don't want to bother God. You know I--I know He is awful busy." Nonsense. "I--I don't want to..." Well, you can't exhaust His a bountiful blessings. Could you imagine a little fish about a half inch long, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean say, "I better drink of this water sparingly, 'cause I might run out." Could you imagine a little mouse about so big under the great garners of Egypt saying, "I'd better eat, ration myself this winter to just two grains a day. I might run out before the new harvest." That's ridiculous. Well, it's twice that ridiculous, a thousand times more, to think you can exhaust the mercies of a merciful God. Why, He's trying to force His way into you. "Ask abundantly that your joys might be full." No way to exhaust Him. Like a pump, more you pump, the fresher the water gets. Oh, and I like that. Just keep pumping, living at the spout where the glory's coming out. I love that.
Conference - 60-1125 - William Branham


Don't have one above another

And today, that's the thing today when we see people, and people are so subject in this day to jumping at little flowery thing, till it makes you kind of wonder sometimes. Don't never think above... one man above another. No, sir, no matter who he is, if he's just a little old fellow out here giving tracts out on the street, and if he's a--a Billy Graham. No matter who he is, if he's God's servant, respect them all the same, every one. Don't have one above another and favorites. We don't have that. Don't do that. And don't respect one person above another. Be... Let--let everybody be on the level. And brother and sister, in Jesus' precious Name, please think of your humble brother as the lowest of those brothers. You see? Just as... I don't say that to be humble. I say that from my heart, because I mean it. It's Jesus Christ that I'm trying to represent to you (See?), Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Being Led Of The Holy Spirit - 56-0219 - William Branham


That's the Gospel in action

He never ordained us to build any church. He never ordained us to make a hospital, to make a school, or have a seminary. He never one time commissioned us to do that. All them things are good, but yet He did commission us to preach the Gospel to all the world. And we've built schools, and seminaries, and taught theology, and one third of the world is all that's heard about Jesus yet. But after all, passing tracts is not preaching the Gospel. "The Gospel came not in word only," said Paul, "but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." See, you're... Not just teach the Word, but preach, make manifest the Word. The Word has to be made alive. It's a dead letter until it's made manifest. And then it's quickened, and it's brought to pass, what God said about it. That's the Gospel in action, the New Testament Christianity.
Why I'm Praying For The Sick - 54-0314 - William Branham


We see she's budding

I see that old six-point star of David, the oldest flag in the world, hanging yonder. Why can't the nation see it? And to think that our own beloved nation is going to hook up with the Arabs, look like. They'll be cursed just as sure. They've spurned the--the mercy of God. Now they must stand judgment. See that old flag hanging yonder? See the desert coming forth like a rose blossoming? See those Jews coming back from way down in Iran, been there for twenty-five hundred years. The Bible said, "They'd be carried back to Jerusalem on eagle's wings." You see those great United Airlines bringing them back on the wings of an eagle, as it was. Them getting off the ships and looking and saying, "Where is the Messiah?" You said, "When the fig tree puts forth her buds, know summer's nigh." We see she's budding.
Then Jesus Came - 57-0407E - William Branham


The Word Itself corrects the error

Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.
His Unfailing Words Of Promise - 64-0120 - William Branham

That's the way it ought to be with us

Just like a love affair. If you was going with a girl because you knew it was a duty, or you going with a boy, when you were young... "Mama wants me to go with this guy, but I just can't stand him." You don't get nothing of him coming to see you. Or, if it's the same way about the girl to the boy, or boy to the girl. You go with her, she bores you; mama wants you to go with her because she's the type of girl that mama likes. See, it bores you; there's no love affair. But you don't care; you don't want to clean up; you don't want to go see her. And it's a... Why, it's a horrible thing. And when he's coming to see you, my, you just wish he'd hurry on, go home. That's the same way it is when you, "Why does he preach so long? What about all this stuff, and everything?" See, you're not in love. But when you really hang onto every Word, as the Spirit gave you warning this morning (See?), "Hanging onto every Word..." That might be what He has been talking to you about, holding on. It's Eternal Life, every Word of God. It's a joy to go to church, under any circumstance. Whether it's hot, cold, indifferent, whether the people are fussing, growling, whatever they're doing, it's still a joy to hear the Word of the Lord. Then you're in love then with Christ (See?); you love to go to church. "Well, honey, here it's Sunday morning again; I guess we have to wash up the young ones and get down there. My, it's boresome." See, you're not in love. But if you're really in love, you just can't wait till Sunday morning comes; you've just got to get down there with them. And we get, and to leave... The people of God, they don't bore you. Why, they're--they're brothers and sisters. As I used to say, "You get as thick as Sorghum molasses on a cold morning." It--it don't run; it just stays together, you know, clings tight. Now, that's a rude expression, but it's--it--it's trying to let you know what I mean. You see? You stick together. And the colder it gets, the tighter they stick. And that's the way it ought to be with us.
The Ever Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham


We're to be a different person

God is so good." I believe that. I believe God is good. A teen-age boy said, not long ago, in our town, our city. He said, "You know what?" He said, "God is so good, Brother Branham." He said, "You know, God is so good, He just let's me do anything." He said, "He don't care. He don't mind, 'cause He's just so good to me." Nonsense. God is a good God. We hear so much about Him being a good God, and I believe He is a good God. That's right. He is a good God. But if He's a good God, He's got to be a just God. He can't give us a commandment to do something another, and we disobey it and expect to escape the Judgment. He's also a God of wrath, a God of judgment. That's what makes Him a good God, because He keeps His Word. He watches over It. So we can't expect to do wrong, these things that we do, and get by with it. No. We just... He's not too... He's not so. He is good. That is true. I don't want you to misunderstand me. But, God is a good God. That is exactly right. But, remember, the only way He can be good is to be just. And if He's just, He has to keep His own commandments. And if He keeps His commandments, it's wrong for Christians to intolerate with the world. It's wrong. We shouldn't do it. We're to be a different person.
Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham

You rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies

Now, you people talking about getting the Holy Ghost and how you have to wait so long, here you are. Until God receives that sacrifice, until it's laid on His judgments there, until His judgment has actually killed your senses... You might say, "Well, I'm going to turn a new page." That ain't it. "Well, I know I used to smoke; I'm going to quit smoking." That still isn't it. Until God receives that sacrifice on His brass altar, His altar of judgment... What is His judgment? Death. That's the penalty. The soul that sinneth, that remains in that, shall die. I don't care what you done. Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and done that?'" He'd say, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." See? When that sacrifice is received by the fire, and it goes up like that, and the smoke goes up, you rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies, and you're sealed away from the things of the world then. Our soul's on His altar.
You Must Be Born Again - 61-1231M - William Branham


That settles It

God will speak, and there's nothing can take God's Word away. God's Word holds forever. When God speaks It, It's confirmed in Heaven forever. It's right there ready, just the same as done, when God speaks It. Oh, that we mortals might be able to say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD; it's settled," taking God at His Word and stand there no matter what comes, how many ways push sideways. We stay right with God's Word. "God said so. I believe It. That settles It." Amen.
Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham

Perfect love casts out all fear

There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it? "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.
The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


He'll make everything right

Now, we are all going to make mistakes. Just remember. And when you're looking at one another, don't look at the other person's mistake. See, don't do that, because, remember, you make mistakes too. But look to Christ Who is guiding this person. And if they need some help, then you pray for them. That's--that's the way we get along (See?), pray. And remember, when you are praying for somebody else in that kind of a fix, God will honor and heal you when you're praying for somebody else. That's right. That's what Christianity is based upon, to help one another, do for one another, be kind to one another, understanding to one another. Now, if you see your neighbor's mistake, you see where they've went wrong, don't go wrong with them, but just pray for them. Just keep praying, and God will understand that. He'll make everything right.
Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham


That's the kind of a Father we have

God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take care of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen. That took the solar system and [Brother Branham makes a blowing sound--Ed.] blew like that and every star went to its place. Sure. And He watches over you. Amen. That's the kind of a Father we have.
The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham

God will make a way through it

They were on their road marching then, come out, there was a Pillar of Fire before them, and they marched on to the Red Sea. And when they got there, right in the line of duty laid an obstacle. And first thing you know, fear struck them, and they didn't know what to do. That's the way people does today. When fear strikes them when they're right in the path of duty... Listen, brother, let me say this: If you're walking in the light, having fellowship with God, with His people, and the Holy Spirit is upon you, and you meet an obstacle right in the path of duty, don't stop, just keep pressing on. God will make a way through it. That's one of the greatest experiences of my life, is to see God. When I can't get over it, get under it, get around it, or anyway, God opens up a way and I go through it. Somehow or another His grace is sufficient to carry us through it.
Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water - 60-0723 - William Branham


God will take care of it

You don't want to be crude, and rude, and bulldozing, and over-driving (See?), with a truth that you found. That's where you Oneness brethren made the mistake. Now, we're going back to the road. We're going back to cure. And you Assembly brothers that separated yourselves, each one of you, that's where you made your mistake. When a truth is added, just go on. Let it alone. God will take care of it. No man can come to Him unless He calls him anyhow. Right.
The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham


Then God will bless you

And now you've got tapes on that. You've got tapes on what we believe. You've got tapes on discipline in the church, how we behave ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in Heavenly places. Don't stay home. If God is in your heart, you can't hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder, to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don't, don't feel that way, then I tell you, it's time you got to praying. 85 Cause, we're in the last days, where the Bible exalted... or exhorted us to--to, "Much more as we see that day approaching," to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, "to assemble ourselves together in Heavenly places and--and--and Christ Jesus," and love one another. "This will all man know you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." That's right. Stay right together. If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll--it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that. You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the... Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just... That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.
Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed - 63-0728 - William Branham