
You ought to see where Jesus comes in

12. But this young fellow standing that close to Eternal Life, and never even ask for It... Well, we condemn that man, but you know what, perhaps maybe you and I have been guilty of the same thing, standing at mouth or voice distance of Eternal Life, looking at It, watching It, and walk away from It just as blank as he did. That's right. We're too took up with other things.
So many people today, you have so many things you have to do. You have to do your shopping. You got to hurry, the--the, this, that. We're just hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, and getting nowhere, getting farther away from God all the time. Now, that's right. And... But he thought he'd completed just exactly what he was supposed to do and that's all.
Many times we come up to the church, and sign our name to a paper, and shake hands with the pastor, be baptized with water, and think, "We've done our religion now." And you leave off the main thing, a talk with the Lord Jesus. Many times you have the opportunity and don't do it.

13. I wonder what caused this young man to do this. I can see, maybe, a week beforehand, way down in another city, a great gray synagogue, and a pastor there, a... We'll call him Doctor Pharisee just for a name. And I can see him as he walking up and down his great halls, and his great rugs on the floor, and fine furniture, and a house, rubbing his little fat, chubby hands, and saying, "Well, you know, I'm a respected man of this city. I have a--a degree, a Bachelor of Art. I'm called Doctor. Everybody, when I go downtown, they regard me as Doctor Pharisee. 'Good morning, Doctor Pharisee.' Oh, I'm the head of a lot of lodges and things. And when the clubs meet, they ask me to speak. I'm a very fluential speaker too. And the city looks up to me." There is just so much, I in it: "I, I, I, I."

14. Here sometime ago, an outstanding minister, wrote me a letter, and a less than a half a page, and I counted twenty-two "I's" in it. "I, I, I. I have this. I have that. I have..." And after all, you haven't got nothing that God didn't give to you. So you ought to see where Jesus comes in.
I went to a city where they was going to have a meeting one time. And the pictures of the minister all over the city, "The man of the hour. God's man for this, the man with a feeling for the people." And I never seen Jesus' Name anywhere.
I thought, "Why, maybe Jesus isn't coming to the city. Maybe it's just the man." So that's about right.
But just, "I, I, I." This Pharisee had it, and it's--it's still loose.

The Worst Sinner In The City - 56-0218E - William Branham

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