
Don't you try to bluff him

41. And besides all that, the Devil has blinded him. See what it was? Somehow I entered in... Not me, the Holy Spirit (O God) was taking me into the feeling. Oh, when you can project your life, by taking me into a feeling of love for the old man...
And just then, he put he put his arms over my shoulder and begin weeping on my shoulder. Then something happened. I thought, "That cursed blind Devil, that blinded this poor old man, that's never had any privileges..."
"Well," I said, "you blind spirit, come out of him." And all of a sudden, he opened his eyes and he begin to scream, "I can see." What was it? Projecting the love of the Holy Spirit. That's the way it happens.
When that poor man run to the platform to take my life that night, threatened he would do it, rolled up his big arms before sixty-five hundred people besides the hundred standing in the streets in the rain, he said, "You hypocrite, tonight I'll break every bone in your body."
I never said a word. I looked at him. I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight pounds and him nearly three hundred, seven foot something tall, maniac out of asylum. And he run up there and he...

42. Now, instead of... Well, I was scared sure. But when I looked at him, something begin to happen. Instead of thinking, "Oh, if I was big enough, I'd whip you." Instead of that, I got to thinking, "Poor brother. The Devil's got him bound. Why, he'd want to love me as much as I love him. He can't help being like that. That's not him cursing me. That's the Devil." That is with any man. It's not the man that's cursing you, that you want to get angry with and kill him in a few minutes. It's the Devil making him do that, not your brother. It's the Devil he's possessed with.
And he made a great big threat. And before I could say anything, the Holy Spirit begin to speak. And instead of hating the man, I loved him. And the love of God was projected to him, and he rolled around his big eyes like that, and fell on my feet in the floor. Love conquered.

43. I've heard them talk about bad dogs. I... Happens to be I'm not afraid of a dog. You're not... What makes the dog bite you is because you're afraid of him. Now, that may sound silly. But it's not. Wild animals, I never seen one I was afraid of, because I love them. I've been face to face with grizzly bears and everything else. Because I love the animals. You have to have it; you can't bluff it now. Did you ever see a dog raise his nose and go... He knows whether you're afraid or not. Don't you try to bluff him. You might've bluffed your neighbor, but you can't bluff the dog. He knows. And you can't bluff God. And I say this with all reverence; you can't bluff the Devil. I don't care how loud you holler, how much you scream, and kick your feet. He will just lay right there.
But when you really got the article, you don't have to say very much. He knows whether it's real or not. Them disciples was screaming and hollering, trying to make this lunatic well. Jesus said, "Come out of him." What happened? The disciples were defeated. But that Devil had to know where that Voice was coming from. It was from a Fountain were the Dove of God was setting. He recognized that vibration when it went from Him. He knew that was more than a disciple. He knew that was more than Moses. When it...?... in Moses and he made Moses sin. But when He said, "If Thou be the Son of God, make a miracle here before these children..."
He said, "It's written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'" He knowed he hadn't met Moses then. There was something about it. Right.

Love - 56-0726 - William Branham

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