
You can't do it

A man cannot sin until first he casts aside God's Word. He can't even sin (that's disbelieve) until first he gets rid of the Word of God, the Presence of God; he cannot sin. Eve could not sin, until she laid aside God's Word, opening up her channel of reasons to her soul and begin to reason. "Why certainly, my husband's never told me these things, but I believe that you... He told me I shouldn't do this, but you know, you make it so real; it's so plain. I--I believe it would be wonderful, because you're making it so plain to me." See? There was the first battle. And through that battle has caused every other war and every bloodshed that ever come was caused right there at Eden. She disbelieved God's Word. And if one little iota of God's Word was disbelieve, caused all this trouble, how we going to get back, disbelieving the Word? You can't do it.

The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham

The joy of the Lord is my strength

"All right, I open up my heart and my mind. Come in, Lord Jesus."
And grab the Faith, that Sword of the Spirit, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Scream, "Hallelujah!" Amen. Then cut down every enemy in front of you. Amen. There it is. Cut every enemy. If a--a old spooky spirit making you feel all... Cut that thing away, with the Word of the Lord.
But our strength, is, "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
"Get away from me." Whack! You cut him with the Word. Whether it be demon, whether it be enemy, whether it be sickness, whether it be disease, whatever it is, take that Word and pull It with the Sword. And if you whack it the first time, it don't seem to move, whack it again, and whack it again, and whack it again. And whack it until you chipped a hole through, like a little chicken pipping itself out; or an eagle, what you are. Pip yourself right on through that old shell of sickness. Cut your way out, and say, "Hallelujah! Where's the next one?" Amen. That's the battle. That's a soldier. That's the soldier of the cross. Yes, sir. Knock every enemy out.

The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham

He's longing to hear you call Him on the scene

But remember, the Rock never left Israel. Israel left the Rock; it forgot about the Rock being with them all the time. It was right there, went right with them to the end of the road. "It followed them." It wasn't out of speaking distance. It wasn't out of hearing distance. Or it wasn't out of seeing distance. And neither is Christ with the Church today; He's not out of speaking distance.
Some of you have backslid, and done that which is wrong, and you've lost that joy, and your Water is dried up. He's still in speaking distance of you. He follows you. He knows every move you make and everything you do. He's longing to hear you call Him on the scene.

The Ever Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham


It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works

Brother, sister, I say this humbly and for not to be a pulling or trying to get sympathy. The clothes that I have is clothes people give me. The suit I got on, Brother Moore was with me, and I got it four years ago in Sweden. Pair of shoes, my wife bought it for me. I got another suit over there was give to me in Florida. Another one I got in Finland; two I got in Germany, or not Germany, but Africa. That's where the clothes comes from. It's what people give me. Some of them's hand me down. That's true. I got a suit from California about five years ago and been wearing it ever since. And it--it's about six, seven years old when I got it. But what is it? It's good enough. He didn't even have but one garment and borrowed somebody's grave to be laid in. I could've been pretty well off if I'd took all the money people had offered me, but I want to be just as poor as those who come to be prayed for. We're fellow citizens of the kingdom of God. I'm not saying that just to be saying. I'm saying it because I want you to know, friends, that the kingdom of God does not consist of riches in this earth, fine clothes. It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works.

Thy Faith Has Saved Thee - 54-0411 - William Branham

Right now we are the sons of God

Now, I'm going to shock you a little bit. You don't mind, do you? All right. For instance, the meat's a frying, and all at once the grease pops out on your hand. Now, if you'll just shake it off and go on frying meat, it wouldn't bother you. Now, I know you didn't get that just right. Look. The first thing, "Oh, where the Unguentine?" Something... You see, grabbed your hand. See, see? It scares you to death. That's what does it. It's fear. Peter walking on the water. He was walking all right, till he seen the waves contrary and he got scared. Jesus said, "Why'd you fear?" That's what's the matter with the Holy Ghost people today. They've got a lot afraid... The devil's just trying to scare you out of something. He's trying to put something off somewhere else, say, "Some of these days you'll be this." You are now. Now, we're sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, we have all powers in heavens and the earth. See? Now, we have it. Not in the millennium, we won't need it then. We got it now. We're... Right now we are the sons of God.

Jairus And Divine Healing - 54-0216 - William Branham

You create that atmosphere

Now, in Jesus was God. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, and these people believed His testimony. And them that did truly believe it could draw God's blessings from Him. And when they did so, He said virtue went from Him. Virtue is strength. He... In other words, if we'd say it today, He got weak when the people drawed off of Him. Well, if it worked that way in that human body, it'll work in another human body. And we create a--our atmosphere around us, each one of us. You've been with people that were nice people, but you just couldn't hardly be around them. Then you've been with other people that you just loved to be around them. You create that atmosphere. And, oh, wouldn't you have loved to have been around Jesus just a... Wonderful. See what that atmosphere He created would've been. I imagine it was just one great big bundle of love, and respects, and godly fear.

Awakening Jesus - 63-0117 - William Branham


How are you going to get there anything short of it?

Oh, God wants to restore the faith that was once delivered to the saints. You say, "Brother Branham, is that the faith?" Don't take the Me--Methodist ritual, the Baptist ritual, or the Pentecostal ritual; take the Bible. Let's see what they did. They were all in the upper room with one accord, and suddenly, the same rushing wind come from heaven, filled all the house where they was setting. What'd you say? They said, "Ohhh, I don't know whether to do this or not. If I go outside, they'll make fun of me. If I say anything, 'Why, he said to go out." No, sir. The Holy Ghost met them, that bunch of little cowards. They got life and went through windows and doors, out into the street, and acted like a bunch of maniacs, and staggered and screamed and hollered and everything, like a bunch of drunk people; till the ritualistic church of that day said, "These men are full of new wine." And listen, sister, you that's so dignified at the sewing circle in your church, and so forth, and got such a social standing in Louisville, New Albany, and Jeffersonville, the blessed virgin Mary was in there. And if God Almighty required blessed virgin Mary, and wouldn't let her come to heaven till she got that experience, how are you going to get there anything short of it?

arnestly Contending For The Faith - 54-0404M - William Branham


God's more willing to give you the Holy Ghost than you are willing to accept It

Same thing about the Holy Spirit. You say, "I've been seeking for the Holy Ghost for years." I'm not scolding you. You're either mistaught, or something's wrong, or you don't understand. God is under obligation to His Word. Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." That's the Scripture, just as clear as I know how to read it. If you repented and are baptized, then God's under obligation, if your faith is right towards God to give you the Holy Ghost the minute that you obey His Word. Believe that. God will vindicate it to you. If your heart's really right before God, and you're taught right, and believing it, and walk up there with the assurance, something's going to happen, 'cause God's more willing to give you the Holy Ghost than you are willing to accept It.

Doctor Moses - 55-0114 - William Branham

Get that heart cleaned out, to where joy bells of heaven rings, and there's a resurrection

That's the way it is with every man or woman, when he's born of the Spirit of God and sees the true resurrection. No man knows that Jesus is resurrected from the dead, unless he's died, himself, in Christ Jesus, and been borned again, anew by the Holy Ghost. Every man is only a theologically believing, he's only materially believing, he's only looking at it on paper, until the Holy Spirit's bore record of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You, from the dead things of life, unto a new and living hope in Christ Jesus... Every man or woman without that is lost this morning. That's right. Oh, my brother, sister, get right with God. Get that heart cleaned out, to where joy bells of heaven rings, and there's a resurrection; Jesus lives and reigns within the heart.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham

That's what He wants you to do

I'm not against education. Educations are all right. But people get so highly educated, till they think they know more about it than God does. And then they miss the goal. You've got to forget all you ever knowed in your own knowledge to know Christ. Well, you just come childlike and accept Him. That's all. That's the way you accept God. And more simple you can get, more humble, and get away from yourself, your own ideas, just take God's Word for what it's worth, and believe It. And it's by faith that these things are come, not what you can figure out. You'll never be able. There's never been a man on the world, no saint, nor no one has ever figured God out. You can't. So don't think that you can do something that they cannot do, 'cause they--it can't be. That's right. You just believe Him. That's what He wants you to do, not try to figure Him out.

Moses - 50-0110 - William Branham


But that soul will live forever somewhere

You wouldn't eat soup with a fly in it. No, sir. You--you wouldn't--you wouldn't be--you'd be afraid to eat food that didn't look just right and was contaminated, because you know it might give you a--a ptomaine poison, or something, and would kill you in a little bit. And you watch about this body. But that soul, you let it feast on things of the world, which you know is contaminated and can only do one thing: take you to destruction. And no matter how well you treat this body and how good a food or how it lives, it's got to go to the dust of the earth; but that soul will live forever somewhere. I would rather eat contaminated soup, than contaminate my soul with the things of the world--at any time.

The Junction Of Time - 56-0115 - William Branham

Every man pays the same price

How beautiful that parable was taught of the wedding supper. He found one there without a wedding garment on. Why, that's very typical. In the Oriental times, when they give a--a supper out or something another, the bridegroom had to furnish the robes. That's--that's the way it is in this affair too, the wedding supper we're going to. And then the bridegroom hired a man to stand at the door. And everybody that had a invitation, come at the door. Poor or rich, any kind, they put this robe around them. When they were in, they were all alike. I like that. Brethren, there's no big me and little you then, when you come by the way of the Door. And then He found a man back there that didn't have a wedding garment on. He come in some other way besides of the door. And Jesus said, "Friend, what are you doing here?" And he was speechless. And you try to climb up your own moral stepladder or by some creed or some church, brother, you're going to find yourself the same way. Every man that comes by the Door is going to get the same robe. And that robe is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Every man pays the same price.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham


These signs shall follow them

Now, there's many has a profession that they believe, and today in my church, as in most all of our churches, we class a believer as one who is loyal to the church, and comes to church regular, and takes a--a place, a position in the church, and helps the church in its financial needs. But that's very contrary to what Jesus said. Jesus didn't say, "These signs will follow them: they'll take their place in church, and they'll be loyal members," and so forth. He never said that. But here's His last statement to the Church. Listen. "These signs shall follow them that believe: in My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues, or take up serpents, drink deadly things it'll not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And then He ascended up into heaven. And the disciples worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem, the Lord working with them, confirming the Word with signs following.

The Church Of The Living God - 51-0727 - William Branham

Keep your eyes on Jesus

And as the waters pushed on, after while Jesus spoke and said, "Be not afraid. It's I." Peter said, "If It's You, Lord, give me just a little test." And ask and you shall receive. So He gave him the test, and when he tried to do it in himself, he failed, and every other man will fail. He got his eyes off of Jesus and begin to look how big the waves was. When he seen the waves were contrary, he begin to sink. And every man that will look at his affliction after being prayed for is sure to sink. You don't look at your affliction. You keep your eyes on the promise Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on His Word. He's the One Who promised. He watches over It to perform it. He keeps it in the hollow of His hand, and in the depths of His heart it's bedded. His Words has to be True. Get your mind off of your sickness, off of your troubles. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Jairus A Secret Believer - 55-0604 - William Branham


He loves you

You may be ever so sinful, but did you know He is interested in you becoming His subject? You say, "But I'm just an insignificant person." But you're not in the sight of God. God wants you. He loves you. And God so loved you, that when His love was projected, sovereign grace taken its place and sent a Saviour to redeem you back to Himself.
And in this Saviour He was wounded for our transgressions, because God loved you. And God saw the afflictions of His people, and with His stripes you were healed, God's grace making a way, for His love required it.

When Divine Love Is Projected Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place - 57-0126 - William Branham

His origin was to fellowship with God

But now, we find out that what makes man long to fellowship is because that he once had a fellowship. And his fellowship was with God. A man today is trying his best, no matter what he is, if he's an Indian. When we come here we found an Indian worshipping the sun, worshipping a totem pole. We go into Africa we find them under little idols and things. There's somewhere he's trying to find his way back, because his origin was to fellowship with God. That's where it come from. He knows that he come from somewhere behind the curtain, and he's only trying to look back behind there to see where he come from and where he's on his road back. That's the reason the supernatural attracts the attention of the people so mightily is because men are looking from where they come from and which a way they're going. There's only one Book in the world can tell you that, that's the Bible, who you are, where you come from, and where you're going. That's exactly; It tells you your destination right there in the Bible and where you come from and who you are.

The Basis Of Fellowship - 61-0214 - William Branham


Everything's all right

...God's a moving, placing His church. He's doing the exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could even do or think. He's just as much God tonight as He ever was.
So little friends, let me tell you something right now. My darling precious people, you here in this land, and the others in tape lands which will be overseas and wherever you are, don't be afraid. Everything's all right. Father God, before the foundation of the world, knew everything that would happen. Everything works right along. You love Him? Keep your heart right.

Adoption #4 - 60-0522E - William Branham


Upon God's holy Word I can defeat Satan seven days in a week

Listen, brother, you're never saved by any sign. You're never saved by any sensation. You are saved when you meet God's condition of His Word, and nothing else are you saved by. That's right. God's Word has made a way. You're not saved because you feel like you're saved. I'm not saved because I feel like I'm saved, 'cause a lot of times I don't feel that way. But I'm saved because God gave the promise. I met God's conditions, and upon God's holy Word I can defeat Satan seven days in a week, and as many nights, 'cause it's God's Word.

God Keeps His Word - 57-0306 - William Branham

You was up there once

27. You notice of a morning when the--the dew... I've watched it many times, when I see the dew fall at nighttime. Look out there, see the dew fall. And every time when the sun comes up, did you ever notice how happy a little dewdrop was? He just sparkles and shines, and sparkles and shines. I was asking one, one morning, talking to nature, which is--was my first Bible. I said, "What makes you sparkle, little dewdrop?"
And it seemed like that something in a way spoke back to me, said, "You know last night, I was up there. And I'm--I know I'm going up again, for I belong up there, way beyond this old hot earth, up there where the--the moisture stays. And I was once up there, and I'm happy because the suns a shining on me, and when the sun shines on me, it's making--it'll draw me right up to where I was."
And I think that's right. The reason you can do that, because-- and sparkle, because you've got an experience. You was up there once.

A Personal Experience With God - 57-0724 - William Branham

Just show your Token

243. Oh, take this solemnly! We should love one another. Oh, my! We should be so in love! Don't never speak evil against one another. If somebody makes a mistake, pray for him right quick. We are together in this, with God. We are brothers and sisters. Oh, live godly. Live, live like daughters of God, live like sons of God. Live sweet, kind, humble.
244. Let no evil come in your mind, in your thinking. Just, just dismiss it. If it knocks on the door, take it away. Just say, just show your Token, just keep walking, "I am under the Blood!"

Token - 63-0901M - William Branham

Trust in His promised Word

99. I'm inside of a Tower. I don't have no desires to even look out. "He that puts his hands to the plow, and even turns to look back, is not worthy of the plowing." What a place to come! Yes. Outside you die; inside you're safe. Just come in and let off the pressure. That's the thing to do. And Christ is our Tower, yes, God's provided place of safety. Joshua built those houses and those cities of refuge, and God built us a city of refuge, that's in His Son, Christ Jesus. "The Name of the Lord is the mighty Tower. The righteous run into it and are safe."
Now you say, "What if you get sick in there?"
100. He bore our sickness, in this Tower that we're in. He bore our sickness, in His body. We have...
101. "Well," you say, "what if you get weary when you're in there, all cares and things?"
102. Cast your cares upon Him. It's wrote on every wall, all the way around, every door. "Cast your cares upon Him, because He cares for you."
103. Trust in His promised Word. His Words are written on our heart. Our hearts are the tables of His Word, like Martha and Mary, and all along. See?

104. Even death itself doesn't worry you in here, when you're in the Lord. Why? He rose from the dead. We don't have no worry about that. Death comes, like the little sister we was speaking about there. If it's time to go, let's go. That's right.

Letting Off Pressure - 63-0113M - William Branham

That's possession

God told them way down in Egypt, "I give you that land." But He didn't say, "I'll go out there and sweep it all out, and garnish the houses, and hang up the curtains, and everything. You all just move in." No, no. They had to fight for every inch of ground they took. That's right, fighting, and take it by every--fight every inch. But He said, "Everywhere the soles of your foot land, that's possession." Footsteps is possession. That's the same thing it is today. Divine healing belongs to us. The Holy Spirit belongs to us. It's our property, but you'll fight every inch of it. Yes, sir. But brother, footsteps is possession. Just keep fighting. Take it. The devil say, "The days of miracles is past." Say, "You're a liar. God said He's the same yesterday, today, and forever." Take it over. Everywhere your foot steps, that's possession. That's right.

Thou Son Of David Have Mercy On Me - 61-0215 - William Branham


So he hasn't got no more stinger

There He is, going yonder to Calvary. As He's moving up the hill, and His poor, little shoulder rubbing, the old bee of death humming around Him, "It ain't going to be long till I'll get Him." Buzzing all around and around, and after while it had to sting Him. But, friend, you know, if a bee ever stings anybody deeply, he can't sting no more. He pulls his stinger out. So he hasn't got no more stinger. And I tell you, that's the reason God was made flesh, here on earth, in order to hold the stinger of death. And now the--death has no more sting. The bee can swarm and buzz, but he can't sting. "O death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?" But Christ, the kinsman Redeemer has made a way of escape for every believer on this earth today. The bee might hum; the bee might buzz; the bee might try to make you afraid. But I can point yonder to Calvary, where God Himself was made flesh, when He held the stinger of death, and took my place as a sinner, and paid the price.

Job - 55-0223 - William Branham


I've never seen it fail in all my life

Now, you understand what I mean? See? It's by faith we do everything. Believe on the Lord. Believe on the Lord for a job. Believe on the Lord to hunt--to give you the wife that you should have. Believe on the Lord to give you the husband you should marry. Believe on the Lord to send you some new furniture, or if the--if the barrel goes empty and the cruse gets dry, and there's no food and the children are hungry. Believe on the Lord.
Believe on the Lord for anything. See? As long as it's right, just believe on the Lord and "thou shall." See? It shall come. I've never seen it fail in all my life. God bless you.

Thy House - 61-0808 - William Branham

The old one's pressing away

The dawning of a new day, I feel it all over me now. The Light of a new day, a Light of a day where there is no night, where there is no darkness, no shadows, no skies, no--no dim, dark skies, no midnights, no graves, no flowers on the hillsides, no funeral processions, no doctors, no morgues. Amen. I--I can feel the--the rays of His Light breaking through upon my soul, the new day. The old one's pressing away. As I feel the mortal blood pouring through my body, I feel the surge of the Holy Ghost come in behind it, "Rise, and shine." Something said, "Billy Branham, you're getting old; you're getting weak; your shoulders are dropping; your hair's turning gray and falling out." That's right. And darkness and gross darkness upon the earth. "But arise, and shine." I feel falling there the surge of Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ which has made me a new creature in Him. I look for that day (Amen.), for the new day.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham

He permits all these things

God brings tensions into the church, for every son that cometh to God must be tried, and proven, and tested. He lets sickness strikes you. He lets diseases come on you to test you and to prove you, to show the world that you're truly the seed of Abraham. He permits it by His own will. He permits disasters; He permits the friends to turn against you. He permits all these things, and turns the devil loose to tempt you, and he'll do all but take your life. He could throw you on a bed of affliction; he could turn your neighbors against you; he could turn the church against you; he can do most anything, and it's God's will for him to do it. We are taught that it is more precious than gold to us.

Possessing The Enemy's Gates - 59-1108 - William Branham


That's the hidden life

There's where the church is failing in one place: overcoming, overcoming temperance--temper, overcoming difference, overcoming church prejudice, overcoming hatred. Many people tonight who shout and speak with tongues and run up-and-down the aisle, and hate their neighbor. That has... Brother, you're lost yet. That's hard to say, but that's the truth. Right. Overcome. You can only overcome when you... You say, "I'm eating manna, glory to God." Yes, but look what happens from one day to the other. You get the miss-meal cramps. Come on in where the manna's fresh all the time. Whether your neighbor treats you right or not, you'll love him anyhow. That's right. Whether he agrees with you or not, you love him anyhow. That's the way you got to do it. That's the hidden life. That's that consecrated life. That's that life that the veils of the worlds... And you're shut off from the things of the world. You only live in Christ. You see what I mean, church?

idden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham

A type of the Church today

And remember, Rebekah, hardly knowing what she was doing, yet she watered the same animal, the camel, that was to take her to her bridegroom, to her husband, her lover. And always a beast of burden in the Bible represents a power. Like the beast come up out of the sea in Revelations, it was a power that raised up among the people. And this beast was being watered. Rebekah watering the same beast that she rode on, that taken her away from her place here to her new home, is a type of the Church today, watering and blessing the same Holy Spirit that's going to lift It up and take It to Its new home. The Church that's praising and blessing and watering with thanksgiving to the Holy Ghost Who has brought the Word to you...

A Time Of Decision - 59-0418 - William Branham

It's His Word

Notice. Now, Jesus, invested with all the powers of God, but when He met Satan, He never used any of His powers. He only referred to the Word. He did. He said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" Then how can you say you can stay home and be just as good a Christian as you would be at church? You can't do it. Read the Word. The Holy Spirit feeds on the Word. The Bible is God's spiritual diet for His church. And the Holy Spirit is the One Who brings It to you and places It in the heart; and with thanksgiving you water It. And every Divine promise will produce just exactly what God said it would do. It's got to. It's His Word, and It's Life.

The Entombment - 57-0420 - William Branham