
To just misquote one word of It caused all...

That's the reason that I believe that the Word is the Truth. If our creeds and our denominations doesn't come completely with the Word, then it's wrong. And if God would not permit, and His Word was so important, to just misquote one word of It caused all, every death that ever happened, every suffering, every crying baby, every funeral procession, every grave on the hillside, every ambulance that ever screamed, every blood that was ever shed, all the old age and starvation and trouble that we've had, just because God's Word was miscalculated, caused all of this, will He excuse it at the end time if we miscalculate It again?

The End-Time Evangelism - 62-0603 - William Branham


That's what God wants you to do

"Who, taking thought, can add one cubit to his statue?" said Jesus. We are what we are.
And that's one thing that has hurt our Pentecostal move and other moves, is somebody trying to be something that they're not. They are trying to impersonate someone else. You can't do that. You're just what you are; that's all. And when you do that, God will use you in just what you are. And you're just as important as anybody else.
As I said the other night, the little bitty hair spring in this watch is just as important as the mainspring, 'cause it takes it all together to make time. And that... When we realize our position in Christ and then abide in that, if it's just a little housewife, stay right there. That's what God wants you to do. See? Just be what you are.

Why? - 61-0413 - William Branham


Any man and his message is one

The Message--the Message and the Word was exactly the same thing. The prophet, the Word, the Message; messenger, Message, and man was the same. Jesus said, "If I do not the works that's written of Me, then don't believe Me." That's good. Any man and his message is one.
That's why today that they do not believe in doing the works of God, because they do not accept the Message of God. They don't believe the Message.
But those who believe God's hour that we're living in, these things are hidden food. Just think. God has so hid it that they look right at it and don't see it. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army, the same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child, the believer.

Spiritual Food In Due Season - 65-0718E - William Branham


If you see a brother...

87. Listen here now. Now, we're going on.

Let us hold fast our profession of our faith without wavering; (he is faithful who hath promised;)

And let us consider one another to provoke one another unto love and to good works:

88. "Provoke" there means "to encourage." Encourage one another unto love and to good works. If you see a brother in the church, that's got something against the other brother, don't say something to stir that thing up, but say something that'll bring them together. Provoke one another unto good works and to love, is what we must do. What is that? That's a man that's born again.
If you, my brother, tonight, don't feel that way when you see your brothers falling out, and sharp words between one another, if you don't feel like bringing them together, it's your time to go to the altar. That's right. There's something happened in your life. There is something you've been deceived in. You haven't the experience that God wants you to have. For Jesus, when He was reviled, He reviled not again. And was spoken evil of, He spoke not back again. And when He... When they done evil to Him, He turned and did good to them. When they persecuted Him and nailed Him to the cross, He looked down and said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing."
If that kind of Spirit's not in you, the Holy Ghost has never entered you yet, for that was the same Spirit was on Christ Jesus. The Bible said, "Let It be in you." Christ is in His Church.

92. Now, Branham Tabernacle, you bunch here, we don't have any organization, don't have any--any sign cards, or so forth. The only thing we have here is fellowship. And you who are fellowshipping in Jesus Christ with us tonight, and fellowshipping every night and every time, we're always happy to have you here. We want you to be here. You don't have to join us. We... Only thing you have to do is come worship with us. And we expect every one of you to hold the true mystery of God in your heart, without wavering. Come to the worship and come to the altar and so forth, and love one another, and be in harmony with one another.
And if you see a brother getting out of the way, go to him, and be reconciled with him if you can. That's right. That's what we got to do. And, friends, if you ever... What are you doing? If you don't do that, you're only making yourself a miserable creature and not a Christian. That's right. And all that you're doing is in vain.
Didn't Jesus say, "In vain you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man?"
Say, "Well, I joined the church. I put my name on the book. I did these things." That don't have one thing to do with it.
"Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he will in no wise enter the Kingdom."

Unpardonable Sin - 54-1024 - William Branham


Faith finds a way

But you know, faith always finds a way to do it, like the Syrophenician woman. Faith finds a way to touch Him. If you don't believe it, you get to praying right now, and see if your faith don't find a way to touch Him. Faith finds the way. And after while...

Reminds me of--of Abraham Lincoln. They'd shut him out, great man. He said, "How you going to get in?"
He said, "I'm going to trust God."
Said, "They're going to close the doors in your face."
He said, "I'll still trust God."
So when all the senators answered... They was going throw him out on this measure that they was trying to vote against. And so... They knowed Abraham Lincoln was for it. He had such a pressure, and such a--a status before the people that he could put his point over. And they wouldn't let him in the door.
And when they got up and begin to call the names, they called different ones and different ones, and there was Lincoln's seat empty. Said, "Abraham Lincoln?" Down through the chimney, said, "Present."

Faith finds a way. It might be down the chimney, but it'll get there. What difference does it make, so it arrives? Faith finds a way. It may be crawling, may be singing, may be shouting; whatever it is, it finds its way, moves right on.

Perseverance - 62-0608 - William Branham


I want to see what I own

If I fell heir to a house, I sure wouldn't want to move into it till I got and looked everything over. I want to see what's mine. I want to see what I own. And when I fell heir to the Kingdom of God, to the righteousness of Jesus Christ, baptized into this great arcade of God's eternal blessings, I like to walk around and see what's mine (Amen.), look on the shelves see what this is. Here it is, every promise in the Book belongs to every believer. Don't you stand still for somebody to push you off in a corner, give you a little cold tater, and tell you to wait. Don't you listen to that stuff. God's promise is right now. Push you off in a millennium somewhere... The Bible said, "Now we are the sons of God." What we will be, we are now, present tense.

Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham


The atmosphere

It's the atmosphere that does it. You can take a hen egg and put it in a incubator and keep the atmosphere right it'll hatch out a chicken not an incubator. See? Because that it's the atmosphere that counts. Put a chicken egg under a--a dog. It'll hatch a chicken. It's the atmosphere. And that's what it takes in the church today, not so much starchy creed and theology, but the Spirit of the living God pouring down upon His people to bring a spiritual atmosphere.
Not one saying, "I believe it's this," and another one, "I believe it's that." It's hard for the Holy Spirit to work.
Do you know when the Holy Spirit first came? It was on the day of Pentecost, when they were in all in one place and one accord. And then there came from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind. They had to get the atmosphere right.
And that's what we need today, brethren. We're way behind. The church ought to be a million miles up the road.

It Is I Be Not Afraid - 60-0329 - William Branham


God took his heart

378-82. In the garden of Eden the Devil took the man's head; God took his heart. And that's the throne of God, where God dwells in the human heart. And now, if it's intellectually... Sure, then a man or a woman that's borned of God will act like the Kingdom they're from. Hallelujah. That would make me shout. Why? Because when you know that you've passed from death unto Life, because you hate sin, and you love God; and you'll stand regardless if you die or don't die... You'll stand that it's wrong, and call wrong wrong, and walk upright before God. It shows that your Spirit, the Life that's in you is from another place, where it's holy, and pure, and virgin, and undefiled.

378-83 . And you say, "Divine healing?" Sure. My Spirit come from a place where the Divine Healer is. We're from a land of Divine healing. Amen.

Questions And Answers - 59-0628E - William Branham


The message and the messenger

Each age has had its message and its messengers. All through the times, every age has packed its message with a messenger. God, in every dispensation, has sent forth someone anointed with the Holy Spirit to bring forth His Message for that age, every time.
Now, we could start back, to back it up just a little bit. Even from the beginning, God was the Messenger at the beginning, to tell Adam and Eve, "You shall eat this, but you shall not do this." That was the message. And when man stepped across the message of the hour, it brought death and chaos to the whole human race. Now, that's how much the message means. And remember that it wasn't just a complete blank denial of what God said, that Eve believed; it was taking what God said and whitewashing it over, or--or just misconstruing it a little bit, just adding a little bit to It, or taking a little bit away from It. That's the reason that I believe that the Word is the Truth.

The End-Time Evangelism - 62-0603 - William Branham


But you're a Christian

Live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world. Now, look. You look on television, some of you sisters, and you go down here and you want... You young women, you're young; I know that, but you're a Christian. See? You're different. You don't want to be like the world. You love the world's--not only you young ones, but some of you older ones. See? Well, what does that? See? You watch television; you go down to the store; and you see these little old clothes that women wear that's ungodly. Do you know what's going to happen at the day of judgment? You might be just as virtuous to your husband as you can be, but in the day of judgment you're going to have to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Who's to blame? You. See? You presented yourself.

Things That Are To Be - 65-1205 - William Branham


It's ours

We're on the border land tonight. The Bible said, "I would above all things you prosper in health." It's yours. God promised it. And the promise to you is just as good as it was to Israel. He said, "I have given you that land. I will send My angel, this Pillar of Fire, before you to guide you to the place." Divine healing's yours, God promised it to you. He sent the Holy Ghost, has guided you to this place. Let's take it. Amen, it's ours.
Same God made the promise to Israel made it to you, and He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Sends the same signs, wonders and miracles. Now, He ain't going to come just push it down you. You're going to have to take it. And as soon as you claim it, there'll stand an old Ammorite standing there; kick him out of the way.

The Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham


A Scriptural promise

Moses had maybe never heard the voice of God, but he knowed by intellectual, he knowed by a feeling inside of him, that he was the deliverer. But he tried to do it and failed, so he said, "Maybe I made a mistake."
There might be preachers setting out here the same way, that thought you made a mistake, when you found your failure. You just never waited long enough. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength... mount up with wings like an eagle."
Moses thought that maybe he'd missed his calling. But one day when God spoke to him face to face, and he heard the Word of God, my Angel spoke to him, and it co--coincides with the Word... When he saw that the voice that spoke to him was the same thing the Word had promised, then he had faith, and he was certain that he was going down there; he was certain Israel was going to come out from under the bondage, because God made the promise. It was a Scriptural promise.

The Uncertain Sound - 61-0412E - William Branham


He always hears

God likened us unto sheep. I wonder why. Anybody here ever raise any sheep? Well, you know that a sheep is the most helpless thing in the world when it's lost. It just can't find its way home at all. Is that right, sheep-raisers? And I've helped raise them myself out on the Western prairie, and herded them a many. But notice, a sheep when it's lost... when he's lost, he will just stand and bleat. That's all. The wolves will come get him (That's all.), 'less a shepherd doesn't come to him. And that's the way it is with us, when we're lost, we're absolutely hopeless unless the Shepherd comes and gets us. So, I'm glad tonight God has got His Shepherd over His sheepfold, aren't you? That when we call, He always hears.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

That's the Gospel

If you're weary and gloomy and feel like that everyone's against you, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." That's a seed. Accept it. And if you're sick, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we're healed." "Accept it. It's a seed: will produce.
When you sow a seed, you don't dig it up every morning to see if it's come to pass. If you do, your seed will never come up. You got to plant it, commit it to the earth, and let it alone. It's up to nature, God, to water it and to see that it produces. Is that true?
So that's the way you do the Word of God. Accept it in a good heart, already fertilized, and all the creepers, and the rocky places, and the stony doubts taken away, and in good rich soil of faith, and believe it, commit it to God, and walk away, testifying that you have received what God has promised you. And He's the High Priest of your confession, to make right anything that you confessed that He has done. That's the Gospel.

The Church Of The Living God - 51-0727 - William Branham

Two trees

Now, in the garden of Eden there were two trees. One of them say, on the right side, was the Tree of Life; on the left side was the tree of knowledge. And as long as man eat from the Tree of Life which is faith, he lives. But the first bite he took off the tree of knowledge, he separated himself from his fellowship with God. You see it?
And notice then, in separating himself, he continually bites off of that tree, continually eating from that tree. Then he's brought it in till he's try to mix that knowledge with fellowship with God. And God never made a man by his knowledge to know Him. And all the knowledge we have will never understand God. God is known by one element; that's faith.

God Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham



But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn't no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it's supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He--he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He's lost his identification.
And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that's been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that's been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that.
These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I'm so glad to be associated with eagles.

Proving His Word - 65-0426 - William Branham


Lot and Abraham

Lot is a type of the denominational church down in Sodom yet. Watch, the Bible said that the sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily. Why didn't he have nerve enough to stand out against it? There's a-many a-good man setting in a church today, looking out and seeing women with shorts on, and men doing these things, and their members going, playing golf on Sunday, and picnic parties, and swimming and things, instead of attending church, setting home on Wednesday night, watching television, instead of attending church. They feel like saying something about it, but the board would put them out. What's the matter? It's Lot again, looking out of his window and seeing the sin, and afraid to call sin sin.
Abraham wasn't in their mess; he was out of it. He was a type of the spiritual Church. Now, watch what happened just at the end time, just before the fire fell. And those were Gentiles. It foreshadowed the fire falling on the Gentile world today, when the kingdoms will be broke up and they'll be burnt. "Heavens will be on fire," saith the Lord.

God Is His Own Interpreter - 64-0205 - William Branham


Three things

Three things lays before you right now.
First: The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion: Our women trying to act like men, our men trying to act like women: sissified, rotten, filthy, lowdown, devil possessed and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at.
Secondly: It's in that hour according to the Scripture here that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly...
Thirdly: It's at that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed.
There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

The Anointed Ones At The End Time - 65-0725 - William Branham


Can He get inside tonight?

How did Abraham recognize that? Now, Abraham called Him "Elohim." How many knows that's true, Bible readers? Yes, sir. Elohim is the all-sufficient One, the great Creator Himself.
Why did he call Him Elohim? Because He could discern the thoughts that was in the heart; that's the Word. Hebrews 4 said--said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing asunder the bone and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart." That's how the prophets... Jesus called them gods. That's how Jesus proved Himself. And that woman knowed He was the Word. He could discern the thoughts.
And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man," when the Son of man is being revealed. What has it done to your eyes? Can He get inside tonight? I hope He can.

When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham


To know Him is have life

And one of the startling things... In closing, I might say this. Many things I have learned in studying of sheep. But I seen a shepherd a herding also in a field, and he had some goats, and he had some--some camels, and he had some mules, and he had sheep. Well, I said, "I suppose the shepherd means just a herder?"
Said, "Yes, he could just herd anything." He said, "But, Brother Branham, it would be amazing for you to watch now when nighttime goes to coming." Said, "It's true. They all feed in the same pasture. They feed upon the same texture of grass." That's right. But he said, "You know what? When nighttime comes, the shepherd goes to calling in the evening. It's only the sheep that's took into the barn for the night." I thought, "O God, I--I want to be a sheep. I just don't want to enjoy blessings and eat the texture there. I want to be a sheep. I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection."
To know Him is have life. Not to know your catechism, that's not life. Not to know the doxology, not to know the apostles' creed, is not life. Not to know the Bible is life, as good as it may be. But to know Him is Life. And it's only those, that when evening time begins to set, and the sun of our life begins to go down, I want to hear across the mountain yonder that separates between me and glory, I want to hear the Shepherd's voice call, say, "Brother Branham, it was well done, My good and faithful servant." I trust that's to all of you the same way.

Shepherd Of The Sheepfold - 56-0403 - William Branham


Their natures was the same

Now, the Bible said He saw the Spirit of God like a Dove, and He said, "Behold the Lamb of God." And the Dove came on the Lamb and abode... I like that "abiding."
Now, what if the Lamb would have snorted like a wolf. Why, the Dove would have been gone.
You know, sometimes I wonder if that's the reason that so much trouble is in the church. If we are the lambs of God, we should have the nature of lambs if we expect the dove to abide. You believe it? I do.
Now, if we'll watch the Dove... The reason it stayed on the Lamb, because their natures was the same. And the reason that the dove stays on the Christian, He will stay there as long as he is a lamb. But when he takes a different nature, the Dove will take its flight.

The Lamb And The Dove - 56-0917 - William Branham


It has to be a spiritual revelation...

Some people come to church just for the emotional part. Some people come to church just to sing. Some people come in church just to enjoy the good singing, that's all right. Some people come to church, and join church just to hide their meanness, make themselves a little better name in the neighborhood. Some come to church sincerely, but don't never have a touch from God. But when God calls a man, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." And all that comes I will give him Everlasting Life, raise him up at the last day."
Oh, I hope you see it. Brother, it's the work of the Holy Spirit revealing to the individual, not upon some emotion, not upon something you should do, or shouldn't do, or this, that, or the other. All those things are all right, the moves and works, and shouting and dancing, and speaking in tongues; all those things are all right. But the first thing, it has to be a spiritual revelation that God has give the individual, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, calling. That's right. Without that, brother, you're only impersonating, only pretending.

The Seal Of The Christ - 55-0312 - William Branham


This is the Blueprint through the wilderness

There's not no history nowhere, where any church that ever organized, but what did fall, and every one fell, never rose again.
The children of Israel in type, was to follow the Pillar of Fire. And every night they must be ready, not to organize and set down here, but to move with the Fire. That's what God wants His people to do: move with the Spirit, move with the time.
You say, "Well, Brother Branham, we've had all kinds of rains, and inner rains and outer rain." You're intelligent. I don't care what kind of a revelation it is, and how good it looks, if it's not according to God's Word, then leave it alone. This is the Blueprint through the wilderness, the Word of the Lord.

O Lord Just Once More - 63-0628 - William Branham


God will make a way

God loves to show his hand mighty. Yes, He does. He likes to show His power. He's waiting tonight to show it in you; to take that sinner and turn him around, take that woman of ill fame and change her to a godly saintly woman, take that girl that's taken the wrong road, that boy the wrong road, bring them back to the place and make sons and daughters of God out of them. He's ready to take that man dying with cancer, that one with the heart trouble, that one that's blind, that one's afflicted, if he will just place his faith in there it'll turn him around from death unto life, start him off with a testimony. He's waiting to do it. He puts you right in the trap to see what you'd do. He put them right down in that trap there. Looked like nature itself was hiding its face. Yes.
One writer said one time, that when they got in that place, wondered what Moses would do. He had one command, "Go forward." If you're in the line of duty, no matter what stays in the way... The greatest experiences I've ever had is to come up against something I couldn't get over it, or under it, and just stand there and watch God make a way through it. That's the way to do it. Just move. Keep moving. Press your nose against it. Just keep moving on. Just keep going on. God will make a way.

And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemies - 61-0212E - William Branham

And that's His interpretation of It

God don't need any interpreter. We interpret; we say, "This, there... This is that, and this is that," and so forth. God don't need an interpreter. He's His own Interpreter. God don't need us to interpret His Word. The Bible, It's written, and It said It's of no private interpretation. God said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That's the interpretation of it. God said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That's the interpretation of It. It doesn't need anybody to interpret.
God said, in this day, these things would happen, and they are. It don't need any interpretation. It's God doing His own interpretation. It happens. No matter how much we try to twist It, and say it don't mean this, and don't mean that. It means just exactly, and God is His own Interpreter. He vindicates His Word, and that's His interpretation of It, because it's brought to pass.

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now - 64-0306 - William Branham


He's got to be in you

The only way to see God is get Him on the inside of you, so He can use your eyes. You'll see Him. But if you're trying to see Him on an intellectual conception of His Word, or some emotional work up, it'll never count anything; He's got to be in you.
Then you'll cry at the sunsets and the sunrise. You'll watch the majesty of fall of the year coming. Before even frost or a cool breeze is ever hit the earth, the sap will leave the trees and go down in the roots, hide. Because if it stays up there, the winter will kill the tree.
Then I ask this question, "What intelligence runs that sap out of the tree, down into the roots to hide for the winter?" Oh, the infidel has no grounds. But when He comes in, you'll notice Him in everything.

Sirs Would We See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham


Purpose of God

It is a purpose of God to give us the blessed Holy Spirit. It is a purpose of God to show us signs, and wonders, and miracles. It's a purpose of God and nothing can destroy it.
All powers of hell might wager against it, but it will prevail. We have God's eternal promise. There may be teachers; there may be isms rise; there may be great programs rise; there may be things that look like that it would be destroyed; but it can never be destroyed. It is the purpose of God to see that it will prevail.
Then it's not up to me, and it's not up to you whether it will be destroyed or not. It's up to God. And we can rest assured on it, that God will never let our heritage be destroyed; for it's His purpose to give it to us.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham

There is Light

Remember, in every age in time of darkness God has always had His Word to divide the Light from the dark. He had it in the days of Luther when the Catholic church had everything. He sent Luther as a shining Light. And Luther divided truth from darkness. And when the Lutherans got twisted up, He made a John Wesley. And he divided Light from darkness. And in the days of Pentecost when the Wesleyan got all--and the Methodist got all gummed up, and the Baptists, and Presbyterian, He sent the Pentecostal message to separate Light from darkness. The Pentecost went right back out into the darkness again like that in their organization, took their creeds and things. Now, the hour has come for this Word to be vindicated. He sends the Light, the Word made manifest, like He did in the beginning, sends the Word, and it proves Itself. There is Light.

There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light - 63-1229M - William Branham