
If they're hungry, they'll eat somewhere

This day that we're living in, it's such a day of unsettled peace and unsettled rest everywhere. People are running to-and-fro seeking whatever they may seek. Most anybody can get a following. No matter what they teach or think, somebody will listen to them. And it's a day that the prophets spoke of. People, when they're hungry, they'll eat from anywhere. If children and people are starving, they'll eat from a garbage can, that once eat from a nice table. But if they are hungry, they'll eat somewhere. So I think real true ministers of the Gospel ought to be up and going, ought to be giving the people the right things: meat in due season.

Faith Is The Substance - 47-0412 - William Branham


That doesn't stop the truth

And we believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. God heals. Whatever source it is, God heals by it. It's God that heals, for He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." So all of it should work together, and men in different ministries should work together for that. See? Now, but they don't do it, because sometimes they're forbidden to take certain stands upon God's Word, because their certain denominations doesn't permit them to do that. But that doesn't stop the truth, just the same; God goes on healing just the same.

He Cares Do You Care - 63-0721 - William Branham


Then you do that the very best

Whatever God wants you to do, then you do that the very best that you know how to do it. No matter how little, no matter how little it is, you must do it. You say, "Well..." The trouble of it is, each one of us wants to do the next man's job. We all want to pack the ball, as we say. You see? Like this watch here, now, every little movement in there has its place. Now, every part of it can't be the hands. Now, I only look at the hands to see what time it is. But if one of them little wheels in there gets out of order, that won't keep the right time. And that's the way it is with people. We've all, the Body of Christ has got to be in their position in harmony. See? And then we can look around and see what time of day it is. See? Then the world's a-looking to see what it is. See, see? But they're watching you. And if you're just a little hair spring, main spring, or whatever you are, you do the very best job you can at that.

God Doesn't Call Man To Judgement Without First Warning Him - 63-0724 - William Branham


The Holy Ghost lives in you

When the true Spirit of God moves upon the believer, whatever the Scripture says, he'll say, "Amen." Why? It's the Holy Ghost that wrote the Bible is in him pulsating his life. He don't care who's setting around or what anybody else says; it'll always divvy with the Word. There is a false. It's gourds. It's off of a wild vine. It's a great vine, covers all the earth. But it's death. Lot of that's been cast among the people. But remember, Meal brings it back to Life. Pluck it up, and set it by a goodly Place, which is Christ Jesus. Whatever His Word is, let it be "Amen" to you. Then the Spirit of God... Then spiritual joy will flow like the river. He'll be like a man, a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. His leaves shall not wither. He will not set in the seat of the scornful or the unbeliever, or the ungodly person that lives after the things of the world. But he will bring forth fruits in his season. What kind of fruits? If you're planted in Christ, you'll bring spiritual fruits, the spiritual fruits of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost lives in you.

Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It - 59-0920 - William Branham


That's as eternal as God Himself

What the devil does is myth; what God does is real. Therefore, I'd like this to sink deep down into the heart. When God saves a man, he's saved. Don't worry about ever going back, you can't. What God does is eternal. The devil can work you up and make you believe you're saved, but when God actually saves you, you've got it as long as ever is, because you got Eternal Life; Jesus said so. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Eternal Life and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's as eternal as God Himself, because it's His Word.

Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It - 59-0920 - William Branham


He sustains us

Jesus is the hidden Manna; Christ is the church's Manna. What is manna? Manna in the Old Testament was that what come down from heaven fresh every night to sustain the church in its journey. Is that right? Now, in the New Testament what is the hidden Manna? "A little while and the world seeth Me no more (hidden); yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you to the end of the world." And Christ is that hidden Manna that comes from God out of heaven afresh every day--every day. We can't say, "Well, two weeks ago I had a great experience of God." What about right now? See? Every day, fresh, a new blessing, a new something coming from God, the hidden Manna coming down from God out of heaven, Christ. And we feast upon this Manna which is Christ, and He sustains us through the journey till we reach the--the land on the other side.

Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham


That's the main thing

The churches today, many of them, are looking for mixers. Somebody who can mix and maybe do a little of this and that, and little recreation, and golfing, and maybe a few parties and so forth. Now, the world is looking for good mixers, but God's looking for separators, for those who will separate themselves. "Come out from among them, My people, that ye be not partakers of their sins." Separate... In Egypt, when the lamb was offered, God made a difference. He separated the--the Israelites from the--from the Gentiles, and made a difference in them. And God's people is a separated people, a holy nation, a peculiar people, odd, strange-acting. So the world will never understand you. So just don't think about the world; think about God. That's the main thing.

God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham


It's God's cleansing process

Let me tell you denominational people here, of Methodist, Presbyterian. When these people here call themselves Pentecost, that don't mean it's a organization. You can't organize Pentecost. You can have a denomination, but Pentecost is an experience for whosoever will let him come, whether he's Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, black, yellow, brown, or white. Don't make any difference what color he is, how big he is, how little he is, how low he is, how bad she is, doesn't make a bit of difference; it's for whosoever will. It's God's cleansing process for His Church. You don't have to be smart; you don't have to be educated. There wasn't but one in His whole group ever had any education, and that was Paul. And Paul said he had to forget everything he knowed to find Christ. God's not known by intellectual powers; God's known by an experience through the Holy Ghost.

Be Not Afraid - 60-0609 - William Branham


You'll hear a Voice

And if you know that you ought to be borned again, and filled with the Holy Ghost, and have an experience like they had on the day of Pentecost, and you let some church creed hide you behind something that you know is the truth, don't you expect God to ever answer your prayer. He won't do it. That's right. "My church don't speak, and my church don't..." I don't care what the church believes; it's what God said. You know that you got to be borned again, and you got to be Christ-like. And if you haven't got that experience yet, and all condemnation of the world and things gone from you; you get back in the cave or under the juniper tree right quick, and into the cave as hard as you can go, and listen and see what you can hear. You'll hear something more than a rushing wind. You'll hear something more than a sensation, or a Divine healing, or a blood, and fire, and smoke, or ever what they have, all these things going on, or a big church, or join this, or call a cult or something to join in, or some great organization; You'll hear a Voice that speaks to you. You hear God come down into that soul and make you confess everything, and go make it right.

What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 56-0609 - William Branham


They don't know it

The atomic bombs and missiles and things, when the whole world... The comedians on television and--and radio, and things, are whistling and singing it, cracking dirty jokes, and saying curse words, and awful things that should not even be allowed. And the whole magazines and things are plastered full of naked, immoral women, and everything, trying to appease the mind, trying to quieten you. It reminds me of a little boy whistling in the dark going through the graveyard, trying to make himself think he's not afraid. You're scared to death, and you know it. You know you're in for judgment, and it's coming, because you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and you've turned down the resurrected Jesus Christ. Exactly. Their eyes are closed, they don't know it. Sodom and Gomorrah.

When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham


That's the reason they were getting healed

I was ashamed of that old coat. And when I'd go to meet preachers, I'd hold my right arm down over this coat like this and reach over with my left hand, shake hands with them. I'd say, "Excuse the left hand; it's closer to my heart." And I--I'd shake hands with them. The thing of it was. I didn't want them to see that old ragged coat. But that bunch of what... Arkansas people, who'd stood there and saw the Angel of God moving amongst the people, they were trying to touch that old ragged coat. And as many was touching, was getting healed, not because it was a ragged coat, because they believed that God was in their midst. Let me say this tonight: I may not have that old ragged coat on, but the same God was there that night, is here tonight to do the same thing. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. The only way you'll ever be able to draw dividends from anything, God's got to have faith in it, to approach it right, to believe it. That's the reason they were getting healed, because they were coming in the right mental attitude, believing that the truth was there, and if they could get near it, they'd be healed. And God was confirming His Word with them.

I Perceive That Thou Art A Prophet - 53-0614E - William Branham


There's nothing there but saints

I'd say this in the Name of the Lord, the very God that this nation's supposed to represent will destroy this nation. He'll destroy these churches. The God of heaven will send down His wrath in judgment and destroy these churches, so-called churches. Remember, you take my word; there's nobody can join the church. You join a lodge; you don't join a church. You're borned in a church. See? You join the Methodist lodge, Baptist lodge, Catholic lodge, Pentecostal lodge. But you're borned into the church of the living God. And that's what He's coming after, that church. So we have lodges not churches. Anything can gather in that lodge, hypocrites and everything else. But I'll let you know this right now. According to the Word, there's not one hypocrite in the church of the living God. There's nothing there but saints.

The Way Of A True Prophet - 63-0119 - William Branham


That's the way to get rid of devils

410-18. When the little girl died, Jairus' daughter, the priest said, "Come lay hands on her, and she'll live." But when the Roman centurion, the Gentile, said. "I'm not worthy You come under my roof, speak the word." That's it. See?
The Syrophenician woman, Greek actually what she was, when she--when Jesus said to her, said, "It's not meet for Me to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs." She said, "That's true, Lord; but the dogs under the table eats the children's crumbs." He said, "For this saying, the devil's left your daughter." Say good things then. Say something good about somebody. Talk about Jesus. Say something loyal, something real. That's the way to get rid of devils. He never said--He never prayed for the girl. He never said one thing about her being healed; He just said, "For this saying, for this saying..."

411-20. Hattie Wright, the other day, she didn't ask for nothing. She was just setting there, but she said the right thing, which pleased the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit spoke back and said, "Hattie, ask anything that you will, whatever you got and you want. Find out whether this is real or not. Ask anything (the healing of her little crippled sister setting there all drawed up; ten thousand dollars to keep her from digging on them hills over there; the youth restored to her well run-down body); whatever you want to ask, you ask it right now. If It don't come and give it to you right now, then I'm a false prophet." That's--that's--that's something, isn't it?
Jesus said, "Say to this mountain..." And you've heard the--about what's been taken place; that's the ministry that we're entering into. We're way up the road now. Soon the coming of the Lord Jesus. And we've got to have rapturing faith in a church that can be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye to go out, or we'll not go. But don't worry, it'll be there. It'll be there. And when the power of this church rises, it'll bring its brethren; the power of that church rises will bring its brethren; the power of that church will bring the other brethren; then there'll be a general resurrection. We're looking forward to it.

Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost - 59-1219 - William Branham


Don't let them roost

Think on things that's positive. Never let a negative thought pass through. The... Don't let it stop, anyhow, if it starts to. Keep your thoughts positive: Jesus. Don't think, setting there in a wheelchair, you, that you're hopeless, helpless. You're not. Don't let that negative thought ever pass through. Don't let it anchor. You can't help it from going through your mind (That's right.), but don't let it stop. Like the old farmer said, "I can't keep the birds from flying over my place." But he had a double-barreled shotgun, said, "I can sure keep them from roosting." So you do the same thing, and you too. See? Don't let them roost. Let them pass right on through.

Blind Bartimaeus - 55-1115 - William Branham


When God promised anything, that's what He'll do

151. Listening in, in Jeffersonville now, there's a family named Wright. Brother Woods and I went down to see them. They make the communion wine for the church. Little Edith was setting there in the room; a little crippled girl, that she had been sick all of her life, and so we had always looked to God to heal her. Her sister, a widow, her husband had been killed; her name was Hattie, very humble little woman. And while Brother Banks and I went out to get her a rabbit, they had cooked a big cherry cobbler; and made me set down and eat.
152. We was all setting around the table, we were talking about this, it just happened a few days before. And while setting around the table, talking about this, all at once I said, "What could have happened?" I said, "Brother Wright, you're an old man, hunted squirrels all your life. Brother Shelby, you're an expert squirrel hunter. Brother Wood, so are you. I've hunted them since a kid. Did you ever see a squirrel in a sycamore and locust thicket?"
153. "No, sir."
154. I said, "They just wasn't there." I said, "The only thing I know, It's just the same God. When Abraham needed a ram, He was Jehovah-jireh, He could 'provide for Himself.'" I said, "I believe it's the same thing."

155. And little ol' Hattie setting back there, said, "Brother Branham, that's nothing but the Truth!"
156. She said the right thing ! When she said that, the Holy Spirit dropped over in that channel again, every one of them felt It. I raised up, I said, "Sister Hattie, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you said the right word like the Syrophenician woman said. The Holy Spirit's speaking to me now, and said for me to give you the desire of your heart." I said, "Now, if I be God's servant, if it is, it'll happen. If I ain't God's servant, then I'm a liar, and it won't happen, I'm a deceiver." I said, "Now try and see, it's the Spirit of God or not."
157. She said, "Brother Branham," (everybody was crying), said, "what shall I ask?"
158. I said, "You got a crippled sister setting there."

159. I had twenty dollars in my pocket, to give to her, that she had put in a donation. The woman don't make a capital of about two hundred. dollars a year, on that little, old, poor farm, her and two boys. Her boys had got to be regular 'Ricky's,' school days, you know, and just sassing their mother; and fifteen, sixteen years old. And, oh, they were standing over there laughing at what I was saying.
160. And I said, "You've got a father and mother setting here that's old. You haven't got any money. Ask for the money, and see if it comes in your lap. Ask for your sister, and see if she don't get up and walk." I knew then, like Job, there's just something you know when you strike it. Said, "I know! Here I stand before about ten people," I said, "if this doesn't happen, then I'm a false prophet."
161. Said, "What shall I ask?"
162. I said, "It's up to you to make your decision. I cannot make your decision."
163. She looked around, the little woman. And all at once, she said, "Brother Branham, the greatest desire in my heart is the salvation of my two boys."
164. I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ." And them snickering, laughing, fun making boys fell across their mother's lap, and surrendered their life to God, and was filled with the Holy Ghost right then.
165. Why? That is Truth! God has the authority to kill me, before these people across the nation. Many of you here and in Jeffersonville, I can hear the tabernacle ring out now, "Amen!" because they're setting right there listening at it. See, because it's the Truth! What is it? It's when the God, by His sovereign grace; it happens! Outside of that, it won't happen.

166. In that crucial moment... Think of the man and the people that I'm acquainted with. God bypassing all the celebrities, and everything, to give a poor, little ol' humble woman, can't hardly sign her own name; and He knowed that what she'd ask for. And that was the greatest thing; for her sister is now dead, and her mother and father has to die, the money would've perished, but the souls of her boy is Eternal! And that was the hour for them to catch It. And just as soon as I said, "I give you your boys, in the Name of Jesus Christ," there they fell across their mother's lap. How many in here knows that to be Truth, you know it? See, there it is. Yes. Why? Inspiration!
167. Now: "I have heard of Thee, that Thou could create squirrels; I've heard of Thee, that Thou could create a ram; but now I see Thee, with mine own eye!" The manifestation, the vision made visible. When God promised anything, that's what He'll do.

168. Notice, when you have a need, perhaps like Joshua. He had a need; he never thought of the circumstances, he spoke it, and it was God! Do you believe the sun stood still? So do I. How did it do it? Don't try to figure it out, but it did it. Joshua did it, and raised his hands; in that crucial moment he had access to God, and that's what happened. It was timely. The Spirit of the Living God had seen the need of it, and pushed upon Joshua to say it. The same God seen the need of Abraham. The same God seen the need of confirming this Scripture to me, that that Scripture's true, too! The same God seen the need of those two predestinated boys, and it was that moment He proved it and confirmed His Word.

I Have Heard But Now I See - 65-1127E - William Branham


Just be real sweet

1086-Q-330 330. Brother Branham, how am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her and yet play--or stay with the Word (That's)--stay--stay with the word, but still having a question like this said: "Why don't you practice what you preach or believe?"

Well then, if the wife, if the wife is saying this to you when she's--has a right to say it, you better get right. See, see? Then if she, if--if she is saying it just to be evil, remember, the Bible said, "It was better that a millstone was hanged at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea than even to offend the least of these, My little ones." Now, that just your question.
And may be that this wife is not that type of person. Maybe she's a different--maybe, she's a good person. Maybe she's just testing you to see what you'll do.

1086-116. Now, stay in love with her and let her see Jesus in you. You do that. See? You just go on. Some... I give a little illustration this morning about a person that... One time this little woman had--had received the Holy Ghost. And she was a very sweet little person. They... She said... Well, she'd had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, "You want to go to church, honey, take off. But I just go down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Go and--on." So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of... It's called Brown Derby now, I believe it is.

1086-117. So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, "There ain't no such a thing as Christians any more." Said, "There is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites," said, "you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do," and said, "call themselves Christians. There is no such."
This one drunk raised up and said, "Just a minute. There's one that I know about. "
Said, "Who is it?"
Said, "It's my wife." See? She'd become salty. He was catching it all the time.
He said, "I bet if she was put to a squeeze..."
He said, "No, she's still a Christian; I'll prove it to you." Said, "I tell you what let's do; let's go up home, and I'll show you whether she's a Christian or not." Said, "Let's go up home, and now, let's really be drunk. We're going to act like we're really drunk." Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and--and... "Why don't you set around this a-way," and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)--and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, "I want you to fix us some supper." And so they--she went out and fixed some. Said, "we want ham and eggs." He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, "You know, I don't like my eggs like that. Come on boys let's get out of here anyhow," like that--like that.

1087-119. They went out and set down like that, you know. And she come out; she said, "Dear, I'm--I'm sorry I didn't get them fixed; I'll fix some more for you."
"Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn't want them that way in the first place," just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:

Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There's a cross for every one,
And there's a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I'll bear,

Till death shall set me free,
One drunk looked at the other one, said, "She's a Christian; she's got it." And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.
So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, 'cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she'll get thirsty if there's anything in her to thirst for. If it isn't, remember, if you got the wrong person, you'll get the right one in the millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.

Questions And Answers 3 - 64-0830M - William Branham


But I want Jesus

After all, I'd rather have the love of God sealed in my heart than all the gifts there is in the Bible. That's right. I thought of that here a few nights ago. My little girl called me, and I told her... She wanted me to come home to her. She loves me, oh, my. And so I--I... She's... I told her I sent her a little doll. But she didn't want the doll. She said, "I want you, daddy, not your doll." See, she wants me. Well, that's the way I think about Jesus. I love His gifts and things to help His people, but I want Jesus. The love of God, sealed in your heart, pressed in until all the world's pressed out and you see nothing but the Lord, to love Him. And as you love one another, you love the Lord. If you don't love one another, you can't love the Lord. He said so. That's right. And God can't move into you.

The Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me - 51-0413 - William Branham


They had hidden powers

When the Pentecostal people went up into a Pentecost, they were just men when they went up there, but all of a sudden... While they were up there, they were scared; they had the windows closed, the doors closed. They were afraid of persecution. They were good church members up to the time. They'd been baptized in water, up to the time. But they didn't have that hidden power. They didn't have that certainty.One of them said, "If Thou be... Let me put my hands in Thy side. Let me put my fingers in the prints of the nails, in Your hand." Another one said to the women, "Oh, it's foolish. You didn't see nothing." But when they climbed them steps and went upstairs, all of a sudden there came a sound from heaven, and the hidden power come down. It come into them. Afterwards they were out in the street, joicing--rejoicing and praising God, preaching the Gospel, glorifying God. They had hidden powers. They had powers the world knowed nothing about.

The Uncertain Sound - 55-0731 - William Branham


Get back to the Word of God where you belong

Like we take speaking in tongues. I believe in speaking in tongues, sure. But everything speaks in tongues hasn't got the Holy Ghost. I'm a missionary. I've seen witches speak in tongues and interpret, and give the right interpretation to it, and drink blood out of a human skull and call on the devil. That's right. Get back to the Word of God where you belong. Get away from these things. A life is what tells in human beings the life of Christ. How can you be of Christ, and hold to these forms and things? See where we've got to? The Pentecostal church, when it started fifty years ago and the Holy Ghost begin to fall, and the people received the gift of speaking in tongues, then you begin to take everything into it, denominating this, and that, and the other. And look where you're at today, till the whole thing's a rotten. That's right. The whole system is corrupt, and she's just falling apart with the rest of the world. Everything has to do it. But we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved.

The World Is Falling Apart - 63-0412M - William Branham


I want to be like Jesus

I want to ask you something. Is the Pentecostal church better off tonight because it's broke itself up in about thirty different organizations, or when it started in the beginning? See? Just ask that. We're constantly getting worse and worse. Is the women and men in our Pentecostal churches looking more like saints, praying? Tell me somewhere in the city where they're having prayer meeting all night long, day in and out, for the sins that's done in the city like they used to do it. Are we any better? We're getting worse. Oh, our buildings are getting more pretty. Oh, we're becoming more up in the ranks with the other churches. But who wants to be like them? I want to be like Jesus. And that's the way every man ought to want to be like: Christ. Let's get Him on the scene. See? And we're... The--the--the churches are dying. So we've got to do something. We got to hurry. We ain't got no all... We ain't got to wait till--till the millennium to do it. If we're going to do it, we got to do it now, or it's going to die. Something's going to happen.

Only Believe - 61-0427 - William Branham


Then she rolls on just the same

Let's draw a picture of time. Let's see, a perfect circle, forever, forever, and then all of a once, sin dropped in and put a--a little, as my wife calls it, a little hickey or a little drop in the chain so it comes down now. Eternity continues on, but it's not in its perfect condition. There's a little gap comes down, breaks over this way, goes out this a way. God had to do that because Satan caused it. And it dropped down to a space of time for the trying, and the perfecting, and for the purging of the lost, that God by His sovereign grace might someday lift that little hickey or gap back into the perfect circle. Then she rolls on just the same. You see it?

Perfection - 56-0610 - William Branham


We love one another

Oh, I--I love Him. In my heart I love Him, if I know my heart. I believe you do too. So together we are His children. We love one another. Now, I cannot love Him without loving you. And if I say that I love Him and don't love you, the Bible said I'm a liar. See? And if I... If you want to--if you wanted to love me or love my family... The choice was, which do I want you to do, love me or love my family; you love my family. I'd rather you'd love Billy Paul than love me. If it come to that kind of a showdown, I'd rather you'd do it. I want you to listen to me, 'cause Billy's not a minister. But I want you to listen to me, what I tell you; but when--if you want to love somebody, really love them, you say, "I want to either love you or Billy," you love Billy. See? God feels the same way about us. And we cannot... Then I know you can't love Billy without loving me, 'cause he's part of me. See? So I can't love God without loving you, because you're part of God. And we love one another.

Questions And Answers #3 - 64-0830M - William Branham


We got the enemy's lines broke

25. Here not long ago in Switzerland, standing up there in the big high Alps mountains I was thinking of Arnold Von Winkelried. Many of you know the story. What a gallant hero he was many years ago in Switzerland. And how that the Swiss nation was being invaded by a mighty army, and the cities was being taken. And the gallant blood of the Swiss people congregated from the mountains into the valley with such little weapons as they could defend themselves with.
And when they stood there on the field, and they looked approaching them, and when they were approaching this great army, they were outnumbered fifty to one. And they were--they wasn't soldiers; they wasn't trained. They didn't know what to do. But this army that was invading was well trained, every man like a brick wall coming right in.

26. And when they were standing there with their spears, moving up. One great man stepped out, Arnold Von Winkelried. And as he stepped out there in the presence, they were hopeless; everything they could think of was lost. They would simply have to go down and their homes be lost. Their families would be killed. The fatherlands would be destroyed. There was nothing they could do; it was hopeless.
Then Arnold Von Winkelried stepped out and said, "Swiss brethren, this day I'll give my life for Switzerland and the homelands."
He said, "What will you do?"
He said, "Down in the valley yonder, is a lovely little home where my wife and little children are waiting for me to come back. But they'll never see me again. For this day I shall give my life for my country."
And as he said that, they said, "What will you do?"
And he said, "Now, every one of you that's got weapons, come follow me and do the best you can. Fight with what you've got. Do everything you can with what you have got to do with."

27. And he screamed, threw up his weapon, and said, "Make way for liberty." And he started towards that army. And he went right towards the thickest of the spears. And when he got right down to where they was--hundred gleaming spears to catch him as he come; he threw up his hands and said, "Make way for liberty." And he grabbed big armfuls of those spears and threw them into his chest. And each one of those Swiss soldiers followed behind him. He broke the ranks of the enemy, and they won a victory like has never been won before.
And today you can mention his name in Switzerland, and their eyes will color with tears, and their cheeks will flush for their hero. That was one of the greatest heroes to my opinion, that's been in army life. But that's just a minor thing, just a minor thing. One day the sons of Adam was standing defeated; law, prophets and everything had failed. Every approach we had made had totally failed. And yonder in glory there was One stepped out called the Son of God. And the Angels said, "What will You do?"
He said, "I'll go down and give My life. And this day I will redeem the fallen sons of Adam."

28. And He came to Calvary. He went to the thickest of the spears. He went through the valley of the shadow of death and caught every dart of the devil, and pulled it into His own bosom, and called for the Church to take what you've got and do the best you can. Praise God, on the day of Pentecost a rushing mighty wind fell out of the heavens above and armed every man with a weapon.
And I say today my brethren, that every man, whatever you got, let's do the best we can with what we got, and fight to the last man, because we got the enemy's lines broke. Christ defeated Satan, stripped him of everything he ever had, and he's nothing today but a bluff. When he tells you we can't have another old fashion Holy Ghost outpouring of the Spirit, we can have it today because the lines of the enemy is broke, and God rules and reigns today. Hallelujah. I'm glad for an old fashion Holy Ghost experience of the living God.

Azusa Jubilee – 56-0916 – William Branham


That's still His requirement

It's strange that He chose a bunch of unlearned people, and sent them up there with a commission at Pentecost--not to go to some seminary, but to wait until they was endued with power from on high. If that man Peter, and John and them, wanted to preach and they were ignorant and unlearned, look like He'd said, "Boys, there's a fine school right over here. You go till you learn your ABC's. Then after you do that, you'll take your grammar school. Get it all, that through. Then you'll take four years of high school, then four years of college, and then about four or five years of Bible School. Then you can go out." But He said, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem, for I'm going to send the promise of the Father upon you. And then you'll be witnesses of Me (Luke 24:49), witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." That's still His requirement.

A Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham


Just take It the way It is

God permitted Israel to take a law in Exodus the 19th chapter, when grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us: "Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It, believe It. Don't try to find a way around It, just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will, but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will.

Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? - 65-0418E - William Branham


You have forgot the main thing

94. Little story one time I heard, of a man who was, oh, he was poor. And he--he always wanted to... It's a little fairy story, like. It always stuck with me, though. And one day he picked a flower. And the flower was magic, and the flower answered to him, and said, "You've been poor all your life." He said, "Now ask what you will, and it'll be given to you."
95 He said, "That yonder's mountain would open up, and I could go therein and find the gold in the mountain."
96 "Well," he said, "you will have to take me with you wherever you go. See? You'll have to take me with you. So, wherever I am, then you can ask what you will."

97. He walked to the mountain, and the mountain opened up, and he went in. The shelves was full of gold and diamonds, as the little fairy story goes. He laid the flower down on a--on a table or a rock. And he run, he grabbed a great big gem, and he said, "I must go show this to my friends. And now I'm a rich man. I have everything now. I must show this."
98 And so the flower spoke, "But," said, "you have forgot the main thing."
99 So he runs back and picks up, said, "Well, maybe I'll--I'll get a piece of gold. I'll get a piece of silver." And so he said, "I'll--I'll hurry out, to tell the people how rich I am, and what all I've got."
100 And he got to the door, and the flower said, "But you forgot the main thing."
101 So he runs back again. He said, "In here we find all kinds of materials." So, he picked up a stone. He said, "I'll go, take this stone and show the people what kind of a stone this mountain is made out of, so I can find my way back to it." See?
102 And he started out the door, and the flower said, for the... its final time, "You have forgot the main thing."
"Oh," he said, "oh, shut up."
103 See, he didn't want to hear it any more, "Forgot the main thing," and he ran out thedoor. And when he did, the door closed behind him, with the flower on the inside. The main thing was the flower. See? The main thing was the flower.

Come Follow Me - 63-0601 - William Branham


Don't doubt It

127. See, of course, it was a paradox to see something that seems to be impossible, yet it's true. But, "The sun stood still," says the Bible. I don't know what you people think, that thinks the world was run, now; but, anyhow, "the sun stood still." Perhaps Joshua never had tried to figure out how he was going to--to do it, how God was going to do it, the only thing that he said was, "Sun stand still!" He said it, perhaps not knowing what he was saying, because it was God that give it to him, and He worked.
128 Same thing in Mark 11:23, "If you say to this mountain 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said will come to pass, you can have what you said." But you can't stand there fumble in your mind and say it, you've got to be inspired to say it. Amen!

129. Excuse the expression; but that day, setting there in that woods (and God's my judge, and I could fall dead on this pulpit), when that Scripture had stumped me all my life... setting there that morning in the woods, and I was thinking on that, and that Voice spoke to me, He said, "That Scripture is like all Scriptures, It's true."
130 And I thought, "Well, how could it be?"
131 And He said, "You're..." I said... He said, "Speak, and it will be that way. Don't doubt It."
132 And I was talking to Somebody, setting way out in the woods. No squirrels, been there for three days, there's no squirrels there. And I was setting in a sycamore thicket. Squirrels don't even come... anyone that hunt squirrels, know they're not in sycamore. And I had been setting there; and wind blowing real hard, about ten o'clock in the morning, and I was thinking again.
133 And It said, "You're hunting, and you need squirrels just the same as Abraham needed a ram."
134 I thought, "That's always told me the Truth, but this sounds funny." And I got up from where I was setting, looked all around, "Where is that Person that was talking to me?" Nothing; wind just blowing real hard. And I thought, "Could I have fell asleep and dreamed that? No, I wasn't asleep. I was setting up against the tree there, watching, supposed to pick up Brother Woods and Brother Sothmann back there, just in a little bit, around ten o'clock in the morning. Farmers all out there working, gathering their corn."

135. And I heard It again, say, "You are hunting, and you need game. How many do you need?"
136 And I thought, "Now, I don't want to overdo this, I'm just going to ask for three , three squirrels . I want young , three red squirrels . I want them."
137 He said, "Then speak about it."
138 And I said, "I am going to get three young red squirrels ."
139 He said, "Which a-way will they come?"
140 "Well," I thought, "I've went this far, there's Something talking to me here." Just the same as you hear me talking. And God in Heaven, with this Bible over my heart, knows that that's true. And He... And I said, "Well,..." I picked out a ridiculous place, an old dry limb hanging out of there (about fifty yards, where my rifle was shot in).
141 I said, "The first one will be right there," and there he was.
142 I rubbed my eyes and looked back (I turned my head), and I thought, "I don't want to shoot a vision." So I looked around again, and there set the squirrel. I throwed a shell up in my gun, aimed up, and I could see his black eye, young red squirrel. I thought, "I--I... maybe I'm sleeping, I--I'll wake up in a few minutes. See, I'm dreaming about this." Well, I leveled down, shot the squirrel and it dropped off the limb. I thought, "Well, I don't know." I thought, "Well, should I go over and look for it?" And--and I walked over there, and there it laid. I picked it up and blood run out of it. A vision don't bleed, you know. So I picked it up, and it was a squirrel. I got real numb, all over.

143. And I looked around, I said, "God, that was You!" I said, "Thank You, for this. Now I'll go out and..."
144 He said, "But you said! Do you doubt what you said? You said you'd get 'three.' Now where will the next one come from?"
145 I thought, "Well, if I'm dreaming, I'm going to continue on."
146 So I--I said... I picked out an old post over there, of a tree that was all wrapped up with this here poison ivy. You never get a squirrel in that. So I said, "The next one will come right out of that poison ivy," and there set that young red squirrel looking right at me. I set my gun down, and rubbed my eyes. Turned around again, I thought... There he set, turned his head sideways. I shot the squirrel, and then I started to go home.
147 But said, "You said 'three'! Do you doubt what you said?"
148 I said, "No, Lord, I don't doubt what I said, for You're confirming."
This is one Scripture that stumped me: "Not if I say, but if you say." Not if Jesus said it, but if you say it yourself.

149. And I thought, "Somehow I've broke into that channel, and I know He's here because I'm almost beside myself." I thought, "I'll make this one ridiculous, sure enough."
I said, "They'd be a, red squirrel come down off that hill, come right down this a-way, and right by me, and go out, and set on that limb, and look down there at that farmer." Here he come down the hill, went right out, and sat, looked at the farmer. And I shot him.
150 Satan said to me, "You know what? The woods is just full of them, now." And I set there till twelve o'clock, and not another thing happened. It goes to show that when God... He's the very Creator of Heavens and earth!

I Have Heard But Now I See – 65-1127E – William Branham


You can only do two things

Noah had a revelation from God, yet it was contrary to anything that science would prove to be true. But yet he had spoke to God, and God had spake to him. And he went about preparing an ark, where the scoffers and mockers (as the Bible said that they would be in the last days like they was in them days), that those scoffers scoffed at Noah. Why, they thought that he was out of his head because he was building an ark. So but God brought judgment upon them scoffers because they would not listen to the messenger of God and come into that ark under his preaching, then God sent His Divine judgments on the earth. First He made a preparation for all who would receive it, to escape it, and then if they did not escape it, there's only one thing left. If they won't take God's preparation of escape, then there's only one thing left, that's Divine judgment. You can only do two things; it lays either mercy or judgment. You have to accept one or the other.

Respects - 61-1015E - William Branham