180. And when somebody begins to make fun of you, say, "She is old fashion. Look at him, he's... Oh, I'll tell you, he used to be..."All right, just remember, it's growing pains. That's that persecution is good for you. It's growing pains.
181. Oh, yes, He permits crosses and crossroads and junctions. He always does that, in order to perfect us for His service. He permits those things to happen. Can't you understand that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He does that so He can perfect you for the calling He has called you for. That's your growing pains. He did Daniel that way, you know.
182. He did the Hebrew children, in the fiery furnace. What did the fiery furnace do? The fiery furnace only broke the bands that had them bound. That's all the furnace did, just burnt loose the bands.
183. Sometimes it takes trials to break the bands of the world off of us, take you out of the world. Might be, have to take you out of your creed, first. Like the man drowning in the river, you have to take him out of the river before you get the river out of the man. That's about the way God has to do sometime. Let them throw you out, one time, then they get the world out of you. Got to--got to get you out of the world, first. Sometimes these growing pains is what does that. Oh, yes.
184. God stands on the promised Word for each new year. He stands on It, this year, to fulfill what He has got promised for this year. Whatever it is, I want to be right in the center of His will in the future, like they did.
Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham
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