
Be kind to them

And if there’s anything that we ought to be, is kind to one another. When you see a brother or sister in fault, don’t never—don’t never breathe it to nobody. Keep it to yourself and pray for that person. Be kind to them. And if the Spirit of God is in you, then you will be kind to one another.

And we are about the Master’s business as He was about the Father’s business. And the same Spirit that He had to begin the works of the Father and to finish the atonement, to make a way that we could carry the message, if that Spirit’s in you, you’ll have that same attitude towards people: trying to do what you can to help them, no matter who they are or where they are. You’ll try to help people. Amen. That’s kinda strong, but that’s truth. That’s right. It… Rather, friends, it’s the time has come where we’re nearing the end. And something’s got to be done.
Inspiration - 56-0128 - William Branham

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