
There's bound to be more of God somewhere for you to find...

Here, before there is a desire created in your heart, there has to be a Creator to create that creation. Isn't that right?
In other words like this. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there had to be a water first for him to swim in, or he would not have had any fin. See what I mean?
Before there was a tree to grow in the earth, there had to be an earth first for it to grow in, or there would not been no tree.
And if you have a desire in your heart to be healed by Divine healing, there's bound to be a Fountain of healing somewhere, or that desire wouldn't be in your heart.

If there's a desire to worship God... Even the Hottentots and Indians in years gone by, they worshipped objects, because the very creation of worship was in their heart, and they worship something. They worshipped something as their Creator. And that showed that there was a Creator somewhere to worship, a God.
If there's a hunger in your heart for more of God, there's bound to be more of God somewhere for you to find.

My mother used to have a superstition. The little children that I... had ten of us. And when the little fellows would be... They'd get a habit of licking their lips. And she's say they were tasting for something. And she'd put, maybe preserves on. That didn't work. Maybe put a little honey, that didn't work. Maybe some watermelon, that didn't work. But after a while, when she found something that they were tasting for, why, they were... It would stop licking its lips.
Well, that might have been a superstition. But this, when there's a hunger in the heart of the human being for something, there's bound to be Something creating that hunger in there.
In other words, David said, "When the deep calls to the deep..." And when there's a deep calling, there's bound to be a deep to respond somewhere. And if there's a deep calling for more of God for healing, there's bound to be a fountain of healing and the power of God somewhere to respond. Do you believe that? With all my heart, I know it's the truth. And as we call, and there's something in us--tells us that there's a land beyond the river.

Expectations - 50-0405 - William Branham

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