
Any man and his message is one

The Message--the Message and the Word was exactly the same thing. The prophet, the Word, the Message; messenger, Message, and man was the same. Jesus said, "If I do not the works that's written of Me, then don't believe Me." That's good. Any man and his message is one.
That's why today that they do not believe in doing the works of God, because they do not accept the Message of God. They don't believe the Message.
But those who believe God's hour that we're living in, these things are hidden food. Just think. God has so hid it that they look right at it and don't see it. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army, the same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child, the believer.

Spiritual Food In Due Season - 65-0718E - William Branham

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