And one of the startling things... In closing, I might say this. Many things I have learned in studying of sheep. But I seen a shepherd a herding also in a field, and he had some goats, and he had some--some camels, and he had some mules, and he had sheep. Well, I said, "I suppose the shepherd means just a herder?"
Said, "Yes, he could just herd anything." He said, "But, Brother Branham, it would be amazing for you to watch now when nighttime goes to coming." Said, "It's true. They all feed in the same pasture. They feed upon the same texture of grass." That's right. But he said, "You know what? When nighttime comes, the shepherd goes to calling in the evening. It's only the sheep that's took into the barn for the night." I thought, "O God, I--I want to be a sheep. I just don't want to enjoy blessings and eat the texture there. I want to be a sheep. I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection."
To know Him is have life. Not to know your catechism, that's not life. Not to know the doxology, not to know the apostles' creed, is not life. Not to know the Bible is life, as good as it may be. But to know Him is Life. And it's only those, that when evening time begins to set, and the sun of our life begins to go down, I want to hear across the mountain yonder that separates between me and glory, I want to hear the Shepherd's voice call, say, "Brother Branham, it was well done, My good and faithful servant." I trust that's to all of you the same way.
Shepherd Of The Sheepfold - 56-0403 - William Branham
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