
She had the right approach

Watch. This woman had the right approach to God's gift. How much difference it was to them Pharisees. How much was it to them Jews, the rulers. Said, "We would see a miracle from you." Oh, the ecclesiastical side. But this poor little ignorant Gentile said just, "Lord, I'm just wanting the crumbs." Said, "The--the... You know the dogs do eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table, and that's all I'm asking for." She didn't say, "You have to come down to my house and lay Your hands on my child." She didn't say, "If You'll come down and speak in another language out yonder, and tell me all about it, I--I--I'll believe it." She said, "I only want the crumbs. Just the off-falls is all I'm looking for." See, she had the right approach. She had the right approach to God's gift. She was the first Gentile that Jesus ever done a miracle on, first Gentile.

Perseverance - 62-0608 - William Branham

You've got to get little before you can get big

It's... God has a hard time trying to get somebody that He can deal with, that'll stay humble, and meek, and stay in the place until God calls him to do something (you believe that? See?), a man that God can bless and he'll still keep hisself a man, not be an angel or a god. As soon as man gets blessed and has a little something given to him, he wants to become a god; he wants to become a--a angel. He wants to become some great person. "What I do, what... Me and me and mine..." all that. That's the wrong attitude. God's hunting for somebody who He could bless and pour out the blessings, and--and more He blessed, the littler the man will become. And you'll never get more of God until you become nothing. You've got to belittle yourself. He that will exalt himself, God will bring abase. He that will humble himself, God will exalt. You've got to get little before you can get big. And you'll never be big in your own self; you'll only be as big as God will be big in you. See?

Questions And Answers - 59-0628E - William Branham


He took my place at Calvary

Brother, when I see God, the God of heaven, forfeited His throne, His beauty, and all that He was to be borned on top of a manure pile, be wrapped in swaddling's cloth, to be made fun of by His signs and His wonders, to be called a devil; should I be ashamed of Him? No, sir. Let the classic world do what they want to do. To me He's the super Sign. The Holy Ghost in me screams out. It might make me act funny and be a crazy man to this world, but I cannot deny Him Who done so much for me. He took my place in death. He took my place at Calvary. He done all these things. He condescended from heaven, from the pearly white thrones to become a man; to taste my suffering, to go through my temptation, to know how to be the right kind of a mediator in me, to lead me and to guide me to Eternal Life. And through His poverty, I am made rich. Through His death I'm given Life, Eternal Life. Don't deny Him. Don't be ashamed of Him. Don't be ashamed of Him. But embrace Him and say, "Yes, my dear Lord, give to me like they did on the day of Pentecost. Lord, give to me the Holy Ghost. Pour It into my heart. I don't care what the teenagers say. I don't care what the world says; I'm not looking to them. I'm looking to You." What is it, joining church? No, the super Sign, Immanuel, God with us.

A Super Sign - 59-1227M - William Branham

You are God's billboards

Now, the only way that the world will ever see Christ is when He--they see It in you and me. That's the only way they'll ever see Christ. Their--their conscience are numb to the sunsets, to the call of the birds, to the leaves, and--and the grass, and the flowers, and the music, and the message, and so forth, that we enjoy after we have found Christ. But until we get to a place that we display Christ... Now, remember that. Each one of you, from tonight on, remember you are God's billboards. And you're--you're God's advertising agent. Now, the world will look at you to see what Christ is. So we don't want to smear a big lot of stuff on there that testify about things that we really are not. Let's first be that. And then when we be that, then the world will see Christ in you and me.

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham

Look to Him

Now we find out that Mary found resurrection and Life. So did Jairus, the little priest, a secret believer, that when he saw Jesus and looked upon Him, he found resurrection and Life. The hungry people looked to Him, one day, and found sustaining bread; a type that the hungry today can find the Bread of Life, not find a creed. You don't find a founder, you don't find a reformer; you find Life when you find Christ, the Bread of Life. The dying thief looked to Him, in the hour of distress, and what did he find? He found His pardon. Who else could he look to? The Roman government wouldn't pardon him. No one else would pardon him. But he looked to Jesus, in his distress, and he found Somebody Who could pardon him. My brother, sister, tonight, if you are hanging like he was then, on the balance of condemnation; and knowing, if you'd die, tonight, as a lukewarm church member, or a lukewarm Pentecostal, or whatever you might be, you know where you are going. Look to Him, tonight, the One Who can set you free. One, tonight, if you're just only a membership only, and don't know what the resurrection of Christ means to live in a human heart, look to Him. He is God, and He alone. You'll find pardoning like this poor, thick, sin-sick thief did, hanging on the Cross.

Looking Unto Jesus - 64-0122 - William Branham

That's Eternal Life

He was just one Man, the perfect Man. He gave His Life, and He made an example for you. Now, what must we do? Now, the first thing I want to say is: Jesus never lived for Himself. His Life was spent for others. That's perfectly Eternal Life. When you say you go to church and you do good things, that's fine. But when you live your life to yourself, you haven't Eternal Life. Eternal Life is living for others. It proved it when It come in the Lamb of God. He lived and had Eternal Life, because He did not live for Himself. He lived for others. And you receive Eternal Life by receiving that day, and you don't live for yourself no more. You live for others. Someone said, "How can you stand and let anybody call you such bad names?" You don't live for yourself. You live for others that you might redeem that man. You become sons. And the trouble of it is, the church has forgot they were sons. You are sons. You're taking Christ's place. You are sons; so don't live for yourself; live for others. "Well, Brother Branham, I can live for this brother because he sure is a nice man." That's not it. Live for that man who hates you. Live for that person who'd kill you if they could. That's what they done to Him. They killed Him, and He died that He might save them. That's Eternal Life.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham

No matter how you feel

When you get saved, Jesus doesn't come down and save you then. You've been saved ever since Jesus died, but you just accepted your salvation. It'll never do you any good unless you accept it, that's right. But when He died, He took away every sin of the world. And as far as God is concerned, He can't see sin, because the Blood of Christ got it covered. But when you die, and you go beyond that Blood, then you're already judged. Cause, God's done said the day you eat thereof that day you die; so if you're... you didn't accept the Blood of Christ, you didn't accept your salvation from Christ, then you're just gone, that's all. If you did, then you're saved, and that--that settles it. And now, the same Blood, and mingled in there through His stripes, you were healed. If you believe it, accept it, no matter how you feeled. It isn't by feeling, never think... Jesus never did one time say, "Did you feeled it?" Said, "Did you believe it?" That... No matter how you feel you just believe it. You're not saved because you feel like you're saved, are you? I'm not saved because I feel like I'm saved. The devil can beat you around the bush on your feelings. Brother, I'm saved because I met God's requirement. That's why I'm saved. Let me see him beat me around that. That's what God said. My feelings, that has nothing to do with it. But the Bible said I'm saved, and I met that requirement, and that's the reason I know I'm saved. Course there is a feeling that goes with it, but not the feeling alone; it's the Bible said so. That's the reason...

Africa Trip Report - 53-1109 - William Branham


He will place you where He needs

But I got better hopes of you brethren here this morning, that you'll be men of God who stay with the Word of God. And let everything else fall right to left, but stay right with that Word. Don't move. No matter if you're a doormat out there, be a good doormat. Don't try to compete with someone else or do this. Just get right in the Word, and stay right there, and God will positionally place you into His Kingdom, where you can be the best. What if my finger ever taken a notion, because it wasn't an eye, it wouldn't be a finger any more? I would hate to lose that finger. Though my eye may be more valuable, but I love that finger. It's a part of me. You understand what I mean? I'm sure you do. So whatever office, whatever it might be, be whatever you are. And where God has positionally placed you, stay there and be as loyal to that Word as you know how to be. God will bless it. If He takes a notion for something else, He will place you where He needs.

India Trip Report - 57-0126B - William Branham

Real genuine love will create a confidence in His Word

And when we were sinners, alienated, without God; in the world, in that muck of mud, as I talked about this morning, God come to us! God sought you, you never sought God. "No man can come to Me except the Father draws him first." And God came down in that muck, what you were, and sought you out and brought you out! That ought to create a Perfect Love. Look what you was, and look what you are. What did that? Somebody that loved you! Can't you have faith in what He's promised you, then? Real genuine love will create a confidence in His Word.

Perfect Faith - 63-0825E - William Branham

And down in their heart they knowed different

How did they indict Him? Because that their creeds would not accept Him, and down in their heart they knowed different. Did not Nicodemus, in the 3rd chapter of Saint John, well express it? "Rabbi, we, the Pharisees," the preachers, the teachers, "we know You're a teacher sent from God, for no man could do the things that You do unless God was with him." See? They publicly witnessed it by one of their renown men, and stew... because of their creeds, they crucified Christ. And today there is not a reader that cannot read Acts 2:38 the same as I can read It, and the rest of It, just the same as I can read It. But because of their creeds, and because of their denominational tickets that they got in their pocket, the marks of the beast that they're packing around as fellowship cards; and taking those things, they crucify to themselves Jesus Christ afresh, and crucify Him before the public, and blaspheme the very God that promised to do This, bringing damnation upon the race.

The Indictment - 63-0707M - William Branham

God never changes His program

And the prophets has always spoke the Words that should happen along each age. And when God... The people gets in trouble, and God answers them. He sends them a anointed prophet or some kind of a messenger, because He cannot go back on His Word that He has destined for that age. But, what He does, He sends a messenger to make that part of the Word live to that age. Always does it, see. He formed His Word in the beginning. He knowed the end from the beginning. He spoke His Word. And each age, when they get in trouble, they would... they would pray, and God would send an anointed one. And that anointed one would absolutely make that promise of that age, that was foretold for that age, live. And that's what He does all the time. God never changes His program. Now, we never find God changing.

The World Is Again Falling Apart - 63-1127 - William Branham


I challenge today!

Look at these men! They pulled their swords. What was it? His desire was a drink of cool water. David! What a type of today, our David, Christ, we know He's called a holy roller, He's cast off to one side, a fanatic in everything, rejected by the churches. They've got their creeds and things drawed up in this Christmas like they did at the first one. We know that, but we know that this Word ever remains true, and It's got to be fulfilled. And the desire of Christ is for men, warriors, to stand! Amen! Oh, come, stand with me, by my side. I'm standing in a terrible place. I challenge today! These tapes go over the world. I challenge some man, some warrior who loves Jesus Christ, that knows that these things has got to be fulfilled today, brethren, come stand by my side and pull the Word of God. Forget those dried cisterns and stagnated denominations you're living in. Pull the fresh Word of God, let's give Jesus a good drink of fresh pentecostal Water!

Why Little Betlehem? - 63-1214 - William Branham

Would you like to see Him?

Would you like to see Him? I would sure love to see Him. I want... Is it possible that we can see Him? Do you think so? Certainly. We got many ways we could see Him, if the person's not spiritually blind. I saw Him this afternoon when the sun was setting. I see Him out on the foamy waves of the deep. I see Him in the morning star, in the evening star. I hear Him scream in the eagle when he comes down across the mountain. I hear Him howl in the wolf. I hear Him--I hear Him bugle in the elk, grunt in the deer. Why, certainly. I hear Him cry in a baby. You know, He was once a baby Himself. Talk about a sign, Isaiah 9... When they asked for a sign, God gave them a super sign: "A virgin shall conceive and bear a Child. His Name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of peace, mighty God, the everlasting Father." It should've been striking: Jehovah, a baby; Jehovah God, a baby crying in a manger over a pile of manure in the--in the manger. It ought to have been striking: Jehovah, a teen-age boy playing; Jehovah, driving nails as a carpenter. Oh, my. And above all: Jehovah nailed to a cross to save sinners, it should been striking. We could see Him. He isn't dead.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever - 61-0118 - William Branham


Isn't it beautiful?

Now, when we lay our hands by faith upon that trembling Lamb of God, feel His flesh quivering and shaking for us, and our hands become bathed with His Blood, and our souls... The life that was in Him wasn't just a mere man, neither was it an animal. It was God. So that life comes back upon the sanctified one and becomes a son or a daughter, an offspring of God. See, the life of God. And we are sons and daughters of God through the breaking of that blood cell, Jesus Christ. Now, what is it then? God is back in His people, fellowshipping like He did in the garden of Eden. See? There you are, sons and daughters. Isn't it beautiful?

The Water Baptism - 61-0119A - William Branham

Then He seals it

When the Inspector goes through to inspect your life to see if you're not just a little loose about things, little loose about your prayer life, little loose about that temper, little loose about that tongue to talk about others; He'll never seal the car. Some dirty habits, some vile things, some vulgarity mind, He can't seal the car. But when He's found everything in its place (the Inspector), then He seals it. Dare be anybody open that seal until that car's reached its destination to where it's sealed for.

What Is The Holy Ghost? - 59-1216 - William Branham


God's still ready to come to you in a conference

Maybe you're a sinner and have done so much sin. Maybe you smoked till you can't smoke no more, and can't quit it. Maybe you've drank till you can't drink no more, and you can't quit it. Maybe you come to the place where you so full of sin and lust till you have to look upon every woman you see, wrong. Or maybe you've even perverted your own natural resources. Maybe you've come to a block. I don't care where you're at; God's still ready to come to you in a conference and talk it over with you.

Conference With God - 59-1220M - William Branham

The anchor holds

A Christian is not tossed about. A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A Christian doesn't fuss, and fume, and worry about things. A Christian rests. It's all over. It's all finished for the believer at Calvary. That's right. Oh, sickness may comes and disappointments; but the Christian's at rest knowing this, that God's able to keep that which He has performed, knowing that no matter what the thing is, or how it looks, there's neither sickness, sorrow, death; there's neither starvation or anything that can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ. We're at rest. Just let the old ship toss any way she wants to; the anchor holds.

Why Are People So Tossed About - 56-0101 - William Branham

They'll follow It

But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there is going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowds. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They--they have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus.

What Is The Attraction On The Mountain - 65-0725 - William Branham

He opened it at Calvary

Oh, how lovely. You know, maybe we're all God's bottle-babies, maybe, we'd say. And God had just provided the two bottles, the New and Old Testament. And He's just dropped vitamins all...?... in them. And while we get a hold of Him, go to nursing, we're not only satisfied, but we're being healed all the same time. We got spiritual vitamins. It just keeps building us up, making us stronger, stronger. It's good for... It's got calcium for the bones. It's got vitamin B complex for the nerves. Oh, it's got everything in it. God's whole medicine cabinet was dropped into it. It was all in a bottle, put in a bottle. And He opened it at Calvary. So through Calvary, we can nourish back any redeemed blessings that Jesus died for.

God Hath A Provided Way - 56-0108 - William Branham


One man, not a dozen

The last sign that Abraham ever seen before the promised sign come... the promised son come, was what? God, in a form of a human being, that could discern the thoughts of the people; one man, not a dozen; one man, no matter how many impersonations. They had One, and He discerned the thoughts was in there. What? And, the next thing happened, Abraham and Sarah turned back to a young man and woman.

The Feast Of The Trumpets - 64-0719M - William Branham

Trouble's on its road

76. Let me tell you something here today, Christians: When Jesus leaves your home, sickness will be there, don't you worry. Trouble's on its road when you drive Jesus away. When you put a deck of cards in there, instead of a prayer--a prayer closet, put a card table, all right, trouble's on its road. That's right. When you take some of these old love story magazines and put it in the place of the Bible, trouble's on its road. Don't you worry about that. Yes, sir. When you quit going to church and blow up because the preacher told you it wasn't ladylike to wear shorts, you're on your road; don't worry, trouble is on its road. Just keep on, you'll find out.

The Resurrection Of Lazarus - 53-1122 - William Branham

Walk like This

A real, real daddy wouldn't whip his child when he's trying to walk, if he falls down on the floor. Reach right down with a big strong hand and pick him up, take both hands a hold of him, say, "This is the way you do it, son. Walk like this." That's the way God does His church: reaches down and gets him in His arm, picks him up, and say, "Walk like this, son. Here, don't--don't--don't say it like that; talk it like this. Now, I don't care what the church says, what this says, what that says, you say it like this...?..." Like this, this is It. "My Word preaches it, you stay right with It, walk with It. Stay right with It. Don't care what everybody else says, stay right with It. Walk like This. This is the way you make your steps."

Adoption #3 - 60-0522M - William Branham


Don't pay any attention to it

When you take your stand for Jesus Christ, stay there and die by it. What God says is the truth, and don't you fear what... Satan hasn't got anything to do about it. Don't argue with him; don't fuss with him. Just ignore him and walk away. If you fuss with him, he will keep you fussing day and night. See? "Well," he will say, "You know you're not healed." You'll say, "Well, now, look, Satan, I want to tell you something." Don't say it. Just say, "Get away, I don't want to hear nothing about you." And walk on, and say, "Thank You, Lord." Go on. See? Don't pay any attention to it.

God Testifying Of His Gifts - 52-0713E - William Branham


Satan can't love

12. A tree might have sycamore bark on it, but if it's a bearing apples, it's a apple tree. That's right. It's a apple tree because the sap, the life on the inside of the apple--of that sycamore tree is changed to apple trees life and bearing apples, in a kind of a...
No matter what outward demonstration you give, as long as the inward, here, is the Holy Spirit, it'll be the fruits of the Spirit, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, patience, gentleness, faith, temperance.
Satan can copy any kind of a gift, any kind of a manifestation, but he can't love. God is love. that's right. See? Satan can't love.
You see a man humble, and loving, and good to his neighbors, and a good citizen, a good fellow, and a good man, and a Christian man, full of love and humility; you watch that man. See? That's right. He's good charitable, long-suffering, you can talk about him, it's a--all right, he forgives you, don't make any difference to him. There, that's the real man; keep your eye on him. See? That man bears, he's an example.

Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham


Keep love!

56. The only thing the matter, get all these little differences away from you. Little isms, and little funny feelings around you for brethren, and things like that, shake it away! Don't let no root of bitterness ever get into your soul. If you do, it'll canker you. Right. Keep love! I don't care how much people hate you, you love them anyhow. If you can't do that, you need... the... you the ain't... you ain't sealed, you got a loose place yet. So come on, on back, and get that sealed up right good with the Blood of Christ. It'll cleanse you from all roots of bitterness. Yes.

The Smyrnaean Church Age - 60-1206 - William Branham

A Christian is to be Christ-like

A Christian is to be Christ-like. And a Christian cannot be a Christian until Christ comes into the man, the Life of Christ in him. Then it produces the Life that Christ lived, and you do the things that Christ did. What am I talking about? Personal relationship to Christ. What is it? Is your life worthy of the Gospel?

Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? - 63-0630E - William Branham


Just burnt loose the bands

180. And when somebody begins to make fun of you, say, "She is old fashion. Look at him, he's... Oh, I'll tell you, he used to be..."All right, just remember, it's growing pains. That's that persecution is good for you. It's growing pains.
181. Oh, yes, He permits crosses and crossroads and junctions. He always does that, in order to perfect us for His service. He permits those things to happen. Can't you understand that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He does that so He can perfect you for the calling He has called you for. That's your growing pains. He did Daniel that way, you know.
182. He did the Hebrew children, in the fiery furnace. What did the fiery furnace do? The fiery furnace only broke the bands that had them bound. That's all the furnace did, just burnt loose the bands.

183. Sometimes it takes trials to break the bands of the world off of us, take you out of the world. Might be, have to take you out of your creed, first. Like the man drowning in the river, you have to take him out of the river before you get the river out of the man. That's about the way God has to do sometime. Let them throw you out, one time, then they get the world out of you. Got to--got to get you out of the world, first. Sometimes these growing pains is what does that. Oh, yes.
184. God stands on the promised Word for each new year. He stands on It, this year, to fulfill what He has got promised for this year. Whatever it is, I want to be right in the center of His will in the future, like they did.

Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


That's the way I want to be

73. But, oh, I'll be thankful all through eternity to one day I read about Jesus. That satisfied me. I want to be like Him. That's my desire, to be able to turn the other cheek or go the second mile, to be able to forgive when the odds is all against you, hold nothing against anybody, though they're mistreating you rightfully--or wrongfully for your right doing, but still love them. That's the way I want to be. I want to be that kind of a person. I want to be able that when I'm railed upon I would rail not back. That's the kind of a Example that God gave us in Jesus Christ. We ought to be identified with Him.

Identified With Christ - 59-1220E - William Branham

It's part of Your Symphony

If you're not ready today, friend, start this new year out right, start it with your hand in God's hand, God's Word in your heart, saying, "Lord Jesus, I don't know what part of this Symphony that You want me to play, but at when that junction comes for me to be persecuted, laughed at, made fun of, I still take my stand that Your Symphony will not be messed up because of me. I'll stay right with Your Word, no matter what It is. I'll stay right there. And when death beats up to my door, that's part of the Symphony. I know then, that, just as sure as it beat death up to my door, the resurrection will beat out one of these days, too, and You'll raise me up again. It's part of Your Symphony. Lord, let me be part today, will You?"

Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham


He is speaking in this last days

The Bible said, "When God... When a lion roars, who shall not fear? And when God speaks, how can we keep from prophesying?" How can we keep from it? When God speaks, the prophet cries out the spoken Word. And if It is the Word of God... And the lion roars; the beetles, everything, hushes, because they're afraid. Their--their--their king is--is speaking. They got the--the sense enough, the audacity, and the honor enough, to honor their king when he speaks. So, God speaks by His Word, and let every creature of His creation take heed. He is speaking in this last days.

The Way Of A True Prophet - 63-0119 - William Branham

It's speaking to you now

If you're just a lukewarm believer, the Voice of God cries in your heart this morning, "you are a lukewarm believer," you'd better repent! You man, women, boys or girl, that's not living for Christ, and the Voice of God speaks to you through His Word and says "stop doing that," you better do it. Because you're going to hear It again one day, and It'll condemn you. You can't deny It, It's speaking to you now. And, remember, it's recorded. And those who does right and hears His Voice, will rise to righteousness, to Glory, to Heaven.

The Voice Of God In This Days - 63-0120M - William Branham