
There's bound to be more of God somewhere for you to find...

Here, before there is a desire created in your heart, there has to be a Creator to create that creation. Isn't that right?
In other words like this. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he would not have had any fin. See what I mean?
Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there would not been no tree.
And if you have a desire in your heart to be healed by Divine healing, there's bound to be a Fountain of healing somewhere, or that desire wouldn't be in your heart.

If there's a desire to worship God... Even the Hottentots and Indians in years gone by, they worshipped objects, because the very creation of worship was in their heart, and they worship something. They worshipped something as their Creator. And that showed that there was a Creator somewhere to worship, a God.
If there's a hunger in your heart for more of God, there's bound to be more of God somewhere for you to find.

My mother used to have a superstition. The little children that I... had ten of us. And when the little fellows would be... They'd get a habit of licking their lips. And she's say they were tasting for something. And she'd put, maybe preserves on. That didn't work. Maybe put a little honey, that didn't work. Maybe some watermelon, that didn't work. But after a while, when she found something that they were tasting for, why, they were... It would stop licking its lips.
Well, that might have been a superstition. But this, when there's a hunger in the heart of the human being for something, there's bound to be Something creating that hunger in there.
In other words, David said, "When the deep calls to the deep..." And when there's a deep calling, there's bound to be a deep to respond somewhere. And if there's a deep calling for more of God for healing, there's bound to be a fountain of healing and the power of God somewhere to respond. Do you believe that? With all my heart, I know it's the truth. And as we call, and there's something in us--tells us that there's a land beyond the river.

Expectations - 50-0405 - William Branham


You just believe it

9. There's a fountain open, flowing freely everywhere. Just drink till you just can't drink no more. The tree, if it just drink to what it was allotment, why, it would just always still in the drought. That's what's the matter with the Christians. They don't drink enough. You want to drink till just you spread out and let somebody else see it. See? Push out. Get a testimony. Commit it to God. Believe it. Step out on it. Claim God's promise. Just commit it to God. Believe it. "Commit thy ways unto the Lord." He will bring it to pass whatever you want.
But He can't do it until... as long as you're holding it. Now, I will see if I'm any better, and see if this will work. You commit it to Him; forget about the rest of it. Go testifying of things you don't even see. You believe it. It's not what you see; it's what you believe. It's not what you feel. He never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?"
That's how you're saved is by faith. That's how you're healed is by faith. And faith is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things you don't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. You just believe it. Act upon it as though it was. Amen.

God In His People - 50-0227 - William Branham


Don't that make you feel good?

227-381. So there's no way for you to be lost. You get scared; and that's the reason scare, a scare... Fear companies doubt. Love companies faith. I love my Father. I'm not afraid of Him, because I love Him. He wouldn't hurt me; He'll do good for me. If I was scared of Him, and "Oh, I don't know whether He'll do it or not.
See, but if I love Him, "Yes, Father, I--I love You. And I know You're--You're my Father, and You love me, and I'm not afraid but what You'll keep Your Word. It's Your promise to me." That's the way the Spirit of God does.
"But, oh, if I did this, if I did that..." See, there you come to the legal side again. Never go to the legal side; it's negative. The positive side is what you want.

228-384. It's already a finished work. Christ died, and the sin was killed when He died. And if God foreordained you to Eternal Life, "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me." There you are, can't be lost. You're secured forever. "For by one Spirit, we're all baptized into one body; and by one sacrifice He's perfected forever." There you are. There's no way for us to lose. Correctly. Now, don't that make you feel good?

Hebrews Chapter 6 - 57-0908E - William Branham


Your faith is not in systems

57. Now, I see Him as He came out then. His ministry got so great until He had to be called away. Lazarus taken sick while He was gone.
Listen. When Jesus leaves your house, watch for sickness to come, trouble, heartaches, disappointments. Don't you believe that? When Jesus leaves your house, trouble's coming in just as soon as He leaves.
'Course, in this case, He wasn't driven away. He went away because His Father's work was calling for it, and He went away to preach somewhere else.
I believe that Jesus seen a vision of Lazarus. They sent for Him. He didn't come. They sent for Him again; He didn't come.
If that'd been your pastor you sent for, and he didn't come, "Why, the old hypocrite. I'll go over and join the other church." That's the reason your pastor can't do nothing for you. You've got to believe him as a man of God. Do you believe that? You've got to have faith in him. If you don't, he will never be able to do you any good. If you get sick, send for him. Let him come anoint you with oil, and pray over you. God promised the prayer of faith shall save the sick. That's true. He's a man of God, God will honor him. That's true.
Sometimes he can't come just when you call. But remember, all things work together for good to them that love God.

58. Now. After while, Lazarus got sicker and sicker. They said he died with hemorrhages, some of the historians say. I know not. But anyhow, he took sick and he died. And they took and buried him. One day passed. What a dark hour. My, my. Oh, the breadwinner was gone; them two young girls left.
Second day passed. Oh, how dark. The Man they had so much confidence in, they... Their beloved Man that they'd left their church for, and everything, and here they'd--He'd disappointed them. And their brother was dead. Doesn't things look dark?
You might be prayed for, come here and see the powers and miracles of God, and go back, and the first thing you know, well then, you feel bad the next day. You may be sick the next day. Something may happen the next day.
Well, don't you know, when Jesus prayed for an epileptic boy, when He come to him, He had the hardest fit he ever had? Your faith is not in systems; it's in God, believing God. See what I mean?

59. When your pastor prays for you, say, "Well, he must not be a man of God, or God would've heard his prayer." What about your faith? It's your faith that touches God, not altogether his prayer. You're obeying God's Word. And when you obey God's Word, God's under obligation to answer you, if you believe Him. It lays in you. Don't blame the other man. All right. God shows signs and wonders and miracles and everything, but look like the people don't get a--what it is.

60. A man come to me here not long ago. He said, "Brother Branham, I been to Freeman, I been to Roberts, I--I been to Ogilvie, I been to all of them. They can't do me no good. I come to you."
I said, "You're just as bad off now as you ever was. You've gone to the wrong person. Go to Christ." Amen.
What you fool around with man? Man can't do nothing for you. He can preach the Word; he can show His signs of what God give him. But he can't heal you; God has to heal you. That's right. You believe that's the truth? It is the truth, friends. That's right.
Well, your pastor's as just as well to do that, or any elder of the church, as any other man. That's right. He's got just as much right as any other man to do it. For the only thing you have to have, is faith in God. There you are.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0115 - William Branham


'Cause it's a promise

You're Christians. And if God hadn't elected you to be a Christian, you would not be a Christian. It's God's choice, not yours. No man seeks God. No man seeks God at any time. You haven't sought God, but God has sought you. It wasn't you calling for God; it was God calling for you. And then when God called you, it showed He elected you. You accepted the call, it was justification. Then you gave your heart to Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit. And now you're positionally placed in the body of Christ. Now, if it made you quit your old mean habits and act like a Christian ought to, if it'll do that for you, it'll heal your body, 'cause it's a promise. Amen. There you are.

This Great Warrior David - 55-0118 - William Branham


We want to make every minute count...

Remember, that we mustn't never come to church to play religious. We mustn't come to just put on a religious act to go to church. We must come to worship in Spirit and in truth. We must be deeply and sincerely... We must really mean what we're coming here for. The days are getting evil. The time is evil. And we want to--we want to make every minute count, and especially when we're in the house of the Lord.

Confirmation And Evidence - 62-0621E - William Branham


Today He dwells in you...

Now, we're going to speak tonight on the holiest of holies, the dwelling place where God Himself dwelt. Them days, He dwelt in His tabernacle. And today He dwells in you as His tabernacle. But we must make this place a dwelling, not an outer court place, or the first holy place. But we must live with God in the holiest of holies, a consecrated, hidden life, alone, quiet with God. We become too excited, upset, about too many things. It shows there's something lacking. The church ought to be a million miles up the road to what it is now. We're still back down in the adolescent age, fussing, and fighting, and quarreling, and stewing, when we ought to be consecrated, hid away in the holiest of holies with God.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


It was God in the man

Moses, the very deliverer, God's gift to the people, they did not understand him. You see what I mean? They did not understand Moses. And Moses thought, surely, that they would understand that he was their gift to deliver them. But they did not understand. And now, friends, don't get me wrong. May I say this with reverence in my heart, knowing that I'm an eternity bound person that'll stand before judgment someday. Thousands of people are missing their gift. See? They can't understand it. And they'll look and say, "Oh, he's just a man." That's true. Was it God or Moses that delivered the people? It was God in Moses. See? They cried for the deliverer. And when God sent the deliverer to them, they failed to see it, because it was by a man. But it wasn't a man; it was God in the man.

Faith Is The Substance - 47-0412 - William Branham

God made a man to thirst after Him

It's more pitiful to see a son of God, that was borned to be a son or a daughter of God, slave by the world, than it is to see the eagle in the cage. The world has caged people up. Denominational barriers keeping them from the thing that God put them on earth to be: sons and daughters of God. And that's a pitiful sight, to see human being that's helpless, seemingly, bound by sin, and merely beating their brains out flopping around from beer parlor to beer parlor, from place to place, and from amusement to amusement, trying to find satisfaction, when God alone has the satisfaction that can satisfy them. God made a man to thirst after Him.

As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest - 59-0815 - William Branham


I am a product of God

140. Listen close, while I make this closing remark. If Satan tries to hand you some of this stuff like sickness, you know what you do? Just show him the Token. "I am a purchased product. My healing has been paid for. I am a product of God, because I have the Token of the Holy Ghost. You cannot keep me off of this highway. You cannot keep me from my health. I present the Token and show you that my--by His stripes I was healed. Here's the resurrection of Jesus Christ right in me now to prove it to you." Oh, there's the real thing. There's the Token.
That's the reason people don't believe it. That's the reason it's hard for them to see in. The Token has never been applied. See? That's the reason, say, "Oh, days of miracles is past." You're doing that for a blind.

The Token - 64-0208 - William Branham


God is no better than His Word

There's where my faith is built on, nothing less then the eternal Word of the eternal God. And God is no better than His Word; I'm no better than my word; and you're no better than your word. If I can't take your word, then I... There's no need of me saying I have confidence in you, because I could not. And if you can't take my word, there's no need of you telling me you have confidence, because you can't. Then if we can't take God's Word, we can't have confidence. But when God has said it, and you believe it with all your heart, that it's applied to you, it has to happen. And may I go on record just now saying this: That I believe that the right mental attitude toward any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass.

Sirs, We Would See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham


We are only what we are by the grace of God

If I see a man walking, fine-looking young man; in a few years, watch his hair turn gray and slip out, his shoulders droop down. A beautiful young girl standing, with a sainted, godly face on her, and stand and praising God; and I come back in a few years and find her stoop-shouldered, packing two or three children. Well, my, there--it shows that in that body there is death. No matter how well it is and how lovely it looks, it's still got death in it. Now, I watch which a way that spirit in there leans. If it's always representing the Light, speaking of the Light, talking of the Light, it'll go with the Light. But if it's always on the other side, of the world, the things of the world, influenced by the world, there's nothing but it to turn into darkness when it dies, into outer darkness. So you see, what we are, we must remember that we are only what we are by the grace of God, and none of us can brag about it. We can only bow in adoration and humility before God and give praise to Him for His goodness.

63-0803E - Influence - William Branham


The Ship of Zion

But it's like if you had an old car, and you was going up a mountain, and I knowed when you started down the other side you had no brakes. I wouldn't be against the man and screaming against him. It's not him; it's the car that he's in. He's going to get hurt. And that's about the organizations; I think the people that holds on to those organizations as if it was God Himself, and they leave off the Word of God, just to hold the organization. Well, when they do that, I'm afraid they're going to make a vital mistake. And it's not that I got anything against the individual man, but it's the boat that he's riding in (You see?), I'm sure it won't make it. The organization will never make it, but Christ will. So just step out of the--out of the leaky boat of organizationism, in to the safe Ship of Zion. And the old Ship that's never failed yet to land in times, Christ.

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham


He's not willing that any should perish

In the Book of Ephesians the 1st chapter, the Bible said that God predestinated us to be the adoption of the children of God through Jesus Christ, predestined by foreknowledge. God knowed everybody would be saved before even the world was created. Jesus never come to the earth to die, and be pitiful, and say, "Somebody will take mercy on me, and say, 'Well, He died, I guess I'll come.'" I wouldn't run my office like that, and you wouldn't either. How about God? God sent Jesus here to call those who by foreknowledge He knew would come. Certainly He did. God... If He wasn't infinite, He didn't know. But if He was infinite, He knowed every fly, every flea, everything else that'd ever be on the earth, if He's infinite God... How many believes He's infinite? Tell me what 'infinite' means. There wasn't one thing that ever was on the earth, but what He knowed it before the world was created. He said so. Then He knows... He's not willing that any should perish, but His foreknowledge let Him know who would perish and who wouldn't.

Door To The Heart - 58-0316E - William Branham


Think on Christ

17. And as we set as he did in the days gone by, if our meditations is taken off of our church affiliations, if our meditation is taken off of our works, or off of the superstitions that we have in our mind, and place them upon Him and His Presence, He will come and do the same thing tonight that He did for blind Bartimaeus on that day. If we'll just do it, if we'll just keep our mind stayed on Him.
And notice, it's when we are thinking on those things. The Bible said, "If there be any praise, if there be any virtue, think on these things."
Now, I want to ask you a question. What good does it do us to come to church and set in the meeting and ponder and may be discouraged because we didn't get a prayer card, or maybe be discouraged because of some ill thing a neighbor did, or discouraged about one little matter or the other? That keeps Christ away from you. It's when you're thinking on Him.
That's when the disciples, after the resurrection, was going down the road to Emmaus, as they were speaking about Him, that's when He appeared to them.
We got our minds on too many things of the world. If we would throw those things off our mind, and think about Him and His soon coming, there'd more revelations and power in the church. But we keep thinking about the things... "What am I going to do tomorrow? What will I do next week? Will I hold my job? Will this be..." All those things are in the hands of God. Think on Christ.

Blind Bartimeus - 57-0301 - William Branham


God did a slip-up?

"Well, I'm going to tell you something. One time there was a king had a great kingdom, and all of his domain, he made the rules and regulations, the penalties and so forth, and when he did, he had a certain sin when it was committed, the penalty was death."

"And every man that did this sin had to die for it. And one day a slave committed this penalty. He had to die. He brought him up before the king, and the king said, 'I'm a man of honor. I keep my word and you have committed, according to my rules here in my kingdom... And being a righteous man that keeps my word, my word says here that there is no atonement for that sin. You have to die. And the only thing I can do is take your life.'"
"'And the poor fellow said... Begin to shake and he said, 'Now, wait a minute.'" Said, "'Straighten up.' Said, 'What can I do for you before I take your life?'
"'He said, the slave that was under the penalty of death, said, 'I want a glass of water.' And so the king said, 'Give him a glass of water.' And when he got it, the poor fellow fixing to have his head cut off, he was just shaking, he couldn't hold it. And the king said, 'Wait a minute. Straighten up. I'm not going to take your life until you drink that water.' And he threw it on the ground. Now what's he going to do? Now, he is a man of honor. He has to keep his word. And his atonement said that--that there is... or I mean, His Word says there is no penalty... or no redemption for this sin, and yet the king has spoke and said that he won't kill him until he drinks the water. It's impossible; he throwed it on the ground." I said what...
He said, "That was a slip-up on the king."
I said, "That's right. And you think God did a slip-up?" And I said, "not include it in the atonement when He put it in His Word." I said, "Oh, brother, that's thinner than the broth made out a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." I said, "That'll never work. No, sir. God put it in His Word, and it's for those who believe, only believers."

All Things Are Possible - 56-0722 - William Branham


Wouldn't it excite you too?

87. Over here in Illinois, I was walking in one time to a--a--a museum. And I seen an old Negro there, just a little white rim around his head of hair. He had his hat in his hand, looking around everywhere. He got up at something; he stopped; the tears rolled down his cheeks. I seen him saying his prayer. I watched him a little bit. I walked over to him. I patted him on the shoulder. I said, "Uncle. I'm a reverend." I said, "I would like to ask you one thing." I said, "What excited you to make you pray?"
He said, "Come here, parson." Said, "Look at there."
And I couldn't see nothing, I said, "Just a woman's dress."
He said, "But you see that blood on there?"
I said, "Yes."
He said, "That's the blood of Abraham Lincoln." Said, "There's a scar here on my side from a slave belt." He said, "That blood taken a slave belt off of me. Wouldn't it excite you too?"
I put my arm around him. I said, "If the blood of Abraham Lincoln would excite and stir a slave to emotion from coming off the slave belt, what ought the Blood of Jesus Christ preached under the power of the Holy Ghost, do to the Church of the living God?" Yes. Certainly. It's true.
Men of vision, men who understand, men who take God at His Word... We've got to do that, friend. We must believe God and act like Christians.

Inter Veil - 56-0121 - William Branham