
If you ever leave the camp of your own reasoning that's the place you'll find God

Sometimes God asks us to do foolish things, to our own thinking. And if you ever leave the camp of your own reason, that’s the place you’ll find God.

Notice, as they went out into the wilderness, there were miracles, signs, when they moved into this camp. Now remember, they left Egypt’s camp and moved out into the wilderness with God’s camp. How do you know it was? God said, “Your people shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I’ll bring them out with a mighty hand, and I’ll give them this land here.” And they were on their road, by a vindicated Light, a vindicated prophet, with signs, wonders, that God was in the camp, and they were on their road. They had a Pillar of Fire. They had a prophet. They had manna. They had living waters. Amen! They had changed, changed campgrounds. They had to do it. They couldn’t see those things in Egypt. They had to change the campgrounds, in order to see the supernatural.

So will the people of this day have to change the camp from them denominations that say, “The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And all these Scriptures are wrong; and they work for another age.” You’ll have to change your campgrounds, go beyond that camp, to where all things are possible.
Going Beyond The Camp - 64-0719 - William Branham

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