
I will praise You

71. Say, will you do me a favor, sister, that God done you one? We're strangers, aren't we? Lay your hand on that woman behind you, call her Mrs. McAlister. She don't know me. McAllen, rather. She's got trouble with her head. But it's going to leave her, and she's going to be all right. She don't hear too well. All right. It's all over now, Mrs. McAllen, you can go home too. You believe Jesus Christ now makes you well. All right. Then go home, be made well.
How many believes Him now, that He's Jesus Christ. It's time to rise on the scene. It's time to believe with all your heart. Do you believe it? How many will accept Him now as your Healer? He's crossed the building, back and forth, in and out, forward and backward, believing it. Do you believe it with all your feet--all your faith that you can? Stand to your feet in the Name of Jesus Christ and receive your healing. Raise up your hands.
Repeat after me. [Congregation repeats after Brother Branham--Ed.] Lord, I believe, that You're the Son of God. I renounce my unbelief. I accept You as my Saviour. I accept You as my Healer. I accept You as my King. I believe You, now Lord. From henceforth, my testimony shall never be negative. I will praise You, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, raise up your hands a'nd praise Him. And it's all over. God bless you.

Only Believe - 61-0427 - William Branham

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