
But what He has done for us

He had a covenant with Adam, the first man on earth. And that covenant was on conditions, "If you do so-and-so, I'll do so-and-so." Adam would had something to do in order to keep this covenant alive before God. He had to walk in God's ways, keeping all of His Word, not breaking one Word. 30 But then He made another covenant, and that was with Abraham. This covenant was not on conditions, but was unconditionally. God gave the covenant to Abraham, no strings tied to it, at all. Unconditional! Not, "I will." "I have! I've already done it." 31 And that's the law that Christians must live by. Is not what we do ourself, but what He has done for us. Christ has already been sacrificed. Not, "He will be." He has been! It's a finished product.
God's Provided Place Of Worship - 65-0425 - William Branham

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