
I'll be in their midst

When Jesus was God made flesh, the Fullness of God was in Him. He had the Spirit without measure. We have it by measure. Now, what if you go out to here pick up a spoonful of--of water out of the ocean. Well, that--that what Jesus had, the whole ocean; but you and I have got a spoonful. That's the difference. You'd never miss it. He don't have to have us, but we have to have Him. But if you took that spoonful of water and took it down to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful. And when God on the day of Pentecost, when He come down like a rushing wind, did you notice He was a Pillar of Fire, but did you notice He separated Himself from that Pillar of Fire, divided Himself amongst His people, and cloven tongues of fire set upon each of them: God separating Himself to His Church. No wonder He spoke, Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst.
Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham

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