
God don't want you to be sad

3. But we're happy to be here in this church tonight for the glory of God. Trusting that God will bless you all exceedingly abundantly and give you that which you have come to receive. And we're... This Brother Joseph, of a night when he comes to make an introduction, I wished I could only live to that reputation he tries to make me. That's just because he likes me, you know. Not that, I'm not worthy of that kind of introduction and I--I just the servant of the Lord. But he sure... He maybe puts me on a spot so I have to live pretty good, you know.
Everyone I trust, is feeling as good as possible tonight at the time, as good as common, so that the Lord will bless us together. Many of you here, of course, are perhaps needy and sick, and wanting God's blessing. And aren't we happy tonight that we have a God Who can give us some of His blessing, Who can give us the good things that we desire. What if we didn't have any heavenly Father?

4. You know, I--I was telling the boys awhile ago coming over, I said about how we must be happy all the time. God don't want you to be sad. You know what ill temper does? And that old temper, that's one of the awfullest old things. And it--it's about sixty percent of the cause of all sickness is temper. Yes, sir, them tam--tantrums you fly loose, remember, you just developing a cancer, ulcer, or something like, when you do it. When you get all stewed up about somebody, "I won't go back there any more. Wait till I give them a piece of my mind." All right. Remember, you're the one's going to pay for it. Just keep happy.
The little story, said there was a little robin one morning, setting up on a limb, whistling over to his little mate. The little mate flew down by him and said, "You know, I'm so--I'm so worried this morning about one thing."
Said, "What?" Said, "We robins never worry."

5. "But I just wonder if those poor creatures, the human beings, that frown on their faces, they walk, I wonder, maybe they haven't got a heavenly Father that watches over them like we have, us robins."
That's about it. You never heard of one of them having high blood pressure, did you? No. No, you don't hear no ambulance ringing for them, or so forth (You see?), they--they live in God's true provided way. It's always us that makes things wrong. We're the one who knows science, you know; we're the smart folks. And so they... we... The birds don't change. You know the birds still build their nests just like they did in the garden of Eden; they never change. See? We're the ones who change. The Jewish brother... Now, if there's a Jew here I don't mean this; I'm a Jew too. So you know, he said, "Well," he said, "the trouble is the people." See? He said, "The bird fly down in the road to get a bug. The car runs over him." Said--said, "It's the people." So that's right too. "The bird had a right to the bug, but--but the people invented a automobile and run over him." You see, he said, "It's the people." And that's wrong. We're the one who upsets the world. God made it wonderful and beautiful for us. But we upset it by our ways. We're so scientific, you know; everything must be just this way, way we think it.

The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham

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