Let me tell you denominational people here, of Methodist, Presbyterian. When these people here call themselves Pentecost, that don't mean it's a organization. You can't organize Pentecost. You can have a denomination, but Pentecost is an experience for whosoever will let him come, whether he's Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, black, yellow, brown, or white. Don't make any difference what color he is, how big he is, how little he is, how low he is, how bad she is, doesn't make a bit of difference; it's for whosoever will. It's God's cleansing process for His Church. You don't have to be smart; you don't have to be educated. There wasn't but one in His whole group ever had any education, and that was Paul. And Paul said he had to forget everything he knowed to find Christ. God's not known by intellectual powers; God's known by an experience through the Holy Ghost.
Be Not Afraid - 60-0609 - William Branham
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