17. And as we set as he did in the days gone by, if our meditations is taken off of our church affiliations, if our meditation is taken off of our works, or off of the superstitions that we have in our mind, and place them upon Him and His Presence, He will come and do the same thing tonight that He did for blind Bartimaeus on that day. If we'll just do it, if we'll just keep our mind stayed on Him.
And notice, it's when we are thinking on those things. The Bible said, "If there be any praise, if there be any virtue, think on these things."
Now, I want to ask you a question. What good does it do us to come to church and set in the meeting and ponder and may be discouraged because we didn't get a prayer card, or maybe be discouraged because of some ill thing a neighbor did, or discouraged about one little matter or the other? That keeps Christ away from you. It's when you're thinking on Him.
That's when the disciples, after the resurrection, was going down the road to Emmaus, as they were speaking about Him, that's when He appeared to them.
We got our minds on too many things of the world. If we would throw those things off our mind, and think about Him and His soon coming, there'd more revelations and power in the church. But we keep thinking about the things... "What am I going to do tomorrow? What will I do next week? Will I hold my job? Will this be..." All those things are in the hands of God. Think on Christ.
Blind Bartimeus - 57-0301 - William Branham
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