
There is Light

Remember, in every age in time of darkness God has always had His Word to divide the Light from the dark. He had it in the days of Luther when the Catholic church had everything. He sent Luther as a shining Light. And Luther divided truth from darkness. And when the Lutherans got twisted up, He made a John Wesley. And he divided Light from darkness. And in the days of Pentecost when the Wesleyan got all--and the Methodist got all gummed up, and the Baptists, and Presbyterian, He sent the Pentecostal message to separate Light from darkness. The Pentecost went right back out into the darkness again like that in their organization, took their creeds and things. Now, the hour has come for this Word to be vindicated. He sends the Light, the Word made manifest, like He did in the beginning, sends the Word, and it proves Itself. There is Light.

There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light - 63-1229M - William Branham

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