
That's what God wants us to do

The thing of it is, people, my brother, sister, and friends, is to be conscious of your littleness. See? Don't be conscious of how big you are. Be conscious of how little you are. You're--you're small. We're all that way. God can do without us, but we can't do without Him. See, see? We--we can't do without Him, but He can do without us. God's only trying to find one person He can get in His hands. He's always tried to do that. You notice, all down through the Bible, when He found an Isaiah, when He found a Jeremiah. Then He found--He found Samson one day; but Samson gave his strength to God, but he gave his heart to Delilah. See, he... You've got to give your all to God, your reverence, your respects, your everything that you are. Just be nothing; just see how little you are, and that's what God wants us to do.

Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham

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